Lançar o Código abaixo em General Declarations do form:
Option Explicit
Private Const CB_FINDSTRING As Long = &H14C
Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, _
ByVal wMsg As Long, _
ByVal wParam As Long, _
lParam As Any) As Long
Public Function Combo_AutoCompletar(xCombo As ComboBox, ByVal xKeyAscii As Long, Optional ByVal xUpperCase As Boolean = True) As Long
Dim lngFind As Long, intPos As Long, intLength As Long, tStr As String
With xCombo
If xKeyAscii = 8 Then
If .SelStart = 0 Then Exit Function
.SelStart = .SelStart - 1
.SelLength = Len(.Text)
.SelText = vbNullString
intPos = .SelStart
tStr = .Text
.SelText = (Chr$(xKeyAscii))
' .SelText = IIf(xUpperCase, _
' UCase$(Chr$(xKeyAscii)), _
' LCase$(Chr$(xKeyAscii)))
End If
lngFind = SendMessage(.hwnd, CB_FINDSTRING, 0, ByVal .Text)
If lngFind = -1 Then
.Text = tStr
.SelStart = intPos
.SelLength = (Len(.Text) - intPos)
Combo_AutoCompletar = xKeyAscii
intPos = .SelStart
intLength = Len(.List(lngFind)) - Len(.Text)
.SelText = .SelText & Right$(.List(lngFind), intLength)
.SelStart = intPos
.SelLength = intLength
End If
End With
End Function
Lançar o Código abaixo em General Declarations do form:
Lançar na Combo, evento Keypress Editado por kuroiAdicionar Tag CODE
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