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Fórum Script Brasil


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Tudo que vms postou

  1. stou fazendo um programa usando MDI (não é editor de texto) tenho 3 janelas filhas e cada uma so abre uma vez como faço pra aparecer a lista de janelas filhas aberta no menu (Janela) onde eu clico e foca a janela desejada?
  2. valeu jhonas, deu certo "ficou so o filé"
  3. uso este codigo para usar o rolete do mouse nos componentes mas o problema pra mim e que ele move todos (não de uma vez) tenho algumas tabelas relacionadas no meu projeto (usando o lookup) as vezes por falta de atenção uso o rolete do mouse com o foco sobre o lookup e acaba alterando valores no Grid existe uma forma de usar o rolete do mouse apenas no dbgrid?
  4. ola michells. tava dando uma olhanda nesses 45 posts e vi um arquivo anexo "Socket_Demo" como é que usa? não tem extensao.
  5. uso este codigo para fazer pesquisa incremental em tabela procedure TForm1.Edit1Change(Sender: TObject); begin Width Edit1 do if Text <>'' then Table1.FindNearest([Text]); end; queria fazer o mesma açao com uma query em um compo autoincremento (+) uso tabela paradox
  6. :wacko: o problema era comigo. por algun motivo renomei o execultavel do delphi para D7, por isso não estava reconhecendo
  7. oi pessoal, a duvida e o seguinte consegui instalar o jedi normalmente no meu pc (em casa) mas quando tentei instalar no pc da empresa que trabalho não deu certo tinha instalado o delphi7 e o borland c++ 6, quando clicava no install.bat abri uma tela com um pagecontrol, onde aperece "JCL release 1.101" e "borlandc++6" e nada de delphi, tentei instalar assim mesmo mas deu erro, então desistalei o borlandc++ e agora so aparece isso "JCL release 1.101" clico em install e aparece uma mensagem "intalação completa" mas não tem nada instalado.
  8. consegui na caixa package (pra adicionar componente) clica em options e marca Designtime only deu certo!
  9. pessoal estou tentando instalar o componente rxlib, mas estar ocorrendo este erro como consigo encontrar esse 'RxCtl7.res'?
  10. cara eu uso este componente para exportar para .xls , .txt e imprimir mas so se seus dados estiver em um dbgrid você seta o dbgrid, e na propriedade FPrintFileName voce coloca a extenção GRID.xls, GRID.txt PrtGrid1.SaveToFile//salvar PrtGrid1.Print//imprimi ver se isso serve. valeu!!! unit Prtgrid; { Original de Paul Rice } interface uses SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, DBGrids, DB, Printers, ExtCtrls, Grids; const MaxPages = 1000; MaxCols = 100; type TPageNumberPos = (pnNone, pnTopLeft, pnTopCenter, pnTopRight, pnBotLeft, pnBotCenter, pnBotRight); TPrtGrid = class(TComponent) private FFullPage: Boolean; OutFileName : TFileName; FDBGrid: TDBGrid; FTitleFont: TFont; FColHeaderFont: TFont; FColScale: integer; FLinesFont: TFont; FTitleAlign: TAlignment; FOrientation: TPrinterOrientation; FPageNLabel: String; FDateLabel: String; FPageNPos: TPageNumberPos; FDatePos: TPageNumberPos; FPrintFileName: String; FPrintFileDir: String; FTitle: String; FPrintMgrTitle: String; FirstRecordY: longint; DetailLineCharWidth: longint; DetailLineCharHeight: longint; RecCounter: longint; FPrintToFile: boolean; PrinterPageNo: longint; FFromPage: longint; FEndPage: longint; NPositions: integer; FTopMargin: integer; FBottomMargin: integer; FLeftMargin: integer; FRightMargin: integer; Positions: array[1..MaxCols]of longint; FColLines: boolean; FRowLines: boolean; FBorder: boolean; FHorizGap: integer; FVertGap: integer; procedure WriteAllToFile; procedure SetTitleFont(Value: