Quando vou compilar o arquivo executavel de 1 projeto aparece a seguinte mensagem:
"The Project 'Encrypt' can not be built because it references project
'C:\projeto\CryptWrap.vbp' which does not have a binary compatibility file set."
tenho 1 class module chamada clsCryptoAPI(clsCryptoAPI.cls) que ta dentro do projeto CryptWrap.vbp e tenho 1 form dentro d 1 projeto chamado Encrypt, abaixo vou colocar a programação:
Option Explicit
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Module level variables
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private g_lngCryptoContext As Long
Private g_strInData As String
Private g_abytOutData() As Byte
Private g_abytPassword() As Byte
Private Const ALG_CLASS_ANY As Long = 0
Private Const ALG_TYPE_ANY As Long = 0
Private Const ALG_CLASS_HASH As Long = 32768
Private Const ALG_TYPE_BLOCK As Long = 1536
Private Const ALG_CLASS_DATA_ENCRYPT As Long = 24576
Private Const ALG_SID_RC2 As Long = 2
Private Const ALG_SID_SHA1 As Long = 4
' Hash algorithms
' Block ciphers
' CryptSetProvParam
Private Const PROV_RSA_FULL As Long = 1
' used when aquiring the provider
Private Const CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT As Long = &HF0000000
' Microsoft provider data
Private Const MS_DEFAULT_PROVIDER As String = _
"Microsoft Base Cryptographic Provider v1.0"
' used to specify not to use any salt value while deriving the key
Private Const CRYPT_NO_SALT As Long = &H10
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Declares
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" _
(dest As Any, source As Any, ByVal bytes As Long)
Private Declare Function GetLastError Lib "kernel32" () As Long
Private Declare Function CryptHashData Lib "advapi32.dll" _
(ByVal hhash As Long, ByVal pbData As String, _
ByVal dwDataLen As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function CryptCreateHash Lib "advapi32.dll" _
(ByVal hProv As Long, ByVal algid As Long, _
ByVal hkey As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long, _
ByRef phHash As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function CryptDestroyHash Lib "advapi32.dll" _
(ByVal hhash As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function CryptAcquireContext Lib "advapi32.dll" _
Alias "CryptAcquireContextA" (ByRef phProv As Long, _
ByVal pszContainer As String, ByVal pszProvider As String, _
ByVal dwProvType As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function CryptReleaseContext Lib "advapi32.dll" _
(ByVal hProv As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function CryptDeriveKey Lib "advapi32.dll" _
(ByVal hProv As Long, ByVal algid As Long, _
ByVal hBaseData As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long, _
ByRef phKey As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function CryptDestroyKey Lib "advapi32.dll" _
(ByVal hkey As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function CryptEncrypt Lib "advapi32.dll" _
(ByVal hkey As Long, ByVal hhash As Long, ByVal Final As Long, _
ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal pbData As String, _
ByRef pdwDataLen As Long, ByVal dwBufLen As Long) As Long
Public Property Let InputData(arInData() As Byte)
g_strInData = ByteArrayToString(arInData())
End Property
Public Property Get OutputData() As Byte()
OutputData = g_abytOutData
End Property
Public Property Let Password(arPWord() As Byte)
Erase g_abytPassword() ' Empty module level password array
ReDim g_abytPassword(0) ' resize to smallest size
If UBound(arPWord) > 0 Then
g_abytPassword = arPWord ' transfer pass array to module array
Erase arPWord() ' erase passed array
End If
End Property
Public Property Get Password() As Byte()
Password = g_abytPassword()
End Property
'----------------------Functions and Procedures-------------------------
Public Function ByteArrayToString(arByte() As Byte) As String
' ------------------Define variables---------------------------------
Dim lngCounter As Long
Dim lngMax As Long
Dim lngLen As Long
Dim lngPadLen As Long
Dim lngIdx As Long
Dim strTemp As String
Dim strOut As String
Const ADD_SPACES As Long = 10000
' -----------------Determine amount of data in the byte array.--------------------
strTemp = ""
