Bom é o seguinte tenho um trabalha de faculdade onde tenho de utilizar um simulador de redes chamado sense ( ), venho a dias tentando fazer ele funcionar mas não entendia qual era o problema, não sou muito bom em C/C++. Encontrei com um amigo meu que tem um conhecimento um pouco mais avantajado de C/C++ ele analisou o programa, corrigiu alguns erros de Scripts mas disse que ainda tinha muita coisa a fazer por que tinha APIs legadas depreciadas em uso, infelizmente esse amigo disse que não poderia me ajudar pois estava muito atarefado, mas já me ajudou bastante né. Depois que ele terminou me enviou um arquivo contendo algumas modificações, mas ainda tem alguns erros aparecendo na consola, seriam erros tais como esse
../../net/shr-common.h: In member function ‘void compcxx_SHR_9::dump(FILE*, int, int) const’:
../../net/shr-common.h:426: error: ‘MyForwardDelay’ was not declared in this scope
../../net/shr-common.h: In member function ‘void compcxx_SHR_9::from_mac_data(smart_packet_t<SHR_Struct<CBR_Struct::packet_t>::hdr_struct, CBR_Struct::packet_t>*, double)’:
../../net/shr-common.h:683: error: ‘FirstPacketID’ was not declared in this scope
../../net/shr-common.h:686: error: ‘incNumNeighbors’ was not declared in this scope
../../net/shr-common.h:687: error: ‘NumNeighbors’ was not declared in this scope
../../net/shr-common.h:687: error: ‘setMyForwardDelay’ was not declared in this scope
../../net/shr-common.h:688: error: ‘MyForwardDelay’ was not declared in this scope
../../net/shr-common.h:693: error: ‘setFirstPacketID’ was not declared in this scope
../../net/shr-common.h:694: error: ‘incNumNeighbors’ was not declared in this scope
../../net/shr-common.h:695: error: ‘NumNeighbors’ was not declared in this scope
../../net/shr-common.h:695: error: ‘setMyForwardDelay’ was not declared in this scope
../../net/shr-common.h:696: error: ‘MyForwardDelay’ was not declared in this scope
../../net/shr-common.h: In member function ‘void compcxx_SHR_9::process_New(smart_packet_t<SHR_Struct<CBR_Struct::packet_t>::hdr_struct, CBR_Struct::packet_t>*, PktInfo*, Location, smart_packet_t<SHR_Struct<CBR_Struct::packet_t>::hdr_struct, CBR_Struct::packet_t>*)’:
../../net/shr-common.h:863: error: ‘MyForwardDelay’ was not declared in this scope
../../net/shr-common.h:868: error: ‘MyForwardDelay’ was not declared in this scope
../../net/shr-common.h:874: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’
../../net/shr-common.h:880: error: ‘MyForwardDelay’ was not declared in this scope
../../net/shr-common.h:889: error: ‘MyForwardDelay’ was not declared in this scope
../../net/shr-common.h:901: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’
../../net/shr-common.h:907: error: ‘struct SHR_Struct<CBR_Struct::packet_t>::hdr_struct::info’ has no member named ‘prev_addr’
../../net/shr-common.h:908: error: ‘struct SHR_Struct<CBR_Struct::packet_t>::hdr_struct::info’ has no member named ‘prev_addr’
../../net/shr-common.h: In member function ‘void compcxx_SHR_9::process_Listen(smart_packet_t<SHR_Struct<CBR_Struct::packet_t>::hdr_struct, CBR_Struct::packet_t>*, PktInfo*, Location, smart_packet_t<SHR_Struct<CBR_Struct::packet_t>::hdr_struct, CBR_Struct::packet_t>*, bool)’:
../../net/shr-common.h:1084: error: ‘MyForwardDelay’ was not declared in this scope
../../net/shr-common.h:1093: error: ‘MyForwardDelay’ was not declared in this scope
../../net/shr-common.h:1110: error: ‘MyForwardDelay’ was not declared in this scope
../../net/shr.h: In member function ‘void compcxx_SHR_9::recvNewDATA(smart_packet_t<SHR_Struct<CBR_Struct::packet_t>::hdr_struct, CBR_Struct::packet_t>*, PktInfo*)’:
