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Fórum Script Brasil
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Caros colegas do forum Script Brasil, tenho o prazer de anunciar




caros colegas do forum script brasil,

tenho o prazer de anunciar que acabou de ser lançado a versão final do sidux 2008.3 , codinome ourea (versão em português). Leiam as informações detalhadas aqui em . Baixem e experimentem é simplesmente líndissimo o visual, fora as qualidades do sidux que todos conhecemos (leveza e moderniddade). Baixem logo e coloquem os seus screenshots na aréa que reservei para mostrar os seus destops no forum do sidux (comunidade da língua portuguesa). Um grande abraço.



“planned (due to a hard to find bug in virtualbox-ose), we now have the pleasure to announce the immediate availability of the sidux 2008-03 "Hein??" release, available in the following flavours:

KDE-lite, amd64, en/ de, ?485 MB.

KDE-lite, i686, en/ de, ?480 MB.

KDE-full, amd64+i686, en/ de (da, el, es, fr, hr, it, já, nl, pt, pt_BR, ro, ru through liveapt) ?2 GB.

XFCE, amd64, en/ de, ?400 MB.

XFCE, i686, en/ de, ?400 MB.

sidux is a full featured Debian sid based live CD with a special focus on hard disk installations, a clean upgrade path within sid and additional hard- and software support. The ISO is completely based on Debian sid, enriched and stabilized with sidux' own packages and scripts.

Release notes for Hein??

"Hein??" concentrates on integrating the changes caused by kernel 2.6.26, and on the post-install experience — by propagating the default user profile to new users as well. As a welcome side effect, hardware for common netbooks and newer chipsets is now supported by sidux. Furthermore a large number of individual functionality enhancements and bugfixes have been applied to the full package line up and especially sidux' own packages.

A new feature in "Hein??" is the ability to select all other languages than German or US English from the grub menu (F4) in the kde-full flavour, installing the localisations for the desktop and many applications while booting. This ensures they are also present after installing sidux, while only installing the required languages for the given system. The amount of memory required for this feature depends on the language and sidux may refuse to install the given language packs automatically with insufficient RAM and the boot sequence will be continued in english language but with the desired localessettings (currency, date/ time format, keyboard charsets). 512 MB memory or more is supposed to be safe for all supported languages, which are:





English (GB)




Portuguese (BR and PT)




the language selection depends on the availability of sidux-manual translations, get involved to add your language.

Our special thanks go to the sidux art team and especially all mirror hosters for their efforts regarding sidux.”


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