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seleção com "Aspect Ratio"



Olahh pessoal!!

Eu baixei um projeto de um editor de imgagem bem simples q eu quero acrescentar em meu projeto!

eu queria q a seleção dele fike sempre na proporção bloqueada(Tipo "Aspect Ratio")

O comando q eu uso pra chamar a caixa de seleção é:

"ShowGrip True"

"lblShape" é a caixa de seleção (Label)


Private Sub ShowGrip(bShow As Boolean)

Dim i As Integer

lblShape.Move 100, 100, 2000, 2000

lblShape.Visible = bShow

For i = 0 To 7

lblGrip(i).Visible = bShow

Next i


'SetSelection bShow

End Sub

'=============Sizing grip staff==============

Private Sub InitGrip()

Dim i As Integer

lblGrip(0).Width = GripSize

lblGrip(0).Height = GripSize

For i = 1 To 7

Load lblGrip(i)

lblGrip(i).MousePointer = i + 4 * Int((9 - i) / 4)

Next i

lblGrip(0).MousePointer = 8

ShowGrip False

End Sub

Private Sub lblGrip_MouseDown(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)

If Button = vbLeftButton Then

bSizing = True

xStart = x: yStart = y

lblShape.Enabled = False

End If

End Sub

Private Sub lblGrip_MouseMove(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)

Dim lft As Long, tp As Long, wdt As Long, hgt As Long

If bSizing Then

Select Case Index

Case 0

lft = lblShape.Left + x - xStart

tp = lblShape.Top + y - yStart

wdt = lblShape.Width - x + xStart

hgt = lblShape.Height - y + yStart

Case 1

lft = lblShape.Left + x - xStart

tp = lblShape.Top

wdt = lblShape.Width - x + xStart

hgt = lblShape.Height

Case 2

lft = lblShape.Left + x - xStart

tp = lblShape.Top

wdt = lblShape.Width - x + xStart

hgt = lblShape.Height + y - yStart

Case 3

lft = lblShape.Left

tp = lblShape.Top

wdt = lblShape.Width

hgt = lblShape.Height + y - yStart

Case 4

lft = lblShape.Left

tp = lblShape.Top

wdt = lblShape.Width + x - xStart

hgt = lblShape.Height + y - yStart

Case 5

lft = lblShape.Left

tp = lblShape.Top

wdt = lblShape.Width + x - xStart

hgt = lblShape.Height

Case 6

lft = lblShape.Left

tp = lblShape.Top + y - yStart

wdt = lblShape.Width + x - xStart

hgt = lblShape.Height - y + yStart

Case 7

lft = lblShape.Left

tp = lblShape.Top + y - yStart

wdt = lblShape.Width

hgt = lblShape.Height - y + yStart

End Select

If wdt < 0 Or hgt < 0 Or lft < 0 Or tp < 0 Or lft + wdt > picImage.Width Or tp + hgt > picImage.Height Then Exit Sub

lblShape.Move lft, tp, wdt, hgt


End If

End Sub

Private Sub lblGrip_MouseUp(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)

bSizing = False

lblShape.Enabled = True

' SetSelection True

End Sub

Private Sub lblShape_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)

If Button = vbLeftButton Then

bMoving = True

xStart = x: yStart = y

lblShape.MousePointer = 5

ElseIf Button = vbRightButton Then


PopupMenu mnuEdit

ElseIf Button = vbMiddleButton Then


PopupMenu mnuImage

End If

End Sub

Private Sub lblShape_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)

Dim lft As Long, tp As Long

If bMoving Then

lft = lblShape.Left + x - xStart

tp = lblShape.Top + y - yStart

If lft <= 0 Then lft = 0

If tp <= 0 Then tp = 0

If lft > picImage.Width - lblShape.Width Then lft = picImage.Width - lblShape.Width

If tp > picImage.Height - lblShape.Height Then tp = picImage.Height - lblShape.Height

lblShape.Move lft, tp


End If

End Sub

Private Sub lblShape_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)

bMoving = False

lblShape.MousePointer = 0

' SetSelection True

End Sub

Private Sub MoveGrips2()

XGrip(0) = lblShape.Left - GripSize

XGrip(1) = lblShape.Left + lblShape.Width / 2 - GripSize / 2

XGrip(2) = lblShape.Left + lblShape.Width

YGrip(0) = lblShape.Top - GripSize

YGrip(1) = lblShape.Top + lblShape.Height / 2 - GripSize / 2

YGrip(2) = lblShape.Top + lblShape.Height

lblGrip(0).Move XGrip(0), YGrip(0)

lblGrip(1).Move XGrip(0), YGrip(1)

lblGrip(2).Move XGrip(0), YGrip(2)

lblGrip(3).Move XGrip(1), YGrip(2)

lblGrip(4).Move XGrip(2), YGrip(2)

lblGrip(5).Move XGrip(2), YGrip(1)

lblGrip(6).Move XGrip(2), YGrip(0)

lblGrip(7).Move XGrip(1), YGrip(0)

End Sub


to até com dor de cabeça tentando achar uma forma de fazer isso!! rs

se alguém tiver uma dica aihh por favor me ajude!!

em quanto isso eu vo tentando sozinho!! valeu!!!!!

Editado por juniorcyber
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