TFont); procedure SetColHeaderFont(Value: TFont); procedure SetLinesFont(Value: TFont); procedure SetDBGrid(Value: TDBGrid); function GetDBGrid: TDBGrid; procedure SetPrintMgrTitle(const TmpStr: String); function GetPrintMgrTitle: String; function ColHeaderWidth(const ColHeaderStr: String): longint; function ColHeaderHeight: longint; procedure CalcPrinterPositions; function SetAlign(align:TAlignment; Left, Right: longint): longint; function SetPagePosX(PagePos: TPageNumberPos; Left, Right: longint): longint; function SetPagePosY(PagePos: TPageNumberPos; Top, Bottom: longint): longint; function PrepareAlign(Field: TField; Col: integer): longint; procedure WriteTitleToPrinter; procedure WriteColHdrsToPrinter(PosY: longint); procedure WriteRecordToPrinter; procedure PageJump; function RealWidth: longint; function AllPageFilled: boolean; procedure SetPixelsPerInch; function GetOrientation : TPrinterOrientation; procedure InitializePrinter; protected procedure SetName(const Value: TComponentName); override; public constructor Create(AOwner:TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Print; procedure PrintDialog; procedure SaveToFile; published property LeftMargin: integer read FLeftMargin write FLeftMargin; property TopMargin: integer read FTopMargin write FTopMargin; property RightMargin: integer read FRightMargin write FRightMargin; property BottomMargin: integer read FBottomMargin write FBottomMargin; property ColHeaderFont: TFont read FColHeaderFont write SetColHeaderFont; property ColScale: integer read FColScale write FColScale; //*tj* added property TitleFont: TFont read FTitleFont write SetTitleFont; property LinesFont: TFont read FLinesFont write SetLinesFont; property DBGrid: TDBGrid read GetDBGrid write SetDBGrid; property PrintMgrTitle: String read GetPrintMgrTitle write SetPrintMgrTitle; property Title: String read FTitle write FTitle; property TitleAlignment: TAlignment read FTitleAlign write FTitleAlign; property Orientation: TPrinterOrientation read FOrientation write FOrientation; property PrintToFile: boolean read FPrintToFile write FPrintToFile; property FullPage: boolean read FFullPage write FFullPage;{RS 29.11.1996} property PrintFileName: String read FPrintFileName write FPrintFileName; property PrintFileDir: String read FPrintFileDir write FPrintFileDir; property FromPage: longint read FFromPage write FFromPage; property EndPage: longint read FEndPage write FEndPage; property Border: boolean read FBorder write FBorder; property ColLines: boolean read FColLines write FColLines; property RowLines: boolean read FRowLines write FRowLines; property HorizontalGap: integer read FHorizGap write FHorizGap; property VerticalGapPct: integer read FVertGap write FVertGap; property PageNumberPos: TPageNumberPos read FPageNPos write FPageNPos; property PageNumberLabel: String read FPageNLabel write FPageNLabel; property DatePos: TPageNumberPos read FDatePos write FDatePos; property DateLabel: String read FDateLabel write FDateLabel; end; procedure Register; implementation var TextMetrics: TTextMetric; function Max(a, b: longint): longint; begin if a > b then Result := a else Result := b; end; function HeightScale(Value: longint; Pct: integer): longint; begin if Pct > 100 then Pct := 100 else if Pct < 0 then Pct := 0; if Pct = 0 then Result := Value else Result := Value + MulDiv(Value, Pct, 100); end; function CenterY(PosY, TextHt, Pct: longint): longint; begin Result := PosY + (HeightScale(TextHt, Pct) - TextHt) div 2; end; constructor TPrtGrid.Create(AOwner:TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FColHeaderFont := TFont.Create; FTitleFont := TFont.Create; FLinesFont := TFont.Create; FDBGrid := nil; FTitle := ''; FPrintMgrTitle := ''; RecCounter := 0; FHorizGap := 8; FVertGap := 40; FTopMargin := 60; FBottomMargin := 110; FLeftMargin := 30; FRightMargin := 30; FPrintToFile := False; FPrintFileName := 'GRID.LST'; FPrintFileDir := 'C:\'; FFullPage := false; FFromPage := 1; FEndPage := MaxPages; FBorder := False; FColLines := True; FRowLines := False; FTitleAlign := taCenter; FPageNPos := pnBotCenter; FPageNLabel := 'Page: '; FDatePos := pnTopRight; FDateLabel := ''; FOrientation := poLandscape; FTitleFont.Name := 'Arial'; FTitleFont.Style := [fsBold]; FTitleFont.Size := 12; FColHeaderFont.Name := 'Arial'; FColHeaderFont.Style := [fsBold]; FColHeaderFont.Size := 10; FColScale := 100; FLinesFont.Name := 'Arial'; FLinesFont.Style := []; FLinesFont.Size := 9; end; destructor TPrtGrid.Destroy; begin FColHeaderFont.Free; FTitleFont.Free; FLinesFont.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TPrtGrid.SetColHeaderFont(Value: TFont); begin FColHeaderFont.Assign(Value); end; procedure TPrtGrid.SetTitleFont(Value: TFont); begin FTitleFont.Assign(Value); end; procedure TPrtGrid.SetLinesFont(Value: TFont); begin FLinesFont.Assign(Value); end; procedure TPrtGrid.SetDBGrid(Value: TDBGrid); begin FDBGrid := Value; end; function TPrtGrid.GetDBGrid: TDBGrid; begin Result := FDBGrid; end; procedure TPrtGrid.SetPrintMgrTitle(const TmpStr: String); begin FPrintMgrTitle := TmpStr; end; function TPrtGrid.GetPrintMgrTitle: String; begin Result := FPrintMgrTitle; end; procedure TPrtGrid.SetName(const Value: TComponentName); var ChangeText: Boolean; begin ChangeText := (Name = FPrintMgrTitle) and ((Owner = nil) or not (Owner is TPrtGrid) or not (csLoading in TPrtGrid(Owner).ComponentState)); inherited SetName(Value); if ChangeText then FPrintMgrTitle := Value; end; procedure TPrtGrid.WriteAllToFile; var OutFile: TextFile; BookMark1: TBookMark; FieldNo: longint; TmpStr: String; begin if OutFileName = '' then if FPrintFileName = '' then OutFileName := 'C:\GRID.LST' else OutFileName := FPrintFileDir+FPrintFileName; {$I-} AssignFile(OutFile, OutFileName); Rewrite(OutFile); {$I+} if IOResult <> 0 then begin ShowMessage('Erro para abrir o arquivo :' + OutFileName); Exit; end; with FDBGrid.DataSource.DataSet do begin Writeln(OutFile, FTitle+' Relatório'); //Writeln(OutFile, FTitle+' - Importa para o Excel (Delimitado por Tab)'); TmpStr := ''; for FieldNo := 0 to FieldCount - 1 do if Fields[FieldNo].Visible then TmpStr := TmpStr + Fields[FieldNo].DisplayLabel + #9; WriteLn(OutFile, TmpStr); Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; Bookmark1 := GetBookMark; try DisableControls; RecCounter := 0; First; while not EOF do begin TmpStr := ''; for FieldNo := 0 to FieldCount - 1 do if Fields[FieldNo].Visible then TmpStr := TmpStr + Fields[FieldNo].DisplayText + #9; WriteLn(OutFile, TmpStr); Inc(RecCounter); Next; end; finally Screen.Cursor := crDefault; EnableControls; CloseFile(OutFile); GotoBookMark(BookMark1); FreeBookMark(BookMark1); end; end; end; function TPrtGrid.ColHeaderWidth(const ColHeaderStr: String): longint; var tmpFont: TFont; begin with Printer.Canvas do begin tmpFont := TFont.Create; tmpFont.Assign(Font); Font.Assign(FColHeaderFont); SetPixelsPerInch; Result := TextWidth(ColHeaderStr); Font.Assign(tmpFont); tmpFont.Free; SetPixelsPerInch; end; end; function TPrtGrid.ColHeaderHeight: longint; var tmpFont: TFont; begin with Printer.Canvas do begin tmpFont := TFont.Create; tmpFont.Assign(Font); Font.Assign(FColHeaderFont); SetPixelsPerInch; Result := HeightScale(TextHeight('M'), FVertGap); Font.Assign(tmpFont); SetPixelsPerInch; tmpFont.Free; end; end; procedure TPrtGrid.CalcPrinterPositions; var ColWidth, FieldNo: longint; begin if FBorder then Positions[1] := 1 else Positions[1] := 0; NPositions := 0; with FDBGrid.DataSource.DataSet do for FieldNo := 0 to FieldCount - 1 do if Fields[FieldNo].Visible then begin inc(NPositions); ColWidth := Max(ColHeaderWidth(Fields[FieldNo].DisplayLabel), (DetailLineCharWidth * Fields[FieldNo].DisplayWidth)); Positions[NPositions + 1] := Positions[NPositions] + ColWidth + 2*FHorizGap; end; end; function TPrtGrid.SetAlign(align: TAlignment; Left, Right:longint):longint; var PosX: longint; begin PosX := 0; with Printer.Canvas do begin case Align of taLeftJustify: begin SetTextAlign(Handle, TA_LEFT); PosX := Left + FHorizGap; end; taRightJustify: begin SetTextAlign(Handle, TA_RIGHT); PosX := Right - FHorizGap; end; taCenter: begin SetTextAlign(Handle, TA_CENTER); PosX := Left + Round((Right - Left) / 2); end; end; end; Result := PosX; end; function TPrtGrid.SetPagePosX(PagePos: TPageNumberPos; Left, Right: longint): longint; var PosX: longint; begin PosX := 0; with Printer.Canvas do begin case PagePos of pnTopLeft, pnBotLeft: begin SetTextAlign(Handle, TA_LEFT); PosX := Left + FHorizGap; end; pnTopRight, pnBotRight: begin SetTextAlign(Handle, TA_RIGHT); PosX := Right - FHorizGap; end; pnTopCenter, pnBotCenter: begin SetTextAlign(Handle, TA_CENTER); PosX := Left + Round((Right - Left)/2); end; end; end; Result := PosX; end; function TPrtGrid.SetPagePosY(PagePos: TPageNumberPos; Top, Bottom: longint): longint; var PosY: longint; begin case PagePos of pnBotLeft, pnBotCenter, pnBotRight: begin PosY := Bottom; end; else PosY := Top; end; Result := PosY; end; function TPrtGrid.PrepareAlign(Field:TField; Col:integer): longint; begin Result := SetAlign(Field.Alignment, Positions[col], Positions[col + 1]); end; procedure TPrtGrid.WriteTitleToPrinter; var PosX, PosY, FieldNo, tmpColHeaderHeight: longint; TmpFont: TFont; tmpFontCreated: boolean; begin if (PrinterPageNo >= FFromPage) and (PrinterPageNo <= FEndPage) then with Printer.Canvas do begin tmpColHeaderHeight := ColHeaderHeight; tmpFont := TFont.Create; if (FTitle <> '') or (FDatePos <> pnNone) or (FPageNPos <> pnNone) then begin tmpFont.Assign(Font); Font.Assign(FTitleFont); SetPixelsPerInch; tmpFontCreated := True; end else tmpFontCreated := False; if FDatePos <> pnNone then begin if FDateLabel = '' then FDateLabel := FormatDateTime('mmm d, yyyy',SysUtils.Date); PosX := SetPagePosX(FDatePos, FLeftMargin, FLeftMargin + RealWidth); PosY := SetPagePosY(FDatePos, FTopMargin, Printer.PageHeight - FBottomMargin); TextOut(PosX, PosY, FDateLabel); end; if FTitle <> '' then begin PosX := SetAlign(FTitleAlign, FLeftMargin, FLeftMargin + RealWidth); TextOut(PosX, FTopMargin, FTitle); end; if FPageNPos <> pnNone then begin PosX := SetPagePosX(FPageNPos, FLeftMargin, FLeftMargin + RealWidth); PosY := SetPagePosY(FPageNPos, FTopMargin, Printer.PageHeight - FBottomMargin + 8); TextOut(PosX, PosY, FPageNLabel + IntToStr(PrinterPageNo)); end; if (FTitle <> '') or (FDatePos in [pnTopLeft, pnTopCenter, pnTopRight]) or (FPageNPos in [pnTopLeft, pnTopCenter, pnTopRight]) then FirstRecordY := FTopMargin + HeightScale(TextHeight('M'), FVertGap) + tmpColHeaderHeight else FirstRecordY := FTopMargin + tmpColHeaderHeight; if tmpFontCreated then begin Font.Assign(tmpFont); SetPixelsPerInch; end; tmpFont.Free; if FFullPage then if FColLines then for FieldNo := 2 to NPositions do begin MoveTo(FLeftMargin + Positions[FieldNo], FirstRecordY); LineTo(FLeftMargin + Positions[FieldNo], Printer.PageHeight - FBottomMargin); end; if dgTitles in FDBGrid.Options then WriteColHdrsToPrinter(FirstRecordY - tmpColHeaderHeight); end; end; procedure TPrtGrid.WriteColHdrsToPrinter(PosY: longint); var Col, PosX: longint; DSrcFld: longint; TmpFont: TFont; Rect: TRect; begin with FDBGrid.DataSource.DataSet, Printer.Canvas do begin tmpFont := TFont.Create; tmpFont.Assign(Font); Font.Assign(FColHeaderFont); SetPixelsPerInch; := CenterY(PosY, TextHeight('M'), 2*FVertGap); Rect.bottom := FirstRecordY+((RecCounter + 1) * TextHeight('M')); Col := 0; for DSrcFld := 0 to FieldCount - 1 do begin if Fields[DSrcFld].Visible then begin inc(Col); PosX := FLeftMargin + PrepareAlign(Fields[DSrcFld], Col); Rect.left := FLeftMargin + Positions[Col] + FHorizGap; Rect.right := FLeftMargin + Positions[Col+1] - FHorizGap; TextRect(Rect, PosX,, Fields[DSrcFld].DisplayLabel); end; end; Moveto(FLeftMargin, FirstRecordY); Lineto(FLeftMargin + RealWidth, FirstRecordY); Font.Assign(tmpFont); SetPixelsPerInch; tmpFont.Free; end; end; procedure TPrtGrid.WriteRecordToPrinter; var Col, PosX, PosY, FieldNo: longint; DSrcFld: longint; tmpFont: TFont; Rect: TRect; begin if (PrinterPageNo >= FFromPage) and (PrinterPageNo <= FEndPage) then with FDBGrid.DataSource.DataSet, Printer.Canvas do begin tmpFont := TFont.Create; tmpFont.Assign(Font); Font.Assign(FLinesFont); SetPixelsPerInch; Col := 0; PosY := FirstRecordY + RecCounter * DetailLineCharHeight; := CenterY(PosY, TextHeight('M'), FVertGap); Rect.bottom:=FirstRecordY+((RecCounter+1) * DetailLineCharHeight); for DSrcFld := 0 to FieldCount - 1 do begin if Fields[DSrcFld].Visible then begin inc(Col); PosX := FLeftMargin + PrepareAlign(Fields[DSrcFld], Col); Rect.left := FLeftMargin + Positions[Col] + FHorizGap; Rect.right := FLeftMargin + Positions[Col+1] - FHorizGap; TextRect(Rect, PosX,, Fields[DSrcFld].DisplayText); end; end; if FRowLines then begin MoveTo(FLeftMargin, PosY); LineTo(FLeftMargin + RealWidth, PosY); end; if not FFullPage then if FColLines then for FieldNo := 2 to NPositions do begin MoveTo(FLeftMargin + Positions[FieldNo], FirstRecordY); LineTo(FLeftMargin + Positions[FieldNo], PosY + DetailLineCharHeight); end; Font.Assign(tmpFont); SetPixelsPerInch; tmpFont.Free; end; end; procedure TPrtGrid.PageJump; begin RecCounter := 0; if (PrinterPageNo >= FFromPage) and (PrinterPageNo < FEndPage) then Printer.NewPage; inc(PrinterPageNo); end; function TPrtGrid.RealWidth: longint; begin Result := Printer.PageWidth - FLeftMargin - FRightMargin; end; function TPrtGrid.AllPageFilled: boolean; begin Result := (not FPrintToFile) and ((FirstRecordY + (RecCounter + 1) * DetailLineCharHeight) >= (Printer.PageHeight - FBottomMargin)); end; procedure TPrtGrid.Print; var BMark: TBookMark; PosY: longint; tmpStyle: TBrushStyle; begin PosY := 0; if not Assigned(FDBGrid) then raise Exception.Create('Erro: DBGrid não associado.'); if FPrintToFile then begin WriteAllToFile; Exit; end; InitializePrinter; with FDBGrid.DataSource.DataSet do begin BMark := GetBookMark; try DisableControls; RecCounter := 0; PrinterPageNo := 1; CalcPrinterPositions; if (Positions[NPositions + 1] > RealWidth) then begin if MessageDlg('Impressão muito larga para o papel, Configure as Margens.'