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Fórum Script Brasil

Pedro Warlock

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Posts postados por Pedro Warlock

  1. Sou novo no python e preciso passar alguns programas que eu fiz em outra linguagem para o python, mas não sei qual interface usar. Vou dar um exemplo do tipo do programa.


    Minha interface precisa executar videos em cima dela enquanto mostra os menus (Pygame não suporta mais reprodução de vídeo) 

    Só vou utilizar teclado e joystick na interface.


    Exemplo de como é o programa. O video é executado de acordo com o menu lateral na esquerda.

    Resultado de imagem para pandora box 3


  2. Se eu estiver postando em local errado, então por favor mova o tópico.

    Olá, estou mudando de linguagem de programação e estou com umas dúvidas a respeito. Estou querendo uma linguagem simples para poder transferir todos meus programas e não ter muita dificuldade. Antes eu programava em autoit e com os anos eu fiz bastantes programas nele, mas tive problemas com os BR's que descompilam meus scripts kkkk. Ouvi dizer que o VSB é bem simples, mas não tenho ideia de como começar nele. Estou com dificuldade de achar a ferramente de edição, e qual programa baixar. Ouvi dizer que o Visual Basic express é gratuito, mas não seria muito limitado? Qualquer opinião já é de ajuda para meus estudos. Alguém saberia também algo relacionado a leitura de joystick's? Gostaria de fazer programas que são controlados por joystick's e teclado.


    Exemplo do que eu queria,


  3. Eu peguei essas linhas para editar e estou com problema. Buffer1[100] só retorna valores em números. 

    Sempre quando eu leio o arquivo .ini o script só me retorna valores em números. Eu queria voltar um valor em letras+números. Se no arquivo .ini estiver "Valor=123" o sistema lê, mas se estiver "Valor=ABC" o sistema não lê. Eu sei que int só lê numeros, mas tentei mudar o valor de int para const , mas n deu certo. Ainda estou aprendendo c++ desculpem minha ignorancia.


           } else if (tag_info == "emulador_name") { 
    	        EmuladorAtivo = g->emulator_get()->user_name_get();
    	        ostringstream os;
    	        int Ret=0;
    	        char buffer1[100];
    	        Ret = GetPrivateProfileStringA("EMULADOR_NOME",EmuladorAtivo.c_str(),"0", buffer1, 100, ".\\advmenu.ini");  //Warlock (mechido já) - definir qual emulador abrirá em ficha/tempo
    	        if ( Ret ){                            
    	        os << atoi(buffer1);
    	        info_tag = os.str();


    Mudei essa linha "os << buffer1[100];" para "os << buffer1;" e funcionou. Desculpem. Já resolvi.

  4. Olá. Eu sou novo no ramo de C/C++ e estou aprendendo pouco a pouco.

    Eu estou com um problema de executar um arquivo .wav. Fiz o seguinte

    Usei o include windows.h como foi dito nos requisitos da microsoft para usar essa função e usei o "sndPlaySoundA" e na hora de compilar fica dando indefinida referencia para "sndPlaySoundA"

    #include <windows.h> 
    #include <mmsystem.h>  //testei com esse include também, mas nada de funcionar.
    sndPlaySoundA( ".\\auxiliar\\som\\coin.wav", SND_ASYNC || SND_NODEFAULT );     

    Tentei também....PlaySound(TEXT(".\\auxiliar\\som\\coin.wav"), NULL, SND_SYNC);  e nada...





    Adicionei um linker "-lwinmm" e funcionou normalmente. Não entendo nada de linker

  5. Olá pessoal. Meu nome é Pedro e sou iniciante na linguagem C++ e tenho muita dificuldade de encontrar informações sobre a linguagem. Não sou muito bom em inglês e me parece que muito dos tutorias são em Inglês e por fim eu acabei encontrando esse forum. Bom...minha dúvida é o seguinte...

        int Ret=0;
        char buffer1[100];
        Ret = GetPrivateProfileStringA("MODO","INFO","0", buffer1, 100, ".\\arquivo.ini"); 

    No script a cima eu estou lendo uma informação do ini para passar para outra sequencia de código e minha dúvida é:
    Como eu no lugar do "INFO" coloco uma string? Por exemplo. A string vai definir o que será lido no .ini

    Eu declarei ela e tudo mais. Tentei..

      Ret = GetPrivateProfileStringA("MODO",valordoarquivo,"0", buffer1, 100, ".\\arquivo.ini"); 


    Desculpem minha ignorância, mas sou iniciante na linguagem. Obrigado!



  6. Olá Pessoal! Estou com um problema bem chato de se resolver. Eu sou leigo no ramo de c/c++. E ainda estou quebrando a cabeça. É o seguinte:

    Existe um programa que é o ADVmenu. No site oficial desse programa eles dão o source do programa para qualquer um edita-lo. Meu problema é o seguinte. Um rapaz compilou esse programa e enviou os arquivos editados para um site e qualquer um baixar. Eu baixei e adicionei os arquivos no source do ADVmenu(Na verdade eu substituir). E na hora de compilar é apresentado o seguinte erro (imagem abaixo):

    PARECE QUE OS COMANDOS: _ValorDaFicha, _Bloqueado e _SoundPlayA@8 estão com algum problema. Não sei o que é precisa declarar algo. Se precisa adicionar algum comando...Eu não sei, pois sou novato nisso. Mas Se alguém poder me ajudar eu agradeço!


    aqui está o script:

     * This file is part of the Advance project.
     * Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Andrea Mazzoleni
     * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
     * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
     * (at your option) any later version.
     * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     * GNU General Public License for more details. 
     * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
     * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
    #include "portable.h"
    #include "text.h"
    #include "common.h"
    #include "play.h"
    #include "advance.h"
    #include <windows.h> /*branco*/
    #include <mmsystem.h>
    #include <list>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <iomanip>
    #include <sstream>
    #include <set>
    #include <deque>
    #include <cmath>
    using namespace std;
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Orientation/Size
    static unsigned int_orientation = 0; // orientation flags
    static unsigned int_font_dx; // font width
    static unsigned int_font_dy; // font height
    static adv_font* int_font; // font (already orientation corrected)
    static char flag_ficha = 0; //branco
    static char flag_enter = 0;
    extern int ValorDaFicha;
    extern int bloqueado;
    static inline void swap(unsigned& a, unsigned& b)
        unsigned t = a;
        a = b;
        b = t;
    static inline void swap(int& a, int& b)
        int t = a;
        a = b;
        b = t;
    void int_invrotate(int& x, int& y, int& dx, int& dy)
        if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_X) {
            x = video_size_x() - x - dx;
        if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_Y) {
            y = video_size_y() - y - dy;
        if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_XY) {
            swap(x, y);
            swap(dx, dy);
    void int_rotate(int& x, int& y, int& dx, int& dy)
        if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_XY) {
            swap(x, y);
            swap(dx, dy);
        if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_X) {
            x = video_size_x() - x - dx;
        if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_Y) {
            y = video_size_y() - y - dy;
    int int_dx_get()
        if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_XY)
            return video_size_y();
            return video_size_x();
    int int_dy_get()
        if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_XY)
            return video_size_x();
            return video_size_y();
    int int_font_dx_get()
        if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_XY)
            return int_font_dy;
            return int_font_dx;
    int int_font_dx_get(const string& s)
        if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_XY)
            return adv_font_sizey_string(int_font, s.c_str(), s.c_str() + s.length());
            return adv_font_sizex_string(int_font, s.c_str(), s.c_str() + s.length());
    int int_font_dy_get()
        if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_XY)
            return int_font_dx;
            return int_font_dy;
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Joystick
    static void int_joystick_reg(adv_conf* config_context)
        joystickb_reg(config_context, 0);
    static void int_joystick_unreg()
    static bool int_joystick_load(adv_conf* config_context)
        if (joystickb_load(config_context) != 0)
            return false;
        return true;
    static bool int_joystick_init()
        if (joystickb_init() != 0)
            return false;
        return true;
    static void int_joystick_done()
    //função para verificar se tem fichas branco
    static int tem_fichas()
        if (bloqueado==1){ //só teste se tem fichas caso o menu seja bloqueado
            int Ret;
            char buffer1[100];
            Ret = GetPrivateProfileStringA("FICHEIRO","FICHAS","0", buffer1, 100, ".\\advmenu.ini");
            if ( Ret ){                            
                if ( atoi(buffer1) >= 30000) //foi usado 30000 para não dar problema com jogos por tempo
                    return 1;
            return 0;
        return 1;
    static void int_joystick_button_raw_poll()
        for(int i=0;i<joystickb_count_get();++i) {
            for(int j=0;j<joystickb_button_count_get(i);++j) {
                if ((joystickb_button_get(0, 6)!=1) && flag_ficha==1){flag_ficha=0;}
                if ((joystickb_button_get(0, 7)!=2) && flag_enter==1){flag_enter=0;}
                if (joystickb_button_get(i, j)) {
                    switch (j) {
                    case 1 :    //mesp_rp
                        if (i==0) { // troca de emulador
                    case 2 :
                        if (i==0) { //muda o formato da lista
                    case 6:                    
                        if (i==0 && flag_ficha==0 ){ //branco
                            int Ret=0, Fichas=0, Contador=0;
                            char buffer1[100];
                            Ret = GetPrivateProfileStringA("FICHEIRO","FICHAS","0", buffer1, 100, ".\\advmenu.ini");
                            if ( Ret ){                            
                                Fichas+= ValorDaFicha;
                            if(Fichas !=0 ){
                                Ret= WritePrivateProfileStringA("FICHEIRO","FICHAS", buffer1,".\\advmenu.ini");                        
                                Ret= WritePrivateProfileStringA("FICHEIRO","FICHAS", "0", ".\\advmenu.ini");
                            Ret = GetPrivateProfileStringA("FICHEIRO","CONTADOR","0", buffer1, 100, ".\\advmenu.ini");
                            if ( Ret ){
                                sprintf(buffer1, "%d", Contador);
                                Ret= WritePrivateProfileStringA("FICHEIRO","CONTADOR", buffer1, ".\\advmenu.ini");
                            sndPlaySoundA( ".\\auxiliar\\som\\coin.wav", SND_ASYNC || SND_NODEFAULT );                        
                    case 7 :
                        if (i==0 && flag_enter==0) { //seleciona o jogo branco
                            if ( bloqueado==1 ){
                                int Ret;
                                char buffer1[100];
                                Ret = GetPrivateProfileStringA("FICHEIRO","FICHAS","0", buffer1, 100, ".\\advmenu.ini");
                                if ( Ret ){                            
                                    if ( atoi(buffer1) >= ValorDaFicha)//????branco isso não está dando problemas com jogos por tempo ?
                                        sndPlaySoundA( ".\\auxiliar\\som\\faltaficha.wav", SND_ASYNC || SND_NODEFAULT );
                                } else
                            } else
                    case 8 :    //mesp_rp
                        if (i==0) { //fecha o front-end
                    case 9 :
                        if (i==0){ //acessa o menu principal
    static void int_joystick_move_raw_poll()
        for(int i=0;i<joystickb_count_get();++i) {
            for(int j=0;j<joystickb_stick_count_get(i);++j) {
                if (joystickb_stick_axe_count_get(i, j) > 0) {
                    if (joystickb_stick_axe_digital_get(i, j, 0, 0)){//branco
                    if (joystickb_stick_axe_digital_get(i, j, 0, 1)){//branco
                if (joystickb_stick_axe_count_get(i, j) > 1) {
                    if (joystickb_stick_axe_digital_get(i, j, 1, 0)){//branco
                    if (joystickb_stick_axe_digital_get(i, j, 1, 1)){//branco
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Key
    static void int_key_reg(adv_conf* config_context)
        keyb_reg(config_context, 1);
    static void int_key_unreg()
    static bool int_key_load(adv_conf* config_context)
        if (keyb_load(config_context) != 0)
            return false;
        return true;
    static bool int_key_init(bool disable_special)
        if (keyb_init(disable_special) != 0)
            return false;
        return true;
    static void int_key_done()
    static bool int_key_enable()
        if (keyb_enable(1) != 0) {
            return false;
        if (mouseb_enable() != 0) {
            return false;
        if (joystickb_enable() != 0) {
            return false;        
        return true;
    static void int_key_disable()
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Mouse
    static int int_mouse_delta; // mouse delta for a movement
    static int int_mouse_pos_x; // mouse x position
    static int int_mouse_pos_y; // mouse y position
    static void int_mouse_reg(adv_conf* config_context)
        mouseb_reg(config_context, 0);
        conf_int_register_limit_default(config_context, "mouse_delta", 1, 1000, 100);
    static void int_mouse_unreg()
    static bool int_mouse_load(adv_conf* config_context)
        int_mouse_pos_x = 0;
        int_mouse_pos_y = 0;
        int_mouse_delta = conf_int_get_default(config_context, "mouse_delta");
        if (mouseb_load(config_context) != 0)
            return false;
        return true;
    static bool int_mouse_init()
        if (mouseb_init() != 0)
            return false;
        return true;
    static void int_mouse_done()
    static void int_mouse_button_raw_poll()
        for(int i=0;i<mouseb_count_get();++i) {
            if (mouseb_button_count_get(i) > 0 && mouseb_button_get(i, 0))
            if (mouseb_button_count_get(i) > 1 && mouseb_button_get(i, 1))
            if (mouseb_button_count_get(i) > 2 && mouseb_button_get(i, 2))
    static void int_mouse_move_raw_poll()
        for(int i=0;i<mouseb_count_get();++i) {
            int x, y;
            x = 0;
            y = 0;
            if (mouseb_axe_count_get(i) > 0)
                int_mouse_pos_x += mouseb_axe_get(i, 0);
            if (mouseb_axe_count_get(i) > 1)
                int_mouse_pos_y += mouseb_axe_get(i, 1);
        if (int_mouse_pos_x >= int_mouse_delta) {
            int_mouse_pos_x -= int_mouse_delta;
        if (int_mouse_pos_x <= -int_mouse_delta) {
            int_mouse_pos_x += int_mouse_delta;
        if (int_mouse_pos_y >= int_mouse_delta) {
            int_mouse_pos_y -= int_mouse_delta;
        if (int_mouse_pos_y <= -int_mouse_delta) {
            int_mouse_pos_y += int_mouse_delta;
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Video mode choice
    #define DEFAULT_GRAPH_MODE "default_graph" // default video mode
    static unsigned int_mode_size; // requested mode size
    static adv_mode int_current_mode; // selected video mode
    static adv_monitor int_monitor; // monitor info
    static adv_generate_interpolate_set int_interpolate;
    static adv_crtc_container int_modelines;
    static bool int_has_clock = false;
    static bool int_has_generate = false;
    // comparing for graphics mode
    bool int_mode_graphics_less(const adv_mode* A, const adv_mode* B)
        int areaA = A->size_x * A->size_y;