../../net/shr.h:494: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’
../../net/shr.h:552: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’
../../net/shr.h: In member function ‘void compcxx_SHR_9::process_Possible(smart_packet_t<SHR_Struct<CBR_Struct::packet_t>::hdr_struct, CBR_Struct::packet_t>*, PktInfo*, Location, smart_packet_t<SHR_Struct<CBR_Struct::packet_t>::hdr_struct, CBR_Struct::packet_t>*)’:
../../net/shr.h:609: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’
../../net/shr.h: In member function ‘void compcxx_SHR_9::from_mac_ack(bool)’:
../../net/shr.h:978: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’
../../net/shr.h:992: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’
sim_shr.h: In member function ‘void compcxx_RoutingSim_17::Setup()’:
sim_shr.h:674: warning: suggest parentheses around ‘&&’ within ‘||’
make: ** [sim_shr.o] Erro 1
Eu dei uma olhada nesse arquivo shr-common.h e achei esse MyForwardDelay e esses outros que ele cita como não declarados, mas sinceramente não sei como corrigir esse erro, se alguém puder me dizer pois acredito que deva ser algo bem facil, a seguir o código do shr-common.h
/* $CVSHeader: sense/code/net/shr-common.h,v 2007/09/05 12:03:02 chris Exp $ */
* @<title> Functionality common to the SHR family of protocols </title>@
* @<!-- Copyright 2007 Mark Lisee, Boleslaw K. Szymanski and
* Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. All worldwide rights reserved. A
* license to use, copy, modify and distribute this software for
* non-commercial research purposes only is hereby granted, provided that
* this copyright notice and accompanying disclaimer is not modified or
* removed from the software.
* DISCLAIMER: The software is distributed "AS IS" without any express or
* implied warranty, including but not limited to, any implied warranties of
* merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or any warranty of
* non-infringement of any current or pending patent rights. The authors of
* the software make no representations about the suitability of this
* software for any particular purpose. The entire risk as to the quality
* and performance of the software is with the user. Should the software
* prove defective, the user assumes the cost of all necessary servicing,
* repair or correction. In particular, neither Rensselaer Polytechnic
* Institute, nor the authors of the software are liable for any indirect,
* special, consequential, or incidental damages related to the software,
* to the maximum extent the law permits.-->@
#ifndef _shr_common_h_
#define _shr_common_h_
#define dbgDoPrint (true)
#define dbgPrint(x) printf x
#else // DEBUG_PRINT
#define dbgPrint(x)
#define dbgDoPrint (false)
#endif // DEBUG_PRINT
enum Location { LocSendQueue, LocActivePacket, LocNotFound};
const char *LocationString( Location loc);
const char *PktStateString( PktState state);
template <class PLD> bool SHR<PLD>::doubleMsgPrinted = false;
template <class PLD> Visualizer *SHR<PLD>::visualizer = NULL;
template <class PLD>
void SHR<PLD>::setVisualizer(
Visualizer *ptr)
visualizer = ptr;
template <class PLD>
unsigned int SHR<PLD>::seq_number_t::hopCount() const
switch( state)
case Initial:
return 0;
case Steady:
return currentHC;
assert( 0); // something really bad happened
return 0;
template <class PLD>
void SHR<PLD>::seq_number_t::hopCount(
unsigned int newHC)
switch( state)
case Initial:
currentHC = newHC;
state = Steady;
case Steady:
currentHC = newHC;
assert( 0); // something really bad happened
template <class PLD>
void SHR<PLD>::startProtocolTimer(
PktInfo *pi,
packet_t *pkt,
double delay,
void *data,
char *str)