lngIdx = 1 ' index pointer for output string
lngMax = UBound(arByte) ' determine number of elements in array
lngPadLen = (ADD_SPACES * 9) ' 90000 blank spaces
strOut = Space$(lngPadLen) ' preload output string
' ------------Unload the byte array and convert each character back to its ASCII-------------
' ----------------------------------------character value------------------------------------
For lngCounter = 0 To lngMax - 1
strTemp = Chr$(arByte(lngCounter)) ' Convert each byte to an ASCII character
lngLen = Len(strTemp) ' save the length of the converted data
' see if some more padding has to be added to the output string
If (lngIdx + lngLen) >= lngPadLen Then
lngPadLen = lngPadLen + ADD_SPACES ' boost blank space counter
strOut = strOut & Space$(ADD_SPACES) ' append some blank spaces
End If
' insert data into output string
Mid$(strOut, lngIdx, lngLen) = strTemp
' increment output string pointer
lngIdx = lngIdx + lngLen
'---------------------------- Return the string data----------------------------------
strOut = RTrim$(strOut) ' remove trailing blanks
ByteArrayToString = strOut ' return data string
'------------------------ Empty variables-----------------------------
strOut = String$(250, 0)
End Function
Public Function Encrypt(Optional intHashType As Integer = 1, _
Optional intCipherType As Integer = 1) As Boolean
Encrypt = CryptoEncrypt(intHashType, intCipherType)
End Function
Private Function CryptoEncrypt(intHashType As Integer, _
intCipherType As Integer) As Boolean
'---------------------- Define local variables-----------------------------
Dim lngHashHnd As Long ' Hash handle
Dim lngkey As Long
Dim lngRetCode As Long ' return value from an API call
Dim lngHashType As Long
Dim lngLen As Long
Dim lngAlgoType As Long
Dim lngHExchgKey As Long
Dim lngEncDataLength As Long
Dim lngEnctBuffLen As Long
Dim strEncBuffer As String
Dim strOutData As String
Dim strPassword As String
'--------------------------- Initialize variables-------------------------------
CryptoEncrypt = False ' preset to FALSE
Erase g_abytOutData()
strOutData = ""
strEncBuffer = ""
strPassword = ""
lngHashType = CALG_SHA1
lngAlgoType = CALG_RC2
'----------------------- Aquire the provider handle---------------------------
If g_lngCryptoContext = 0 Then
If Not GetProvider Then
Call Class_Terminate ' Failed. Time to leave.
Exit Function
End If
End If
On Error GoTo CryptoEncrypt_Error
'---------------------- convert password to string-----------------------------
If UBound(g_abytPassword) > 0 Then
strPassword = ByteArrayToString(g_abytPassword())
End If
'----------------------- Create a hash object----------------------------------
If Not CBool(CryptCreateHash(g_lngCryptoContext, lngHashType, ByVal 0&, _
ByVal 0&, lngHashHnd)) Then
MsgBox "Erro: " & CStr(GetLastError) & " during CryptCreateHash!", _
vbExclamation Or vbOKOnly, "Encryption Errors"
GoTo CleanUp
End If
'------------------------- Hash in the password text----------------------------
If Not CBool(CryptHashData(lngHashHnd, strPassword, Len(strPassword), ByVal 0&)) Then
MsgBox "Erro: " & CStr(GetLastError) & " during CryptHashData!", _
vbExclamation Or vbOKOnly, "Encryption Errors"
GoTo CleanUp
End If
'-------------- Create a session key from the hash object--------------------
If Not CBool(CryptDeriveKey(g_lngCryptoContext, lngAlgoType, _
lngHashHnd, ByVal CRYPT_NO_SALT, lngkey)) Then
MsgBox "Error: " & CStr(GetLastError) & " during CryptDeriveKey!", _
vbExclamation Or vbOKOnly, "Encryption Errors"
GoTo CleanUp
End If
'----------------------- Destroy hash object--------------------------------
If lngHashHnd <> 0 Then
lngRetCode = CryptDestroyHash(lngHashHnd)
End If
lngHashHnd = 0
'------------------------- Prepare data for encryption.-----------------------
lngEncDataLength = Len(g_strInData)
lngEnctBuffLen = lngEncDataLength * 2
strEncBuffer = String$(lngEnctBuffLen, vbNullChar)
LSet strEncBuffer = g_strInData
'--------------------- Encrypt the text data---------------------------------
If Not CBool(CryptEncrypt(lngkey, ByVal 0&, ByVal 1&, ByVal 0&, _
strEncBuffer, lngEncDataLength, lngEnctBuffLen)) Then
MsgBox "Bytes necessários:" & CStr(lngEnctBuffLen) & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"Erro: " & CStr(GetLastError) & " during CryptEncrypt!", _
