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Olá pessoal, eu estava querendo um pop que travasse a página atrás e só tivessem acesso a página de trás quando fechassem o popup que está na frente.

Achei esse aqui no forum:

Para deixar mais claro, foi esse exemplo que usei:

Ou senão, veja os codigos abaixo:

Só que o exemplo que me mostrou ele funciona com onclick, mas quando passo para onload ele da erro... Não abre, por que?

<body topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" onload="showPopWin('modalContent.html', 400, 200, null);" >
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="subModal.css" />
    <script type="text/javascript" src="common.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="subModal.js"></script>
<button onclick="showPopWin('modalContent.html', 400, 200, null);">show modal window button</button>
script commom:
 * These are handy functions I use all the time.
 * By Seth Banks (webmaster at subimage dot com)
 * Up to date code can be found at
 * This code is free for you to use anywhere, just keep this comment block.

 * X-browser event handler attachment and detachment
 * TH: Switched first true to false per
 * @argument obj - the object to attach event to
 * @argument evType - name of the event - DONT ADD "on", pass only "mouseover", etc
 * @argument fn - function to call
function addEvent(obj, evType, fn){
 if (obj.addEventListener){
    obj.addEventListener(evType, fn, false);
    return true;
 } else if (obj.attachEvent){
    var r = obj.attachEvent("on"+evType, fn);
    return r;
 } else {
    return false;
function removeEvent(obj, evType, fn, useCapture){
  if (obj.removeEventListener){
    obj.removeEventListener(evType, fn, useCapture);
    return true;
  } else if (obj.detachEvent){
    var r = obj.detachEvent("on"+evType, fn);
    return r;
  } else {
    alert("Handler could not be removed");

 * Code below taken from -
 * Modified 4/22/04 to work with Opera/Moz (by webmaster at subimage dot com)
 * Gets the full width/height because it's different for most browsers.
function getViewportHeight() {
    if (window.innerHeight!=window.undefined) return window.innerHeight;
    if (document.compatMode=='CSS1Compat') return document.documentElement.clientHeight;
    if (document.body) return document.body.clientHeight; 

    return window.undefined; 
function getViewportWidth() {
    var offset = 17;
    var width = null;
    if (window.innerWidth!=window.undefined) return window.innerWidth; 
    if (document.compatMode=='CSS1Compat') return document.documentElement.clientWidth; 
    if (document.body) return document.body.clientWidth; 

 * Gets the real scroll top
function getScrollTop() {
    if (self.pageYOffset) // all except Explorer
        return self.pageYOffset;
    else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop)
        // Explorer 6 Strict
        return document.documentElement.scrollTop;
    else if (document.body) // all other Explorers
        return document.body.scrollTop;
function getScrollLeft() {
    if (self.pageXOffset) // all except Explorer
        return self.pageXOffset;
    else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollLeft)
        // Explorer 6 Strict
        return document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
    else if (document.body) // all other Explorers
        return document.body.scrollLeft;
 * SUBMODAL v1.5
 * Used for displaying DHTML only popups instead of using buggy modal windows.
 * By Seth Banks
 * Contributions by:
 *     Eric Angel - tab index code
 *     Scott - hiding/showing selects for IE users
 *    Todd Huss - inserting modal dynamically and anchor classes
 * Up to date code can be found at
 * This code is free for you to use anywhere, just keep this comment block.

// Popup code
var gPopupMask = null;
var gPopupContainer = null;
var gPopFrame = null;
var gReturnFunc;
var gPopupIsShown = false;
var gDefaultPage = "/loading.html";
var gHideSelects = false;
var gReturnVal = null;

var gTabIndexes = new Array();
// Pre-defined list of tags we want to disable/enable tabbing into
var gTabbableTags = new Array("A","BUTTON","TEXTAREA","INPUT","IFRAME");    

// If using Mozilla or Firefox, use Tab-key trap.
if (!document.all) {
    document.onkeypress = keyDownHandler;

