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  1. no ie 6.0 aparece desconfigurado e no firefox tb <html> <head> <title><%VAR BLOG_TITLE%></title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="pt-br"> <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 5.0"> <meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"> <! 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Make sure each SPAN content contains an incrementing ID starting at 1 (id="sub1", id="sub2", etc) var persisttype="sitewide" //enter "sitewide" for menu to persist across site, "local" for this page only if (document.getElementById){ // change document.write('<style type="text/css">\n') document.write('.submenu{display: none;}\n') document.write('</style>\n') } function SwitchMenu(obj){ if(document.getElementById){ var el = document.getElementById(obj); var ar = document.getElementById("masterdiv").getElementsByTagName("span"); // change if( != "block"){ // change for (var i=0; i<ar.length; i++){ if (ar[i].className=="submenu") // change ar[i].style.display = "none"; } = "block"; }else{ = "none"; } } } function get_cookie(Name) { var search = Name + "=" var returnvalue = ""; if (document.cookie.length > 0) { offset = document.cookie.indexOf(search) if (offset != -1) { offset += search.length end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", offset); if (end == -1) end = document.cookie.length; returnvalue=unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, end)) } } return returnvalue; } function onloadfunction(){ if (persistmenu=="yes"){ var cookiename=(persisttype=="sitewide")? 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Sou revoltada, não me dou bem com meu pai,por diversos motivos que não quero expor .Sou perfeccionista o que me custa muito Adoro meu blog,mas como trabalho, não tenho tempo de ficar atualizando muito ele ou trocando de lay, o pouco tempo que tenho de lazer no final de semana prefito aproveitar fora de casa do que na frente do PC.<br><br> <center><a href="java script: window.location.reload()">Voltar</a> </center> </div> <div id="blog" style="display:none;"> O antigo <b>Animes Place</b> foi criado no come&ccedil;o do ano 2005, com o intuito de falar mais sobre animes e sobre esta fan&aacute;tica que vos fala.Comecei usando template de templates shops at&eacute; que em 2007 decidi fazer meu pr&oacute;prio template pelo programa <em>paint</em>. At&eacute; que ficou bonitinho,pois eu pegava imagens bem bonitas. Depois,orientada por uma amiga, comecei a fazer templates melhores pelo <em>photofiltre</em>. At&eacute; que resolvi baixar o <em>fireworks</em> e finalmente consegui fazer algo mais decente. Mas como o tempo de uso do programa expirou tive que procurar outro programa. Foi a&iacute; que conheci o <em>gimp</em> que &eacute; bem parecido com o <em>photoshop</em> e gra&ccedil;as a ajuda dos membros do f&oacute;rum <a href="">gimp</a> consegui fazer imagens bem interessantes.Tinha muitos blogs no weblogger e como ele come&ccedil;ou a dar muitos problemas passei para o uol e mais tarde descobri o blogspot, o qual html era bem mais f&aacute;cil de mecher.Depois, fui ficando sem muito tempo dispon&iacute;vel e resolvi somente ficar com o <b>Animes Place</b>. No ano de 2007,ap&oacute;s in&uacute;meras tentativas, finalmente consegui utilizar o wordpress e estou com ele at&eacute; hoje,aprendi muita coisa gra&ccedil;as ao blog <a href="">True Luv</a>,<a href="">Sinopse</a>, <a href="">F&oacute;rum Plic Plac</a> etc. E finalmente consegui encontrar e aprender a usar o <em>paint shop pro</em>,apesar de ainda continuar a usar o <em>gimp</em>.Tentei usar o <em>photoshop CS3</em>,mas meu PC ficava travando, ent&atilde;o tiver que desinstalar.E em novembro de 2008 resolvi,após muito tempo, voltar ao mundo blogueiro e criei o <b>Dreamscape</b> para falar um pouco mais do meu dia-a-dia.<b>Espero que todos gostem do meu blog,mas se veio aqui reclamar ou falar mal dele ou dos meus posts, pega esta setinha e clica l&aacute; em cima no [x] ok?