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(Resolvido) Aniversáriantes do mês



:rolleyes: Boa Noite Pessoal!

Sou novato em ASP (totalmente) e consegui um script dos Aniv. do Mês, mas não está saindo como eu queria. Eu preciso que ele mostre todos os aniv. do mês e ele só me mostra os do dia. Alguém pode me ajudar? Obrigado.

Segue o código completo abaixo:



'* This is a simple to install program - just place the Today.asp file anywhere *'

'* on your site, and alter the global variables below to customize how it looks *'


mTitleColor = "DARKRED" '* This is the color of the title 'Today in History' *'

mHeaderColor = "DARKBLUE" '* This is the color of the headers, Birthdays, Events *'

mYearColor = "DARKBLUE" '* This is the color of the year *'

mTextColor = "#069" '* This is the color of the text of the birthday or event *'

mTitle = "Aniversariantes do Mês: " '* What you want to appear as the title *'

mDataBaseDir = "Today.mdb" '*****************************************************'

'* This is the location of the Today.mdb file in *'

'* regards to your home directory - in this example *'

'* it is the same directory as the Today.asp file *'


'* Function to return the verbose month given an integer 1-12 *'

function toLongMonth(pInInteger)

mMonth = "Não encontrado"

if isNumeric(pInInteger) then

select case pInInteger

case 1: mMonth = "Janeiro"

case 2: mMonth = "Fevereiro"

case 3: mMonth = "Março"

case 4: mMonth = "Abril"

case 5: mMonth = "Maio"

case 6: mMonth = "Junho"

case 7: mMonth = "Julho"

case 8: mMonth = "Augosto"

case 9: mMonth = "Setembro"

case 10: mMonth = "Outubro"

case 11: mMonth = "Novembro"

case 12: mMonth = "Dezembro"

end select

end if

toLongMonth = mMonth

end function

'* Open DSNless connection to Today.mdb *'

set connGlobal = server.createobject("ADODB.Connection")

connGlobal.Open "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ= " & server.mappath(mDataBaseDir)

'* SQL Statement to pull data *'

mSQL = "SELECT his_type, his_day, his_desc FROM UNV_HISTORY " & _

" WHERE his_day = datepart('d', date()) " & _

" AND his_month = datepart('m', date()) " & _

" ORDER BY his_day, his_desc "

'* Execute the SQL statement *'

set rsGlobal = connGlobal.execute(mSQL)

'* Display The Title *'

response.write "<FONT COLOR = " & mTitleColor & " SIZE = '1'><B>" & mTitle & _

toLongMonth(datepart("m", date())) & _

" " & datepart("yyyy", date()) & _


'* Display The Birthday Tag *'

response.write "<FONT COLOR = " & mHeaderColor & "><B>Parabéns:</b></FONT>"

mType = "B"

'* Initialize a table that will be used to format results of rsGlobal *'

response.write "<TABLE WIDTH = '100%'>"

'* Loop through recordset *'

while not rsGlobal.eof

'* Check to see if the type has changed, if so change the Tag to Events: *'

'if rsGlobal("his_type") <> mType then

' mType = "E"

' response.write "</TABLE><BR><FONT COLOR = " & mHeaderColor & "><B>Events:</b></FONT>"

' response.write "<TABLE WIDTH = '100%'>"

'end if

'* Display a single line from the result set *'

response.write "<TR VALIGN = TOP><TD ALIGN = RIGHT WIDTH = '5%'><FONT COLOR = " & _

mYearColor & " SIZE = '-4'><B>&nbsp;&nbsp;" & rsGlobal("his_day") & "</b></font></td>"

response.write "<TD WIDTH = '95%'><FONT COLOR = " & mTextColor & " SIZE = '-4'>" & rsGlobal("his_desc") & "</FONT></td></tr>"

'* Move to the next record *'



'* Close the table *'

response.write "</TABLE>"

'* Close the recordset and connection *'


set rsGlobal = nothing


set connGlobal = nothing

'* All Done *'


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