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Sistemas De Notas

Guest --Victor --


Guest --Victor --

Olá, tenho um sisteminha de dar notas, e gostaria de enviar a variável sMax para um documento .php, para q eu possa inserir no banco de dados.

Author: Addam M. Driver
Date: 10/31/2006

var sMax = 5;    // Is the maximum number of stars
var holder; // Is the holding pattern for clicked state
var preSet; // Is the PreSet value onces a selection has been made
var rated;

// Rollover for image Stars //
function rating(num){
        s =; // Get the selected star
        a = 0;
        for(i=1; i<=sMax; i++){        
                document.getElementById(i).style.backgroundImage = "url(star_on.gif)";
                document.getElementById("rateStatus").innerHTML =;    
                holder = a+1;
                document.getElementById(i).style.backgroundImage = "url(star_off.gif)";

// For when you roll out of the the whole thing //
function off(me){
            for(i=1; i<=sMax; i++){        
                document.getElementById(i).style.backgroundImage = "url(star_off.gif)";
                document.getElementById("rateStatus").innerHTML = "Rate Me...";
            document.getElementById("rateStatus").innerHTML = "<span style='color:red'>Rating Saved!</span>";

// When you actually rate something //
function rateIt(me){
        document.getElementById("rateStatus").innerHTML = "<span style='color:red'>Rating Saved!</span>";
        preSet = me;

// Send the rating information somewhere using Ajax or something like that.
function sendRate(sel){
    document.getElementById("rateStatus").innerHTML = "<span style='color:red'>Rating Saved!</span>";

Entendo muito pouco de js, ou ajax, como faço para enviar essa variável?


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