</b> <br><br> <center><a href="java script: window.location.reload()">Voltar</a> </center> </div> <h2>Perfil</h2><br/> <b>Tatiana</b>, moradora da cidade de Florianópolis/SC e adora animes!Odeia gente falsa,mimada e invejosa.É brincalhona e divertida, adora assistir desenhos,mas tb é muito madura e responsável. <a style="cursor:crosshair; text-decoration: blur" onClick="document.getElementById('content').innerHTML=document.getElementById('perfil').innerHTML"><img border="0" src=""> More?</a><br> <b>MSN:</b> <a target="_blank" href=""><img style="border-style: none;" src="" width="16" height="16" /></a> <br> <b>I'm felling</b> <a href=""target="_blank"><img src="" alt="The current mood of fisiotas at" border="0"></a><br> <br><br> <h2>Blog</h2><br/> O <b>Dreamscape</b> foi criado em novembro de 2008, com o intuito de falar mais sobre esta fanática que vos fala.O nome significa <i>"Cenário dos Sonhos"</i> e surgiu da música de um anime que amo muito Tsubasa Chronicle. <a style="cursor:crosshair; text-decoration: blur" onClick="document.getElementById('content').innerHTML=document.getElementById('blog').innerHTML"><img border="0" src=""> More?</a> <br><br> <h2>Status</h2><br> <img src="" title="falando ao celular">: Nada<BR> <img src="" title="Lendo">: O Fantasma da Ópera<BR> <img src="" title="Namorando">: Prunella e Monomono!<BR> <img src="" title="Fotografando">: Minhas Dolls<BR> <img src="" title="Comendo">: Nada<BR> <img src="" title="Em casa">:Em casa<BR> <img src="" title="No computador">:Blogando<BR> <img src="" title="No MSN">:Off<BR> <img src="" tile="A fazer">: Dormir<BR> <img src="" title="Olhando">: Meu Blog<BR> <img src="" title="Estudando">:Nada<BR> <img src="" title="Comprando">:Coisinhas para minhas dolls<BR> <img src="" title="Meus Lindinhos">:Cuidando dos meus Gatitos<BR> <img src="" title="Ouvindo musica">:Nada<BR> <img src="" title="Tempo">:Frio<BR> <img src="" title="Humor">:Com raiva<BR> <img src="" title="Sentindo">:Ódio<BR> <img src="" title="Importante">:Comprar uma camêra digital<BR> <img src="" title="Estação">:Primavera<BR> <img src="" title="Vestindo">:Blusinha e Calça coton<BR> <img src="" title="Orkut">:Off <br><br> <h2>Agenda</h2><br> <center> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td colspan="7" class="mes"><center>Fevereiro</center></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="semana">D</td> <td class="semana">S</td> <td class="semana">T</td> <td class="semana">Q</td> <td class="semana">Q</td> <td class="semana">S</td> <td class="semana">S</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="dias">1</td> <td class="dias">2</td> <td class="dias">3</td> <td class="dias">4</td> <td class="dias">5</td> <td class="dias">6</td> <td class="dias">7</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="dias">8</td> <td class="dias">9</td> <td class="dias">10</td> <td class="dias">11</td> <td class="dias">12</td> <td class="dias">13</td> <td class="dias">14</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="dias">15</td> <td class="dias">16</td> <td class="dias">17</td> <td class="dias">18</td> <td class="dias">19</td> <td class="dias">20</td> <td class="dias">21</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="dias">22</td> <td class="dias"><img src="" border="0" alt="Carnaval"title="Carnaval"></a></td> <td class="dias"><img src="" border="0" alt="Carnaval"title="Carnaval"></a></td> <td class="dias"><img src="" border="0" alt="Carnaval"title="Carnaval"></a></td> <td class="dias">26</td> <td class="dias">27</td> <td class="dias">28</td> </tr> </table></center> <br> <h2>Plurk</h2><br> <center> <div style="width:160px; 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  2. não sei porque a linha no lado esquerdo ficou cortada olhem meu código meu site #linha { background: #FFFFFF url(; padding-top: 0px; width: 553px; margin-left:200px; text-align: justify;} #topo { height:323px; background:url( no-repeat; width:553px; margin-left:200px;} body { margin: 0px auto; padding: 0px; font-family: arial; background: #FFFFFF; text-align: justify; font-size: 10px; line-height: 13px; color: #0A9DFF;} </STYLE> <div id="topo"> </div> <!