startProtocolTimer( pi, makePktID( pkt), delay, data, str);
template <class PLD>
void SHR<PLD>::startProtocolTimer(
PktInfo *pi,
PktID *pID,
double delay,
void *data,
char *str)
// note: the PktID is retained by the timer
dbgPrint( ("start-Pro-Tmr-%s: ea %3d; %f + %f; %p; (%3d->%3d, sn%08X)\n", str,
(int) MyEtherAddr, SimTime(), delay, pID, (int) pID->flow.src,
(int) pID->flow.dest, pID->seqNumber));
pi->timerIndex = Protocol_Timer.Set( pID, SimTime() + delay);
pi->timerActive = true;
pi->savedData = data;
template <class PLD>
FlowInfo *SHR<PLD>::getFlow(
packet_t *pkt)
PktID *id = makePktID( pkt);
FlowInfo *fi = getFlow( id->flow);
delete id;
return fi;
template <class PLD>
FlowInfo *SHR<PLD>::getFlow(
FlowID &flow)
FlowIDMap::iterator fIter = APIDs.find( flow);
// if the map is empty or FlowID is not found
if( fIter == APIDs.end())
FlowInfo *info = new FlowInfo;
// add FlowID to map
APIDs.insert( make_pair( flow, info));
fIter = APIDs.find( flow);
return fIter->second;
template <class PLD>
void SHR<PLD>::updateSLRPL(
packet_t *pkt)
FlowIDMap::iterator fIter;
for( fIter = APIDs.begin(); fIter != APIDs.end(); fIter++)
if( fIter->first.dest == pkt->hdr.dst_addr)
dbgPrint( ("uSLRPL: ea %3d; sn%08X; %3d->%3d; %f->%f @ %f\n",
(int) MyEtherAddr, pkt->hdr.seq_number, (int) fIter->first.src,
(int) fIter->first.dest, fIter->second->savedLRPL,
pkt->hdr.senderPower, SimTime()));
fIter->second->savedLRPL = pkt->hdr.senderPower;
assert( 0);
template <class PLD>
PktInfo *SHR<PLD>::getPacketState(
packet_t *pkt)
PktID *id = makePktID( pkt);
PktInfo *pi = getPacketState( *id);
delete id;
return pi;
template <class PLD>
PktInfo *SHR<PLD>::getPacketState(PktID &id)
PktInfo *pi;
#ifdef DEBUG_PRINT_1
printf( "get-Pkt-State: Addr: %1d; APIDs ", (int) MyEtherAddr);
FlowIDMap::iterator fIter = APIDs.begin();
for(; fIter != APIDs.end(); fIter++)
printf( "(%d,%d) ", (int) fIter->first.src, (int) fIter->first.dest);
printf( "@ %f\n", SimTime());
#endif // DEBUG_PRINT_1
FlowInfo *fInfo = getFlow( id.flow);
if( fInfo->pMap.size() == 0)
pi = new PktInfo( true);
(fInfo->pMap)[ id.seqNumber] = pi;
#ifdef DEBUG_PRINT_1
printf( "get-Pkt-State: Addr: %3d; PktIDMap [src:%3d,dest:%3d] ", (int) MyEtherAddr,
(int) id.flow.src, (int) id.flow.dest);
PktIDMap::iterator iter = fInfo->pMap.begin();
for(; iter != fInfo->pMap.end(); iter++)
printf( "(sn%08X,%s) ", iter->first, PktStateString( (iter->second)->state));
printf( "\n");
#endif // DEBUG_PRINT_1
PktIDMap::iterator pIter = fInfo->pMap.find( id.seqNumber);
// if sequence # is found, update time and return state
if( pIter != fInfo->pMap.end())
pi = pIter->second;
// sequence # is not found; create one that is either New or Ignore
// if seq # is less than smallest, the state is Ignore, otherwise the state is New
pi = new PktInfo( id.seqNumber >= fInfo->pMap.begin()->first);
#ifdef DEBUG_PRINT_1
printf( "get-Pkt-State: Addr: %3d; adding sn%08X; %s\n", (int) MyEtherAddr,
(int) id.seqNumber, PktStateString( pi->state));
#endif // DEBUG_PRINT_1
(fInfo->pMap)[ id.seqNumber] = pi;
while( false);
return pi;
template <class PLD>
PktInfo *SHR<PLD>::getPacketState(
packet_t *pkt,
Location &loc,
packet_t *&outgoingPkt)
loc = locatePacket( pkt->hdr.src_addr, pkt->hdr.seq_number, &outgoingPkt);
return getPacketState( pkt);
template <class PLD>
void SHR<PLD>::setPacketState(
packet_t *pkt,
PktState newState)
PktID id;
id.flow.src = pkt->hdr.src_addr;
id.flow.dest = pkt->hdr.dst_addr;
id.seqNumber = pkt->hdr.seq_number;
setPacketState( id, newState);
template <class PLD>
void SHR<PLD>::setPacketState(
PktID &id,
PktState newState)
if( newState == PSNone)
// Once in the state PSIgnore, do not leave it.
