Guest POR FAVOR ME AJUDEM!! Postado Março 20, 2006 Denunciar Share Postado Março 20, 2006 Ola pessoal!Tenho um script de classificados com os campos nome, email, preço etc... e tambem tem o campo do anuncio "a area de texto" que e onde esta o problema.O caso e que do jeito que esta o usuario não tem limite de caracteres e ele pode inserir um jornal inteiro.Gostaria que "alguém" por favor me ajudasse a resolver isso.Eu precisaria colocar um limite de por ex: maximo 150 caracteres, assim todos os anuncios ficariam padrão.abaixo esta o arq que tem o codigo:<!-- #include file="QCLib.asp" --><%'*******************************************************************************'* QuickClassifieds Copyright 2003 XCENT - *'* QuickClassifieds is a trademark of XCENT *'* This notice may not be removed from this source code file *'*******************************************************************************sName = RequestValue("name")sEmail = RequestValue("email")sAddress = RequestValue("address")sCity = RequestValue("city")sState = RequestValue("state")sZip = RequestValue("zip")sCountry = RequestValue("country")sTitle = RequestValue("title")sContent = RequestValue("adcontent")sLink = RequestValue("link")sImage = RequestValue("imageurl")fPrice = fVal(RequestValue("price"))lCatID = fVal(RequestValue("catID"))sCmd = RequestValue("CMD")Set objErr = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")'set the formatting for the form to enter adssLabelCellOpen = "<tr><td width=""33%"" bgcolor=""" & gsPageBGColor & """>" & gsLabelOpensLabelCellClose = gsLabelClose & "</td>"sInfoCellOpen = "<td width=""67%"" bgcolor=""" & gsPageBGColor & """>" & gsPlainTextOpensInfoCellClose = gsPlainTextClose & "</td></tr>"DoPageHeaderOpenDBConnTableHead GLS_PlaceAdSelect Case sCmd Case "POST" If CheckForm Then PostAd Else ShowForm End If Case Else ShowFormEnd SelectTableFoot lCatIDCloseDBConnDoPageFooterset objErr = NothingSub PostAd vNow = Now Set rsAd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") rsAd.Open "tblQCAds", gobjConnect, 1, 3, &H0002 'adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable rsAd.AddNew rsAd("cadTopicID") = lCatID rsAd("cadName") = sName rsAd("cadEmail") = sEmail rsAd("cadAddress") = sAddress rsAd("cadCity") = sCity rsAd("cadState") = sState rsAd("cadZip") = sZip rsAd("cadCountry") = sCountry rsAd("cadTitle") = sTitle rsAd("cadLink") = sLink rsAd("cadDatePosted") = vNow rsAd("cadImage") = sImage rsAd("cadPrice") = fPrice rsAd("cadContent") = sContent rsAd.Update lNewAdID = FVal(rsAd("cadID")) rsAd.Close set rsAd = Nothing Response.Write gsPlainTextOpen & GLS_AdPostSuccess & "<BR>" Response.Write "<A HREF=""QCViewDetail.asp?id=" & lNewAdID & """>" & GLS_AdPostView & "</A>" & gsPlainTextClose & "<BR>"End SubSub ShowForm Response.Write "<CENTER>" & gsPlainTextOpen & GLS_ItemsMarked & gsPlainTextOpen & "</CENTER>" Response.Write "<FORM METHOD = ""POST"" ACTION=""QCNewAdForm.asp"">" Response.Write "<INPUT TYPE=""HIDDEN"" NAME=""cmd"" VALUE=""POST"">" Response.Write "<TABLE border=""0"" cellspacing=""0"" width=""100%"" align=""CENTER"">" Response.Write "<tr><td colspan=""2"" bgcolor=""" & gsPageBGColor & """>" & gsSubHeadOpen & GLS_YourInfo & gsSubHeadClose & "</td></tr>" Response.Write sLabelCellOpen & OutMatch(objErr.Exists("NAME"), True, objErr.Item("NAME"),GLS_YourName ) & gsReqSymbol & sLabelCellClose Response.Write sInfoCellOpen & "<input type=""text"" name=""name"" size=""27"" value=""" & sName & """ maxlength=""65"">" & sInfoCellClose Response.Write sLabelCellOpen & OutMatch(objErr.Exists("EMAIL"), True, objErr.Item("EMAIL"),GLS_EmailAddress ) ShowRequired(gbReqEmail) Response.Write sLabelCellClose Response.Write sInfoCellOpen & "<input type=""text"" name=""email"" size=""27"" value=""" & sEmail & """ maxlength=""80"">" & sInfoCellClose If gbShowStreet Then Response.Write sLabelCellOpen & OutMatch(objErr.Exists("STREET"), True, objErr.Item("STREET"),GLS_StreetAddress ) ShowRequired(gbReqStreet) Response.Write sLabelCellClose Response.Write sInfoCellOpen & "<input type=""text"" name=""address"" size=""27"" value=""" & sAddress & """ maxlength=""65"">" & sInfoCellClose End If If gbShowCity Then Response.Write sLabelCellOpen & OutMatch(objErr.Exists("CITY"), True, objErr.Item("CITY"),GLS_City ) ShowRequired(gbReqCity) Response.Write sLabelCellClose Response.Write sInfoCellOpen & "<input type=""text"" name=""city"" size=""27"" value=""" & sCity & """ maxlength=""50"">" & sInfoCellClose End If If gbShowState Then Response.Write sLabelCellOpen & OutMatch(objErr.Exists("STATE"), True, objErr.Item("STATE"),GLS_State ) ShowRequired(gbReqState) Response.Write sLabelCellClose Response.Write sInfoCellOpen & "<input type=""text"" name=""state"" size=""3"" value=""" & sState & """ maxlength=""20"">" & sInfoCellClose End If If gbShowZipCode Then Response.Write sLabelCellOpen & GLS_ZipCode & sLabelCellClose Response.Write sInfoCellOpen & "<input type=""text"" name=""zip"" size=""11"" value=""" & sZip & """>" & sInfoCellClose End If If gbShowCountry Then Response.Write sLabelCellOpen & OutMatch(objErr.Exists("COUNTRY"), True, objErr.Item("COUNTRY"),GLS_Country ) ShowRequired(gbReqCountry) Response.Write sLabelCellClose Response.Write sInfoCellOpen & "<input type=""text"" name=""country"" size=""27"" value=""" & sCountry & """ maxlength=""50"">" & sInfoCellClose End If Response.Write "<tr><td colspan=""2"" bgcolor=""" & gsPageBGColor & """><P> </P></td></tr>" Response.Write "<tr><td colspan=""2"" bgcolor=""" & gsTableColor & """>" & gsSubHeadOpen & GLS_AdInformation & gsSubHeadClose & "</td></tr>" Response.Write sLabelCellOpen & OutMatch(objErr.Exists("CATEGORY"), True, objErr.Item("CATEGORY"),GLS_AddItemCat ) & gsReqSymbol & sLabelCellClose Response.Write sInfoCellOpen Response.Write "<SELECT NAME=""catID"">" GetCategories Response.Write "</SELECT>" Response.Write sInfoCellClose Response.Write sLabelCellOpen & OutMatch(objErr.Exists("TITLE"), True, objErr.Item("TITLE"),GLS_AdTitle ) & gsReqSymbol & sLabelCellClose Response.Write sInfoCellOpen & "<input type=""text"" name=""title"" size=""27"" value=""" & sTitle & """ maxlength=""50"">" & sInfoCellClose If gbShowPrice Then Response.Write sLabelCellOpen & OutMatch(objErr.Exists("PRICE"), True, objErr.Item("PRICE"),GLS_AdPrice ) ShowRequired(gbReqPrice) Response.Write sLabelCellClose Response.Write sInfoCellOpen & gsMoneySymbol & "<input type=""text"" name=""price"" size=""10"" value=""" & OutMatch(fPrice,0, "", fPrice) & """>" & sInfoCellClose End If DEVE ESTAR POR AQUIResponse.Write "<tr><td width=""180"" bgcolor=""" & gsPageBGColor & """ valign=""top"">" & gsLabelOpen & OutMatch(objErr.Exists("CONTENT"), True, objErr.Item("CONTENT"),GLS_AdContent ) & gsReqSymbol & sLabelCellClose Response.Write sInfoCellOpen & "<textarea rows=""9"" name=""adcontent"" cols=""39"">" & sContent & "</textarea>" & sInfoCellClose Response.Write "<tr><td colspan=""2"" align=""CENTER""><FONT face=""" & gsFont & """ color=""#FF0000"" size=""2""><B>" & GLS_IncludeHTTP & "</B></FONT></td></tr>" Response.Write sLabelCellOpen & GLS_AdLink & GLS_Optional & sLabelCellClose Response.Write sInfoCellOpen & "<input type=""text"" name=""link"" size=""27"" value=""" & sLink & """ maxlength=""100"">" & sInfoCellClose Response.Write sLabelCellOpen & GLS_ImageURL & GLS_Optional & sLabelCellClose Response.Write sInfoCellOpen & "<input type=""text"" name=""imageurl"" size=""27"" value=""" & sImage & """ maxlength=""255"">" & sInfoCellClose Response.Write sLabelCellOpen & " " & sLabelCellClose Response.Write sInfoCellOpen & "<input type=""submit"" value=""" & GLS_Submit & """ name=""B1"">" Response.Write " <input type=""reset"" value=""" & GLS_Reset & """ name=""B2"">" & sInfoCellClose Response.Write "</table></FORM>"End Sub sub ShowRequired (bParam) If bParam then Response.write gsReqSymbol End ifend subSub GetCategories sSQL = "" sSQL = sSQL & "SELECT catID, catName FROM tblQCCategories ORDER BY catName" Set rsCats = GobjConnect.Execute(sSQL) If rsCats.EOF Then Response.Write "<OPTION VALUE=""0"">" & GLS_NoCategory & "</OPTION>" Else Do While NOT rsCats.EOF Response.Write "<OPTION VALUE=""" & rsCats("catID") & """" If lCatID=FVal(rsCats("catID")) Then Response.Write " SELECTED " Response.Write ">" & rsCats("catName") & "</OPTION>" rsCats.MoveNext Loop End If rsCats.Close Set rsCats = Nothing End SubFunction CheckForm objErr.RemoveAll If Len(Trim(sName)) = 0 Then objErr.Add "NAME", gsErrorTextOpen & GLS_InvalNameFld & gsErrorTextClose End If If Len(Trim(sEmail)) = 0 and gbReqEmail Then objErr.Add "EMAIL", gsErrorTextOpen & GLS_InvalEMailFld & gsErrorTextClose End If If Len(Trim(sStreet)) = 0 and gbReqStreet and gbShowStreet Then objErr.Add "STREET", gsErrorTextOpen & GLS_InvalStreetFld & gsErrorTextClose End If If Len(Trim(sCity)) = 0 and gbReqCity and gbShowCity Then objErr.Add "CITY", gsErrorTextOpen & GLS_InvalCityFld & gsErrorTextClose End If If Len(Trim(sState)) = 0 and gbReqState AND gbShowState Then objErr.Add "STATE", gsErrorTextOpen & GLS_InvalStateFld & gsErrorTextClose End If If Len(Trim(sCountry)) = 0 and gbReqCountry AND gbShowCountry Then objErr.Add "COUNTRY", gsErrorTextOpen & GLS_InValCountryFld & gsErrorTextClose End If If Len(Trim(sTitle)) = 0 Then objErr.Add "TITLE", gsErrorTextOpen & GLS_InValTitleFld & gsErrorTextClose End If If fPrice = 0 and gbReqPrice AND gbShowPrice then objErr.Add "PRICE", gsErrorTextOpen & GLS_InValPriceFld & gsErrorTextClose End if If Len(Trim(sContent)) = 0 Then objErr.Add "CONTENT", gsErrorTextOpen & GLS_InValContentFld & gsErrorTextClose End If If lCatID = 0 Then objErr.Add "CATEGORY", gsErrorTextOpen & GLS_InvalCategory & gsErrorTextClose End If If objErr.Count > 0 Then CheckForm = False Else CheckForm = True End IfEnd Function%> Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 Guest - Marcio - Postado Março 21, 2006 Denunciar Share Postado Março 21, 2006 limita ele no campo do DB seja ele access ou outro.tipo assim coloca no valor do campo como limite os 150 caracteres.espero ter ajudado. Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 .Andreia. Postado Março 21, 2006 Denunciar Share Postado Março 21, 2006 Em javascript existe funções para limitar a digitação no formulario (textarea). Na tela de resgate das variaveis, você pode confirmar se está dentro do padrão de 150 caracteres, usando a função Len():textarea = request.form("textarea") if Len(textarea) >100 then response.write "tem mais de 150 caracteres" else 'continua rotina end ifps.: Marcio, porque você não se registra no forum? Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Ola pessoal!
