Boa galera, tenho um sistema de anuncio em que o cliente coloca o anuncio com figura, qual o drama , aqui em meu servidor local tudo bem TUDO FUNCIONA, mais quando coloco em meu provedor , quando tento fazer o upload de uma figura recebo a seguinte mesnsagem de erro:
Not enough permissions
File ../../imagens/capa/1a287752_570_235.jpg can not be created,
Set the permissions of the parentmap correctly
Please correct and try again
Warning: unlink(../../imagens/capa/1a287752_570_235.jpg) [function.unlink]: No such file or directory in /home/valmir/public_html/g/ScriptLibrary/incPureUpload.php on line 378
// --- Pure PHP File Upload -----------------------------------------------------
// Copyright 2003 (c) George Petrov, Patrick Woldberg,
// Version: 2.1.2
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class pureFileUpload
// Set version
var $version = '2.1.2';
var $debugger = false;
// Define variables
var $path;
var $extensions;
var $redirectURL;
var $storeType;
var $sizeLimit;
var $nameConflict;
var $minWidth;
var $minHeight;
var $maxWidth;
var $maxHeight;
var $saveWidth;
var $saveHeight;
var $timeout;
var $fullpath;
var $uploadedFile;
var $uploadedFiles;
var $addOns;
function pureFileUpload() {
global $DMX_debug;
$this->uploadedFile = new fileInfo($this);
$this->uploadedFiles = array();
$this->addOns = array();
$this->debugger = $DMX_debug;
$this->debug("<br/><font color=\"#009900\"><b>Pure PHP Upload version ".$this->version."</b></font><br/><br/>");
// Check if version is uptodate
function checkVersion($version) {
if ($version < $this->version) {
// Cleanup illegal characters
function cleanUpFileName(&$file) {
$this->debug("<b>CleanUp FileName</b><br/>");
$fileName = $file->getFileName();
$fileName = substr($fileName, strrpos($fileName, ':'));
$fileName = preg_replace("/\s+|;|\+|=|\[|\]|'|,|\\|\"|\*|<|>|\/|\?|\:|\|/i", "_", $fileName);
$this->debug("new filename = <font color=\"#000099\"><b>".$fileName."</b></font><br/>");
// Check the dimensions of the image
function checkImageDimension(&$file) {
$this->debug("<b>Checking Image Dimension</b><br/>");
// Get the imageSize
if ($imageSize = GetImageSize($this->path.'/'.$file->fileName)) {
$this->debug("imageWidth = <font color=\"#000099\"><b>".$imageSize[0]."</b></font><br/>");
$this->debug("imageHeight = <font color=\"#000099\"><b>".$imageSize[1]."</b></font><br/>");
// Check if it isn't to small
if (($this->minWidth <> '' && $imageSize[0] < $this->minWidth) || ($this->minHeight <> '' && $imageSize[1] < $this->minHeight)) {
$this->error('smallSize', $file->fileName);
// Check if it isn't to big
if (($this->maxWidth <> '' && $imageSize[0] > $this->maxWidth) || ($this->maxHeight <> '' && $imageSize[1] > $this->maxHeight)) {
$this->error('bigSize', $file->fileName);
// Set the post vars with the imageSize
$this->debug("Setting the imagesize in formfields<br/>");
$file->setImageSize($imageSize[0], $imageSize[1]);
$HTTP_POST_VARS[$this->saveWidth] = $imageSize[0];
$HTTP_POST_VARS[$this->saveHeight] = $imageSize[1];
// Check if directory exist and create if needed
function checkDir($dir) {
$this->debug("<b>Check path</b><br/>");
if (!is_dir($dir)) {
$this->debug("path does not exist<br/>");
// Break directory apart
$dirs = explode('/', $dir);
$tempDir = $dirs[0];
$check = false;
for ($i = 1; $i < count($dirs); $i++) {
$this->debug("Checking ".$tempDir."<br/>");
if (is_writeable($tempDir)) {
$check = true;
} else {
$error = $tempDir;
$tempDir .= '/'.$dirs[$i];
// Check if directory exist
if (!is_dir($tempDir)) {
if ($check) {
// Create directory
$this->debug("Creating ".$tempDir."<br/>");
mkdir($tempDir, 0777);
chmod($tempDir, 0777);
} else {
