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(Resolvido) SEQUEL

Livio Neiva


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Gostaria de saber qual a função desse programa sequel!!

gostaria de ler artigos, documentários, apostilas sobre ele

Livio Neiva, de que SEQUEL você está ser referindo?

Seria interessante você por um link ou algo que ajude os colegas leitores a localizarem-se sobre o assunto.

Se for sobre este Sequel, então o tópico está na sessão errada.


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Gostaria de saber qual a função desse programa sequel!!

gostaria de ler artigos, documentários, apostilas sobre ele

Livio Neiva, de que SEQUEL você está ser referindo?

Seria interessante você por um link ou algo que ajude os colegas leitores a localizarem-se sobre o assunto.

Se for sobre este Sequel, então o tópico está na sessão errada.


eu pequei essas informações na pasta que o programa ta instalado, infelizmente ta em inglês


Package Description


Sequel 2.0 SDK Package

Package Release 7

Released on April 6, 2002

Package supports both fInstall & Uninstall functions.

Contact Information






Sequel License Agreement


"SOFTWARE PRODUCT" shall mean all files you have obtained with this file.

"REGISTRATION CODE" shall mean a sequence of digits and/or chars that is being accepted by the SOFTWARE PRODUCT as a valid and giving the right to use SOFTWARE PRODUCT to the maximum specified extent. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT will draw this out in way that is described in its reference guide.

REGISTRATION CODE may be also referenced as a "LICENSE" within the SOFTWARE PRODUCT.

"AUTHORIZED USE" shall mean using performed by an owner of appropriate REGISTRATION CODE.

"AUTHOR" shall mean the author of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT and holder of its rights.

"ENTERPRISE VERSION" shall mean a special version of SOFTWARE PRODUCT with special features.

"DEFAULT BUILD" shall mean the Win32 dynamic-link library realized as the sequel.dll file that is being shipped within the Sequel SDK package.

"FULL FUNCTIONALITY" shall mean the functionally of DEFAULT BUILD.

"SOURCE CODE FUNCTIONALITY" shall mean the FULL FUNCTIONALITY with modified behavior of all licensing-related functionality.

"SOURCE CODE" shall mean all files, which are necessary to build dynamic-link library with SOURCE CODE FUNCTIONALITY. The SOURCE CODE can be compiled with Delphi 5 standard edition. The type library is provided in both forms - binary and source (text).


The SOFTWARE PRODUCT can be used as freeware - i.e. with the $0.0 price under these conditions:

Any software using Sequel must legibly display its use and its origin -

If being used for testing purposes, it can be tested only one month since its first installation.

If being used for educational purposes, any application developed during an educational process and using SOFTWARE PRODUCT can not be distributed without full source of such application.

If being used for application development, right to develop software with taken of one computer where SOFTWARE PRODUCT is installed is granted. This right ends with ownership of at least one REGISTRATION CODE for development purposes. The total sum of users of SOFTWARE PRODUCT or applications using SOFTWARE PRODUCT is in this case limited to one.

SOFTWARE PRODUCT can be used only for testing purposes or for educational purposes or for development purposes.

Disassembling or remitting the SOFTWARE PRODUCT to the process of reverse engineering in any way is prohibited.

SOFTWARE PRODUCT still draws out its unregistered status.

When not being used for development purposes, the count of computers where SOFTWARE PRODUCT can be deployed is not limited.

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Gostaria de saber qual a função desse programa sequel!!

Sequel2.0 Release 4

Interface SQL para Delphi que permite que você desenvolva aplicações baseadas em SQL puro. É rápido, eficiente e acessa direto o ODBC32 do Windows.


você é realmente de inpressionar

probema resolvido!!!

Valeu muuuuito obrigado pela atenção e ajuda!!

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