Tenho um script de classificados com os campos nome, email, preço etc... e tambem tem o campo do anuncio "a area de texto" que e onde esta o problema.
O caso e que do jeito que esta o usuario não tem limite de caracteres e ele pode inserir um jornal inteiro.
Gostaria que "alguém" por favor me ajudasse a resolver isso.
Eu precisaria colocar um limite de por ex: maximo 150 caracteres, assim todos os anuncios ficariam padrão.
abaixo esta o arq que tem o codigo:
<!-- #include file="QCLib.asp" -->
'* QuickClassifieds Copyright 2003 XCENT - *
'* QuickClassifieds is a trademark of XCENT *
'* This notice may not be removed from this source code file *
sName = RequestValue("name")
sEmail = RequestValue("email")
sAddress = RequestValue("address")
sCity = RequestValue("city")
sState = RequestValue("state")
sZip = RequestValue("zip")
sCountry = RequestValue("country")
sTitle = RequestValue("title")
sContent = RequestValue("adcontent")
sLink = RequestValue("link")
sImage = RequestValue("imageurl")
fPrice = fVal(RequestValue("price"))
lCatID = fVal(RequestValue("catID"))
sCmd = RequestValue("CMD")
Set objErr = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
'set the formatting for the form to enter ads
sLabelCellOpen = "<tr><td width=""33%"" bgcolor=""" & gsPageBGColor & """>" & gsLabelOpen
sLabelCellClose = gsLabelClose & "</td>"
sInfoCellOpen = "<td width=""67%"" bgcolor=""" & gsPageBGColor & """>" & gsPlainTextOpen
sInfoCellClose = gsPlainTextClose & "</td></tr>"
TableHead GLS_PlaceAd
Select Case sCmd
Case "POST"
If CheckForm Then
End If
Case Else
End Select
TableFoot lCatID
set objErr = Nothing
Sub PostAd
vNow = Now
Set rsAd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
rsAd.Open "tblQCAds", gobjConnect, 1, 3, &H0002 'adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable
rsAd("cadTopicID") = lCatID
rsAd("cadName") = sName
rsAd("cadEmail") = sEmail
rsAd("cadAddress") = sAddress
rsAd("cadCity") = sCity
rsAd("cadState") = sState
rsAd("cadZip") = sZip
rsAd("cadCountry") = sCountry
rsAd("cadTitle") = sTitle
rsAd("cadLink") = sLink
rsAd("cadDatePosted") = vNow
rsAd("cadImage") = sImage
rsAd("cadPrice") = fPrice
rsAd("cadContent") = sContent
lNewAdID = FVal(rsAd("cadID"))
set rsAd = Nothing
Response.Write gsPlainTextOpen & GLS_AdPostSuccess & "<BR>"
Response.Write "<A HREF=""QCViewDetail.asp?id=" & lNewAdID & """>" & GLS_AdPostView & "</A>" & gsPlainTextClose & "<BR>"
End Sub
Sub ShowForm
Response.Write "<CENTER>" & gsPlainTextOpen & GLS_ItemsMarked & gsPlainTextOpen & "</CENTER>"
Response.Write "<FORM METHOD = ""POST"" ACTION=""QCNewAdForm.asp"">"
Response.Write "<INPUT TYPE=""HIDDEN"" NAME=""cmd"" VALUE=""POST"">"
Response.Write "<TABLE border=""0"" cellspacing=""0"" width=""100%"" align=""CENTER"">"
Response.Write "<tr><td colspan=""2"" bgcolor=""" & gsPageBGColor & """>" & gsSubHeadOpen & GLS_YourInfo & gsSubHeadClose & "</td></tr>"
Response.Write sLabelCellOpen & OutMatch(objErr.Exists("NAME"), True, objErr.Item("NAME"),GLS_YourName ) & gsReqSymbol & sLabelCellClose