// Not enough permissions
$this->error('permission', $error);
// Check the fileSize
function checkFileSize(&$file) {
$this->debug("<b>Checking fileSize</b><br/>");
if ($this->sizeLimit < $file->fileSize) {
$this->error('size', $file->fileName);
// Check if the extension is allowed
function checkExtension(&$file) {
$this->debug("<b>Checking extension</b><br/>");
$allow = false;
// Loop thrue the extensions
foreach (split(',', $this->extensions) as $extension) {
// Check if it is allowed
$this->debug("comparing <font color=\"#000099\"><b>".strtoupper($file->extension)."</b></font> with <font color=\"#000099\"><b>".strtoupper($extension)."</b></font><br/>");
if (strtoupper($file->extension) == strtoupper($extension)) {
$allow = true;
// Give error when not allowed
if (!$allow && $file->fileName <> '') {
$this->error('extension', $file->fileName);
// Create an unique name if file exists
function createUniqName($fileName) {
$this->debug("<b>Creating a unique name</b><br/>");
$uniq = 0;
$name = substr($fileName, 0, strrpos($fileName, '.'));
$extension = substr($fileName, strrpos($fileName, '.')+1);
while (++$uniq) {
// Check if file does not exist
$this->debug("Checking <font color=\"#000099\"><b>".$name.'_'.$uniq.'.'.$extension."</b></font><br/>");
if (!file_exists($this->path.'/'.$name.'_'.$uniq.'.'.$extension)) {
// Return an uniq filename
return ($name.'_'.$uniq.'.'.$extension);
// Move the file to the given location
function moveFile($source, $destination) {
$this->debug("<b>Moving the file to the destination</b><br/>");
// Check if you have write permissions
$this->debug("Checking permissions<br/>");
if (is_writeable($this->path)) {
if (move_uploaded_file($source, $destination)) {
// Change file permissions
chmod($destination, 0644);
// Add filename to array with done files
$this->done[] = $destination;
$this->debug("file moved to <font color=\"#000099\"><b>".$destination."</b></font><br/>");
} else {
// Give an error if no write permissions
$this->error('writePerm', $destination);
} else {
// Give an error if no write permissions
$this->error('writePerm', $destination);
function error($error, $extra) {
switch ($error) {
// Incorrect version
case 'version':
echo "<b>You don't have latest version of incPHPupload.php uploaded on the server.</b><br/>";
echo "This library is required for the current page.<br/>";
// Not enough permissions to create folder
case 'permission':
echo "<b>Not enough permissions</b><br/><br/>";
echo "Folder <b>".$extra."</b> can not be created,<br/>";
echo "Set the permissions of the parentmap correctly<br/>";
// Not enough permissions to write an file
case 'writePerm':
echo "<b>Not enough permissions</b><br/><br/>";
echo "File <b>".$extra."</b> can not be created,<br/>";
echo "Set the permissions of the parentmap correctly<br/>";
// The imagesize is to small
case 'smallSize':
echo "<b>Imagesize exceeds limit!</b><br/><br/>";
echo "Uploaded Image ".$extra." is too small!<br/>";
echo "Should be at least ".$this->minWidth." x ".$this->minHeight."<br/>";
// The imagesize is to big
case 'bigSize':
echo "<b>Imagesize exceeds limit!</b><br/><br/>";
echo "Uploaded Image ".$extra." is too big!<br/>";
echo "Should be max ".$this->maxWidth." x ".$this->maxHeight."<br/>";
// Filesize is to big
case 'size':
echo "<b>Size exceeds limit!</b><br/><br/>";
echo "Filename: ".$extra."<br/>";
echo "Upload size exceeds limit of ".$this->sizeLimit." kb<br/>";
// Extension is not allowed
case 'extension':
echo "<b>Extension is not allowed!</b><br/><br/>";
echo "Filename: ".$extra."<br/>";
echo "Only the following file extensions are allowed: ".$this->extensions."<br/>";
echo "Please select another file and try again.<br/>";
