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Erro Ao Fazer Upload

Roberto Carvalho


Quando tento fazer um upload da o seguinte erro:

Erro de tempo de execução do Microsoft VBScript- Error '800a000d'

Tipos incompatíveis: 'GetUpload'

C:\Documents and Settings\cintia\Meus documentos\Sistema\Codigos\upload3\upload.asp, line 21

Segue o codigo abaixo:




<title>:: Feira Mercado - O seu mercado feirense de vendas e compras - Em Feira

de Santana e regiões ::</title>



<form method=POST enctype="multipart/form-data">

&nbsp;<input type="file" name="File1" size="32" style="font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10 px; color: #808080; border: 1px solid #808080"><br>

&nbsp;<input type="submit" Name="Action" value="Enviar imagens..." style="font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10 px; color: #000000; border-style: solid; border-width: 1">



<!---#INCLUDE FILE="" --->

<% Dim Fields, FilePath

'Sauvegarde le fichier 'File1' sur le serveur dans le même répertoire que ce script

'Modifier le FilePath pour le claquer ailleurs

If Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD") = "POST" Then 'Request method must be "POST" For get the fields

Set Fields = GetUpload()

FilePath = Server.MapPath(".\figuras") & "\" & Fields("File1").FileName

Fields("File1").Value.SaveAs FilePath

Response.Redirect "upload_enviado.asp"



End If



Const IncludeType = 2

'Vous pouvez utiliser ce composant d'upload pourr :

' 1. Uploader de petits fichiers sur le serveur (sauvegarde via les FileSystem object)

' 2. Uploader des fichiers binaires/texte de n'importe quelle taille sur une base de données serveur (RS("BinField") = Upload("FormField").Value)

'restriction de la taille de l'upload

Dim UploadSizeLimit

'********************************** Méthode GetUpload **********************************

'Cette fonction lit les champs de formulaires en entrée binaire et les renvoie en tant qu'objet du dictionnaire.

Function GetUpload()

Dim Result

Set Result = Nothing

If Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD") = "POST" Then 'la méthode REQUEST doit être POST

Dim CT, PosB, Boundary, Length, PosE

CT = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_Content_Type") ' lit le header

If LCase(Left(CT, 19)) = "multipart/form-data" Then 'qui doit être de type "multipart/form-data"

PosB = InStr(LCase(CT), "boundary=") 'Finds boundary

If PosB > 0 Then Boundary = Mid(CT, PosB + 9) 'Separetes boundary

'****** Erreur sur IE5.01 - doublement des entêtes http

PosB = InStr(LCase(CT), "boundary=")

If PosB > 0 then 'Patch pour l'erreur IE

PosB = InStr(Boundary, ",")

If PosB > 0 Then Boundary = Left(Boundary, PosB - 1)

end if

'****** Erreur sur IE5.01 - doublement des entêtes http

Length = CLng(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_Content_Length"))

If "" & UploadSizeLimit <> "" Then

UploadSizeLimit = CLng(UploadSizeLimit)

If Length > UploadSizeLimit Then

Request.BinaryRead (Length)

Err.Raise 2, "GetUpload", "Upload size " & FormatNumber(Length, 0) & "B exceeds limit of " & FormatNumber(UploadSizeLimit, 0) & "B"

Exit Function

End If

End If

If Length > 0 And Boundary <> "" Then

Boundary = "--" & Boundary

Dim Head, Binary

Binary = Request.BinaryRead(Length) 'lit les données à partir du poste client

Set Result = SeparateFields(Binary, Boundary)

Binary = Empty 'Mise à jour des variables


Err.Raise 10, "GetUpload", "longueur nulle ."

End If


Err.Raise 11, "GetUpload", "Pas de fichier joint."

End If


Err.Raise 1, "GetUpload", "Mauvaise méthode de request."

End If

Set GetUpload = Result

End Function

'********************************** SeparateFields **********************************

Function SeparateFields(Binary, Boundary)

Dim PosOpenBoundary, PosCloseBoundary, PosEndOfHeader, isLastBoundary

Dim Fields

Boundary = StringToBinary(Boundary)

PosOpenBoundary = InStrB(Binary, Boundary)

PosCloseBoundary = InStrB(PosOpenBoundary + LenB(Boundary), Binary, Boundary, 0)

Set Fields = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

Do While (PosOpenBoundary > 0 And PosCloseBoundary > 0 And Not isLastBoundary)

'Entête et fichier source

Dim HeaderContent, FieldContent, bFieldContent


Dim Content_Disposition, FormFieldName, SourceFileName, Content_Type


Dim Field, TwoCharsAfterEndBoundary

'Fin de l'entête

PosEndOfHeader = InStrB(PosOpenBoundary + Len(Boundary), Binary, StringToBinary(vbCrLf + vbCrLf))

'Séparation des champs de l'entêter

HeaderContent = MidB(Binary, PosOpenBoundary + LenB(Boundary) + 2, PosEndOfHeader - PosOpenBoundary - LenB(Boundary) - 2)

'séparation du contenu

bFieldContent = MidB(Binary, (PosEndOfHeader + 4), PosCloseBoundary - (PosEndOfHeader + 4) - 2)

'séparation des champs d'entête de l'entêter

GetHeadFields BinaryToString(HeaderContent), Content_Disposition, FormFieldName, SourceFileName, Content_Type

'Creation d'un champs et attribution des paramètres

Set Field = CreateUploadField()'See the JS function bellow

Set FieldContent = CreateBinaryData(bFieldContent,LenB(bFieldContent))

' FieldContent.ByteArray = bFieldContent

' FieldContent.Length = LenB(bFieldContent)

Field.Name = FormFieldName

Field.ContentDisposition = Content_Disposition

Field.FilePath = SourceFileName

Field.FileName = GetFileName(SourceFileName)

Field.ContentType = Content_Type

Field.Length = FieldContent.Length

Set Field.Value = FieldContent

' response.write "<br>:" & FormFieldName

Fields.Add FormFieldName, Field

'Dernière borne ?

