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(Resolvido) Dois mecanismo de busca



Olá pessoal,

Eu preciso desenvolver um campo de busca que tenha uma opção para que o usuário escolha ou pesquisar no site ou pesquisar pelo google, ficaria assim:

Campo: ______________________ [pesquisar]

() site () google

Aí a pessoa seleciona se é no google ou no próprio site, tem como?

Eu estava tentando colocar esse codigo do google, mas ele, apesar de buscar só no site via google, não permite ficar mudando de opção do motor de busca:

<!-- Google Custom Search Element --> <div id="cse" style="width:100%;">Loading</div> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> google.load('search', '1'); google.setOnLoadCallback(function(){ new'000019919219797814343:3-4cxrcektu').draw('cse'); }, true); </script>

Editado por marvi
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Cara... é possível sim! Só não lembro como... mas sei que existe um codigo pronto do próprio google para isso... amanhã vou dar uma fuçada nos meus favoritos e ver se encontro algo...

Se não o jeito vai ser pesquisar no google mesmo...

Edit.: achei o que você procura aqui:


Editado por Rafael Spilki
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Mas, o que quero não é só o google rodando, queria com a opção de buscar no google ou não, usando o mesmo campo.


<HEAD><script LANGUAGE="Javascript">Yahoo = "";Alta = "";Direct = "";Lycos = "";Crawler = "";GoCom = "";DejaNews = "";Google = "";Go2Net = "";SearchCom = "";Mamma = "";DogPile = "";Excite = "";DMOZ = "";Snap = ",61,-0,00.html?";Galaxy = "";var got=0;var url = "";var plus="";var mag="";function search4(item){stringPlus();;;resultswindow.document.write("<head><title>Close this window "+ "to return to Search Page</title></head>"+ "<FRAMESET ROWS=50%,50%><FRAMESET COLS=50%,50%>"+ "<FRAME NAME='frame0' SRC='" + computeFrameSrc(0) + "'>"+ "<FRAME NAME='frame1' SRC='" + computeFrameSrc(1) + "'>"+ "</FRAMESET><FRAMESET COLS=50%,50%><FRAME NAME='frame2' "+ "SRC='" + computeFrameSrc(2) + "'><FRAME NAME='frame3' "+ "SRC='" + computeFrameSrc(3) + "'></FRAMESET></FRAMESET>");resultswindow.document.close();got = 0;}function search2(item){stringPlus();;;resultswindow.document.write("<head><title>Close this window "+ "to return to Total search</title></head><FRAMESET ROWS=50%,50%>"+ "<FRAME NAME='frame0' SRC='" + computeFrameSrc(0) + "'><FRAME "+ "NAME='frame1' SRC='" + computeFrameSrc(1) + "'></FRAMESET>");resultswindow.document.close();got = 0;}function stringPlus() {for (var j=0; j < window.document.choose4.text.value.length; j++) {if (window.document.choose4.text.value.charAt(j) == " ")mag += "+";else mag += window.document.choose4.text.value.charAt(j);}}function numChecked(item) {plus = escape(item.text.value);var h=0;num=0;for (var l=0; l < item.check1.length; l++) {if (item.check1[l].checked) {h++;if (h++ <= 4){if (l == "0"){num = 1;}else if (l == "1") num = 2;else if (l == "2") num = 3;else if (l == "3") num = 4;else if (l == "4") num = 5;else if (l == "5") num = 6;else if (l == "6") num = 7;else if (l == "7") num = 8;else if (l == "8") num = 9;else if (l == "9") num = 10;else if (l == "10") num = 11;else if (l == "11") num = 12;else if (l == "12") num = 13;else if (l == "13") num = 14;else if (l == "14") num = 15;      }   }}if (h == 2)Results(num-1);else if (h == 4)search2(item);elsesearch4(item);}function computeFrameSrc(num) {var k=-1;for (var j=got; j < document.choose4.check1.length; j++) {if (document.choose4.check1[j].checked){k++;if (k++ <= num){if (j == "0"){url = Yahoo + plus;got = 1;}else if (j == "1"){url = DMOZ + plus;got = 2;}else if (j == "2"){url = Snap + plus;got = 3;}else if (j == "3"){url = Alta + plus + "&mode=and";got = 4;}else if (j == "4"){url = Direct + plus;got = 5;}else if (j == "5"){url = Lycos + plus + "&backlink=217&maxhits=25";got = 6;}else if (j == "6"){url = Excite + plus + "&category=default&mode=relevance&showqbe=1&display=html3,hb";got = 7;}else if (j == "7"){url = Crawler + plus + "&maxHits=25";got = 8;}else if (j == "8"){url = GoCom + plus;got = 9;}else if (j == "9"){url = DejaNews + plus + "&defaultOp=AND&svcclass=dncurrent&maxhits=25";got = 10;}else if (j == "10"){url = Google + plus;got = 11;}else if (j == "11"){url = Go2Net + plus;got = 12;}else if (j == "12"){url = SearchCom + plus;got = 13;}else if (j == "13"){url = Mamma + plus;got = 14;}else if (j == "14"){url = DogPile + plus;got = 15;}return url;      }   }}url = "java script:void(0)";return url;}function Results(place){stringPlus();resultsWin ="","results");if (place == "0")url = Yahoo + plus;else if (place == "1")url = DMOZ + plus;else if (place == "2")url = Snap + plus;else if (place == "3")url = Alta + plus + "&mode=and";else if (place == "4")url = Direct + plus + "&mode=and";else if (place == "5")url = Lycos + plus + "&backlink=217&maxhits=25";else if (place == "6")url = Excite + plus + "&category=default&mode=relevance&showqbe=1&display=html3,hb";else if (place == "7")url = Crawler + plus + "&maxHits=25";else if (place == "8")url = GoCom + plus;else if (place == "9")url = DejaNews + plus + "&defaultOp=AND&svcclass=dncurrent&maxhits=25";else if (place == "10")url = Google + plus + "&hits=25&disp=Text+Only";else if (place == "11")url = Go2Net + plus;else if (place == "12")url = SearchCom + plus;else if (place == "13")url = Mamma + plus;else if (place == "14")url = DogPile + plus;resultsWin.location = url;}// End  --></script><BODY><center><b>Search</b><p>Este script irá executar a mesma pesquisa em <br> 4 dos principais motores de busca ao mesmo tempo.<form name="choose4" action="java script:numChecked(document.choose4) //"><p><table><tr><td><b>Directories</b><br><input type="checkbox" name="check1" value="Yahoo"onclick="choose4.check1.value='Yahoo'">Yahoo<br><input type="checkbox" name="check1" value="DMOZ"onclick="choose4.check1.value='DMOZ'">DMOZ<br><input type="checkbox" name="check1" value="Snap"onclick="choose4.check1.value='Snap'">Snap<br><br></td><td width="15"></td><td><b>Search Engines</b><br><input type="checkbox" name="check1" value="Alta"onclick="choose4.check1.value='Alta'">Alta Vista<br><input type="checkbox" name="check1" value="Direct"onclick="choose4.check1.value='Direct'">Direct Hit<br> <input type="checkbox" name="check1" value="Lycos"onclick="choose4.check1.value='Lycos'">Lycos<br><input type="checkbox" name="check1" value="Excite"onclick="choose4.check1.value='Excite'">Excite<br></td><td><br><input type="checkbox" name="check1" value="Crawler"onclick="choose4.check1.value='Crawler'">Webcrawler<br><input type="checkbox" name="check1" value=""onclick="choose4.check1.value=''"><br><input type="checkbox" name="check1" value="DejaNews"onclick="choose4.check1.value='DejaNews'">DejaNews<br><input type="checkbox" name="check1" value="Google"onclick="choose4.check1.value='Google'">Google<br> </td><td width="15"></td><td><b>Meta Searches</b><br><input type="checkbox" name="check1" value="Go2Net"onclick="choose4.check1.value='Go2Net'">Go2Net<br><input type="checkbox" name="check1" value="SearchCom"onclick="choose4.check1.value='SearchCom'">Search.Com<BR><input type="checkbox" name="check1" value="Mamma"onclick="choose4.check1.value='Mamma'">Mamma<br><input type="checkbox" name="check1" value="DogPile"onclick="choose4.check1.value='DogPile'">DogPile<br></td></tr></table><P><B>Digite o texto para encontrar</B>:<BR><input type="text" name="text" size=30><input type="submit" name="send" value="Search"></form></center>

Vou adaptar, acredito que é isso mesmo! Qualquer coisa eu posto aqui!

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