// There was an error with the uploaded file
case 'empty':
echo "<b>An error has occured saving uploaded file!</b><br/><br/>";
echo "Filename: ".$extra."<br/>";
echo "File is not uploaded correctly or is empty.<br/>";
// File exists
case 'exist':
echo "<b>File already exists!</b><br/><br/>";
echo "Filename: ".$extra."<br/>";
// Allow to go back and stop the script
echo "Please correct and <a href=\"java script:history.back(1)\">try again</a>";
// Stop the script
function doUpload() {
// Debugger info
$this->debug("PHP version(<font color=\"#990000\">".phpversion()."</font>)<br/>");
$this->debug("path(<font color=\"#990000\">".$this->path."</font>)<br/>");
$this->debug("extensions(<font color=\"#990000\">".$this->extensions."</font>)<br/>");
$this->debug("redirectURL(<font color=\"#990000\">".$this->redirectURL."</font>)<br/>");
$this->debug("storeType(<font color=\"#990000\">".$this->storeType."</font>)<br/>");
$this->debug("sizeLimit(<font color=\"#990000\">".$this->sizeLimit."</font>)<br/>");
$this->debug("nameConflict(<font color=\"#990000\">".$this->nameConflict."</font>)<br/>");
$this->debug("minWidth(<font color=\"#990000\">".$this->minWidth."</font>)<br/>");
$this->debug("minHeight(<font color=\"#990000\">".$this->minHeight."</font>)<br/>");
$this->debug("maxWidth(<font color=\"#990000\">".$this->maxWidth."</font>)<br/>");
$this->debug("maxHeight(<font color=\"#990000\">".$this->maxHeight."</font>)<br/>");
$this->debug("saveWidth(<font color=\"#990000\">".$this->saveWidth."</font>)<br/>");
$this->debug("saveHeight(<font color=\"#990000\">".$this->saveHeight."</font>)<br/>");
$this->debug("timeout(<font color=\"#990000\">".$this->timeout."</font>)<br/>");
// Set the timeout
$this->debug("Setting timeout<br/>");
// Get the fullpath
$this->fullPath = '/'.substr($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_SELF'], 1, strrpos($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_SELF'], '/')).$this->path.'/';
$this->debug("fullPath = <font color=\"#000099\"><b>".$this->fullPath."</b></font><br/>");
// Check if directory exists and create if needed
// Go through all the files
$this->debug("<b>Starting to progress files</b><br/>");
foreach ($HTTP_POST_FILES as $field => $value) {
$file = new fileInfo($this);
$file->field = $field;
$this->debug("field = <font color=\"#000099\"><b>".$file->field."</b></font><br/>");
$this->debug("filename = <font color=\"#000099\"><b>".$file->fileName."</b></font><br/>");
// Clean file from illegal characters
// Check filesize if limit is given
if ($this->sizeLimit <> '') {
// Check the filename extension
if ($this->extensions <> '') {
// Check if file is uploaded correctly
if (is_uploaded_file($HTTP_POST_FILES[$field]['tmp_name'])) {
// Check if filename exists
if (file_exists($this->path.'/'.$file->fileName)) {
// What to do if filename exists
switch ($this->nameConflict) {
// Overwrite the file
case 'over':
$this->debug("Overwrite existing file<br/>");
$this->moveFile($HTTP_POST_FILES[$field]['tmp_name'], $this->path.'/'.$file->fileName);
// Give error message
case 'error':
$this->error('exist', $file->fileName);
// Make an unique name
case 'uniq':
$this->moveFile($HTTP_POST_FILES[$field]['tmp_name'], $this->path.'/'.$file->fileName);
} else {
// If filename does not exist
$this->moveFile($HTTP_POST_FILES[$field]['tmp_name'], $this->path.'/'.$file->fileName);
// Check the imagesize
// Put fileinfo in array
$this->uploadedFiles[$field] = $file;
} elseif ($file->fileName <> '') {
// The file is 0 in size or is not uploaded correctly
$this->error('empty', $file->fileName);
} else {
// No file is uploaded
$HTTP_POST_VARS[$field] = '';
// Recreate the redirectURL