        int areaB = B->size_x * B->size_y;
        int difA = abs(areaA - static_cast<int>(int_mode_size*int_mode_size*3/4));
        int difB = abs(areaB - static_cast<int>(int_mode_size*int_mode_size*3/4));
        return difA < difB;
    static bool int_mode_find(bool& mode_found, unsigned index, adv_crtc_container& modelines)
        adv_crtc_container_iterator i;
        adv_error err;
        // search the default name
        for(crtc_container_iterator_begin(&i, &modelines);!crtc_container_iterator_is_end(&i);crtc_container_iterator_next(&i)) {
            const adv_crtc* crtc = crtc_container_iterator_get(&i);
            if (strcmp(crtc->name, DEFAULT_GRAPH_MODE)==0) {
                // check the clocks only if the driver is programmable
                if ((video_mode_generate_driver_flags(VIDEO_DRIVER_FLAGS_MODE_GRAPH_MASK, 0) & VIDEO_DRIVER_FLAGS_PROGRAMMABLE_CLOCK)!=0) {
                    if (!crtc_clock_check(&int_monitor, crtc)) {
                        target_err("The selected mode '%s' is out of your monitor capabilities.\n", DEFAULT_GRAPH_MODE);
                        return false;
                if (video_mode_generate(&int_current_mode, crtc, index)!=0) {
                    target_err("The selected mode '%s' is out of your video board capabilities.\n", DEFAULT_GRAPH_MODE);
                    return false;
                mode_found = true;
                return true;
        // generate an exact mode with clock
        if (int_has_generate) {
            adv_crtc crtc;
            err = generate_find_interpolate(&crtc, int_mode_size, int_mode_size*3/4, 70, &int_monitor, &int_interpolate, video_mode_generate_driver_flags(VIDEO_DRIVER_FLAGS_MODE_GRAPH_MASK, 0), GENERATE_ADJUST_EXACT | GENERATE_ADJUST_VCLOCK);
            if (err == 0) {
                if (crtc_clock_check(&int_monitor, &crtc)) {
                    adv_mode mode;
                    if (video_mode_generate(&mode, &crtc, index)==0) {
                        int_current_mode = mode;
                        mode_found = true;
                        log_std(("text: generating a perfect mode from the format option.\n"));
                        return true;
        // generate any resolution for a window manager
        if ((video_mode_generate_driver_flags(VIDEO_DRIVER_FLAGS_MODE_GRAPH_MASK, VIDEO_DRIVER_FLAGS_OUTPUT_WINDOW))!=0) {
            adv_crtc crtc;
            crtc_fake_set(&crtc, int_mode_size, int_mode_size*3/4);
            adv_mode mode;
            if (video_mode_generate(&mode, &crtc, index)==0) {
                int_current_mode = mode;
                mode_found = true;
                log_std(("text: generating a perfect mode for the window manager.\n"));
                return true;
        // search the best on the list
        for(crtc_container_iterator_begin(&i, &modelines);!crtc_container_iterator_is_end(&i);crtc_container_iterator_next(&i)) {
            const adv_crtc* crtc = crtc_container_iterator_get(&i);
            // check the clocks only if the driver is programmable
            if ((video_mode_generate_driver_flags(VIDEO_DRIVER_FLAGS_MODE_GRAPH_MASK, 0) & VIDEO_DRIVER_FLAGS_PROGRAMMABLE_CLOCK)!=0) {
                if (!crtc_clock_check(&int_monitor, crtc)) {
            adv_mode mode;
            if (video_mode_generate(&mode, crtc, index)==0) {
                if (!mode_found || int_mode_graphics_less(&mode, &int_current_mode)) {
                    int_current_mode = mode;
                    mode_found = true;
        return true;
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Visual Interface
    static bool int_updating_active; ///< If updating at the video is possible, or we are in a drawing stage.
    static double int_gamma; ///< Video gamma.
    static double int_brightness; ///< Video brightness.
    static unsigned int_idle_0; ///< Seconds before the first 0 event.
    static unsigned int_idle_0_rep; ///< Seconds before the second 0 event.
    static unsigned int_idle_1; ///< Seconds before the first 1 event.
    static unsigned int_idle_1_rep; ///< Seconds before the second 1 event.
    static time_t int_idle_time_current; ///< Last time check in idle.
    static bool int_idle_0_state; ///< Idle event 0 enabler.
    static bool int_idle_1_state; ///< Idle event 1 enabler.
    static int int_last; ///< Last event.
    static bool int_wait_for_backdrop; ///< Wait for the backdrop draw completion before accepting events.
    static unsigned video_buffer_size; ///< Video buffer size in bytes.
    static unsigned video_buffer_line_size; ///< Bideo buffer scanline size in bytes.
    static unsigned video_buffer_pixel_size; ///< Video buffer pixel size in bytes.
    static unsigned char* video_foreground_buffer; ///< Video foreground_buffer in memory.
    static unsigned char* video_background_buffer; ///< Video background buffer in memory.
    static adv_bitmap* video_foreground_bitmap; ///< Video buffer bitmap in memory.
    static adv_bitmap* video_background_bitmap; ///< Video buffer bitmap in memory.
    adv_bool video_alpha_flag; ///< Color translucency enabled.
    adv_color_def video_alpha_color_def; ///< Color definition for the alpha buffers.
    unsigned video_alpha_bytes_per_pixel; ///< Pixel size of the alpha buffers.
    void int_reg(adv_conf* config_context)
        video_reg(config_context, 1);
    bool int_load(adv_conf* config_context)
        adv_error err;
        if (!int_joystick_load(config_context))
            return false;
        if (!int_mouse_load(config_context))
            return false;
        if (!int_key_load(config_context))
            return false;
        err = generate_interpolate_load(config_context, &int_interpolate);
        if (err<0) {
            target_err("%s\n", error_get());
            return false;
        if (err==0) {
            int_has_generate = true;
        } else {
            int_has_generate = false;
            log_std(("text: format option not found.\n"));
        err = monitor_load(config_context, &int_monitor);
        if (err<0) {
            target_err("%s\n", error_get());
            return false;
        if (err==0) {
            int_has_clock = true;
        } else {
            int_has_clock = false;
            monitor_parse(&int_monitor, "10 - 150 / 30.5 - 60 / 55 - 90");
            log_std(("text: clock options not found. Use default SVGA monitor clocks.\n"));
        err = video_load(config_context, "");
        if (err != 0) {
            target_err("%s\n", error_get());
            return false;
        err = crtc_container_load(config_context, &int_modelines);
        if (err!=0) {
            target_err("%s\n", error_get());
            return false;
        return true;
    void int_unreg(void)
    bool int_init(unsigned size)
        unsigned index;
        bool mode_found = false;
        int_mode_size = size;
        if (video_init() != 0) {
            target_err("%s\n", error_get());
            goto out;
        if (video_blit_init() != 0) {
            target_err("%s\n", error_get());
            goto int_video;
        if ((video_mode_generate_driver_flags(VIDEO_DRIVER_FLAGS_MODE_GRAPH_MASK, 0) & VIDEO_DRIVER_FLAGS_OUTPUT_OVERLAY)!=0) {
            target_err("Zoom output mode not supported by this program.\n");
            goto int_blit;
        // disable generate if the clocks are not available
        if (!int_has_clock)
            int_has_generate = false;
        // disable generate if the driver is not programmable
        if ((video_mode_generate_driver_flags(VIDEO_DRIVER_FLAGS_MODE_GRAPH_MASK, 0) & VIDEO_DRIVER_FLAGS_PROGRAMMABLE_CLOCK)==0)
            int_has_generate = false;
        // add modes if the list is empty and no generation is possibile
        if (!int_has_generate && crtc_container_is_empty(&int_modelines)) {
        // check if the video driver has a default bit depth
        switch (video_mode_generate_driver_flags(VIDEO_DRIVER_FLAGS_MODE_GRAPH_MASK, 0) & VIDEO_DRIVER_FLAGS_DEFAULT_MASK) {
        case VIDEO_DRIVER_FLAGS_DEFAULT_BGR15 : index = MODE_FLAGS_INDEX_BGR15; break;
        case VIDEO_DRIVER_FLAGS_DEFAULT_BGR16 : index = MODE_FLAGS_INDEX_BGR16; break;
        case VIDEO_DRIVER_FLAGS_DEFAULT_BGR32 : index = MODE_FLAGS_INDEX_BGR32; break;
            index = 0;
        if (index) {
            if (!int_mode_find(mode_found, index, int_modelines))
                goto int_blit;
        // if no mode found retry with a different bit depth
        if (!mode_found) {
            unsigned* i;
            i = select;
            while (*i && !mode_found) {
                if (!int_mode_find(mode_found, *i, int_modelines))
                    goto int_blit;
        if (!mode_found) {
            target_err("No video modes available for your current configuration.\n");
            goto int_blit;
        return true;
        return false;
    void int_done()
    bool int_set(double gamma, double brightness, unsigned idle_0, unsigned idle_0_rep, unsigned idle_1, unsigned idle_1_rep, bool backdrop_fast, unsigned translucency, bool disable_special)
        int_idle_time_current = time(0);
        int_idle_0 = idle_0;
        int_idle_1 = idle_1;
        int_idle_0_rep = idle_0_rep;
        int_idle_1_rep = idle_1_rep;
        int_idle_0_state = true;
        int_idle_1_state = true;
        int_wait_for_backdrop = !backdrop_fast;
        if (gamma < 0.1) gamma = 0.1;
        if (gamma > 10) gamma = 10;
        int_gamma = 1.0 / gamma;
        int_brightness = brightness;
        if (!int_key_init(disable_special)) {
            target_err("%s\n", error_get());
            goto err;
        if (!int_joystick_init()) {
            target_err("%s\n", error_get());
            goto err_key;
        if (!int_mouse_init()) {
            target_err("%s\n", error_get());
            goto err_joy;
        if (video_mode_set(&int_current_mode) != 0) {
            target_err("%s\n", error_get());
            goto err_mouse;
        video_alpha_flag = translucency != 255;
        video_alpha_color_def = color_def_make_rgb_from_sizelenpos(4, 8, 16, 8, 8, 8, 0); /* BGRA */
        video_alpha_bytes_per_pixel = color_def_bytes_per_pixel_get(video_alpha_color_def);
        color_setup(video_color_def(), video_alpha_color_def, translucency);
        if (!int_key_enable()) {
            target_err("%s\n", error_get());
            goto err_mouse;
        return true;
        return false;
    void int_unplug()
    void int_plug()
        if (joystickb_init() != 0)
        if (mouseb_init() != 0)
        if (keyb_enable(1) != 0) {
        if (mouseb_enable() != 0) {
        if (joystickb_enable() != 0) {
    void int_unset(bool reset_video_mode)
        if (reset_video_mode) {
            if ((video_driver_flags() & VIDEO_DRIVER_FLAGS_OUTPUT_WINDOW)==0) {
                video_clear(0, 0, video_size_x(), video_size_y(), 0);
                video_write_unlock(0, 0, video_size_x(), video_size_y());
        } else {
    bool int_enable(int fontx, int fonty, const string& font, unsigned orientation)