--"NESTE ESPAÇO VOCÊ COLOCA O QUE VOCÊ QUISER TEXTO OU IMAGENS" --> <div id="linha"> <center> <a href="" target="nav">In&iacute;cio</a> <a href="" target="nav">Currículo</a> <a href="" target="nav">Contato</a> </center> </div> <div id="linha"> <!----------------------------INICIO IFRAMES-----------------------------> <iframe src="" allowtransparency="true"frameborder="0" name="nav"height="1000" scrolling="no" width="540"></iframe> <!----------------------------FIM IFRAMES-----------------------------><br> </div> Eu acho que tem relação com o iframe,mas não consigo arrumar, porque quando clico na página contanto a linha no lado esquerdo aparece e depois desaparece.
  3. como alinho o gravatar como este? meu css /* ---- COMMENTS ----- */ .alt { background: transparent;} .commentlist li { margin: 15px 3px; padding: 5px 8px 3px; list-style: none;} #commentlist { margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 5px; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px; padding-top: 0px; border-bottom:0px solid #ffffff; list-style-type: none;} #commentlist li { border-top: 0px; padding: 5px 8px; background-color: transparent; align:justify;} .commentdate { background: transparent; color: #000000; font-size:10px; letter-spacing:0px; line-height:11px; font-weight:normal; border-bottom:1px dashed #9FD1EC; border-left:0px solid #BFC4B7; border-right:0px solid #BFC4B7; border-top:0px solid #BFC4B7; font-family:tahoma; text-align:center; padding-right:2px; padding-left:5px; padding-top:2px; padding-bottom:2px; width:330;} .comment-content { background: #9FD1EC; color: #000000; font-size:10px; letter-spacing:0px; line-height:11px; font-weight:normal; border-right:1px solid #9FD1EC; border-bottom:1px solid #9FD1EC; border-left:1px solid #9FD1EC; font-family:tahoma,verdana, verdana, arial, sans-serif,sans-serif; text-align:justify; padding-top:2px; padding-left:4px; padding-bottom:2px; padding-right:3px; top-margin:-5px; width:330; } .comment-content p{ font-size:10px; } .comment-resposta { background: #ffffff; color: #000000; font-size:10px; letter-spacing:0px; line-height:11px; font-weight:normal; border-right:1px solid #9FD1EC; border-bottom:1px solid #9FD1EC; border-left:1px solid #9FD1EC; font-family:tahoma,verdana, verdana, arial, sans-serif,sans-serif; text-align:justify; padding-top:2px; padding-left:4px; padding-bottom:2px; padding-right:3px; top-margin:-5px; width:330; } /****************** GRAVATAR *******************/ .gravatar, .imgstyle2, #fotobook-main img, #fotobook-album img { background: #9EDCEB url('images/bg-border-image.jpg') repeat-x; border: 1px solid #9EDCEB; padding-right: 8px; padding-left: 8px; padding-top: 8px; padding-bottom: 8px; } .gravatar:hover, .imgstyle2:hover, #fotobook-main img:hover, #fotobook-album img:hover { background: #9DC0EA url('images/bg-border-image2.jpg') repeat-x; border: 1px solid #9FD1EC; padding-right: 8px; padding-left: 8px; padding-top: 8px; padding-bottom: 8px; } código <ol id="commentlist"> <br /><br /> <div class="commentdate"> <div align="justify"> <div style="float: left; margin-right: 3px;"> <div class="gravatar"> <img src='' alt='Gravatar' title='Crie seu Gravatar!'></a></div></div> <?php // date when asked and answered?> <strong>»</strong> <b>Enviada:</b> <strong><?php echo dateFormatAdv($dateAsked, $dtFormat)?> <br/> <strong>»</strong> <b>Respondida:</b> <strong><?php echo dateFormatAdv($dateAnswered, $dtFormat)?></strong> </div> </div> <div class="comment-content"> <div style="padding: 7px"></div> <?php // display Questions?> <strong>»</strong> <b> Pergunta:</b> <strong title="IP: <?php echo $ip?>"><?php echo convertLinks($q)?></strong> </div> <div class="comment-resposta"> <div style="padding: 3px"></div> <?php // display Answers?