Response.Write sInfoCellOpen & "<input type=""text"" name=""name"" size=""27"" value=""" & sName & """ maxlength=""65"">" & sInfoCellClose
Response.Write sLabelCellOpen & OutMatch(objErr.Exists("EMAIL"), True, objErr.Item("EMAIL"),GLS_EmailAddress )
Response.Write sLabelCellClose
Response.Write sInfoCellOpen & "<input type=""text"" name=""email"" size=""27"" value=""" & sEmail & """ maxlength=""80"">" & sInfoCellClose
If gbShowStreet Then
Response.Write sLabelCellOpen & OutMatch(objErr.Exists("STREET"), True, objErr.Item("STREET"),GLS_StreetAddress )
Response.Write sLabelCellClose
Response.Write sInfoCellOpen & "<input type=""text"" name=""address"" size=""27"" value=""" & sAddress & """ maxlength=""65"">" & sInfoCellClose
End If
If gbShowCity Then
Response.Write sLabelCellOpen & OutMatch(objErr.Exists("CITY"), True, objErr.Item("CITY"),GLS_City )
Response.Write sLabelCellClose
Response.Write sInfoCellOpen & "<input type=""text"" name=""city"" size=""27"" value=""" & sCity & """ maxlength=""50"">" & sInfoCellClose
End If
If gbShowState Then
Response.Write sLabelCellOpen & OutMatch(objErr.Exists("STATE"), True, objErr.Item("STATE"),GLS_State )
Response.Write sLabelCellClose
Response.Write sInfoCellOpen & "<input type=""text"" name=""state"" size=""3"" value=""" & sState & """ maxlength=""20"">" & sInfoCellClose
End If
If gbShowZipCode Then
Response.Write sLabelCellOpen & GLS_ZipCode & sLabelCellClose
Response.Write sInfoCellOpen & "<input type=""text"" name=""zip"" size=""11"" value=""" & sZip & """>" & sInfoCellClose
End If
If gbShowCountry Then
Response.Write sLabelCellOpen & OutMatch(objErr.Exists("COUNTRY"), True, objErr.Item("COUNTRY"),GLS_Country )
Response.Write sLabelCellClose
Response.Write sInfoCellOpen & "<input type=""text"" name=""country"" size=""27"" value=""" & sCountry & """ maxlength=""50"">" & sInfoCellClose
End If
Response.Write "<tr><td colspan=""2"" bgcolor=""" & gsPageBGColor & """><P> </P></td></tr>"
Response.Write "<tr><td colspan=""2"" bgcolor=""" & gsTableColor & """>" & gsSubHeadOpen & GLS_AdInformation & gsSubHeadClose & "</td></tr>"
Response.Write sLabelCellOpen & OutMatch(objErr.Exists("CATEGORY"), True, objErr.Item("CATEGORY"),GLS_AddItemCat ) & gsReqSymbol & sLabelCellClose
Response.Write sInfoCellOpen
Response.Write "<SELECT NAME=""catID"">"
Response.Write "</SELECT>"
Response.Write sInfoCellClose
Response.Write sLabelCellOpen & OutMatch(objErr.Exists("TITLE"), True, objErr.Item("TITLE"),GLS_AdTitle ) & gsReqSymbol & sLabelCellClose
Response.Write sInfoCellOpen & "<input type=""text"" name=""title"" size=""27"" value=""" & sTitle & """ maxlength=""50"">" & sInfoCellClose
If gbShowPrice Then
Response.Write sLabelCellOpen & OutMatch(objErr.Exists("PRICE"), True, objErr.Item("PRICE"),GLS_AdPrice )
Response.Write sLabelCellClose
Response.Write sInfoCellOpen & gsMoneySymbol & "<input type=""text"" name=""price"" size=""10"" value=""" & OutMatch(fPrice,0, "", fPrice) & """>" & sInfoCellClose
End If
Response.Write "<tr><td width=""180"" bgcolor=""" & gsPageBGColor & """ valign=""top"">" & gsLabelOpen & OutMatch(objErr.Exists("CONTENT"), True, objErr.Item("CONTENT"),GLS_AdContent ) & gsReqSymbol & sLabelCellClose