        int_orientation = orientation;
        unsigned font_size_x;
        unsigned font_size_y;
        if (fonty >= 5 && fonty <= 100)
            font_size_y = video_size_y() / fonty;
            font_size_y = video_size_y() / 45;
        if (fontx >= 5 && fontx <= 200)
            font_size_x = video_size_x() / fontx;
            font_size_x = font_size_y * video_size_x() * 3 / video_size_y() / 4;
        // load the font
        int_font = 0;
        if (font != "none" && font != "auto") {
            adv_fz* f = fzopen(font.c_str(), "rb");
            if (f) {
                int_font = adv_font_load(f, font_size_x, font_size_y);
        if (!int_font)
            int_font = adv_font_default(font_size_x, font_size_y, 0);
        // set the orientation
        adv_font_orientation(int_font, int_orientation);
        // compute font size
        int_font_dx = adv_font_sizex(int_font);
        int_font_dy = adv_font_sizey(int_font);
        video_buffer_pixel_size = video_bytes_per_pixel();
        video_buffer_line_size = video_size_x() * video_bytes_per_pixel();
        video_buffer_size = video_size_y() * video_buffer_line_size;
        video_foreground_buffer = (unsigned char*)operator new(video_buffer_size);
        video_background_buffer = (unsigned char*)operator new(video_buffer_size);
        video_foreground_bitmap = adv_bitmap_import_rgb(video_size_x(), video_size_y(), video_buffer_pixel_size, 0, 0, video_foreground_buffer, video_buffer_line_size);
        video_background_bitmap = adv_bitmap_import_rgb(video_size_x(), video_size_y(), video_buffer_pixel_size, 0, 0, video_background_buffer, video_buffer_line_size);
        memset(video_background_buffer, 0, video_buffer_size);
        memset(video_foreground_buffer, 0, video_buffer_size);
        int_updating_active = false;
        return true;
    void int_disable()
        operator delete(video_foreground_buffer);
        operator delete(video_background_buffer);
     * Save the current video buffer and return a pointer at the copy.
    void* int_save()
        void* buffer = operator new(video_buffer_size);
        memcpy(buffer, video_foreground_buffer, video_buffer_size);
        return buffer;
     * Restore a previously saved video buffer.
    void int_restore(void* buffer)
        memcpy(video_foreground_buffer, buffer, video_buffer_size);
        operator delete(buffer);
    static int fast_exit_handler(void)
        if (int_wait_for_backdrop)
            return 0;
        // update
        int key = event_peek();
        return key == EVENT_PGUP
            || key == EVENT_PGDN
            || key == EVENT_INS
            || key == EVENT_DEL
            || key == EVENT_HOME
            || key == EVENT_END
            || key == EVENT_UP
            || key == EVENT_DOWN
            || key == EVENT_LEFT
            || key == EVENT_RIGHT
            || key == EVENT_MODE;
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Cell Position
    class cell_pos_t {
        // Position of the cell in the screen
        int x;
        int y;
        int dx;
        int dy;
        // Position of the cell in the screen, already rotated
        int real_x;
        int real_y;
        int real_dx;
        int real_dy;
        void compute_size(unsigned* rx, unsigned* ry, const adv_bitmap* bitmap, unsigned aspectx, unsigned aspecty, double aspect_expand);
        void draw_backdrop(const adv_bitmap* map, const adv_color_rgb& background);
        void draw_clip(const adv_bitmap* map, adv_color_rgb* rgb_map, unsigned rgb_max, unsigned aspectx, unsigned aspecty, double aspect_expand, const adv_color_rgb& background, bool clear);
        void clear(const adv_color_rgb& background);
        void redraw();
        void border(int width, const adv_color_rgb& color);
    void cell_pos_t::redraw()
        video_stretch_direct(real_x, real_y, real_dx, real_dy, video_foreground_buffer + real_y * video_buffer_line_size + real_x * video_bytes_per_pixel(), real_dx, real_dy, video_buffer_line_size, video_bytes_per_pixel(), video_color_def(), 0);
        video_write_unlock(real_x, real_y, real_dx, real_dy);
    void cell_pos_t::compute_size(unsigned* rx, unsigned* ry, const adv_bitmap* bitmap, unsigned aspectx, unsigned aspecty, double aspect_expand)
        if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_XY) {
            unsigned t = aspectx;
            aspectx = aspecty;
            aspecty = t;
        if (!aspectx || !aspecty) {
            aspectx = bitmap->size_x;
            aspecty = bitmap->size_y;
        if (!aspectx || !aspecty) {
            aspectx = 1;
            aspecty = 1;
        aspectx *= 3 * video_size_x();
        aspecty *= 4 * video_size_y();
        if (aspectx * real_dy > aspecty * real_dx) {
            *rx = real_dx;
            *ry = static_cast<unsigned>(real_dx * aspecty * aspect_expand / aspectx);
        } else {
            *rx = static_cast<unsigned>(real_dy * aspectx * aspect_expand / aspecty);
            *ry = real_dy;
        if (*rx > real_dx)
            *rx = real_dx;
        if (*ry > real_dy)
            *ry = real_dy;
    static void gen_clear_raw(int x, int y, int dx, int dy, const adv_color_rgb& color)
        adv_pixel pixel = video_pixel_get(,,;
        adv_bitmap_clear(video_foreground_bitmap, x, y, dx, dy, pixel);
    static void gen_clear_alpha(int x, int y, int dx, int dy, const adv_color_rgb& color)
        if (video_alpha_flag)
            adv_bitmap_clear_alphaback(video_foreground_bitmap, x, y, video_color_def(), video_background_bitmap, x, y, color, dx, dy);
            gen_clear_raw(x, y, dx, dy, color);
    void cell_pos_t::draw_backdrop(const adv_bitmap* map, const adv_color_rgb& background)
        unsigned x0 = (real_dx - map->size_x) / 2;
        unsigned x1 = real_dx -  map->size_x - x0;
        unsigned y0 = (real_dy - map->size_y) / 2;
        unsigned y1 = real_dy -  map->size_y - y0;
        if (x0)
            gen_clear_alpha(real_x, real_y, x0, real_dy, background);
        if (x1)
            gen_clear_alpha(real_x + real_dx - x1, real_y, x1, real_dy, background);
        if (y0)
            gen_clear_alpha(real_x, real_y, real_dx, y0, background);
        if (y1)
            gen_clear_alpha(real_x, real_y + real_dy - y1, real_dx, y1, background);
        adv_bitmap_put(video_foreground_bitmap, real_x + x0, real_y + y0, map, 0, 0, map->size_x, map->size_y);
    void cell_pos_t::clear(const adv_color_rgb& background)
        gen_clear_alpha(real_x, real_y, real_dx, real_dy, background);
    void cell_pos_t::draw_clip(const adv_bitmap* bitmap, adv_color_rgb* rgb_map, unsigned rgb_max, unsigned aspectx, unsigned aspecty, double aspect_expand, const adv_color_rgb& background, bool clear)
        adv_pixel pixel = video_pixel_get(,,;
        // source range and steps
        unsigned char* ptr = bitmap->ptr;
        int dw = bitmap->bytes_per_scanline;
        int dp = bitmap->bytes_per_pixel;
        int dx = bitmap->size_x;
        int dy = bitmap->size_y;
        // set the correct orientation
        if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_XY) {
            int t;
            t = dp;
            dp = dw;
            dw = t;
            t = dx;
            dx = dy;
            dy = t;
        if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_X) {
            ptr = ptr + (dx-1) * dp;
            dp = - dp;
        if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_Y) {
            ptr = ptr + (dy-1) * dw;
            dw = - dw;
        // destination range
        unsigned dst_dx;
        unsigned dst_dy;
        unsigned dst_x;
        unsigned dst_y;
        dst_x = real_x;
        dst_y = real_y;
        dst_dx = real_dx;
        dst_dy = real_dy;
        // compute the size of the bitmap
        unsigned rel_dx;
        unsigned rel_dy;
        compute_size(&rel_dx, &rel_dy, bitmap, aspectx, aspecty, aspect_expand);
        // adjust the destination range if too big
        if (dst_dx > rel_dx) {
            unsigned pre_dx = (dst_dx - rel_dx) / 2;
            unsigned post_dx = (dst_dx - rel_dx + 1) / 2;
            if (clear) {
                gen_clear_alpha(dst_x, dst_y, pre_dx, dst_dy, background);
                gen_clear_alpha(dst_x + pre_dx + rel_dx, dst_y, post_dx, dst_dy, background);
            dst_x += pre_dx;
            dst_dx = rel_dx;
        if (dst_dy > rel_dy) {
            unsigned pre_dy = (dst_dy - rel_dy) / 2;
            unsigned post_dy = (dst_dy - rel_dy + 1) / 2;
            if (clear) {
                gen_clear_alpha(dst_x, dst_y, dst_dx, pre_dy, background);
                gen_clear_alpha(dst_x, dst_y + pre_dy + rel_dy, dst_dx, post_dy, background);
            dst_y += pre_dy;
            dst_dy = rel_dy;
        unsigned combine = VIDEO_COMBINE_Y_NONE;
        if (dst_dx < dx)
            combine |= VIDEO_COMBINE_X_MEAN;
        if (dst_dy < dy)
            combine |= VIDEO_COMBINE_Y_MEAN;
        struct video_pipeline_struct pipeline;
        video_pipeline_target(&pipeline, video_foreground_buffer, video_buffer_line_size, video_color_def());
        uint32 palette32[256];
        uint16 palette16[256];
        uint8 palette8[256];
        if (bitmap->bytes_per_pixel == 1) {
            for(unsigned i=0;i<rgb_max;++i) {
                adv_pixel p = video_pixel_get(rgb_map[i].red, rgb_map[i].green, rgb_map[i].blue);
                palette32[i] = p;
                palette16[i] = p;
                palette8[i] = p;
            video_pipeline_palette8(&pipeline, dst_dx, dst_dy, dx, dy, dw, dp, palette8, palette16, palette32, combine);
        } else {
            adv_color_def def = adv_png_color_def(bitmap->bytes_per_pixel);
            video_pipeline_direct(&pipeline, dst_dx, dst_dy, dx, dy, dw, dp, def, combine);
        video_pipeline_blit(&pipeline, dst_x, dst_y, ptr);
    void cell_pos_t::border(int width, const adv_color_rgb& color)
        int x = real_x - width;
        int y = real_y - width;
        int dx = real_dx + width * 2;
        int dy = real_dy + width * 2;
        gen_clear_raw(x, y, dx, width, color);
        gen_clear_raw(x, y+dy-width, dx, width, color);
        gen_clear_raw(x, y+width, width, dy-2*width, color);
        gen_clear_raw(x+dx-width, y+width, width, dy-2*width, color);
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Backdrop
    // Backdrop (already orientation corrected)
    class backdrop_data {
        adv_bitmap* map;
        resource res;
        unsigned target_dx;
        unsigned target_dy;
        unsigned aspectx;
        unsigned aspecty;
        void icon_apply(adv_bitmap* bitmap, adv_bitmap* bitmap_mask, adv_color_rgb* rgb, unsigned* rgb_max, const adv_color_rgb& background);
        adv_bitmap* image_load(const resource& res, adv_color_rgb* rgb, unsigned* rgb_max, const adv_color_rgb& background);
        adv_bitmap* adapt(adv_bitmap* bitmap, adv_color_rgb* rgb, unsigned* rgb_max, unsigned dst_dx, unsigned dst_dy);
