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<!--#include file="forum/language_files/language_file_inc.asp" -->

<!--#include file="forum/language_files/portal_language_file_inc.asp" -->

<!--#include file="forum/functions/functions_filters.asp" -->

<!--#include file="forum/admin/functions/functions_portal.asp" -->

<!--#include file="forum/functions/format_page.asp" -->

<!--#include file="forum/functions/functions_common.asp" -->


Dim intRecordLoopCounter

Dim strExtraBodyTag

Dim strExtraForumPath

Dim strExtraPortalPath

Dim blnCreateCenterTD

blnCreateCenterTD = True

strExtraForumPath = "forum/"

strExtraPortalPath = ""

Const strRTEversion = "1.2"

If strDatabaseType = "SQLServer" Then

Call MSSQLConnection()


Call AccessConnection(strPortalDbPathAndName)

End If

'All the default main connections is stored in portal_connections.asp

Call GetMainConnections()

'Get the new settings

%><!--#include file="forum/functions/mods/config/portal_config.asp"--><%

'Set a cookie with the last date/time the user used the forum to calculate if there any new posts

'If the date/time the user was last here is 20 minutes since the last visit then set the session variable to the users last date they were here

If Session("dtmLastVisit") = "" AND Request.Cookies(strCookieName)("LTVST") <> "" Then

Session("dtmLastVisit") = CDate(Request.Cookies(strCookieName)("LTVST"))

Response.Cookies(strCookieName)("LTVST") = CDbl(Now())

Response.Cookies(strCookieName).Expires = DateAdd("yyyy", 1, Now())

'If the last entry date is not alreay set set it to now

ElseIf Session("dtmLastVisit") = "" Then

Session("dtmLastVisit") = Now()

End If

'If the cookie is older than 5 mintues set a new one

If isNumeric(Request.Cookies(strCookieName)("LTVST")) Then

If CDate(Request.Cookies(strCookieName)("LTVST")) < DateAdd("n", -5, Now()) Then

Response.Cookies(strCookieName)("LTVST") = CDbl(Now())

Response.Cookies(strCookieName).Expires = DateAdd("yyyy", 1, Now())

End If

'If there is no date in the cookie or it is empty then set the date to now()


Response.Cookies(strCookieName)("LTVST") = CDbl(Now())

Response.Cookies(strCookieName).Expires = DateAdd("yyyy", 1, Now())

End If

'Get the user details

Call UserDetails()

Dim intEventsPostCheck

For intEventsPostCheck = 0 TO UBound(saryCalendarGroups)

If Clng(saryCalendarGroups(intEventsPostCheck)) = intGroupID Then

blnUserCanPostEvents = True

Exit For

End If


If blnForumClosed AND blnAdmin = False Then

Set rsCommon = Nothing


Set adoCon = Nothing


End If

If blnActiveUsers Then


<!--#include file="forum/includes/active_users_inc.asp" -->


'Records the stats

If blnRecordStats Then Call PortalStats()

End If


<!--#include file="forum/functions/functions_date_time_format.asp" -->

<!--#include file="forum/includes/pm_check_inc.asp"-->

<!--#include file="forum/functions/mods/mods_inc.asp"-->

Posta o Código fonte...

em todo codigo não tem nenhuma variavel com CDate como eu faria veja o codigo abaixo>

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