PktInfo *pi = getPacketState( id);
if( pi->state == PSIgnore)
dbgPrint( ("set-Pkt-State: ea %3d; sn%08X; %s->%s @ %f\n", (int) MyEtherAddr,
id.seqNumber, PktStateString( pi->state), PktStateString( newState),
pi->state = newState;
if( newState == PSIgnore)
CancelTimer( id);
template <class PLD>
void SHR<PLD>::trimAPID(
packet_t *pkt)
PktID *pID = makePktID( pkt);
trimAPID( *pID);
delete pID;
template <class PLD>
void SHR<PLD>::trimAPID(
PktID &id)
PktInfo *pInfo;
FlowInfo *fInfo = getFlow( id.flow);
// if map is too big, remove entry from beginning
if( fInfo->pMap.size() > 5)
PktID newID; // *pID is read only
newID.flow.src = id.flow.src;
newID.flow.dest = id.flow.dest;
newID.seqNumber = fInfo->pMap.begin()->first;
setPacketState( newID, PSIgnore);
// remove sequence #s with ignore state from front of map
// leave at least one entry in map
while( fInfo->pMap.size() > 1 && fInfo->pMap.begin()->second->state == PSIgnore)
pInfo = fInfo->pMap.begin()->second;
delete pInfo;
fInfo->pMap.erase( fInfo->pMap.begin());
template <class PLD>
void *SHR<PLD>::createRequestPkt(
ether_addr_t dst,
int hopCount,
bool newSeqNumber)
packet_t *newPkt = (packet_t *) createBasicPkt( dst, newSeqNumber);
newPkt->hdr.type = REQUEST;
newPkt-> = REQUEST_SIZE;
newPkt->hdr.expected_hop = 1;
newPkt->hdr.actual_hop = hopCount;
newPkt-> = newSeqNumber;
#ifdef USE_MAX_HOP
newPkt->hdr.max_hop = 40;
#endif // USE_MAX_HOP
return newPkt;
template <class PLD>
void *SHR<PLD>::createReplyPkt(
ether_addr_t src,
unsigned int expectedHop,
unsigned int seqNumber)
packet_t *newPkt = (packet_t *) createBasicPkt( src, false);
newPkt->hdr.type = REPLY;
newPkt-> = REPLY_SIZE;
newPkt->hdr.expected_hop = expectedHop;
newPkt->hdr.seq_number = seqNumber;
#ifdef USE_MAX_HOP
newPkt->hdr.max_hop = hopCountStretch( expectedHop);
#endif // USE_MAX_HOP
return newPkt;
#define makeiS char iS[81]; for( int i = indent-1; i >= 0; i--) iS[i] = ' '; iS[indent] = 0
#define pIndent fputs( iS, fp)
template <class PLD>
void SHR<PLD>::seq_number_t::dumpStatic(
int) const
template <class PLD>
void SHR<PLD>::seq_number_t::dump(
FILE *fp,
int dest,
int indent,
int offset) const
fprintf( fp, "%3d { ", dest);
switch( state)
case Initial:
fprintf( fp, "currentHC 0, state Initial");
case Steady:
fprintf( fp, "currentHC %d, state Steady", currentHC);
fprintf( fp, " }\n");
template <class PLD>
void SHR<PLD>::dumpStatic(
FILE *fp,
int indent,
int offset) const
// indent += offset;
// makeiS;
// pIndent;
// fprintf( fp, "hopCounts %d\n", HCArraySize);
template <class PLD>
void SHR<PLD>::dumpCacheStatic(
FILE *fp,
int indent,
int offset) const
m_seq_cache.begin()->second.dumpStatic( fp, indent, offset);
template <class PLD>
void SHR<PLD>::dump(
FILE *fp,
int indent,
int offset) const
indent += offset;
fprintf( fp, "addr %d, seqNumber %d, MyForwardDelay %f,\n", (int) MyEtherAddr,