        backdrop_data(const resource& Ares, unsigned Atarget_dx, unsigned Atarget_dy, unsigned Aaspectx, unsigned Aaspecty);
        bool is_active() const { return map != 0; }
        const resource& res_get() const { return res; }
        const adv_bitmap* bitmap_get() const { return map; }
        unsigned target_dx_get() const { return target_dx; }
        unsigned target_dy_get() const { return target_dy; }
        unsigned aspectx_get() const { return aspectx; }
        unsigned aspecty_get() const { return aspecty; }
        void load(struct cell_pos_t* cell, const adv_color_rgb& background, double aspect_expand);
    backdrop_data::backdrop_data(const resource& Ares, unsigned Atarget_dx, unsigned Atarget_dy, unsigned Aaspectx, unsigned Aaspecty)
        : res(Ares), target_dx(Atarget_dx), target_dy(Atarget_dy), aspectx(Aaspectx), aspecty(Aaspecty) {
        map = 0;
        if (map)
    void backdrop_data::icon_apply(adv_bitmap* bitmap, adv_bitmap* bitmap_mask, adv_color_rgb* rgb, unsigned* rgb_max, const adv_color_rgb& background)
        unsigned index;
        if (*rgb_max == 256) {
            unsigned count[256];
            for(unsigned i=0;i<256;++i)
                count[i] = 0;
            for(unsigned y=0;y<bitmap->size_y;++y) {
                uint8* line = adv_bitmap_line(bitmap, y);
                for(unsigned x=0;x<bitmap->size_x;++x)
            index = 0;
            for(unsigned i=0;i<256;++i)
                if (count[i] < count[index])
                    index = i;
            if (count[index] != 0) {
                unsigned substitute = 0;
                for(unsigned y=0;y<bitmap->size_y;++y) {
                    uint8* line = adv_bitmap_line(bitmap, y);
                    for(unsigned x=0;x<bitmap->size_x;++x)
                        if (line[x] == index)
                            line[x] = substitute;
        } else {
            index = *rgb_max;
        rgb[index].red =;
        rgb[index].green =;
        rgb[index].blue =;
        rgb[index].alpha = 0;
        for(unsigned y=0;y<bitmap->size_y;++y) {
            uint8* line = adv_bitmap_line(bitmap, y);
            uint8* line_mask = adv_bitmap_line(bitmap_mask, y);
            for(unsigned x=0;x<bitmap->size_x;++x) {
                if (!line_mask[x])
                    line[x] = index;
    adv_bitmap* backdrop_data::image_load(const resource& res, adv_color_rgb* rgb, unsigned* rgb_max, const adv_color_rgb& background)
        string ext = file_ext(res.path_get());
        if (ext == ".png") {
            adv_fz* f =;
            if (!f)
                return 0;
            adv_bitmap* bitmap = adv_bitmap_load_png(rgb, rgb_max, f);
            if (!bitmap) {
                return 0;
            return bitmap;
        if (ext == ".pcx") {
            adv_fz* f =;
            if (!f)
                return 0;
            adv_bitmap* bitmap = adv_bitmap_load_pcx(rgb, rgb_max, f);
            return bitmap;
        if (ext == ".ico") {
            adv_fz* f =;
            if (!f)
                return 0;
            adv_bitmap* bitmap_mask;
            adv_bitmap* bitmap = adv_bitmap_load_icon(rgb, rgb_max, &bitmap_mask, f);
            if (!bitmap) {
                return 0;
            icon_apply(bitmap, bitmap_mask, rgb, rgb_max, background);
            return bitmap;
        if (ext == ".mng") {
            adv_mng* mng;
            adv_fz* f =;
            if (!f)
                return 0;
            mng = adv_mng_init(f);
            if (mng == 0) {
                return 0;
            unsigned pix_width;
            unsigned pix_height;
            unsigned pix_pixel;
            unsigned char* dat_ptr;
            unsigned dat_size;
            unsigned char* pix_ptr;
            unsigned pix_scanline;
            unsigned char* pal_ptr;
            unsigned pal_size;
            unsigned tick;
            int r = adv_mng_read_done(mng, &pix_width, &pix_height, &pix_pixel, &dat_ptr, &dat_size, &pix_ptr, &pix_scanline, &pal_ptr, &pal_size, &tick, f);
            if (r != 0) {
                return 0;
            adv_bitmap* bitmap = adv_bitmap_import_palette(rgb, rgb_max, pix_width, pix_height, pix_pixel, dat_ptr, dat_size, pix_ptr, pix_scanline, pal_ptr, pal_size);
            if (!bitmap) {
                return 0;
            return bitmap;
        return 0;
    adv_bitmap* backdrop_data::adapt(adv_bitmap* bitmap, adv_color_rgb* rgb, unsigned* rgb_max, unsigned dst_dx, unsigned dst_dy)
        // source range and steps
        unsigned char* ptr = bitmap->ptr;
        int dw = bitmap->bytes_per_scanline;
        int dp = bitmap->bytes_per_pixel;
        int dx = bitmap->size_x;
        int dy = bitmap->size_y;
        // set the correct orientation
        if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_XY) {
            int t;
            t = dp;
            dp = dw;
            dw = t;
            t = dx;
            dx = dy;
            dy = t;
        if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_X) {
            ptr = ptr + (dx-1) * dp;
            dp = - dp;
        if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_Y) {
            ptr = ptr + (dy-1) * dw;
            dw = - dw;
        unsigned combine = VIDEO_COMBINE_Y_NONE;
        if (dst_dx < dx)
            combine |= VIDEO_COMBINE_X_MEAN;
        if (dst_dy < dy)
            combine |= VIDEO_COMBINE_Y_MEAN;
        adv_bitmap* raw_bitmap = adv_bitmap_alloc(dst_dx, dst_dy, video_bytes_per_pixel());
        struct video_pipeline_struct pipeline;
        video_pipeline_target(&pipeline, raw_bitmap->ptr, raw_bitmap->bytes_per_scanline, video_color_def());
        uint32 palette32[256];
        uint16 palette16[256];
        uint8 palette8[256];
        if (bitmap->bytes_per_pixel == 1) {
            for(unsigned i=0;i<*rgb_max;++i) {
                adv_pixel p = video_pixel_get(rgb[i].red, rgb[i].green, rgb[i].blue);
                palette32[i] = p;
                palette16[i] = p;
                palette8[i] = p;
            video_pipeline_palette8(&pipeline, dst_dx, dst_dy, dx, dy, dw, dp, palette8, palette16, palette32, combine);
        } else {
            adv_color_def def = adv_png_color_def(bitmap->bytes_per_pixel);
            video_pipeline_direct(&pipeline, dst_dx, dst_dy, dx, dy, dw, dp, def, combine);
        video_pipeline_blit(&pipeline, 0, 0, ptr);
        return raw_bitmap;
    void backdrop_data::load(struct cell_pos_t* cell, const adv_color_rgb& background, double aspect_expand)
        if (map)
            return; // already loaded
        adv_color_rgb rgb[256];
        unsigned rgb_max;
        adv_bitmap* bitmap = image_load(res_get(), rgb, &rgb_max, background);
        if (!bitmap)
        // compute the size of the bitmap
        unsigned dst_dx;
        unsigned dst_dy;
        cell->compute_size(&dst_dx, &dst_dy, bitmap, aspectx, aspecty, aspect_expand);
        adv_bitmap* scaled_bitmap = adapt(bitmap, rgb, &rgb_max, dst_dx, dst_dy);
        if (!scaled_bitmap)
        map = scaled_bitmap;
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Backdrop Cache
    class backdrop_cache {
        unsigned max;
        list<backdrop_data*> bag;
        backdrop_cache(unsigned Amax);
        void reduce();
        void free(backdrop_data* data);
        backdrop_data* alloc(const resource& res, unsigned dx, unsigned dy, unsigned aspectx, unsigned aspecty);
    backdrop_cache::backdrop_cache(unsigned Amax)
        max = Amax;
        for(list<backdrop_data*>::iterator i=bag.begin();i!=bag.end();++i)
            delete *i;
    // Reduce the size of the cache
    void backdrop_cache::reduce()
        // limit the cache size
        while (bag.size() > max) {
            list<backdrop_data*>::iterator i = bag.end();
            backdrop_data* data = *i;
            delete data;
    // Delete or insert in the cache the backdrop image
    void backdrop_cache::free(backdrop_data* data)
        if (data) {
            if (data->is_active()) {
                // insert the image in the cache
                bag.insert(bag.begin(), data);
            } else {
                delete data;
    backdrop_data* backdrop_cache::alloc(const resource& res, unsigned dx, unsigned dy, unsigned aspectx, unsigned aspecty)
        // search in the cache
        for(list<backdrop_data*>::iterator i=bag.begin();i!=bag.end();++i) {
            if ((*i)->res_get() == res
                && dx == (*i)->target_dx_get()
                && dy == (*i)->target_dy_get()) {
                // extract from the cache
                backdrop_data* data = *i;
                // remove from the cache
                return data;
        return new backdrop_data(res, dx, dy, aspectx, aspecty);
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Clip
    class clip_data {
        bool active;
        bool running;
        bool waiting;
        resource res;
        adv_fz* f;
        target_clock_t wait;
        unsigned count;
        adv_mng* mng_context;
        clip_data(const clip_data&);
        clip_data(const resource& Ares);
        void start();
        void rewind();
        adv_bitmap* load(adv_color_rgb* rgb_map, unsigned* rgb_max);
        bool is_waiting();
        bool is_old();
        bool is_first();
        bool is_active();
        const resource& res_get() const { return res; }
    clip_data::clip_data(const resource& Ares)
        f = 0;
        active = true;
        running = false;
        waiting = true;
        res = Ares;
        if (f) {
    void clip_data::rewind()
        if (f) {
            f = 0;
        active = true;
        running = false;
        waiting = true;
    void clip_data::start()
        waiting = false;
        if (!active)
        if (running)
        running = true;
        wait = target_clock(); // reset the start time
    bool clip_data::is_first()
        return count == 1;
    bool clip_data::is_waiting()
        return waiting;
    bool clip_data::is_old()
        if (!active || !running)
            return false;
        if (!f || target_clock() > wait)
            return true;
        return false;
    bool clip_data::is_active()
        return active && running;
    adv_bitmap* clip_data::load(adv_color_rgb* rgb_map, unsigned* rgb_max)
        if (!active)
            return 0;
        if (!f) {
            // first load
            f =;
            if (!f) {
                active = false;
                f = 0;
                return 0;
            mng_context = adv_mng_init(f);
            if (mng_context == 0) {
                f = 0;
                active = false;
                return 0;
            wait = target_clock();
            count = 0;
        unsigned pix_width;
        unsigned pix_height;
        unsigned pix_pixel;
        unsigned char* dat_ptr;
        unsigned dat_size;
        unsigned char* pix_ptr;
        unsigned pix_scanline;
        unsigned char* pal_ptr;
        unsigned pal_size;
        unsigned tick;