> <br><strong>»</strong> <b>Resposta:</b><small> <?php echo convertLinks(fixBrkForHTML($a))?></small> </div> <br /><br /> </ol> e como faço para colocar este código do footlink? onde eu ponho paaraa aparecer os quadradinhos tanto na página corrente quantoem todas as outras? <?php /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Wak's Ask&Answer/FAQs Script // // Script by Katie // // This script is linkware and can be used or modified as long as all credit is // left attached to this file and a link is placed on your website to // // You are forbidden to sell or distribute this script without permission by // it's creator and if a bug is found, report to /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // PROCESS QUESTIONS // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Below, you can change what response is given when the ASK button is // pressed // Question was successful: $qSuccess = "<p><b>Responderei à sua pergunta assim que possível.</b></p>"; $qFailed_DoublePost = "<p><b>você pode enviar apenas um pergunta a cada $sec segundos.</b></p>"; // Question failed due to a blank post $qFailed_BlankPost = "<p><b>você não pode enviar uma questão em branco.</b></p>"; // process questions when button is pressed if (isSet($_POST['ask'])) { $question = $_POST['question']; addQuestion($question); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // DISPLAYS QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS X Entries Per Page // // Try to read through my comments (any line with a leading //) // To customize the script to your liking // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Number of all answered questions $totalAnswered = count(getTotalAnswered()); // Number of all entries in the database (answered and unanswered) $total = total(DBFILE); // Number of all unanswered questions $totalUnAnswered = count(getTotalUnanswered()); // grab data from config.txt file list($id, $key, $url, $email, $notify, $entryPerPage, $dtFormat, $display) = getFileRow(CONFIGFILE); // if $entryPerPage is less than 1, set to the default number of entries per page if ($entryPerPage < 1) $entryPerPage = $defaultEntryPerPage; // --> Status // display how many answered questions out of total questions asked, how many // entries per page and the number of unanswered questions in database echo "<b>$totalAnswered</b> perguntas respondidas de <b>$total</b> enviadas.<br />"; echo "Mostrando <b>$entryPerPage</b> pergunta/s por página.<br />"; echo "Há <b>$totalUnAnswered</b> perguntada/s não respondidas."; ?> <!-- Ask text box: NOTE: You can copy and paste the following line to a different page eg index.php if you just want to display the form and not the actual question and answers. if you place askform.php in its own directory, change the location of askform.php, for example include('path/to/askform.php') --> <?php include('askform.php')?> <!-- End Ask text box--> <?php // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // DISPLAYS QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS X Entries Per Page // // Try to read through my comments (any line with a leading //) // To customize the script to your liking // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // grabs answered questions into an array $answeredRows = getTotalAnswered(); if (is_array($answeredRows)) { // if user set entries to be displayed in descending order, reverse rows in array if ($display == 2) { $answeredRows = array_reverse($answeredRows); } // page number $pagenum = $_GET['page']; // figures out from entries per page, and how many answered entries in database // as to how many pages there should be to display all entries $answeredRows = perPage($answeredRows, $entryPerPage, $pagenum); $numPages = $answeredRows['numpages']; // display 'jump to page' if contains more than one page of entries ?> <div class="footlink"><span class="footlinkcurrent"><?php printJumpToPage("$phpSelf?page=", $numPages, $pagenum); ?