Response.Write sInfoCellOpen & "<textarea rows=""9"" name=""adcontent"" cols=""39"">" & sContent & "</textarea>" & sInfoCellClose
Response.Write "<tr><td colspan=""2"" align=""CENTER""><FONT face=""" & gsFont & """ color=""#FF0000"" size=""2""><B>" & GLS_IncludeHTTP & "</B></FONT></td></tr>"
Response.Write sLabelCellOpen & GLS_AdLink & GLS_Optional & sLabelCellClose
Response.Write sInfoCellOpen & "<input type=""text"" name=""link"" size=""27"" value=""" & sLink & """ maxlength=""100"">" & sInfoCellClose
Response.Write sLabelCellOpen & GLS_ImageURL & GLS_Optional & sLabelCellClose
Response.Write sInfoCellOpen & "<input type=""text"" name=""imageurl"" size=""27"" value=""" & sImage & """ maxlength=""255"">" & sInfoCellClose
Response.Write sLabelCellOpen & " " & sLabelCellClose
Response.Write sInfoCellOpen & "<input type=""submit"" value=""" & GLS_Submit & """ name=""B1"">"
Response.Write " <input type=""reset"" value=""" & GLS_Reset & """ name=""B2"">" & sInfoCellClose
Response.Write "</table></FORM>"
End Sub
sub ShowRequired (bParam)
If bParam then
Response.write gsReqSymbol
End if
end sub
Sub GetCategories
sSQL = ""
sSQL = sSQL & "SELECT catID, catName FROM tblQCCategories ORDER BY catName"
Set rsCats = GobjConnect.Execute(sSQL)
If rsCats.EOF Then
Response.Write "<OPTION VALUE=""0"">" & GLS_NoCategory & "</OPTION>"
Do While NOT rsCats.EOF
Response.Write "<OPTION VALUE=""" & rsCats("catID") & """"
If lCatID=FVal(rsCats("catID")) Then Response.Write " SELECTED "
Response.Write ">" & rsCats("catName") & "</OPTION>"
End If
Set rsCats = Nothing
End Sub
Function CheckForm
If Len(Trim(sName)) = 0 Then
objErr.Add "NAME", gsErrorTextOpen & GLS_InvalNameFld & gsErrorTextClose
End If
If Len(Trim(sEmail)) = 0 and gbReqEmail Then
objErr.Add "EMAIL", gsErrorTextOpen & GLS_InvalEMailFld & gsErrorTextClose
End If
If Len(Trim(sStreet)) = 0 and gbReqStreet and gbShowStreet Then
objErr.Add "STREET", gsErrorTextOpen & GLS_InvalStreetFld & gsErrorTextClose
End If
If Len(Trim(sCity)) = 0 and gbReqCity and gbShowCity Then
objErr.Add "CITY", gsErrorTextOpen & GLS_InvalCityFld & gsErrorTextClose
End If
If Len(Trim(sState)) = 0 and gbReqState AND gbShowState Then
objErr.Add "STATE", gsErrorTextOpen & GLS_InvalStateFld & gsErrorTextClose
End If
If Len(Trim(sCountry)) = 0 and gbReqCountry AND gbShowCountry Then
objErr.Add "COUNTRY", gsErrorTextOpen & GLS_InValCountryFld & gsErrorTextClose
End If
If Len(Trim(sTitle)) = 0 Then
objErr.Add "TITLE", gsErrorTextOpen & GLS_InValTitleFld & gsErrorTextClose
End If
If fPrice = 0 and gbReqPrice AND gbShowPrice then
objErr.Add "PRICE", gsErrorTextOpen & GLS_InValPriceFld & gsErrorTextClose
End if
If Len(Trim(sContent)) = 0 Then
objErr.Add "CONTENT", gsErrorTextOpen & GLS_InValContentFld & gsErrorTextClose
End If
If lCatID = 0 Then
objErr.Add "CATEGORY", gsErrorTextOpen & GLS_InvalCategory & gsErrorTextClose
End If
If objErr.Count > 0 Then
CheckForm = False
CheckForm = True
End If
End Function
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