        int r = adv_mng_read(mng_context, &pix_width, &pix_height, &pix_pixel, &dat_ptr, &dat_size, &pix_ptr, &pix_scanline, &pal_ptr, &pal_size, &tick, f);
        if (r != 0) {
            f = 0;
            running = false;
            return 0;
        double delay = tick / (double)adv_mng_frequency_get(mng_context);
        adv_bitmap* bitmap = adv_bitmap_import_palette(rgb_map, rgb_max, pix_width, pix_height, pix_pixel, dat_ptr, dat_size, pix_ptr, pix_scanline, pal_ptr, pal_size);
        if (!bitmap) {
            f = 0;
            active = false;
            return 0;
        wait += (target_clock_t)(delay * TARGET_CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
        // limit the late time to 1/10 second
        if (target_clock() - wait > TARGET_CLOCKS_PER_SEC / 10)
            wait = target_clock() - TARGET_CLOCKS_PER_SEC / 10;
        return bitmap;
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Clip Cache
    class clip_cache {
        unsigned max;
        list<clip_data*> bag;
        clip_cache(unsigned Amax);
        void reduce();
        void free(clip_data* data);
        clip_data* alloc(const resource& res);
    clip_cache::clip_cache(unsigned Amax)
        max = Amax;
        for(list<clip_data*>::iterator i=bag.begin();i!=bag.end();++i) {
            clip_data* data = *i;
            delete data;
    // Reduce the size of the cache
    void clip_cache::reduce()
        // limit the cache size
        while (bag.size() > 0) {
            list<clip_data*>::iterator i = bag.end();
            clip_data* data = *i;
            delete data;
    // Delete or insert in the cache the backdrop image
    void clip_cache::free(clip_data* data)
        if (data) {
            if (max)
                bag.insert(bag.begin(), data);
                delete data;
    clip_data* clip_cache::alloc(const resource& res)
        // search in the cache
        for(list<clip_data*>::iterator i=bag.begin();i!=bag.end();++i) {
            if ((*i)->res_get() == res) {
                // extract from the cache
                clip_data* data = *i;
                // remove from the cache
                return data;
        return new clip_data(res);
    // Cell Manager
    struct cell_t {
        cell_pos_t pos; ///< Position on the screen.
        backdrop_data* data; ///< Backdrop (already orientation corrected and resized).
        clip_data* cdata; ///< Clip.
        unsigned caspectx; ///< Clip aspect.
        unsigned caspecty;
        resource last; ///< Previous backdrop resource.
        bool highlight; ///< The backdrop has the highlight.
        bool redraw; ///< The backdrop need to be redrawn.
    #define CELL_MAX 512
    class cell_manager {
        class backdrop_cache* int_backdrop_cache;
        class clip_cache* int_clip_cache;
        unsigned backdrop_mac;
        struct cell_t backdrop_map[CELL_MAX];
        // Color used for missing backdrop
        int_color backdrop_missing_color;
        // Color used for the lighting box backdrop
        int_color backdrop_box_color;
        unsigned backdrop_outline; // size of the backdrop outline
        unsigned backdrop_cursor; // size of the backdrop cursor
        double backdrop_expand_factor; // stretch factor
        bool multiclip;
        target_clock_t backdrop_box_last;
        bool idle_update(int index);
        unsigned idle_iterator;
        cell_manager(const int_color& Abackdrop_missing_color, const int_color& Abackdrop_box_color, unsigned Amac, unsigned Ainc, unsigned outline, unsigned cursor, double expand_factor, bool Amulticlip);
        unsigned size() const { return backdrop_mac; }
        void pos_set(int index, int x, int y, int dx, int dy);
        void backdrop_set(int index, const resource& res, bool highlight, unsigned aspectx, unsigned aspecty);
        void backdrop_clear(int index, bool highlight);
        void backdrop_update(int index);
        unsigned backdrop_topline(int index);
        void backdrop_box();
        void backdrop_redraw_all();
        void clip_set(int index, const resource& res, unsigned aspectx, unsigned aspecty, bool restart);
        void clip_clear(int index);
        void clip_start(int index);
        bool clip_is_active(int index);
        void reduce();
        bool idle();
    unsigned cell_manager::backdrop_topline(int index)
        return backdrop_map[index].pos.real_y - backdrop_outline;
    cell_manager::cell_manager(const int_color& Abackdrop_missing_color, const int_color& Abackdrop_box_color, unsigned Amac, unsigned Ainc, unsigned outline, unsigned cursor, double expand_factor, bool Amulticlip)
        backdrop_box_last = 0;
        backdrop_missing_color = Abackdrop_missing_color;
        backdrop_box_color = Abackdrop_box_color;
        backdrop_outline = outline;
        backdrop_cursor = cursor;
        backdrop_expand_factor = expand_factor;
        backdrop_mac = Amac;
        int_backdrop_cache = new backdrop_cache(backdrop_mac*2 + Ainc + 1);
        multiclip = Amulticlip;
        if (multiclip)
            int_clip_cache = new clip_cache(backdrop_mac);
            int_clip_cache = new clip_cache(0);
        for(int i=0;i<backdrop_mac;++i) {
            backdrop_map[i].data = 0;
            backdrop_map[i].cdata = 0;
            backdrop_map[i].last = resource();
            backdrop_map[i].highlight = false;
            backdrop_map[i].redraw = true;
        idle_iterator = 0;
        for(int i=0;i<backdrop_mac;++i) {
            if (backdrop_map[i].data)
                delete backdrop_map[i].data;
            backdrop_map[i].data = 0;
            if (backdrop_map[i].cdata)
                delete backdrop_map[i].cdata;
            backdrop_map[i].cdata = 0;
        delete int_backdrop_cache;
        int_backdrop_cache = 0;
        delete int_clip_cache;
        int_clip_cache = 0;
    void cell_manager::backdrop_redraw_all()
        for(int i=0;i<backdrop_mac;++i) {
            backdrop_map[i].redraw = true;
    // Set the backdrop position and size
    void cell_manager::pos_set(int index, int x, int y, int dx, int dy)
        assert(index >= 0 && index < backdrop_mac);
        backdrop_map[index].data = 0;
        backdrop_map[index].cdata = 0;
        backdrop_map[index].last = resource();
        backdrop_map[index].highlight = false;
        backdrop_map[index].redraw = true;
        backdrop_map[index].pos.x = backdrop_map[index].pos.real_x = x + backdrop_outline;
        backdrop_map[index].pos.y = backdrop_map[index].pos.real_y = y + backdrop_outline;
        backdrop_map[index].pos.dx = backdrop_map[index].pos.real_dx = dx - 2*backdrop_outline;
        backdrop_map[index].pos.dy = backdrop_map[index].pos.real_dy = dy - 2*backdrop_outline;
        if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_XY) {
            swap(backdrop_map[index].pos.real_x, backdrop_map[index].pos.real_y);
            swap(backdrop_map[index].pos.real_dx, backdrop_map[index].pos.real_dy);
        if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_X) {
            backdrop_map[index].pos.real_x = video_size_x() - backdrop_map[index].pos.real_x - backdrop_map[index].pos.real_dx;
        if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_Y) {
            backdrop_map[index].pos.real_y = video_size_y() - backdrop_map[index].pos.real_y - backdrop_map[index].pos.real_dy;
    // Select the backdrop
    void cell_manager::backdrop_set(int index, const resource& res, bool highlight, unsigned aspectx, unsigned aspecty)
        assert(index >= 0 && index < backdrop_mac);
        backdrop_map[index].data = int_backdrop_cache->alloc(res, backdrop_map[index].pos.dx, backdrop_map[index].pos.dy, aspectx, aspecty);
        if (backdrop_map[index].last == res) {
            if (backdrop_map[index].highlight != highlight) {
                backdrop_map[index].highlight = highlight;
                backdrop_map[index].redraw = true;
        } else {
            backdrop_map[index].last = res;
            backdrop_map[index].highlight = highlight;
            backdrop_map[index].redraw = true;
    // Clear the backdrop
    void cell_manager::backdrop_clear(int index, bool highlight)
        assert(index >= 0 && index < backdrop_mac);
        backdrop_map[index].data = 0;
        if (!backdrop_map[index].last.is_valid()) {
            if (backdrop_map[index].highlight != highlight) {
                backdrop_map[index].highlight = highlight;
                backdrop_map[index].redraw = true;
        } else {
            backdrop_map[index].last = resource();
            backdrop_map[index].highlight = highlight;
            backdrop_map[index].redraw = true;
    static void box(int x, int y, int dx, int dy, int width, const adv_color_rgb& color)
        adv_pixel pixel = video_pixel_get(,,;
        video_clear(x, y, dx, width, pixel);
        video_clear(x, y+dy-width, dx, width, pixel);
        video_clear(x, y+width, width, dy-2*width, pixel);
        video_clear(x+dx-width, y+width, width, dy-2*width, pixel);
    void cell_manager::backdrop_box()
        if (!backdrop_cursor)
        for(int i=0;i<backdrop_mac;++i) {
            struct cell_t* back = backdrop_map + i;
            if (back->highlight) {
                unsigned x = back->pos.real_x - backdrop_outline;
                unsigned y = back->pos.real_y - backdrop_outline;
                unsigned dx = back->pos.real_dx + 2*backdrop_outline;
                unsigned dy = back->pos.real_dy + 2*backdrop_outline;
                box(x, y, dx, dy, backdrop_cursor, backdrop_box_color.foreground);
                video_write_unlock(x, y, dx, dy);
                adv_color_rgb c = backdrop_box_color.foreground;
                backdrop_box_color.foreground = backdrop_box_color.background;
                backdrop_box_color.background = c;
    // Update the backdrop image
    void cell_manager::backdrop_update(int index)
        struct cell_t* back = backdrop_map + index;
        assert(index >= 0 && index < backdrop_mac);
        if (back->data) {
            if (!fast_exit_handler())
                back->data->load(&back->pos, backdrop_missing_color.background, backdrop_expand_factor);
        if (back->redraw) {
            if (back->data) {
                if (back->data->bitmap_get()) {
                    back->redraw = false;
                    back->pos.draw_backdrop(back->data->bitmap_get(), backdrop_missing_color.background);
                } else {
                    // the image need to be update when loaded
            } else {
                back->redraw = false;
            if (backdrop_outline)
                back->pos.border(backdrop_outline, backdrop_missing_color.foreground);
    void cell_manager::reduce()
        if (int_backdrop_cache)
        if (int_clip_cache)
    // Define to update the video in one whole time for multiclip
    // #define USE_MULTICLIP_WHOLE
    bool cell_manager::idle_update(int index)
        adv_color_rgb rgb_map[256];
        unsigned rgb_max;
        cell_t* cell = backdrop_map + index;
        clip_data* clip = cell->cdata;
        if (!clip)