m_seq_number, MyForwardDelay);
fprintf( fp, "RXThresh %f,\n", RXThresh);
template <class PLD>
void SHR<PLD>::dumpCostTable(
FILE *fp,
int indent,
int offset) const
cache_t::const_iterator iter;
indent += offset;
for( iter = m_seq_cache.begin(); iter != m_seq_cache.end(); iter++)
iter->second.dump( fp, (int) iter->first, indent+offset, offset);
template <class PLD>
connect Protocol_Timer.to_component, timerExpired;
template <class PLD>
template <class PLD>
void SHR<PLD>::Start()
m_mac_busy = false;
m_active_packet = NULL;
m_seq_number = (unsigned int) MyEtherAddr << 16;
template <class PLD>
void SHR<PLD>::Stop()
template <class PLD>
void SHR<PLD>::from_transport(
payload_t &pld,
ether_addr_t &dst,
unsigned int size)
// if( size > 1511)
// printf( "ft: ea%3d; Oversize packet (%d) to %3d\n", (int) MyEtherAddr,
// size, (int) dst);
//create the data packet
packet_t *pkt = (packet_t *) createDataPkt( pld, dst, size);
stats->appSend( pkt->getStatsId());
dbgPrint( ("fm_trnsprt: %3d->%3d *%s @ %f ea %3d\n", (int) MyEtherAddr, (int) dst,
pkt->dump().c_str(), SimTime(), (int) MyEtherAddr));
// look up destination in the cost table
cache_t::iterator iter = m_seq_cache.find(dst);
// If destination wasn't found, send a DREQ packet and put the data packet
// on the queue of packets to be sent.
FlowInfo *fInfo = getFlow(pkt);
if( (iter == m_seq_cache.end() || iter->second.noDistance() == true) && ((SimTime() - fInfo->DREQSentTime) > 8.0 || fInfo->DREQSentTime == 0))
printf("XXX %f: Flow: %3d->%3d, DREQ Sent: %f, Time Diff: %f\n",SimTime(),(int)MyEtherAddr,(int)dst,fInfo->DREQSentTime,SimTime() - fInfo->DREQSentTime);
// the destination is not in the active node table
// must send a REQUEST packet first;
packet_t *rp = (packet_t *) createRequestPkt( dst, 1, true);
SendPacket( rp);
m_data_buffer.push_back( pkt);
fInfo->DREQSentTime = SimTime();
printf("XXX %f: DREQTX, flow: %3d->%3d\n",SimTime(),(int)MyEtherAddr,(int)dst);
else if (iter == m_seq_cache.end() || iter->second.noDistance() == true)
printf("XXX %f: Flow: %3d->%3d, DREQ Sent: %f, Time Diff: %f\n",SimTime(),(int)MyEtherAddr,(int)dst,fInfo->DREQSentTime,SimTime() - fInfo->DREQSentTime);
// fInfo->DREQAttempt ++;
// printf("%f: DREQTX = %d, flow: %3d->%3d\n",SimTime(),fInfo->DREQAttempt,(int)MyEtherAddr,(int)dst);
// otherwise, set the expected and maximum hops from the cost table
// The SSR/SHR specs call for decrementing expected_hop before transmitting.
// In SENSE, >1 nodes reference same packet in memory, so can't decrement
pkt->hdr.expected_hop = (*iter).second.hopCount();
#ifdef USE_MAX_HOP
pkt->hdr.max_hop = hopCountStretch( pkt->hdr.expected_hop);
#endif // USE_MAX_HOP
SendPacket( pkt);
template <class PLD>
void SHR<PLD>::AddToSendQueue(
packet_t *pkt)
m_send_queue.push_back( pkt);
