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Erro Na Compilação...



e aí galera beleza!?

to compilando meu programa e está dando o seguinte erro...

[Error] uMainClient.pas(53): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'WriteLn'

[Error] uMainClient.pas(54): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'ReadLn'

[Error] uMainClient.pas(101): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'WriteLn'

[Fatal Error] ClientDemo.dpr(6): F2063 Could not compile used unit 'uMainClient.pas'

alguém poderia me dizer o significados deles? obrigado desde já

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com ó codigo é bem mais facil ajuda

Writes to a text file and adds an end-of-line marker




text file routines

procedure Writeln([ var F: Text; ] P1 [, P2, ...,Pn ] );


Writeln is an extension to the Write procedure, as it is defined for text files.

After executing Write, Writeln writes an end-of-line marker (carriage return/line feed) to the file. Writeln(F) with no parameters writes an end-of-line marker to the file. (Writeln with no parameter list corresponds to Writeln(Output).)

The file must be open for output.

Note: When an application is compiled as a console application (using the Generate console application checkbox on the Linker page of the Project|Options dialog, or a -cc command line switch with the command-line compiler), Delphi automatically associates the Input and Output files with the application's console window. For non-console applications, any attempt to read from Input or write to Output will generate an I/O error.

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