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Fórum Script Brasil
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Olá pessoal estou com um problema no iis 405

um colega me enviou algo para fazer, mas o botão ok não fica ativo.

Alguém poderia me ajudar

1-Go to "Control Panel"-"Administrative Tools"-"Internet Information Services".

2-Expand the tree to "COMPUTERNAME"-"Web Sites"-"Default Web Site".

3-Right-click on "Default Web Site" and select "Properties". (Alternately, select "Default Web Site" and press Alt+Enter.)

4-Select the "Home Directory" tab.

5-Click the "Configuration" button.

6-From the "Mappings" tab, select the "Add" button.

7-Click the "Browse..." button, choose "Dynamic Link Libraries *.dll" from the "Files of Type" dropdown, and select c:\WINDOWS\System32\inetsrv\asp.dll.

8-Type ".html" (without quotes) in the "Extension" box.

9-Select the "Limit to:" radio button, and type in "GET, POST" (without quotes) in the box next to it.

10-Click the "OK" button and close all the dialogs. (If the "OK" button is greyed out, then make sure all the entries are correct and try clicking in the file name box.)

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