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Minimum Formula

Guest --Marco --


Guest --Marco --

Hello. I had a column in details section that use to have 8 records. the first 4 are always zero. I need to insert a formula in report footer that shows me the Minimum value, but I don't want that the formulares reads/ uses the first 4 records. Imagine this:

ID Value

1 0

2 0

3 0

4 0

5 5

6 3

7 7

8 9

I need that my minimum formula uses only the records with ID number 5; 6; 7; 8

Can you please help?

Best Regards,


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You can create a Formula Field that exchanges the 0 values for the maximum value of this field. The formula would look like this in Basic Syntax:

If {Tabela.Campo} = 0 Then
    Formula = Maximum ({Tabela.Campo})
    Formula = {Tabela.Campo}
End If[/code]

And then, you get the minimum value of this formula field instead of the field from your table.

The problem is that Crystal doesn't allow you to make a summary of a field that already have a summary in its formula (in this case, you already have the maximum summary). But there's a bug that allows you to do so. You just have to create the field and put any value in it (with no summaries), then save it and insert its minimum value in the report. Then you edit this field and paste the formula above. After this, although you can't create new summaries from this field, the one you have already created will remain there.

Other way to do this is replace the maximum value in the formula for a value that you know it's greater than any other you may have in your db.

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Guest --Marco --

Olá. Obrigado pela tua resposta.

A formula devolve-me um erro. Diz que espera uma string, bolean ou number.

Eu tentei inseri-la no rodape do relatorio e no grupo de relatório.

Alguma ideia?



You can create a Formula Field that exchanges the 0 values for the maximum value of this field. The formula would look like this in Basic Syntax:

If {Tabela.Campo} = 0 Then
    Formula = Maximum ({Tabela.Campo})
    Formula = {Tabela.Campo}
End If

And then, you get the minimum value of this formula field instead of the field from your table.

The problem is that Crystal doesn't allow you to make a summary of a field that already have a summary in its formula (in this case, you already have the maximum summary). But there's a bug that allows you to do so. You just have to create the field and put any value in it (with no summaries), then save it and insert its minimum value in the report. Then you edit this field and paste the formula above. After this, although you can't create new summaries from this field, the one you have already created will remain there.

Other way to do this is replace the maximum value in the formula for a value that you know it's greater than any other you may have in your db.

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