** The purpose of this method is to simulate the small amount of time that
** elapses between when the hardware stops sensing the carrier and it is able
** to actually start transmission of the packet.
** This member function had been more complicated, but the transition timer
** functionality was moved to the MAC component.
template <class PLD>
void SHR<PLD>::SendToMac(
packet_t *pkt)
m_mac_busy = true;
to_mac( pkt, pkt->getStatsId(), pkt->, 0);
** Find the packet's source address in this node's cache. If the entry is not
** found, create it. If the hop count in the cache is greater than the hop
** count of the packet, update the cache.
** Return true if the entry was created or updated, false otherwise.
template <class PLD>
bool SHR<PLD>::updateHopCountInCache(
ether_addr_t dst,
unsigned int hopCount,
unsigned int seqNumber)
if( dst == MyEtherAddr)
return false;
cache_t::iterator iter;
iter = m_seq_cache.find( dst);
// If the destination address is not found, create a new record.
if( iter == m_seq_cache.end())
dbgPrint( ("update-HC-in-cache: ea %3d; sn%08X; dst %3d; hc %2d new @ %f\n",
(int) MyEtherAddr, seqNumber, (int) dst, hopCount, SimTime()));
iter = (m_seq_cache.insert( make_pair( dst, seq_number_t()))).first;
iter->second.hopCount( hopCount);
return true;
// if the new packet won't update the cost table entry, return false
if( iter->second.noDistance() == false &&
iter->second.hopCount() <= hopCount)
return false;
// update the cost table entry
dbgPrint( ("uHCIC: ea %3d; sn%08X; dst %3d; hc %2d->%2d update @ %f\n",
(int) MyEtherAddr, seqNumber, (int) dst, iter->second.hopCount(),
hopCount, SimTime()));
iter->second.hopCount( hopCount);
return true;
** If there is an entry for the destination, increase the distance by 2.
template <class PLD>
unsigned int SHR<PLD>::increaseHopCountInCache(
ether_addr_t dst,
unsigned int seqNumber)
unsigned int hc;
if( dst == MyEtherAddr)
return 0;
cache_t::iterator iter;
iter = m_seq_cache.find( dst);
if( iter == m_seq_cache.end())
printf( "***** increaseHopCountInCache: entry not found for %d\n",
(int) dst);
assert( 0);
hc = iter->second.hopCount() + 2;
dbgPrint( ("iHCIC: ea %3d; sn%08X; dst %3d; hc %2d increase @ %f\n",
(int) MyEtherAddr, seqNumber, (int) dst, hc, SimTime()));
iter->second.hopCount( hc);
return hc;
template <class PLD>
PktID *SHR<PLD>::makePktID(
packet_t *pkt)
PktID *id = new PktID;
id->flow.src = pkt->hdr.src_addr;
id->flow.dest = pkt->hdr.dst_addr;
id->seqNumber = pkt->hdr.seq_number;
id->statsId = pkt->getStatsId();
return id;
* We are now receiving a packet from the mac layer.
template <class PLD>
void SHR<PLD>::from_mac_data(
packet_t *pkt,
double) //power
ether_addr_t src = pkt->hdr.src_addr;
bool costTableUpdated = false;
Location loc;
packet_t *outgoingPkt;
addToNeighborMatrix( (int) pkt->, (int) MyEtherAddr);
dbgPrint( ("fm_mac_data: ea %3d<-%3d; sn%08X; %s; ahc %d; ehc %d;"
" %f;"
