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Usuarios Online



olá amigos tenho um script de usuario online que seria o cara se loga e aparece o nome dele logado mais acontece o nome só sai quando o cara clica em sair e a maioria dos caras não fazem isto como é que eu faço para colocar um time0off sei alguma ideia que o cara se loga-se e depois de 20 minutos o nome dele sai-se dali olhem o codigo. mesmo o cara tanado logado olhem meu codigo.

user.asp mostra os usuarios online.


Set vC = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
você.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source="& Server.MapPath("users.mdb") &";Persist Security Info=False"

vConta2="SELECT COUNT(ehmembro) AS monline FROM users WHERE ehmembro=1"
Set vConta=você.Execute(vConta2)

vMembros2="SELECT * FROM users WHERE ehmembro=1"
Set vMembros=você.Execute(vMembros2)

%><% IF vMembros.EOF THEN
Response.Write "<tr><td width='100%'><p align=center font face=Verdana size=1>Nenhum membro online.</a></font></td></tr>"
while not vMembros.EOF %><tr><td width="100%"><font face=Verdana size=1><p><font color=#3399FF> <img border="0" src="login/icons/arrow1.gif">&nbsp;
     <a href="mailto:<%=vMembros("email")%>"><%=vMembros("username")%></a></font></td></tr></font></p>



<font face=Verdana size=1><b></font></p>Total: <%=vConta("monline")%>
valida.asp valida o login
if Request.Cookies("username") = "" then
end if
<%'Grab the submitted variables (page is the page they've come from, set by the hidden variable at the login box)
username = Request.Form("username")
password = Request.Form("password")
page = Request.Form("page")
stayloggedin = Request.Form("stayloggedin")

if page = "" then
page = "index.asp"
end if

'Check no s**t is trying to hack in using SQL commands
if InStr(username, "'") or InStr(username, """") or InStr(username, "=") or InStr(password, "'") or InStr(password, """") or InStr(password, "=") then
sqlflag = True
end if

'Open connection
<!--#include file="conn.asp"-->

'Get a recordset corresponding to the submitted username and password
sql = "SELECT username FROM users WHERE username = '" & username & "' AND password = '" & password & "'"
Set rsUser = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rsUser.Open sql, conn, 3, 3

Set vC = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
você.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source="& Server.MapPath("users.mdb") &";Persist Security Info=False"
up = "UPDATE users SET UltimaVisita=NOW WHERE username = '" & username & "'"
vvezes = "UPDATE users SET vezes=vezes+1 WHERE username = '" & username & "'"
vOn = "UPDATE users SET ehmembro=1 WHERE username = '" & username & "'"

'If there was a valid recordset there, then send them back to the page they came from, with the username cookie set
If (not rsUser.BOF) and (not rsUser.EOF) and sqlflag <> True then
Response.Cookies("username") = rsUser("username")

'If the user wants to stay logged in all the time, then we'll set the cookie with a far-away expiry date
if stayloggedin = "yes" then
Response.Cookies("username").expires = #1/1/2010#
SQL = "UPDATE users (UltimaVisita) VALUES (NOW) WHERE username = '" & username & "'"
set rsUser = conn.execute(SQL)
end if

set rsUser = nothing
set conn = nothing
end if

'Otherwise, display an invalid entry screen
set rsUser = nothing
set conn = nothing%>

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