            return false;
        if (!clip->is_old())
            return false;
        adv_bitmap* bitmap = clip->load(rgb_map, &rgb_max);
        if (!bitmap) {
            cell->redraw = true; // force the redraw
            if (!multiclip)
            return false;
        cell->pos.draw_clip(bitmap, rgb_map, rgb_max, cell->caspectx, cell->caspecty, backdrop_expand_factor, backdrop_missing_color.background, clip->is_first());
        if (!multiclip)
        // ensure to fill the audio buffer
        return true;
    bool cell_manager::idle()
        if (multiclip) {
            int highlight_index = -1;
            target_clock_t start = target_clock();
            target_clock_t stop = start + TARGET_CLOCKS_PER_SEC / 100; // limit update for 10 ms
            // search the highlight clip
            for(unsigned i=0;i<backdrop_mac;++i) {
                if (backdrop_map[i].highlight) {
                    highlight_index = i;
            // always display the highlight clip
            if (highlight_index >= 0) {
            // update all the clip
            for(unsigned i=0;i<backdrop_mac;++i) {
                target_clock_t backdrop_box_new = target_clock();
                if (backdrop_box_new >= backdrop_box_last + TARGET_CLOCKS_PER_SEC/20) {
                    backdrop_box_last = backdrop_box_new;
                // increment the iterator
                if (idle_iterator >= backdrop_mac)
                    idle_iterator = 0;
                if (idle_iterator != highlight_index) {
                    // don't wait too much
                    if (target_clock() > stop)
            video_stretch(0, 0, video_size_x(), video_size_y(), video_foreground_buffer, video_size_x(), video_size_y(), video_buffer_line_size, video_bytes_per_pixel(), video_color_def(), 0);
            video_write_unlock(0, 0, video_size_x(), video_size_y());
        } else {
            for(unsigned i=0;i<backdrop_mac;++i) {
            target_clock_t backdrop_box_new = target_clock();
            if (backdrop_box_new >= backdrop_box_last + TARGET_CLOCKS_PER_SEC/20) {
                backdrop_box_last = backdrop_box_new;
        // recheck if some clip is already old
        for(unsigned i=0;i<backdrop_mac;++i) {
            cell_t* cell = backdrop_map + i;
            clip_data* clip = cell->cdata;
            if (clip && clip->is_old())
                return false;
        return true;
    void cell_manager::clip_set(int index, const resource& res, unsigned aspectx, unsigned aspecty, bool restart)
        assert(index >= 0 && index < backdrop_mac);
        backdrop_map[index].cdata = int_clip_cache->alloc(res);
        backdrop_map[index].caspectx = aspectx;
        backdrop_map[index].caspecty = aspecty;
        if (backdrop_map[index].cdata) {
            if (restart)
    void cell_manager::clip_clear(int index)
        assert(index >= 0 && index < backdrop_mac);
        backdrop_map[index].cdata = 0;
    void cell_manager::clip_start(int index)
        assert(index >= 0);
        for(unsigned i=0;i<backdrop_mac;++i) {
            if (backdrop_map[i].cdata
                && (i == index || backdrop_map[i].cdata->is_waiting())) {
    bool cell_manager::clip_is_active(int index)
        assert(index >= 0);
        if (index >= backdrop_mac) {
            return false;
        if (backdrop_map[index].cdata) {
            return backdrop_map[index].cdata->is_active();
        } else {
            return false;
    static class cell_manager* int_cell; // global cell manager
    // Backgrop/Clip Interface
    void int_backdrop_init(const int_color& back_color, const int_color& back_box_color, unsigned Amac, unsigned Ainc, unsigned Aoutline, unsigned Acursor, double expand_factor, bool multiclip)
        int_cell = new cell_manager(back_color, back_box_color, Amac, Ainc, Aoutline, Acursor, expand_factor, multiclip);
    void int_backdrop_done()
        delete int_cell;
        int_cell = 0;
    void int_backdrop_pos(int index, int x, int y, int dx, int dy)
        int_cell->pos_set(index, x, y, dx, dy);
    void int_backdrop_set(int index, const resource& res, bool highlight, unsigned aspectx, unsigned aspecty)
        int_cell->backdrop_set(index, res, highlight, aspectx, aspecty);
    void int_backdrop_redraw_all()
        if (int_cell)
    void int_backdrop_clear(int index, bool highlight)
        int_cell->backdrop_clear(index, highlight);
    void int_clip_set(int index, const resource& res, unsigned aspectx, unsigned aspecty, bool restart)
        int_cell->clip_set(index, res, aspectx, aspecty, restart);
    void int_clip_clear(int index)
    void int_clip_start(int index)
        if (int_cell)
    bool int_clip_is_active(int index)
        if (int_cell)
            return int_cell->clip_is_active(index);
            return true;
    // Put Interface
    unsigned int_put_width(char c)
        adv_bitmap* src = int_font->data[(unsigned char)c];
        if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_XY)
            return src->size_y;
            return src->size_x;
    unsigned int_put_width(const string& s)
        unsigned size = 0;
        for(unsigned i=0;i<s.length();++i)
            size += int_put_width(s[i]);
        return size;
    void int_put(int x, int y, char c, const int_color& color)
        if (x>=0 && y>=0 && x+int_put_width(c)<=int_dx_get() && y+int_font_dy_get()<=int_dy_get()) {
            adv_bitmap* src = int_font->data[(unsigned char)c];
            if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_XY)
                swap(x, y);
            if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_X)
                x = video_size_x() - src->size_x - x;
            if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_Y)
                y = video_size_y() - src->size_y - y;
            assert(x>=0 && y>=0 && x+src->size_x<=video_size_x() && y+src->size_y<=video_size_y());
            adv_font_put_char_map(int_font, video_foreground_bitmap, x, y, c, color.opaque);
    void int_put_alpha(int x, int y, char c, const int_color& color)
        if (x>=0 && y>=0 && x+int_put_width(c)<=int_dx_get() && y+int_font_dy_get()<=int_dy_get()) {
            adv_bitmap* src = int_font->data[(unsigned char)c];
            if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_XY)
                swap(x, y);
            if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_X)
                x = video_size_x() - src->size_x - x;
            if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_Y)
                y = video_size_y() - src->size_y - y;
            assert(x>=0 && y>=0 && x+src->size_x<=video_size_x() && y+src->size_y<=video_size_y());
            if (video_alpha_flag) {
                adv_bitmap* flat = adv_bitmap_alloc(src->size_x, src->size_y, video_alpha_bytes_per_pixel);
                adv_font_put_char_map(int_font, flat, 0, 0, c, color.alpha);
                adv_bitmap_put_alphaback(video_foreground_bitmap, x, y, video_color_def(), video_background_bitmap, x, y, flat, 0, 0, flat->size_x, flat->size_y, video_alpha_color_def);
            } else {
                adv_font_put_char_map(int_font, video_foreground_bitmap, x, y, c, color.opaque);
    void int_put_filled(int x, int y, int dx, const string& s, const int_color& color)
        for(unsigned i=0;i<s.length();++i) {
            if (int_put_width(s[i]) <= dx) {
                int_put(x, y, s[i], color);
                x += int_put_width(s[i]);
                dx -= int_put_width(s[i]);
            } else
        if (dx)
            int_clear(x, y, dx, int_font_dy_get(), color.background);
    void int_put_filled_alpha(int x, int y, int dx, const string& s, const int_color& color)
        for(unsigned i=0;i<s.length();++i) {
            if (int_put_width(s[i]) <= dx) {
                int_put_alpha(x, y, s[i], color);
                x += int_put_width(s[i]);
                dx -= int_put_width(s[i]);
            } else
        if (dx)
            int_clear_alpha(x, y, dx, int_font_dy_get(), color.background);
    void int_put_special(bool& in, int x, int y, int dx, const string& s, const int_color& c0, const int_color& c1, const int_color& c2)
        for(unsigned i=0;i<s.length();++i) {
            if (int_put_width(s[i]) <= dx) {
                if (s[i]=='(' || s[i]=='[')
                    in = true;
                if (!in && isupper(s[i])) {
                    int_put(x, y, s[i], c0);
                } else {
                    int_put(x, y, s[i], in ? c1 : c2);
                x += int_put_width(s[i]);
                dx -= int_put_width(s[i]);
                if (s[i]==')' || s[i]==']')
                    in = false;
            } else
        if (dx)
            int_clear(x, y, dx, int_font_dy_get(), c0.background);
    void int_put_special_alpha(bool& in, int x, int y, int dx, const string& s, const int_color& c0, const int_color& c1, const int_color& c2)
        for(unsigned i=0;i<s.length();++i) {
            if (int_put_width(s[i]) <= dx) {
                if (s[i]=='(' || s[i]=='[')
                    in = true;
                if (!in && isupper(s[i])) {
                    int_put_alpha(x, y, s[i], c0);
                } else {
                    int_put_alpha(x, y, s[i], in ? c1 : c2);
                x += int_put_width(s[i]);
                dx -= int_put_width(s[i]);
                if (s[i]==')' || s[i]==']')
                    in = false;
            } else
        if (dx)
            int_clear_alpha(x, y, dx, int_font_dy_get(), c0.background);
    void int_put(int x, int y, const string& s, const int_color& color)
        for(unsigned i=0;i<s.length();++i) {
            int_put(x, y, s[i], color);
            x += int_put_width(s[i]);
    void int_put_alpha(int x, int y, const string& s, const int_color& color)
        for(unsigned i=0;i<s.length();++i) {
            int_put_alpha(x, y, s[i], color);
            x += int_put_width(s[i]);
    unsigned int_put(int x, int y, int dx, const string& s, const int_color& color)
        for(unsigned i=0;i<s.length();++i) {
            int width = int_put_width(s[i]);
            if (width > dx)
                return i;
            int_put(x, y, s[i], color);
            x += width;
            dx -= width;
        return s.length();
    unsigned int_put_alpha(int x, int y, int dx, const string& s, const int_color& color)
        for(unsigned i=0;i<s.length();++i) {
            int width = int_put_width(s[i]);
            if (width > dx)
                return i;
            int_put(x, y, s[i], color);
            x += width;
            dx -= width;
        return s.length();
    unsigned int_put_right(int x, int y, int dx, const string& s, const int_color& color)
        unsigned size = int_put_width(s);
        return int_put(x + dx - size, y, dx, s, color);
    unsigned int_put_right_alpha(int x, int y, int dx, const string& s, const int_color& color)
        unsigned size = int_put_width(s);
        return int_put_alpha(x + dx - size, y, dx, s, color);