></span></div> <?php if (is_array($answeredRows['entries'])) { foreach ($answeredRows['entries'] as $ans) { // grabs data from each row list($id, $q, $a, $ip, $dateAsked, $dateAnswered) = get($ans);?> <ol id="commentlist"> <br /><br /> <div class="commentdate"> <div align="justify"> <div style="float: left; margin-right: 3px;"> <div class="gravatar"> <img src='' alt='Gravatar' title='Crie seu Gravatar!'></a></div></div> <?php // date when asked and answered?> <strong>»</strong> <b>Enviada:</b> <strong><?php echo dateFormatAdv($dateAsked, $dtFormat)?> <br/> <strong>»</strong> <b>Respondida:</b> <strong><?php echo dateFormatAdv($dateAnswered, $dtFormat)?></strong> </div> </div> <div class="comment-content"> <div style="padding: 7px"></div> <?php // display Questions?> <strong>»</strong> <b> Pergunta:</b> <strong title="IP: <?php echo $ip?>"><?php echo convertLinks($q)?></strong> </div> <div class="comment-resposta"> <div style="padding: 3px"></div> <?php // display Answers?> <br><strong>»</strong> <b>Resposta:</b><small> <?php echo convertLinks(fixBrkForHTML($a))?></small> </div> <br /><br /> </ol> <?php } } // display 'jump to page' if contains more than one page of entries ?> <div class="footlink"><span class="footlinkcurrent"><?php printJumpToPage("$phpSelf?page=", $numPages, $pagenum); ?></span></div> <?php } ?> [/codebox] arquivo functions [codebox]<?php /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Wak's Ask&Answer/FAQs Script // // Script by Katie // // This script is linkware and can be used or modified as long as all credit is // left attached to this file and a link is placed on your website to // // You are forbidden to sell or distribute this script without permission by // it's creator and if a bug is found, report to /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// define(DBFILE, "{$dir}askanswer.txt"); define(CONFIGFILE, "{$dir}config.txt"); define(ANSWERS, "{$dir}templates.txt"); define(BANLIST, "{$dir}banlist.txt"); $phpSelf = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; $TBLCONFIG = 'border="0" width="600" align="center" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"'; $sec = 30; $defaultEntryPerPage = 10; $timeBetweenPost = time(); $qLen = 30; if (!isSet($_SESSION['floodcontrol'])) $_SESSION['floodcontrol'] = time(); function convertLinks($str) { $str = eregi_replace('(((f|ht){1}tp://)[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\+.~#?&//=]+)', '<a href="\\1" target="_blank">\\1</a>', $str); $str = eregi_replace('([[:space:]()[{}])(www.[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\+.~#?&//=]+)', '\\1<a href="http://\\2" target="_blank">\\2</a>', $str); $str = eregi_replace('([_\.0-9a-z-]+@([0-9a-z][0-9a-z-]+\.)+[a-z]{2,3})', '<a href="mailto:\\1">\\1</a>', $str); return $str; } function printRedirect($url, $sec) { ?> &lt;script> <!-- var targetURL="<?php echo $url?>" var countdownfrom=<?php echo $sec?>; var currentsecond=countdownfrom function countredirect(){ if (currentsecond!=1){ currentsecond-=1 } else{ window.location=targetURL return } setTimeout("countredirect()",1000) } countredirect() //--> </script> <?php } function perPage($dbRows, $perpage, $pagenum) { global $defaultEntryPerPage; if ($perpage < 1) $perpage = $defaultEntryPerPage; if ($pagenum == "") $pagenum = 1; // total posts in tagboard $totalRecords = count($dbRows); // numer of pages needed to scroll through all entries $numPages = (int) ($totalRecords / $perpage); if ($totalRecords % $perpage != 0) { $numPages += 1; } $endentry = $perpage * $pagenum; $startentry = $endentry - $perpage + 1; if ($endentry > $totalRecords) $endentry = $totalRecords; while ($startentry <= $endentry) { $tmpEntries[] = $dbRows[$startentry-1]; $startentry++; } $info = array('entries' => $tmpEntries, 'numpages' => $numPages); return $info; } function printJumpToPage($url, $numPages, $pagenum) { if ($pagenum == "") $pagenum = 1; if ($numPages > 1) { echo "<b>Páginas:</b> "; echo "<a href=\"${url}1\" title=\"Primeira Página\">Primeira</a> "; if ($pagenum > 1) { $x = $pagenum - 1; echo "<a href=\"${url}$x\" title=\"Primeira Página\">«</a> "; } if ($numPages > 5) { if ($pagenum < $numPages - 1) { // start at the page number before the current one if ($pagenum > 1) $start =$pagenum - 1; for ($x = $start; $x < $numPages; $x++) { if ($x != $numPages - 1) { if ($pagenum == $x) { $lastPrinted = $x; echo "$x "; } else if ($x == $pagenum - 1 || $x == $pagenum + 1) { $lastPrinted = $x; echo "<a href=\"${url}$x\"> $x</a>"; } } } $dot = " ... "; for ($x = $numPages-1; $x < $numPages + 1; $x++) { if ($dot != '') { if ($lastPrinted != $numPages-2) $dot = " ... "; else $dot = ""; } echo "$dot<a href=\"${url}$x\">$x</a>"; $dot = ""; } } else { $end = 3; for ($x = 1; $x < $end; $x++) { if ($pagenum == $x) echo "$x "; else echo "$dot<a href=\"${url}$x\">$x</a> "; } echo " ... "; if ($pagenum > 1) $start = $pagenum - 1; for ($x = $start; $x < $numPages + 1; $x++) { if ($x != 2) { if ($pagenum == $x) { $lastPrinted = $x; echo "$x "; } else if ($x == $pagenum - 1 || $x == $pagenum + 1) { $lastPrinted = $x; echo "<a href=\"${url}$x\">$x</a> "; } } } } } else { for ($x = 1; $x < $numPages + 1; $x++) { if ($pagenum == $x) { echo "$x "; } else { echo "<a href=\"${url}$x\">$x</a> "; } } } if ($pagenum < $numPages) { $x = $pagenum + 1; echo "<a href=\"${url}$x\" title=\"Próxima Página\">»</a> "; } echo "<a href=\"${url}$numPages\" title=\"Última Página\">Última</a> "; } } function isLoggedIn() { if ($_SESSION['password'] == "") { header("Location: answer.php"); } } function dateFormatAdv($timestamp, $format) { return date($format, $timestamp); } function fixStr($str) { $str = str_replace("¦", "¦", $str); $str = str_replace("<", "<", $str); $str = str_replace(">", ">", $str); $str = str_replace("\r\n", "(br)", $str); $str = stripslashes($str); return $str; } function fixBrk($str) { return str_replace("(br)", "\r\n", $str); } function fixBrkForHTML($str) { return str_replace("(br)", "<br />", $str); } function printTemplateAnswers() { $templates = file(ANSWERS); if (count($templates) > 0) { echo 'Use saved answer: <select name="savedanswer">'; foreach ($templates as $row) { list($id, $title) = get($row); echo '<option value="'.$id.'">'.$title.'</option>'; } echo '</select> <input type="submit" name="insert" value="Insert" /> </td>'; } else { echo '<a href="'.$phpSelf.'?go=templates">Use a template</a>'; } } function getTotalAnswered() { $dbRows = file(DBFILE); foreach ($dbRows as $rows) { list($id, $question, $answer)= get($rows); if ($answer != 'null') { $answeredRows[] = $rows; } } return $answeredRows; } function addQuestion($q) { global $timeBetweenPost, $sec, $phpSelf, $qSuccess, $qFailed_DoublePost, $qFailed_BlankPost; $id = getFileId(DBFILE); $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; if (($q != '') && ($_SESSION['floodcontrol'] <= $timeBetweenPost)) { $datetime = time(); $q = fixStr($q); $break = ""; if (total(DBFILE) != 0) $break = "\r\n"; $fd = fopen(DBFILE, "a+") or die("Can not open file: ".DBFILE); $wdata = "$break$id\¦$q\¦null\¦$ip\¦$datetime\¦0"; $fout = fwrite($fd, $wdata); if ($fout != strlen($wdata)) { echo "File write failed"; return false; } fclose($fd); list($id, $key, $panelurl, $email, $notify, $entryPerPage, $dtFormat) = getFileRow(CONFIGFILE); if ($notify == 'yes' && $email != '@') sendMailNotification($email, $q, $panelurl); $_SESSION['floodcontrol'] = $timeBetweenPost + $sec; echo $qSuccess; } else { if ($_SESSION['floodcontrol'] > $timeBetweenPost) { echo $qFailed_DoublePost; } else if ($q == '') { echo $qFailed_BlankPost; } } printRedirect($phpSelf."?page=".$_GET['page'], 3); } function sendMailNotification($sendToEmail, $q, $domainUrl) { $subject = "New question submitted"; $message = "Question submitted:\r\n"; $message .= $q . "\r\n\r\n"; $message .= "Reply by logging into your control panel:\r\n"; $message .