 * Initializes popup code on load.    
function initPopUp() {
    // Add the HTML to the body
    theBody = document.getElementsByTagName('BODY')[0];
    popmask = document.createElement('div'); = 'popupMask';
    popcont = document.createElement('div'); = 'popupContainer';
    popcont.innerHTML = '' +
        '<div id="popupInner">' +
            '<div id="popupTitleBar">' +
                '<div id="popupTitle"></div>' +
                '<div id="popupControls">' +
                    '<img src="close.gif" onclick="hidePopWin(false);" id="popCloseBox" />' +
                '</div>' +
            '</div>' +
            '<iframe src="'+ gDefaultPage +'" style="width:100%;height:100%;background-color:transparent;" scrolling="auto" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" id="popupFrame" name="popupFrame" width="100%" height="100%"></iframe>' +
    gPopupMask = document.getElementById("popupMask");
    gPopupContainer = document.getElementById("popupContainer");
    gPopFrame = document.getElementById("popupFrame");    
    // check to see if this is IE version 6 or lower. hide select boxes if so
    // maybe they'll fix this in version 7?
    var brsVersion = parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.charAt(0), 10);
    if (brsVersion <= 6 && window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") > -1) {
        gHideSelects = true;
    // Add onclick handlers to 'a' elements of class submodal or submodal-width-height
    var elms = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
    for (i = 0; i < elms.length; i++) {
        if (elms[i].className.indexOf("submodal") == 0) { 
            // var onclick = 'function (){showPopWin(\''+elms[i].href+'\','+width+', '+height+', null);return false;};';
            // elms[i].onclick = eval(onclick);
            elms[i].onclick = function(){
                // default width and height
                var width = 400;
                var height = 200;
                // Parse out optional width and height from className
                params = this.className.split('-');
                if (params.length == 3) {
                    width = parseInt(params[1]);
                    height = parseInt(params[2]);
                showPopWin(this.href,width,height,null); return false;
addEvent(window, "load", initPopUp);

    * @argument width - int in pixels
    * @argument height - int in pixels
    * @argument url - url to display
    * @argument returnFunc - function to call when returning true from the window.
    * @argument showCloseBox - show the close box - default true

function showPopWin(url, width, height, returnFunc, showCloseBox) {
    // show or hide the window close widget
    if (showCloseBox == null || showCloseBox == true) {
        document.getElementById("popCloseBox").style.display = "block";
    } else {
        document.getElementById("popCloseBox").style.display = "none";
    gPopupIsShown = true;
    disableTabIndexes(); = "block"; = "block";
    // calculate where to place the window on screen
    centerPopWin(width, height);
    var titleBarHeight = parseInt(document.getElementById("popupTitleBar").offsetHeight, 10); = width + "px"; = (height+titleBarHeight) + "px";

    // need to set the width of the iframe to the title bar width because of the dropshadow
    // some oddness was occuring and causing the frame to poke outside the border in IE6 = parseInt(document.getElementById("popupTitleBar").offsetWidth, 10) + "px"; = (height) + "px";
    // set the url
    gPopFrame.src = url;
    gReturnFunc = returnFunc;
    // for IE
    if (gHideSelects == true) {
    window.setTimeout("setPopTitle();", 600);

var gi = 0;
function centerPopWin(width, height) {
    if (gPopupIsShown == true) {
        if (width == null || isNaN(width)) {
            width = gPopupContainer.offsetWidth;
        if (height == null) {
            height = gPopupContainer.offsetHeight;
        //var theBody = document.documentElement;
        var theBody = document.getElementsByTagName("BODY")[0];
        // = "hidden";
        var scTop = parseInt(getScrollTop(),10);
        var scLeft = parseInt(theBody.scrollLeft,10);
        //window.status = + " " + + " " + gi++;
        var titleBarHeight = parseInt(document.getElementById("popupTitleBar").offsetHeight, 10);
        var fullHeight = getViewportHeight();
        var fullWidth = getViewportWidth();
        = (scTop + ((fullHeight - (height+titleBarHeight)) / 2)) + "px"; =  (scLeft + ((fullWidth - width) / 2)) + "px";
        //alert(fullWidth + " " + width + " " +;
addEvent(window, "resize", centerPopWin);
addEvent(window, "scroll", centerPopWin);
window.onscroll = centerPopWin;

 * Sets the size of the popup mask.
function setMaskSize() {
    var theBody = document.getElementsByTagName("BODY")[0];
    var fullHeight = getViewportHeight();
    var fullWidth = getViewportWidth();
    // Determine what's bigger, scrollHeight or fullHeight / width
    if (fullHeight > theBody.scrollHeight) {
        popHeight = fullHeight;
    } else {
        popHeight = theBody.scrollHeight;
    if (fullWidth > theBody.scrollWidth) {
        popWidth = fullWidth;
    } else {
        popWidth = theBody.scrollWidth;
    } = popHeight + "px"; = popWidth + "px";

 * @argument callReturnFunc - bool - determines if we call the return function specified
 * @argument returnVal - anything - return value 
function hidePopWin(callReturnFunc) {
    gPopupIsShown = false;
    var theBody = document.getElementsByTagName("BODY")[0]; = "";
    if (gPopupMask == null) {
    } = "none"; = "none";
    if (callReturnFunc == true && gReturnFunc != null) {
        // Set the return code to run in a timeout.
        // Was having issues using with an Ajax.Request();
        gReturnVal = window.frames["popupFrame"].returnVal;
        window.setTimeout('gReturnFunc(gReturnVal);', 1);
    gPopFrame.src = gDefaultPage;
    // display all select boxes
    if (gHideSelects == true) {