+ ' Aborta a impressão?', mtConfirmation, mbYesNoCancel, 0 )<>idNo then begin Printer.Abort; exit; end; end; Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; First; while not EOF do begin if RecCounter = 0 then WriteTitleToPrinter; WriteRecordToPrinter; Inc(RecCounter); Next; if AllPageFilled then begin PageJump; if PrinterPageNo > FEndPage then break; end; end; if FRowLines then begin PosY := FirstRecordY + RecCounter * DetailLineCharHeight; Printer.Canvas.MoveTo(FLeftMargin, PosY); Printer.Canvas.LineTo(FLeftMargin + RealWidth, PosY); end; if FBorder then begin tmpStyle:=Printer.Canvas.Brush.Style; Printer.Canvas.Brush.Style:=bsClear; if FullPage then Printer.Canvas.Rectangle(FLeftMargin, FirstRecordY - ColHeaderHeight, FLeftMargin + RealWidth, Printer.PageHeight - FBottomMargin) else Printer.Canvas.Rectangle(FLeftMargin, FirstRecordY - ColHeaderHeight, FLeftMargin + RealWidth, PosY); Printer.Canvas.Brush.Style:=tmpStyle; end; finally EnableControls; Screen.Cursor := crDefault; GotoBookMark(BMark); FreeBookMark(BMark); Printer.EndDoc; end; end; end; procedure TPrtGrid.PrintDialog; begin with TPrintDialog.Create(Self) do begin try Options := [poPageNums, poPrintToFile, poWarning]; MinPage := 1; MaxPage := MaxPages; FromPage := 1; ToPage := MaxPages; if Execute then begin if PrintRange = prPageNums then begin FFromPage := FromPage; FEndPage := EndPage; end; FOrientation:=GetOrientation; if PrintToFile then SaveToFile else begin FPrintToFile := false; Print; end; end; finally Free; end; end; end; procedure TPrtGrid.SaveToFile; begin FPrintToFile := true; with TSaveDialog.Create(Self) do begin try Filter := 'List Files (*.LST)|*.LST|Any file(*.*)|*.*'; if FPrintFileDir <> '' then InitialDir := FPrintFileDir; if FPrintFileName <> '' then begin FileName := FPrintFileName; Filter := Filter + '|This file (*' + ExtractFileExt(FileName) + ')|*' + ExtractFileExt(FileName); FilterIndex := 3; end; if Execute then begin FPrintFileDir := ExtractFilePath(FileName); FPrintFileName := ExtractFileName(FileName); OutFileName := FileName; Print; end; finally Free; end; end; end; procedure TPrtGrid.SetPixelsPerInch; var FontSize: integer; begin if not Printer.Printing then ShowMessage('Erro: BeginDoc não foi chamado antes do SetPixelsPerInch'); FontSize:=Printer.Canvas.Font.Size; Printer.Canvas.Font.PixelsPerInch:=GetDeviceCaps(Printer.Handle,LOGPIXELSY); Printer.Canvas.Font.Size := FontSize; GetTextMetrics( Printer.Canvas.Handle,TextMetrics ); end; function TPrtGrid.GetOrientation : TPrinterOrientation; var FDevice, FDriver, FPort: PChar; FHandle: THandle; FDeviceMode: PDevMode; begin result := poPortrait; GetMem (FDevice, 255); GetMem (FDriver, 255); GetMem (FPort, 255); Printer.GetPrinter (FDevice, FDriver, FPort, FHandle); if FHandle = 0 then begin Printer.PrinterIndex := Printer.PrinterIndex; Printer.GetPrinter (FDevice, FDriver, FPort, FHandle); end; if FHandle <> 0 then begin FDeviceMode := Ptr(FHandle); case FDeviceMode^.dmOrientation of dmOrient_Portrait: result := poPortrait; dmOrient_Landscape: result := poLandscape; else result := poLandscape; end; end else ShowMessage('Erro não consigo identificar o modo de saida'); FreeMem (FDevice, 255); FreeMem (FDriver, 255); FreeMem (FPort, 255); end; procedure TPrtGrid.InitializePrinter; begin Printer.Orientation := FOrientation; Printer.BeginDoc; Printer.Title := FPrintMgrTitle; Printer.Canvas.Font.Assign(FLinesFont); SetPixelsPerInch; FVertGap:= Trunc(TextMetrics.tmHeight * 0.8); FHorizGap:= TextMetrics.tmMaxCharWidth div 4; DetailLineCharHeight := HeightScale(TextMetrics.tmHeight,FVertGap); DetailLineCharWidth := TextMetrics.tmMaxCharWidth; if (FColScale <> 100) and (FColScale > 0) and (FColScale < 500) then DetailLineCharWidth := 1+Trunc(DetailLineCharWidth * ColScale / 100); end; procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Data Controls', [TPrtGrid]); end; end.