= $domainUrl; mail($sendToEmail, $subject, $message, "From: $sendToEmail<$sendToEmail>\r\n"); } function addAnswer($answerToAdd) { $break = ""; if (total(ANSWERS) != 0) $break = "\r\n"; $fd = fopen(ANSWERS, "a+") or die("Can not open file: ".ANSWERS); $wdata = "$break$answerToAdd"; $fout = fwrite($fd, $wdata); if ($fout != strlen($wdata)) { echo "File write failed"; return false; } fclose($fd); } function getTotalUnanswered() { $dbRows = file(DBFILE); foreach ($dbRows as $rows) { list($id, $question, $answer)= get($rows); if ($answer == 'null') $unansweredRows[] = $rows; } return $unansweredRows; } function logUser($pass) { $config = getFileRow(CONFIGFILE); list($id, $key, $domainUrl) = $config; if (!$pass){ return "Missing password<br />\r\n"; } else { $pass = strtolower($pass); $pass = crypt($pass, $key); } if ($pass != $key) { return "Password is incorrect <br />\r\n"; } else { $_SESSION['password'] = $pass; header("Location: ".$phpSelf."?go=home"); } } function desc($rows) { $rowCount = count($rows); $cur = end($rows); if ($rowCount != 1) { for ($i = 0; $i < $rowCount; $i++) { $newRows[$i] = $cur; $cur = prev($rows); } return $newRows; } else return $rows; } $HEADER = <<<HEADER <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title>Welcome to Wak's Ask&Answer admin</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css" /> &lt;script> <!-- function checkall(formname, idname) { var x = 1; var state; var check1 = eval("document.forms." + formname + ".selectEntry1"); if (check1.checked) state = true; else state = false; var checkobj = document.getElementById(idname + x) while (checkobj != null) { checkobj.checked = state; x++; checkobj = document.getElementById(idname + x) } } function confirmUpdate() { var agree = confirm("You are about to update the currently selected template.\\n Please check it is the one you want to update and click OK to continue."); if (agree) return true; else return false; } function confirmDelete() { if (confirm("WARNING: You are about to delete one or more entries from the database.\\nAre you sure you want to do this?")) return true; else return false; } --> </script> </head> <body> <center><h3>Wak's Ask<b>&</b>Answer Control Panel</h3></center> <table width="80%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" align="center" class="noborder"> <tr> <td valign="top" align="right"> <table class="noborder"> <tr> <td class="td" colspan="2"><div style="text-align: right;"><b>MENU</b></div></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="td" colspan="2"><a href="$phpSelf?go=home">Unanswered</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="td"><a href="$phpSelf?go=manage">Edit/Del Old Questions</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="td" colspan="2"><a href="$phpSelf?go=templates">Templates</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="td" colspan="2"><a href="$phpSelf?go=config">Configuration</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="td"><a href="$phpSelf?go=logout">Log out</a></td> </tr> </table> </td> <td> <table $TBLCONFIG class="noborder"> HEADER; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NORMAL FOOTER // ------------- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $FOOTER = <<<FOOTER </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="3" align="center"><div class="copyright">Copyright© <a href="">WakScripts</a>, All rights reserved</div></td> </tr> </table> </body> </html> FOOTER; $TOP_LOGIN_FORM = <<<TOPLOGINFORM <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title>Login for Wak's Ask&Answer</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css" /> </head> <body> <!