" @ %f\n",
(int) MyEtherAddr, (int) pkt->,
pkt->hdr.seq_number, pkt->hdr.getType(), pkt->hdr.actual_hop,
** The result of updating the cost table is used if the packet is a DREQ or
** DREP. ACK packets do not update the cost table.
if( pkt->hdr.type != ACK)
costTableUpdated = updateHopCountInCache( src, pkt->hdr.actual_hop,
costTableUpdated = false;
if( pkt->hdr.type == DATA)
updateHopCountInCache( pkt->hdr.dst_addr, pkt->hdr.expected_hop + 1,
/*******************Variable lambda work*****************/
// printf("aaa%03d FirstPacketID: sn%08X, Current Packet: sn%08X\n",(int)MyEtherAddr,FirstPacketID,pkt->hdr.seq_number);
if (FirstPacketID == pkt->hdr.seq_number)
//printf("aaaMultiple Occurance of Packet\n");
setMyForwardDelay(NumNeighbors * 0.015);
printf("# aaa %03d NumNeighbors: %d, Delay: %f\n",(int)MyEtherAddr,NumNeighbors,MyForwardDelay);
else if (FirstPacketID == 0)
// printf("aaaFirst Occurance of Packet\n");
setMyForwardDelay(NumNeighbors * 0.015);
printf("# aaa %03d NumNeighbors: %d, Delay: %f\n",(int)MyEtherAddr,NumNeighbors,MyForwardDelay);
// printf("aaa%03d New FirstPacketID: %08X\n",(int)MyEtherAddr,
** The find method is guaranteed to find the source since the function call
** above will have added an entry.
PktInfo *pi = getPacketState( pkt, loc, outgoingPkt);
pi->pktType = pkt->hdr.type;
stats->netReceive( pkt->getStatsId(), pi->state == PSNew);
switch( pi->state)
case PSNew:
process_New( pkt, pi, loc, outgoingPkt);
case PSListen:
process_Listen( pkt, pi, loc, outgoingPkt, costTableUpdated);
case PSDelay:
// cost table has already been updated
case PSPossible:
process_Possible( pkt, pi, loc, outgoingPkt);
#ifndef shr_pp
case PSWait:
process_Wait( pkt, pi, loc, outgoingPkt);
#endif //shr_pp
case PSOwner:
process_Owner( pkt, pi, loc, outgoingPkt);
case PSFather:
process_Father( pkt, pi, loc, outgoingPkt); break;
case PSResend:
process_Resend( pkt, pi, loc, outgoingPkt);
case PSIgnore:
process_Ignore( pkt, pi, loc, outgoingPkt);
#ifndef shr_pp
case PSEnergy:
process_Energy( pkt, pi, loc, outgoingPkt);
#endif //shr_pp
case PSSendAck:
process_SendAck( pkt, pi, loc, outgoingPkt);
printf( "***** from_mac_data: ea %3d; Invalid packet state %s (%d)\n",
(int) MyEtherAddr, PktStateString( pi->state), (int) pi->state);
assert( 0);
trimAPID( pkt);
template <class PLD>
void SHR<PLD>::timerExpired(
PktID *pID,
unsigned int index)
PktInfo *pi = getPacketState( *pID);
bool retained = false;
pi->timerActive = false;
dbgPrint( ("time-Exp: ea %3d; sn%08X; @ %f\n", (int) MyEtherAddr,(int) pID->seqNumber, SimTime()));
dbgPrint( ("time-Exp: ea %3d; %p; %08X->%08X\n", (int) MyEtherAddr, pID, (int) pID->flow.src, (int) pID->flow.dest));
switch( pi->state)
case PSNew:
case PSIgnore:
printf( "***** timerExpired: ea %3d; sn%08X; %s\n", (int) MyEtherAddr,
pID->seqNumber, PktStateString( pi->state));
assert( 0);
case PSDelay:
retained = timer_Delay( pID, pi);
case PSListen:
retained = timer_Listen( pID, pi);
case PSPossible:
retained = timer_Possible( pID, pi);
#ifndef shr_pp
case PSWait:
retained = timer_Wait( pID, pi);
#endif //shr_pp
case PSOwner:
retained = timer_Owner( pID, pi);
case PSFather:
retained = timer_Father( pID, pi);
case PSResend:
retained = timer_Resend( pID, pi);
#ifndef shr_pp
case PSEnergy:
retained = timer_Energy( pID, pi);
#endif //shr_pp
case PSSendAck:
retained = timer_SendAck( pID, pi);
printf( "***** timerExpired: ea %3d; Invalid packet state %s (%d)\n",
(int) MyEtherAddr, PktStateString( pi->state), (int) pi->state);
assert( 0);
trimAPID( *pID);
if( retained == false)
delete pID;
