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Vb X Excel



Boa noite a todos,

Estou desenvolvendo uma rotina em que uma consulta deverá gerar uma planilha no excel...

Quando a executo pela 1ª vez, ok.

O excel gera a planilha formatada ok.

Mas quando fecho o excel e executo a rotina novamente, aparece a seguinte mensagem.

Run Time error 91

Object variable or with block variable not set.

O Excel abre e no topo da tela aparece a Pasta 4, que estou deixando de fazer ??

As variáveis foram definidas e no final da rotina eu as elimino da memória.

desde já agradeço....


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O codigo seria assim

Option Explicit

Dim oExcel As Object

Dim objExlSht As Object

Private Type ExlCell

row As Long

Col As Long

End Type


Private Sub cmd_Excel_Click()

Dim objExlSht As Object

Dim stCell As ExlCell

MousePointer = vbHourglass ' Muda o ponteiro do mouse

Set oExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

oExcel.Workbooks.Add 'inclui o workbook

Set objExlSht = oExcel.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(1)


' Inclui os dados a partir da celula A9

stCell.row = 9

stCell.Col = 1

oExcel.Visible = True

oExcel.Cells.Select 'Formata as células para Verdana 8

With Selection.Font

.Name = "Verdana"

.Size = 8

.Strikethrough = False

.Superscript = False

.Subscript = False

.OutlineFont = False

.Shadow = False

.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone

.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic

End With


oExcel.Range("a2") = "Empresas Reunidas JLP"


oExcel.Range("b2") = "Posição do Contrato: " & w_NumContr & " - " & w_NomeContr & " em " & Date

oExcel.Range("b3") = w_Obs1

oExcel.Range("b4") = w_Obs2

oExcel.Range("b5") = w_Obs3

oExcel.Range("b6") = w_Obs4

oExcel.Range("b7") = w_Obs5

oExcel.Range("a2").Select ' Formata a coluna A

Selection.ColumnWidth = 40

With Selection.Font

.Name = "Verdana"

.Size = 14

.Strikethrough = False

.Superscript = False

.Subscript = False

.OutlineFont = False

.Shadow = False

.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone

.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic

End With

' Chama a Função

CopiarTabelaExcel rs_Boletas_Lidas, objExlSht, stCell

' Salva a planilha

objExlSht.SaveAs App.Path & "\Excel\" & Mid(w_NumContr, 1, 3) & Day(Date) & Month(Date) & ".xls"

MsgBox "Planilha em Excel gerada!!!", vbInformation, "Manutenção de Boletas"


Set objExlSht = Nothing ' remove a variavel objeto

Set oExcel = Nothing ' remove a variavel objeto

MousePointer = vbDefault

cmd_Excel.Enabled = False

End Sub

Private Sub CopiarTabelaExcel(rs As Recordset, ws As Worksheet, StartingCell As ExlCell)

Dim Vetor() As Variant

Dim row As Long, Col As Long

Dim fd As Field


ReDim Vetor(rs_Boletas_Lidas.RecordCount + 1, I_parcelas)

' Copia as colunas do cabecalho para um vetor

Vetor(row, Col) = "Nome / Vencimento"

Col = Col + 1

dia = Val(Mid(d_Inicio, 1, 2))

mês = Val(Mid(d_Inicio, 4, 2))

ano = Val(Mid(d_Inicio, 7, 4))

row = 1

For JJ = 0 To I_parcelas - 1

Vetor(0, Col) = Format(d_Inicio, "dd/mm/yyyy")

Col = Col + 1

mês = mês + 1

If mês > 12 Then

mês = 1

ano = ano + 1

End If

'Verificando o mês de fevereiro

If (mês = 2) Then

If (dia >= 30) Then

s_Data = "28" & "/" & Str(mês) & "/" & Str(ano)

End If

fevereiro = ano Mod 4

If (fevereiro <> 0) And (dia = 29) Then

s_Data = "28" & "/" & Str(mês) & "/" & Str(ano)

End If


s_Data = Str(dia) & "/" & Str(mês) & "/" & Str(ano)