--Start--> <table width="250" border="0" align="center"> <thead> <td colspan="3" class="td"> <b>Login</b> </td> </thead> <tr><form action="$PHP_SELF?action=login" method="post"> <td align="right"> Secret Key: <input class="small" tabindex="1" type="password" name="p" size="9" value="" maxlength="20" /> </td> <td> <input class="submit" type="submit" name="submit" value="Login" /> </td> </form> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="3" align="center"> TOPLOGINFORM; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LOGGIN PAGE - BOTTOM/FOOTER // ------------------ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $BOTTOM_LOGIN_FORM = <<<BOTTOMLOGINFORM </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="3" align="center"><a href="" target="_blank">Powered by WakScripts</a></td> </tr> </td> </tr> </table> </body> </html> BOTTOMLOGINFORM; $phpSelf = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; function get($data) { return explode("\¦", $data); } function addRow($db_loc, $rowToAdd) { $id = getFileId(DBFILE); $break = ""; if (total($db_loc) != 0) $break = "\r\n"; $fd = fopen($db_loc, "a+") or die("Can not open file: ".$db_loc); $wdata = "$break$id\¦$rowToAdd"; $fout = fwrite($fd, $wdata); if ($fout != strlen($wdata)) { echo "File write failed"; return false; } fclose($fd); } function getFileRow($file) { $fd = fopen($file, "r") or die("Can not open file: $file"); $rstr = fread($fd, filesize($file)); fclose($fd); return explode("\¦", $rstr); } function total($db_loc) { $db = file($db_loc); if (is_array($db)) return count($db); else return 1; } function getFileId($db_loc) { $db = file($db_loc); $db = get($db[count($db)-1]); return $db[0]+1; } function getFileRowById($db_loc, $match_id) { $db = file($db_loc); foreach ($db as $t) { $d = get($t); $id = $d[0]; if ($id == $match_id) return $d; } return false; } function replaceRow($db_loc, $matchid, $wdata) { $data = ""; $break = "\r\n"; $wdata = trim($wdata); $dbRows = file($db_loc); foreach ($dbRows as $rows) { list($id)= get($rows); if ($id != $matchid) $data .= $break.trim($rows); else $data .= "$break$wdata"; } $data = trim($data); $fd = fopen($db_loc, "w+") or die("Can not open file: ".$db_loc); $fout = fwrite($fd, $data); fclose($fd); } function delete($db_loc, $id) { $db = file($db_loc); $dbentries = ""; if (count($db) == 1) { $d = getFileRow($db_loc); if ($d[0] != $id) { $dbentries .= $db[0]; } } else { foreach ($db as $t) { $d = get($t); if ($d[0] != $id) { $dbentries .= $t; } } } $dbentries = trim($dbentries); $fd = fopen($db_loc, "w+") or die("Can not open file: ".$db_loc); $fout = fwrite($fd, $dbentries); fclose($fd); } function dateFormatShort($timestamp) { return date('d-m-y', $timestamp); } function dateFormatFull($timestamp) { return date('d-m-Y', $timestamp) . " " . timeFormat($timestamp); } function dateFormat($timestamp) { return date('d-m-Y', $timestamp); } function timeFormat($timestamp) { if (date("H", $timestamp) > 12) { $hrampm = date("H", $timestamp) - 12; $hrampm = date("$hrampm:i:s", $timestamp) . "pm"; } else { $hrampm = date("H", $timestamp); $hrampm = date("$hrampm:i:s", $timestamp). "am"; } return $hrampm; } ?> #footlink {text-align:center;} #footlink span.footlinkcurrent { color:#F5C8C4; font-weight:bold; background-color: #F8F8FF; border-top:1px solid #F5C8C4; border-left: 1px solid #F5C8C4; border-bottom: 1px solid #F5C8C4; border-right: 1px solid #F5C8C4; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px; margin:0 1px 0 1px;} #footlink span.footlinktotal { color:#F5C8C4; background-color: #F8F8FF; border-top:1px solid #F5C8C4; border-left: 1px solid #F5C8C4; border-bottom: 1px solid #F5C8C4; border-right: 1px solid #F5C8C4; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px; margin:0 1px 0 1px;} #footlink a {padding:0px 4px 0px 4px; margin:0 1px 0 1px;} #footlink a:link, #footlink a:visited, #footlink a:active { color:#F5C8C4; background-color: #F8F8FF; border-top:1px solid #F5C8C4; border-left: 1px solid #F5C8C4; border-bottom: 1px solid #F5C8C4; border-right: 1px solid #F5C8C4;} #footlink a:hover { color:#cccccc; background-color: #F8F8FF; border-top:1px solid #F5C8C4; border-left: 1px solid #F5C8C4; border-bottom: 1px solid #F5C8C4; border-right: 1px solid #F5C8C4;}
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