if ($this->redirectURL <> '') {
$this->redirectURL .= (strpos($this->redirectURL, '?')) ? '&' : '?';
$this->redirectURL .= $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['QUERY_STRING'];
header(sprintf("Location: %s", $this->redirectURL));
// Debugger
function debug($info) {
if ($this->debugger) {
echo "<font face=\"verdana\" size=\"2\">".$info."</font>";
// Register addons and put them in an array
function registerAddOn(&$addOn) {
array_push($this->addOns, $addOn);
function failUpload() {
foreach ($this->addOns as $addOn) {
// Check if some files are already uploaded
if (isset($this->uploadedFiles)) {
if (count($this->uploadedFiles) > 0) {
foreach ($this->uploadedFiles as $file) {
// Delete the file
class pureUploadAddon
var $upload;
function pureUploadAddon(&$upload) {
$this->upload = &$upload;
function cleanUp() {
class fileInfo
var $field;
var $fileName;
var $fileSize;
var $filePath;
var $thumbFileName;
var $thumbName;
var $thumbExtension;
var $thumbSize;
var $thumbPath;
var $thumbNaming;
var $thumbSuffix;
var $name;
var $extension;
var $imageWidth;
var $imageHeight;
var $thumbWidth;
var $thumbHeight;
var $upload;
function fileInfo(&$upload) {
$this->upload = &$upload;
function setFileName($newFileName, $fileSize = "") {
$this->fileName = $newFileName;
$this->filePath = $this->upload->path;
$this->name = substr($newFileName, 0, strrpos($newFileName, '.'));
$this->extension = substr($newFileName, strrpos($newFileName, '.')+1);
if ($fileSize == "") {
if (file_exists($this->upload->path."/".$this->fileName)) {
$this->fileSize = round((filesize($this->upload->path."/".$this->fileName)/1024), 0);
} else {
$this->fileSize = round(($fileSize/1024), 0);
if ($this->upload->storeType == 'path') {
$HTTP_POST_VARS[$this->field] = $this->upload->fullPath.$this->fileName;
} else {
$HTTP_POST_VARS[$this->field] = $this->fileName;
$this->upload->uploadedFiles[$this->field] = $this;
function setThumbFileName($newFileName, $path, $naming, $suffix) {
$this->thumbFileName = $newFileName;
$this->thumbPath = $path;
$this->thumbNaming = $naming;
$this->thumbSuffix = $suffix;
$this->thumbName = substr($newFileName, 0, strrpos($newFileName, '.'));
$this->thumbExtension = substr($newFileName, strrpos($newFileName, '.')+1);
if (file_exists($path."/".$this->thumbFileName)) {
$this->thumbSize = round((filesize($path."/".$this->thumbFileName)/1024), 0);
$this->upload->uploadedFiles[$this->field] = $this;
function setThumbSize($width, $height) {
$this->thumbWidth = $width;
$this->thumbHeight = $height;
$this->upload->uploadedFiles[$this->field] = $this;
function setImageSize($width, $height) {
$this->imageWidth = $width;
$this->imageHeight = $height;
$this->upload->uploadedFiles[$this->field] = $this;
function getFileName() {
return $this->fileName;
function getThumbFileName() {
return $this->thumbFileName;
Então alguém saberia me falar o que posso fazer para coriigir este erro.
Boa galera, tenho um sistema de anuncio em que o cliente coloca o anuncio com figura, qual o drama , aqui em meu servidor local tudo bem TUDO FUNCIONA, mais quando coloco em meu provedor , quando tento fazer o upload de uma figura recebo a seguinte mesnsagem de erro:
Not enough permissions
File ../../imagens/capa/1a287752_570_235.jpg can not be created,
Set the permissions of the parentmap correctly
Please correct and try again
Warning: unlink(../../imagens/capa/1a287752_570_235.jpg) [function.unlink]: No such file or directory in /home/valmir/public_html/g/ScriptLibrary/incPureUpload.php on line 378
Então alguém saberia me falar o que posso fazer para coriigir este erro.
Grato aos amigo.
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