vbExclamation Or vbOKOnly, "Encryption Errors"
GoTo CleanUp
End If
'--------------- Return the encrypted data string in a byte array-------------
strOutData = Mid$(strEncBuffer, 1, lngEncDataLength)
g_abytOutData = StringToByteArray(strOutData)
CryptoEncrypt = True ' Successful finish
' -------------------------Destroy session key.-----------------------------
If lngkey <> 0 Then
lngRetCode = CryptDestroyKey(lngkey)
End If
'-------------------------- Destroy key exchange key handle---------------------
If lngHExchgKey <> 0 Then
lngRetCode = CryptDestroyKey(lngHExchgKey)
End If
'---------------------------- Destroy hash object--------------------------------
If lngHashHnd <> 0 Then
lngRetCode = CryptDestroyHash(lngHashHnd)
End If
'----------------------------- Empty variables-----------------------------------
lngHashHnd = 0
strPassword = String$(250, 0)
Exit Function
'----------------------- An error ocurred during the encryption process---------------------
MsgBox "Error: " & CStr(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Description & vbCrLf & _
vbCrLf & "A critical error ocurred during the encryption process.", _
vbCritical Or vbOKOnly, "Encryption Error"
Resume CleanUp
End Function
Public Function StringToByteArray(varInput As Variant) As Byte()
'--------------------------- Define local variables----------------------------
Dim lngIdx As Long
Dim lngLen As Long
Dim bytBuffer() As Byte
Dim bytData() As Byte
'----Store length of data string in a variable. Speeds up the process by not----
'----having to constantly evaluate the data length. Works great with loops------
'--------------and long strings of data. Good habit to get into.---------------
lngLen = Len(varInput)
If lngLen < 1 Then
ReDim bytData(0)
StringToByteArray = bytData
Exit Function
End If
'------------- Resize the array based on length on input string--------------
ReDim bytBuffer(lngLen)
ReDim bytData(lngLen)
'----Convert each character in the data string to its ASCII numeric equivalent.------------
'----I use the VB function CByte() because sometimes the ASC() function returns------------
'------------data that does not convert to a value of 0 to 255 cleanly.--------------------
For lngIdx = 0 To lngLen - 1
bytBuffer(lngIdx) = CByte(Asc(Mid$(varInput, lngIdx + 1, 1)))
'--------------- Copy data from memory to variable----------------------
CopyMemory bytData(0), bytBuffer(0), lngLen
'--------------- Return the byte array------------------------------------
StringToByteArray = bytData()
'---------------- Resize arrays to smallest size---------------------------
ReDim bytData(0)
ReDim bytBuffer(0)
End Function
Private Function GetProvider() As Boolean
'------------------------ Define local variables-----------------------------
Dim strTemp As String
Dim strProvider As String
Dim strErrorMsg As String
On Error Resume Next
'------------------------ Prepare string buffers-----------------------------
strTemp = vbNullChar
strProvider = MS_DEFAULT_PROVIDER & vbNullChar
'------------------------ Gain Access To CryptoAPI.---------------------------
If CBool(CryptAcquireContext(g_lngCryptoContext, ByVal strTemp, _
GetProvider = True
Exit Function
End If
End Function
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
ReDim g_abytPassword(0)
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Dim lngRetValue As Long
'----------------------- If we managed to load a Microsoft Provider ID, then release it.--------------------
If g_lngCryptoContext <> 0 Then
lngRetValue = CryptReleaseContext(g_lngCryptoContext, ByVal 0&)
End If
End Sub
Option Explicit
Private g_strFilename As String
Private g_strEncryptName As String
Private arData() As Byte
Private arPassword() As Byte
Private Sub Encrypt_File()
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Define local variables
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dim lngFileSize As Long
Dim hFile As Integer
Dim strText As String
Dim intCipher As Integer
Dim intHashType As Integer
Dim strPassword As String
Dim objCryptWrap As CryptWrap.clsCryptoAPI
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Make sure that the file exists and is not empty.