TwoCharsAfterEndBoundary = BinaryToString(MidB(Binary, PosCloseBoundary + LenB(Boundary), 2))

isLastBoundary = TwoCharsAfterEndBoundary = "--"

If Not isLastBoundary Then 'Putain!!! Pas la dernière... on avance jusqu'au champ suivant.

PosOpenBoundary = PosCloseBoundary

PosCloseBoundary = InStrB(PosOpenBoundary + LenB(Boundary), Binary, Boundary)

End If


Set SeparateFields = Fields

End Function

'********************************** Utilities **********************************

'Separation des champs d'entête de l'entête uploadé

Function GetHeadFields(ByVal Head, Content_Disposition, Name, FileName, Content_Type)

Content_Disposition = LTrim(SeparateField(Head, "content-disposition:", ";"))

Name = (SeparateField(Head, "name=", ";")) 'ltrim

If Left(Name, 1) = """" Then Name = Mid(Name, 2, Len(Name) - 2)

FileName = (SeparateField(Head, "filename=", ";")) 'ltrim

If Left(FileName, 1) = """" Then FileName = Mid(FileName, 2, Len(FileName) - 2)

Content_Type = LTrim(SeparateField(Head, "content-type:", ";"))

End Function

'Separation du champ entre sStart et sEnd

Function SeparateField(From, ByVal sStart, ByVal sEnd)

Dim PosB, PosE, sFrom

sFrom = LCase(From)

PosB = InStr(sFrom, sStart)

If PosB > 0 Then

PosB = PosB + Len(sStart)

PosE = InStr(PosB, sFrom, sEnd)

If PosE = 0 Then PosE = InStr(PosB, sFrom, vbCrLf)

If PosE = 0 Then PosE = Len(sFrom) + 1

SeparateField = Mid(From, PosB, PosE - PosB)


SeparateField = Empty

End If

End Function

'Separation du nom de fichier du chemin

Function GetFileName(FullPath)

Dim Pos, PosF

PosF = 0

For Pos = Len(FullPath) To 1 Step -1

Select Case Mid(FullPath, Pos, 1)

Case "/", "\": PosF = Pos + 1: Pos = 0

End Select


If PosF = 0 Then PosF = 1

GetFileName = Mid(FullPath, PosF)

End Function

Function BinaryToStringSimple(Binary)

Dim I, S

For I = 1 To LenB(Binary)

S = S & Chr(AscB(MidB(Binary, I, 1)))


BinaryToStringSimple = S

End Function

Function BinaryToString(Binary)

' BinaryToString = RSBinaryToString(Binary)

' Exit Function

dim cl1, cl2, cl3, pl1, pl2, pl3

Dim L', nullchar

cl1 = 1

cl2 = 1

cl3 = 1

L = LenB(Binary)

Do While cl1<=L

pl3 = pl3 & Chr(AscB(MidB(Binary,cl1,1)))

cl1 = cl1 + 1

cl3 = cl3 + 1

if cl3>300 then

pl2 = pl2 & pl3

pl3 = ""

cl3 = 1

cl2 = cl2 + 1

if cl2>200 then

pl1 = pl1 & pl2

pl2 = ""

cl2 = 1

End If

End If


BinaryToString = pl1 & pl2 & pl3

End Function

Function RSBinaryToString(xBinary)

Dim Binary

if vartype(xBinary)=8 then Binary = MultiByteToBinary(xBinary) else Binary = xBinary

Dim RS, LBinary

Const adLongVarChar = 201

Set RS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

LBinary = LenB(Binary)

if LBinary>0 then

RS.Fields.Append "mBinary", adLongVarChar, LBinary



RS("mBinary").AppendChunk Binary


RSBinaryToString = RS("mBinary")


RSBinaryToString = ""

End If

End Function

Function MultiByteToBinary(MultiByte)

Dim RS, LMultiByte, Binary

Const adLongVarBinary = 205

Set RS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

LMultiByte = LenB(MultiByte)

if LMultiByte>0 then

RS.Fields.Append "mBinary", adLongVarBinary, LMultiByte



RS("mBinary").AppendChunk MultiByte & ChrB(0)


Binary = RS("mBinary").GetChunk(LMultiByte)

End If

MultiByteToBinary = Binary

End Function

Function StringToBinary(String)

Dim I, B

For I=1 to len(String)

B = B & ChrB(Asc(Mid(String,I,1)))


StringToBinary = B

End Function

Function vbsSaveAs(FileName, ByteArray)

Dim FS, TextStream

Set FS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set TextStream = FS.CreateTextFile(FileName)

TextStream.Write BinaryToString(ByteArray) ' BinaryToString is in


End Function



function CreateUploadField(){ return new uf_Init() }

function uf_Init(){

this.Name = null

this.ContentDisposition = null

this.FileName = null

this.FilePath = null

this.ContentType = null

this.Value = null

this.Length = null


function CreateBinaryData(Binary, mLength){ return new bin_Init(Binary, mLength) }

function bin_Init(Binary, mLength){

this.ByteArray = Binary

this.Length = mLength

this.String = BinaryToString(Binary)

this.SaveAs = jsSaveAs


//function jsBinaryToString(){

// return BinaryToString(this.ByteArray)


function jsSaveAs(FileName){

return vbsSaveAs(FileName, this.ByteArray)


//Simulate ByteArray class by JS/VBS - end


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