 * Sets the popup title based on the title of the html document it contains.
 * Uses a timeout to keep checking until the title is valid.
function setPopTitle() {
    if (window.frames["popupFrame"].document.title == null) {
        window.setTimeout("setPopTitle();", 10);
    } else {
        document.getElementById("popupTitle").innerHTML = window.frames["popupFrame"].document.title;

// Tab key trap. iff popup is shown and key was [TAB], suppress it.
// @argument e - event - keyboard event that caused this function to be called.
function keyDownHandler(e) {
    if (gPopupIsShown && e.keyCode == 9)  return false;

// For IE.  Go through predefined tags and disable tabbing into them.
function disableTabIndexes() {
    if (document.all) {
        var i = 0;
        for (var j = 0; j < gTabbableTags.length; j++) {
            var tagElements = document.getElementsByTagName(gTabbableTags[j]);
            for (var k = 0; k < tagElements.length; k++) {
                gTabIndexes[i] = tagElements[k].tabIndex;

// For IE. Restore tab-indexes.
function restoreTabIndexes() {
    if (document.all) {
        var i = 0;
        for (var j = 0; j < gTabbableTags.length; j++) {
            var tagElements = document.getElementsByTagName(gTabbableTags[j]);
            for (var k = 0; k < tagElements.length; k++) {
                tagElements[k].tabIndex = gTabIndexes[i];
                tagElements[k].tabEnabled = true;

* Hides all drop down form select boxes on the screen so they do not appear above the mask layer.
* IE has a problem with wanted select form tags to always be the topmost z-index or layer
* Thanks for the code Scott!
function hideSelectBoxes() {
    for(var i = 0; i < document.forms.length; i++) {
        for(var e = 0; e < document.forms[i].length; e++){
            if(document.forms[i].elements[e].tagName == "SELECT") {

* Makes all drop down form select boxes on the screen visible so they do not reappear after the dialog is closed.
* IE has a problem with wanted select form tags to always be the topmost z-index or layer
function displaySelectBoxes() {
    for(var i = 0; i < document.forms.length; i++) {
        for(var e = 0; e < document.forms[i].length; e++){
            if(document.forms[i].elements[e].tagName == "SELECT") {


Editado por marvi
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Mas é esse popup que uso e ele só abre com onclick e não com onload... e quero com onload

Não entendi!

Que diferença faz em qual evento (onload, onlclick, onblur, onchange ou outro) é somente a forma como o script será disparado.

A vantagem deste link é a solução funciona no FireFox e IE.

Mas já que não lhe atende boa sorte.

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o exemplo que o Void postou lá, não acessa mais...

Mas é isso que você disse, tanto faz onclick ou onload... mas é que no meu exemplo que te mostrei não esta fazendo com onload, disse que dar erro: objeto necessário..., mas quando coloco onlcick não dar erro nenhum...E como preciso com onload então queria resolver esse erro.

Esses popup que você me passou lá é bloqueado pelo anti-popup? Preciso que não seja.


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Vou dar um pesquisa nos meus script´s e verei se tenho alguma coisa.

você quer que rode no FireFox e Mozilla? porque se for para rodar somente no IE pode utilizar:

window.showModalDialog("", myArguments, '');

Agora burlar o anti-popup desconheço como e acho que você não vai conseguir.

Outra coisa você quer que o site no fundo fique em um tom de cor escurecido?

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Quero que o site site no fundo fique em um tom de cor escurecido sim.

Achei esse:

<script language="javaScript">
function o(strURL, strArgument, intWidth, intHeight){
var intTop = ((screen.height - intHeight) / 2);
var intLeft = ((screen.width - intWidth) / 2);
var strEnderec=strURL;
var strAjustesIE='status=0; help=0; center:yes; dialogWidth:'+intWidth+'px; dialogHeight:'+intHeight+'px';
var strAjustesNS='width='+intWidth+', height='+intHeight+', status=0, scrollbars=1, menubar=0, dependent=1, left='+intLeft+', top='+intTop;

with (window.navigator){
switch (appName){

case 'Microsoft Internet Explorer':
var x = window.showModalDialog(strEnderec, strArgument ,strAjustesIE);

case 'Netscape':
var x =, 'Default', strAjustesNS);
onLoad="o('quantidadefabricantes.asp', window, 680, 420);"

Na verdade tem esse site: que explica fazer Popup que bular o anti-popup, mas com ele não consigo fazer carregar com onload, só com onclick

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Pois é foi justamente a solução que encontrei no link:

Qual o erro quando você tente implementar o anti-popup no onload?

porque a solução da"" target="_blank"> é mais robusta quei achei.

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