    void int_clear(const adv_color_rgb& color) 
        adv_pixel background = video_pixel_get(,,;
        adv_pixel overscan;
        // clear the whole bitmap using the overscan color
        if ((video_driver_flags() & VIDEO_DRIVER_FLAGS_OUTPUT_WINDOW)!=0
            && video_buffer_pixel_size > 1) {
            // fill with white in a window manager environment
            overscan = video_pixel_get(0xff, 0xff, 0xff);
        } else {
            // fill with black in a full screen environment
            overscan = video_pixel_get(0, 0, 0);
        adv_bitmap_clear(video_foreground_bitmap, 0, 0, video_size_x(), video_size_y(), overscan);
        adv_bitmap_clear(video_background_bitmap, 0, 0, video_size_x(), video_size_y(), background);
    void int_box(int x, int y, int dx, int dy, int width, const adv_color_rgb& color)
        int_clear(x, y, dx, width, color);
        int_clear(x, y+dy-width, dx, width, color);
        int_clear(x, y+width, width, dy-2*width, color);
        int_clear(x+dx-width, y+width, width, dy-2*width, color);
    void int_clear(int x, int y, int dx, int dy, const adv_color_rgb& color)
        // clip
        if (x < 0) {
            dx += x;
            x = 0;
        if (y < 0) {
            dy += y;
            y = 0;
        if (x + dx > int_dx_get()) {
            dx = int_dx_get() - x;
        if (y + dy > int_dy_get()) {
            dy = int_dy_get() - y;
        if (dx <= 0 || dy <= 0)
        // rotate
        if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_XY) {
            swap(x, y);
            swap(dx, dy);
        if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_X)
            x = video_size_x() - dx - x;
        if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_Y)
            y = video_size_y() - dy - y;
        gen_clear_raw(x, y, dx, dy, color);
    void int_clear_alpha(int x, int y, int dx, int dy, const adv_color_rgb& color)
        // clip
        if (x < 0) {
            dx += x;
            x = 0;
        if (y < 0) {
            dy += y;
            y = 0;
        if (x + dx > int_dx_get()) {
            dx = int_dx_get() - x;
        if (y + dy > int_dy_get()) {
            dy = int_dy_get() - y;
        if (dx <= 0 || dy <= 0)
        // rotate
        if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_XY) {
            swap(x, y);
            swap(dx, dy);
        if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_X)
            x = video_size_x() - dx - x;
        if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_Y)
            y = video_size_y() - dy - y;
        gen_clear_alpha(x, y, dx, dy, color);
    bool int_clip(const string& file, bool loop)
        unsigned aspectx = int_dx_get();
        unsigned aspecty = int_dy_get();
        resource res = path_import(file);
        bool wait = true;
        int_backdrop_init(COLOR_MENU_BACKDROP, COLOR_MENU_BACKDROP, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1.0, false);
        int_backdrop_pos(0, 0, 0, int_dx_get(), int_dy_get());
        if (file.find(".mng") != string::npos) {
            int_clip_set(0, res, aspectx, aspecty, false);
            while (!int_event_waiting() && int_clip_is_active(0)) {
            if (loop)
                wait = false;
        } else {
            int_backdrop_set(0, res, false, aspectx, aspecty);
        while (int_event_waiting()) {
            wait = false;
        return wait;
    bool int_image(const string& file, unsigned& scale_x, unsigned& scale_y)
        adv_fz* f;
        f = fzopen(file.c_str(), "rb");
        if (!f) {
            log_std(("ERROR:text: error opening file %s\n", file.c_str()));
            return false;
        adv_color_rgb rgb_map[256];
        unsigned rgb_max;
        adv_bitmap* bitmap;
        if (file.find(".mng") != string::npos) {
            adv_mng* mng;
            mng = adv_mng_init(f);
            if (mng == 0) {
                return false;
            unsigned pix_width;
            unsigned pix_height;
            unsigned pix_pixel;
            unsigned char* dat_ptr;
            unsigned dat_size;
            unsigned char* pix_ptr;
            unsigned pix_scanline;
            unsigned char* pal_ptr;
            unsigned pal_size;
            unsigned tick;
            int r = adv_mng_read_done(mng, &pix_width, &pix_height, &pix_pixel, &dat_ptr, &dat_size, &pix_ptr, &pix_scanline, &pal_ptr, &pal_size, &tick, f);
            if (r != 0) {
                return false;
            bitmap = adv_bitmap_import_palette(rgb_map, &rgb_max, pix_width, pix_height, pix_pixel, dat_ptr, dat_size, pix_ptr, pix_scanline, pal_ptr, pal_size);
            if (!bitmap) {
                return false;
        } else {
            bitmap = adv_bitmap_load_png(rgb_map, &rgb_max, f);
        if (!bitmap) {
            log_std(("ERROR:text: error reading file %s\n", file.c_str()));
            return false;
        scale_x = bitmap->size_x;
        scale_y = bitmap->size_y;
        struct video_pipeline_struct pipeline;
        unsigned combine = VIDEO_COMBINE_X_MEAN | VIDEO_COMBINE_Y_MEAN;
        video_pipeline_target(&pipeline, video_background_buffer, video_buffer_line_size, video_color_def());
        uint32 palette32[256];
        uint16 palette16[256];
        uint8 palette8[256];
        if (bitmap->bytes_per_pixel == 1) {
            for(unsigned i=0;i<rgb_max;++i) {
                adv_pixel p = video_pixel_get(rgb_map[i].red, rgb_map[i].green, rgb_map[i].blue);
                palette32[i] = p;
                palette16[i] = p;
                palette8[i] = p;
            video_pipeline_palette8(&pipeline, video_size_x(), video_size_y(), bitmap->size_x, bitmap->size_y, bitmap->bytes_per_scanline, bitmap->bytes_per_pixel, palette8, palette16, palette32, combine);
        } else {
            adv_color_def def = adv_png_color_def(bitmap->bytes_per_pixel);
            video_pipeline_direct(&pipeline, video_size_x(), video_size_y(), bitmap->size_x, bitmap->size_y, bitmap->bytes_per_scanline, bitmap->bytes_per_pixel, def, combine);
        video_pipeline_blit(&pipeline, 0, 0, bitmap->ptr);
        // copy also into the foreground
        memcpy(video_foreground_buffer, video_background_buffer, video_buffer_size);
        // invalidate all the backdrop if any
        return true;
    // Update Interface
    static void int_copy_partial(unsigned y0, unsigned y1)
        unsigned char* buffer = video_foreground_buffer + y0 * video_buffer_line_size;
        for(unsigned y=y0;y<y1;++y) {
            memcpy(video_write_line(y), buffer, video_buffer_line_size);
            buffer += video_buffer_line_size;
        video_write_unlock(0, y0, video_size_x(), y1 - y0);
    unsigned int_update_pre(bool progressive)
        int_updating_active = false;
        int y = 0;
        if (int_cell) {
            for(int i=0;i<int_cell->size();++i) {
                // this trick works only if the backdrops positioned are from top to down
                if (int_orientation == 0 && progressive) {
                    // update progressively the screen
                    int yl = int_cell->backdrop_topline(i);
                    if (yl > y) {
                        int_copy_partial(y, yl);
                        y = yl;
        return y;
    void int_update_post(unsigned y)
        int_copy_partial(y, video_size_y());
        if (int_cell) {
        int_updating_active = true;
    void int_update(bool progressive)
    static void key_poll()
        if (os_is_quit()) {
    void int_idle_time_reset()
        int_idle_time_current = time(0);
        int_last = EVENT_NONE;
    void int_idle_0_enable(bool state)
        int_idle_0_state = state;
    void int_idle_1_enable(bool state)
        int_idle_1_state = state;
    static void int_idle()
        time_t now = time(0);
        time_t elapsed = now - int_idle_time_current;
        if (int_idle_0_state) {
            if (int_idle_0_rep != 0
                && int_last == EVENT_IDLE_0
                && elapsed > int_idle_0_rep
            ) {
                log_std(("text: push IDLE_0 repeat\n"));
            } else if (int_idle_0 != 0
                && elapsed > int_idle_0
            ) {
                log_std(("text: push IDLE_0\n"));
        if (int_idle_1_state) {
            if (int_idle_1_rep != 0
                && int_last == EVENT_IDLE_1
                && elapsed > int_idle_1_rep
            ) {
                log_std(("text: push IDLE_1 repeat\n"));
            } else if (int_idle_1 != 0
                && elapsed > int_idle_1
            ) {
                log_std(("text: push IDLE_1\n"));
        if (event_peek() == EVENT_NONE) {
            if (int_updating_active) {
                if (int_cell) {
                    // idle only if there is time
                    if (int_cell->idle()) {
                    } else {
                        // we are late, allow to allocate 100% CPU
                } else {
    bool int_event_waiting()
        static target_clock_t key_pressed_last_time = 0;
        // low level mute/unmute management
        while (event_peek() == EVENT_MUTE) {
        if (event_peek() != EVENT_NONE)
            return 1;
        target_clock_t now = target_clock();
        // if you ask for keypress, assume a not CPU intensive state
        // don't check too frequently
        if (now - key_pressed_last_time >= TARGET_CLOCKS_PER_SEC / 25) {
            key_pressed_last_time = now;
        // low level mute/unmute management
        while (event_peek() == EVENT_MUTE) {
        if (event_peek() != EVENT_NONE)
            return 1;
        return 0;
    unsigned int_event_get(bool update_background)
        if (update_background)
        // wait for a keypress, internally a idle call is already done
        while (!int_event_waiting()) {
        int_idle_time_current = time(0);
    #if 0 /* OSDEF: Save interface image, only for debugging. */
        if (event_peek() == EVENT_INS) {
            char name[256];
            static int ssn = 0;
            snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "im%d.png", ssn);
            adv_fz* f = fzopen(name, "wb");
            if (f) {
                adv_png_write_def(video_size_x(), video_size_y(), video_color_def(), video_foreground_buffer, video_buffer_pixel_size, video_buffer_line_size, 0, 0, 0, f, 0);
        return int_last = event_pop();
    void mostra_tooltip(const string& s) //branco
        int x = int_dx_get() / 2;
        int y = 10;
        int dy = int_font_dy_get();
        int border = int_font_dx_get()/4;
        unsigned w1;
        unsigned dx;
        //char b[100];
        w1 = int_font_dx_get(s);
        dx = w1;
        int_box(x-2*border-dx/2, y-border, dx+4*border, dy+border+1, 1, COLOR_CHOICE_NORMAL.foreground);
        int_clear(x-2*border-dx/2+1, y-border+1, dx+4*border-2, dy+border-2, COLOR_CHOICE_NORMAL.background);
        int_put(x-w1/2, y, w1, s, COLOR_CHOICE_NORMAL);
        y += int_font_dy_get();

  • Criar Novo...