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Tudo que Ivana postou

  1. Kurio, encontrei um doc que mostra uma maneira fácil de fazer, mas minha versão é 8. Qual você usa ? Vou tentar baixar o Crystal 9, pra ver se consigo. Set up the report The report must be grouped on the same fields used in the cross-tab. For example, if the cross-tab needs to display the PercentOfDistinctCount of the Customer ID field with a Country row and Region column, perform the following steps: 1. The first group is based on the cross-tab’s ‘row’ field. On the Insert menu, click Group. From the top drop-down box select Customer.Country. Click OK. 2. The second group is based on the cross-tab’s ‘column’ field. On the Insert menu, click Group. From the top drop-down box select Customer.Region. Click OK. 3. Insert the field that requires the PercentOfDistinctCount summary to your details section. On the View menu click Field Explorer. Expand Database Fields then expand Customer. Add the Customer.Customer ID field to the Details section. 4. Right-click the Customer.Customer ID field and click Insert > Summary. From the Calculate this summary drop-down box click Distinct count. From the Summary location drop-down box click Group #2: Customer.Region. Select the Show as a percentage of check box and click Group #1: DistinctCount of Customer ID. Crystal Reports 9 10/4/2002 3:24 PM Copyright  2002 Crystal Decisions, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Page 4 Create a formula The next step is to create a formula, which displays the PercentOfDistinctCount. 1. Create a formula and name it Distinct_Count. 2. From the Report Fields box double-click the Summary field created in the previous steps. The formula will appear as: PercentOfDistinctCount ({Customer.Customer ID}, {Customer.Region}, {Customer.Country}) 3. Click the Save button then click the Close button. Create a Cross-tab The final step is to create a cross-tab to use the formula created in the previous steps as the summarized field. 1. On the Insert menu click Cross-Tab. The Cross-tab Expert dialog box will appear. 2. From the Available Fields box move Customer.Country to the Rows box. 3. From the Available Fields box move Customer.Region to the Columns box. 4. From the Available Fields box move the @Distinct_Count formula, created in the previous steps, to the Summarized Fields box. 5. Click the @Distinct_Count formula in the Summarized Fields box then click the Change Summary button. From the Calculate this summary drop-down box click Maximum. 6. Click the OK button to close the Cross-Tab Expert dialog box then insert the cross-tab in the Report Header section. 7. Suppress every other section in the report. Now when the report is previewed, the PercentOfDistinctCount summary in the cross-tab will appear with correct decimal accuracy. PercentOfCount Summaries To correctly display a PercentOfCount summary, summarize a formula field that displays a value of 1 in the cross-tab instead of summarizing a database field. When this formula is summed it will display the same total as a count of the field would return. Unlike a PercentOfCount summary, a PercentOfSum summary will display correct decimal precision. Unlike the previous example, the report does not need to be set up with the same grouping as the cross-tab in order to display the correct value. Crystal Reports 9 10/4/2002 3:24 PM Copyright  2002 Crystal Decisions, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Page 5 Create a formula The first step is to create a formula, which outputs a value of 1. 1. Create a formula and name it Count. Enter the following: WhileReadingRecords; 1 2. Click the Save button then click the Close button. Create a Cross-tab The final step is to create a cross-tab that uses the formula created in the previous steps as the summarized field. 1. On the Insert menu click Cross-Tab. The Cross-tab Expert will appear. 2. From the Available Fields box move Customer.Country to the Rows box. 3. From the Available Fields box move Customer.Region to the Columns box. 4. Add the @Count formula created in the previous steps to the Summarized fields box. 5. Click the @Count formula in the Summarized Fields box then click the Change Summary button. The Edit Summary dialog box will appear. 6. From the Calculate this summary drop-down box click Sum. 7. Check the Show as a percentage of check box and, from the drop-down box click Total: Sum of Customer ID. 8. Select the Column radio button. 9. Click the OK button to close the Edit Summary dialog box then click the OK button to close the Cross-Tab Expert dialog box. 10. Insert the cross-tab in the Report Header section. Now, when the report is previewed the PercentOfCount summary in the crosstab will appear with correct decimal accuracy.
  2. Obrigada, pela dedicação, viu ? Sim, esses valores foram aleatórios, foi só pra completar a tabela, rs. Descobrir que a tabela só aceita fórmulas booleanas q não envolvam cálculo. Até tentei ver se poderia driblar essa operação e fazer outras solucções pra cálculo. Esta sua opção, vou tentar e qualquer coisa te aviso.
  3. Exemplo: 1 - Pergunta 1 ..... Idade1 Idade2 Idade3 opcao1 10 35 25 opcao2 20 50 18 opcao3 30 15 7 total 60 100 50 2 - Pergunta 2..... Idade1 Idade2 Idade3 opcao1 13 35 20 opcao2 23 55 10 opcao3 34 10 70 total 60 100 50 mais ou menos assim, só q ao invés da contagem de questionário de cada um, gostaria do percentual de cada campo. 1 - Pergunta 1 ..... Idade1 Idade2 Idade3 opcao1 6% 35% 25% opcao2 22% 50% 18% opcao3 10% 15% 7% total 100% 100% 100% Obs.: seria o resultado assim. ´Sei q tem como fazer, mas n sei como. Tento criar fórmulas, mas n dá certo. As fórmulas n ficam disponíveis e no cross tab não tem opção de percentagem, só count, sum, etc...
  4. Caramba, parecia ser tão simples...até porque eu tenho a opção de fórmula,mas n consigo resolver isso.
  5. Eu até vi esse pth percentile, mas n representa o percentual. Estou o crystal 8.0. As fórmulas q crio não ficam em campos disponíveis para eu acrescentar na tabela. você tem MSN ? Poderia me adicionar ( ?
  6. O prob é esse, não tem essa opção. Vi em algum lugar q tenho q configurar pra essa informação aparecer. Inclusive criei as fórmulas e as não aparecem nos campos disponíveis. Queria muiiito solucionar esse prob hj.
  7. Prezados preciso de uma ajuda urgente ! Estou tentando inserir um percentual num relatóro cross tab. É um relatório simples, mas só fica disponível em sumário campos, as opções de count, sum, mas n fica disponível a opção de percentual. Por isso criei um fórmula pra cálculo o percentual, mas mesmo assim, a fórmula n fica disponível pra eu inserir no cross tab. Please, help-me.
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