  11. ola micheUs, desculpe por ter passado "batido" com sua dica, isso resolveu meu problema. valeu pela dica também carlos!
  12. tudo bem, mas a duvida é seguinte: se o menu "confirmar saida" estiver marcado (Checked), então aparece a messagebox se não, fecha o form ou seja, so aparece quando eu marcar o menu.
  13. uso esse comando para confirmar a saida do aplicativo queria incrementar o meu programa, criei um menu "confirmar saida" a duvida e o seguinte. não estou conseguindo colocar aquele codigo.
  14. opa! valeu denovo jhonas, perfeito!
  15. eu uso este codigo pra salvar e carregar as modificações feitas nas colunas do DBGrid em um arquivo .ini existe uma forma de salvar sem usar Diretorio? junto com o execultavel por exemplo! agradeço desde já!!!!
  16. o que pode estar errado nesse codigo? tentei com duas formas loPartialKey, loCaseInsensitive mas sempre dar esse erro
  17. deu certo galera o erro de zerar no segundo clik foi corrigido com a dica do micheus, mas ainda continuava um erro, so atualizava uma vez, se eu alterasse o valor ele não atualizava mais, so se reabrir o programa, então substitui a query por uma table e deu certo valeu pessoal. special thanks for Jhonas end Micheus!
  18. ola pessoal tenho uma tabela paradox com 3 campos o primeiro referente aos meses (Janeiro a dezembro) como faço pra inserir um valor que estar em um Edit em uma determinado linha do grid como faço pra inserir um valor que estar em um edit na coluna "valor" da linha "Março"
  19. ola jhonas desde já agradeço pela paciencia mas esses format's não estao funcionando. na verdade o format não é muito importante agora, queria resolver o outro problema. quando clico uma vez no button o calculo vai correto mas quando clico outra vez o edit zera (0) o que pode ser? porque dessa forma não consigo atualizar
  20. pois é, já tinha feito desse jeito mas não dar certo,tambem. jhonas, você testou? no seu deu?
  21. ele compila mas dar o mesmo erro quando clico no botao
  22. Beleza Jhonas! era exatamente isso que eu queria, mas ta dando erro no primeiro click, soma normalmente, mas se clico denovo um Edit zera (0) e o outro fica com um valor enorme. outro erro ta no formato fiz uma alteração pra dar "certo" o que pode ta errado? fiz dessa forma. procedure TForm1.ToolButton4Click(Sender: TObject); var i : integer; valComp0, valComp1 : real; begin valComp0 := 0; valComp1 := 0; for i := 1 to DM.Q1.recordcount do begin if DM.Q1Departamento.Value = Edit3.Text then valComp0 := valComp0 + DM.Q1Valor.Value; if DM.Q1Departamento.Value = 'ZELADORIA' then valComp1 := valComp1 + DM.Q1Valor.Value; DM.Q1.Next; Edit1.Text := 'Total Dep. Projetos ) : R$ ' + floattostr(valComp0); Edit2.Text := 'Total Dep. Zeladoria) : R$ ' + floattostr(valComp1); //Edit1.Text := 'Total Dep. Projetos ) : R$ ' + format(%d,[valComp0]); //Edit2.Text := 'Total Dep. Zeladoria) : R$ ' + format(%d,[valComp1]); end; end;
  23. ola jhonas acho que me expressei errado a dica é interessante, mas não era bem isso durante o mes compro varios produtos p/ os departamentos no mes inteiro vou ter varias compras dessa queria fazer a soma apenas de Projeto Apenas de Zeladoria
  24. valeu pela atenção. a dica de desligar o monitor deu certo, mas a de desligar o pc não. eu fiz dessa forma ele fecha os programas abertos e reinicia o pc sempre acontece isso, reinicia, eu queria desligar. voces tem outra sugestao?
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