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(Resolvido) NUL em txt

Marcos Santana


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Colegas como incluir o null em um txt
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Many programming languages, including C and C++, lack a dedicated string data type. These languages, and environments like Windows that are built with them, rely on null-terminated strings. A null-terminated string is a zero-based array of characters that ends with NULL (#0); since the array has no length indicator, the first NULL character marks the end of the string. You can use Object Pascal constructions and special routines in the SysUtils unit (see Standard routines and I/O) to handle null-terminated strings when you need to share data with systems that use them.

For example, the following type declarations could be used to store null-terminated strings.


TIdentifier = array[0..15] of Char;

TFileName = array[0..259] of Char;

TMemoText = array[0..1023] of WideChar;

You can assign a string constant to a statically allocated zero-based character array. (Dynamic arrays won’t work for this purpose.) If you initialize an array constant with a string that is shorter than the declared length of the array, the remaining characters are set to #0.


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