End If

d_Inicio = s_Data


' copia o recordset para um vetor


Col = 0

Do While Not rs_Boletas_Lidas.EOF

w_Aluno = rs_Boletas_Lidas!N_Aluno

Vetor(row, Col) = rs_Boletas_Lidas!N_Aluno

Col = Col + 1

Do While w_Aluno = rs_Boletas_Lidas!N_Aluno

If rs_Boletas_Lidas!Ocorrencia = "99" Then

Vetor(row, Col) = " Cancelado "

ElseIf rs_Boletas_Lidas!Ocorrencia = "03" Then

Vetor(row, Col) = " Rejeitado "


Vetor(row, Col) = IIf(IsNull(rs_Boletas_Lidas!Valor_Pg), " Não Pago ", rs_Boletas_Lidas!Valor_Pg)

End If

' Vetor(row, Col) = IIf(IsNull(rs_Boletas_Lidas!DT_Vencimento), " Não Pago ", Format(rs_Boletas_Lidas!DT_Vencimento, "dd/mm/yyyy"))

Col = Col + 1


If rs_Boletas_Lidas.EOF Then

Exit Do

End If


Col = 0

row = row + 1


ws.Range(ws.Cells(StartingCell.row, StartingCell.Col), ws.Cells(StartingCell.row + rs.RecordCount + 1, _

StartingCell.Col + rs.Fields.Count)).Value = Vetor

oExcel.Range("b9").Select ' Formata a Linha do Cabecalho

oExcel.Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select

oExcel.Selection.ColumnWidth = 13


oExcel.Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select

oExcel.Selection.Font.Bold = True

oExcel.Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle = xlNone

oExcel.Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = xlNone

oExcel.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle = xlNone

With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop)

.LineStyle = xlContinuous

.Weight = xlMedium

.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic

End With

With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeBottom)

.LineStyle = xlContinuous

.Weight = xlMedium

.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic

End With

oExcel.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeRight).LineStyle = xlNone

oExcel.Selection.Borders(xlInsideVertical).LineStyle = xlNone

oExcel.ActiveWindow.DisplayGridlines = False

If oExcel.Range("a11") = Null Then


oExcel.Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select



oExcel.Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select

oExcel.Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select

End If

With Selection

.HorizontalAlignment = xlRight

.VerticalAlignment = xlBottom

.WrapText = False

.Orientation = 0

.AddIndent = False

.IndentLevel = 0

.ShrinkToFit = False

.ReadingOrder = xlContext

.MergeCells = False

End With

If oExcel.Range("a11") = Null Then





End If

oExcel.Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select

oExcel.Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle = xlNone

oExcel.Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = xlNone

oExcel.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle = xlNone

oExcel.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop).LineStyle = xlNone

With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeBottom)

.LineStyle = xlContinuous

.Weight = xlMedium

.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic

End With

oExcel.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeRight).LineStyle = xlNone

oExcel.Selection.Borders(xlInsideVertical).LineStyle = xlNone

With ActiveSheet.PageSetup 'Formata Impressao

.PrintTitleRows = ""

.PrintTitleColumns = "$A:$A"

End With

oExcel.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = ""

With ActiveSheet.PageSetup

.LeftHeader = ""

.CenterHeader = ""

.RightHeader = ""

.LeftFooter = ""

.CenterFooter = ""

.RightFooter = ""

.LeftMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.196850393700787)

.RightMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.196850393700787)

.TopMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.393700787401575)

.BottomMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.393700787401575)

.HeaderMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.511811023622047)

.FooterMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.511811023622047)

.PrintHeadings = False

.PrintGridlines = False

.PrintComments = xlPrintNoComments

.PrintQuality = -4

.CenterHorizontally = False

.CenterVertically = False

.Orientation = xlLandscape

.Draft = False

.PaperSize = xlPaperA4

.FirstPageNumber = xlAutomatic

.Order = xlDownThenOver

.BlackAndWhite = False

.Zoom = 100

.PrintErrors = xlPrintErrorsDisplayed

End With

End Sub

Como disse quando clico no botão cmd_Excel na primeira vez, a rotina está OK.....

mas quando o excel é fechado e clico novamente, aparece o referido erro.

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