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Set objCryptWrap = New CryptWrap.clsCryptoAPI
On Error Resume Next
lngFileSize = FileLen(g_strFilename)
If Err <> 0 Or lngFileSize = 0 Then
MsgBox "Não foi possível localizar: " & vbCrLf & _
g_strFilename & vbCrLf & "ou é um arquivo vazio.", _
vbOKOnly, "Arquivo não encontrado"
Exit Sub
End If
On Error GoTo 0 ' nullify the previous "On Error"
On Error GoTo Encrypt_File_Errors
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
' resize the data array to accommodate the file contents
' For encrypting, leave one extra element in the array to handle the last
' NULL appended to the excrypted file
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
ReDim arData(lngFileSize)
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Create empty receiving files
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
hFile = FreeFile ' get first free file handle
Open g_strEncryptName For Output As #hFile
Close #hFile
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
' load the byte array with the file contents from the input file using one
' command then close file.
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Open g_strFilename For Binary Access Read As #hFile
Get hFile, , arData
Close #hFile
strPassword = "hitesh"
arPassword = objCryptWrap.StringToByteArray(strPassword)
objCryptWrap.Password = arPassword()
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
' set up parameters prior to encryption
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
objCryptWrap.InputData = arData()
intHashType = 4 'SHA-1 hasing algorithm
intCipher = 2 'RC2 encryption algorithm
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Encrypt the data and return in a byte array
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
If objCryptWrap.Encrypt(intHashType, intCipher) Then
arData = objCryptWrap.OutputData
GoTo CleanUp
End If
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Write the encrypted data into the encrypted output file
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Open g_strEncryptName For Binary Access Write As #hFile
Put hFile, , arData
Close #hFile
MsgBox "Successful Finish!" & vbCrLf & _
"Use a text editor to veiw the file formats.", _
vbInformation Or vbOKOnly, "Encrypt Files"
On Error GoTo 0 ' nullify the previous "On Error"
Set objCryptWrap = Nothing ' free class from memory
Erase arData() ' empty the data array
strText = String$(250, 0)
Exit Sub
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Display error message
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
MsgBox "Erro: " & CStr(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Description & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"Module: frmEncFiles" & vbCrLf & _
"Routine: Encrypt_File", vbExclamation Or vbOKOnly, "Erro ao Criptografar Arquivo"
Call CloseOpenFiles
Resume CleanUp
End Sub
Public Function CloseOpenFiles() As Boolean
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Closes any files that were opened with an "Open" statement
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
While FreeFile > 1
Close #FreeFile - 1
End Function
Private Sub Generate_FileName()
Dim intPosition As Integer
g_strFilename = Trim$(txtData(0).Text)
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
' look for last period in the path\filename
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
intPosition = InStrRev(g_strFilename, ".", Len(g_strFilename))
g_strEncryptName = Left$(g_strFilename, intPosition) & "enc"
txtData(1).Text = g_strEncryptName
End Sub
Private Sub Clear_Variables()
Erase arData()
g_strFilename = ""
g_strEncryptName = ""
With frmEncFiles
.txtData(1).Text = ""
.txtData(2).Text = ""
End With
End Sub
Private Sub cmdChoice_Click(Index As Integer)
Select Case Index
Case 0 'Test encryption is clicked
If (txtData(0).Text = "") Then
Exit Sub
End If
Case 1 'Exit is clicked
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub txtData_LostFocus(Index As Integer)
If Len(Trim$(txtData(0).Text)) > 0 Then
txtData(1).Text = ""
End If
End Sub
T.H.U.G. L.I.F.E.
Quando vou compilar o arquivo executavel de 1 projeto aparece a seguinte mensagem:
"The Project 'Encrypt' can not be built because it references project
'C:\projeto\CryptWrap.vbp' which does not have a binary compatibility file set."
tenho 1 class module chamada clsCryptoAPI(clsCryptoAPI.cls) que ta dentro do projeto CryptWrap.vbp e tenho 1 form dentro d 1 projeto chamado Encrypt, abaixo vou colocar a programação:
frmEncFiles.frm(form):OBS: não foi eu que fiz esse codigo
obrigado pela ajuda
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