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Fórum Script Brasil


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  1. aeh pessoal o código tah aqui pra quem quiser pegar e pra quem quiser testar pra dar uma resposta... beleza?
  2. já sim... e isso também... function doIt(){ halt=0; parent.location.href=durl[sctr]; target = "_blank";
  3. Aeh pessoal... o codigo estah logo abaixo... Bom... é o seguinte... não consigo fazer ele abrir uma janela "_blank" é incrivel ou sou burro... se alguém souber.... eu agradeço pela resposta.... valeu <!-- --><script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- Hide from JavaScript-Impaired Browsers /* First, if you load fewer or more than 6 sponsors into your rotator, change the "number_of_sponsors" variable to the actual number of sponsor .gifs you plan to load. */ number_of_sponsors=6; var sctr=0; var halt=0; var isn=new Array(); for (i=0;i<number_of_sponsors;i++){ isn[i]=new Image(); } /* The sponsor .gif names are loaded into the isn[x] sponsor images array. You may load any number of sponsor images (.gif or .jpg or both) into this array. They must all be the same size, however. Substitute your own .gif filenames for the ones shown here. Note that the first .gif must appear in the isn[0] array element. */ isn[0].src="banners.gif"; isn[1].src="banners1.gif"; isn[2].src="banners2.gif"; isn[3].src="banners3.gif"; isn[4].src="banners4.gif"; isn[5].src="banners5.gif"; /* Finally, replace the URL's below with those of your sponsors IN THE SAME ORDER. */ var durl=new Array(); durl[0]=" "; durl[1]=""; durl[2]=""; durl[3]=""; durl[4]=""; durl[5]=""; /* This script is set to rotate every 10 seconds. (5000=5 seconds, so 30000 would equal 30, etc) You should change the number in the setTimeout() call below for the number of seconds you wish. */ function rotateIt(){ if (halt!=1){ sctr++; if (sctr>number_of_sponsors-1){ sctr=0; } document.sponsor.src=isn[sctr].src; setTimeout("rotateIt()",1000); } } /* This code will work just fine with or without frames. However, if you are in frames and wish to replicate the TARGET="_top" call to remove frames, change the location.href call to: parent.location.href=durl[sctr]; below.*/ function doIt(){ halt=0; parent.location.href=durl[sctr]; target = "_top"; } function dispIt(){ parent.window.status=durl[sctr]; } // End Hiding --> </SCRIPT> <center><table BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 > <tr> <td> <a href="" target="" onClick="doIt();return false" onMouseover="dispIt();return true;"><img SRC="" NAME="sponsor" BORDER=0 height=60 width=200></a></td> </tr> </table></center> <!-- this script and more free from --> <!-- --> <script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- Hide JavaScript from Java-Impaired Browsers sctr=0; rotateIt(); // End Hiding --> </SCRIPT> <!-- -->
  4. Bom é o seguinte o segundo SE serve para que se o valor da "categoriacc" for pessoa fisica exiba o alerta. Mas eu queria que exibisse o alerta e continuasse, colocando "return true" ele envia sendo que existe outro campo para ser verificado. o codigo : =============================================== function valida_pre(f) { if ( window.document.frmcurso.categoriacc.value == "" ){ alert("Selecione o Tipo de Cadastro!"); window.document.frmcurso.categoriacc.focus(); return true; } if ( window.document.frmcurso.categoriacc.value == "Pessoa Fisica" ){ alert("Não é preciso preencher o campo Rasão social!"); window.document.frmcurso.categoria.focus(); return false ; } if ( window.document.frmcurso.categoria.value == "" ){ alert("O Campo Categoria deve ser preenchido!"); window.document.frmcurso.categoria.focus(); return false; } ==================================================== se alguém puder me ajdudar !!! Desde já obrigado. Geraldo
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