** Generate the path trace for the packet.
template <class PLD>
void SHR<PLD>::generatePathTrace(
packet_t *pkt,
bool success)
packet_t *dupPkt = (packet_t *) copyPkt( pkt, false);
dupPkt-> MyEtherAddr);
// this printf is used by the compareHC utility
if( success == true)
printf( "# VR: %f: %3d->%3d: sn%08X: %f: %d: %s\n",SimTime(),(int) dupPkt->hdr.src_addr, (int) dupPkt->hdr.dst_addr, dupPkt->hdr.seq_number, (SimTime() - dupPkt->, dupPkt->hdr.actual_hop, dupPkt->;
visualizer->writePath( (int) dupPkt->hdr.src_addr, (int) dupPkt->hdr.dst_addr,
dupPkt->hdr.seq_number, dupPkt->, success);
template <class PLD>
void SHR<PLD>::process_New(
packet_t *pkt,
PktInfo *pi,
Location loc,
packet_t *outgoingPkt)
double delay;
// FlowInfo *fInfo = getFlow(pkt);
switch( pkt->hdr.type)
if( pkt->hdr.dst_addr == MyEtherAddr)
printf("XXX %f: DREQRX, flow: %3d->%3d\n",SimTime(),(int)pkt->hdr.src_addr,(int)pkt->hdr.dst_addr);
printf("%03d %f received from -1 04-DREQ-Dest sn%08X\n",(int)pkt->,SimTime(),pkt->hdr.seq_number);
delay = 10 * MyForwardDelay;
setPacketState( pkt, PSListen);
delay = Random( MyForwardDelay * (log10((double) pkt->hdr.actual_hop) + 1));
dbgPrint( ("proc-New: ea %3d; DREQ; sn%08X; rc %2d; @ %f + %f seconds\n",
(int) MyEtherAddr, pkt->hdr.seq_number, pkt->refcount,
SimTime(), delay));
setPacketState( pkt, PSDelay);
startProtocolTimer( pi, pkt, delay, NULL, "pN1");
case REPLY:
if( pkt->hdr.dst_addr == MyEtherAddr)
printf("%03d %f received from -1 08-DREP-Dest sn%08X (process_NEW, DREP)\n",(int)MyEtherAddr,SimTime(),pkt->hdr.seq_number);
delay = 1.5 * MyForwardDelay;
// delay = ForwardDelay;
printf("XXX %f: DREPRX, flow: %3d->%3d\n",SimTime(),(int)pkt->hdr.src_addr,(int)pkt->hdr.dst_addr);
cache_t::iterator iter = m_seq_cache.find( pkt->hdr.dst_addr);
if( iter != m_seq_cache.end() && iter->second.noDistance() == false)
delay = Random( MyForwardDelay * (log10((double) pkt->hdr.actual_hop) + 1));
dbgPrint( ("pN: ea %3d; DREP; sn%08X; rc %2d; @ %f + %f seconds\n",
(int) MyEtherAddr, pkt->hdr.seq_number, pkt->refcount,
SimTime(), delay));
delay = 0.0; // destination not in cache
if( delay != 0.0)
startProtocolTimer( pi, pkt, delay, NULL, "pN2");
setPacketState( pkt, PSDelay);
case DATA:
if (pkt-> == -1)
pkt-> = pkt->hdr.src_addr;
recvNewDATA( pkt, pi);
case ACK:
recvNewACK( pkt, pi);
printf( "***** process_New: ea %3d; Received invalid packet type 0x%08x\n",
(int) MyEtherAddr, pkt->hdr.type);
assert( 0);
template <class PLD>
bool SHR<PLD>::timer_Delay(
PktID *id,
PktInfo *pi)
bool retained;
switch( pi->pktType)
retained = DREQ_D_TimerRtn( id, pi);
case REPLY:
retained = DREP_D_TimerRtn( id, pi);
printf( "***** timer_Delay: ea %3d; bad packet type %d\n", (int) MyEtherAddr, (int) pi->pktType);
assert( 0);
retained = false;
return retained;
template <class PLD>
bool SHR<PLD>::DREQ_D_TimerRtn(
PktID *id,
PktInfo *pi)
dbgPrint( ("DREQ_DTR: ea %3d; %3d->%3d; sn%08X @ %f\n", (int) MyEtherAddr,
(int) id->flow.src, (int) id->flow.dest, id->seqNumber,
// The destination node doesn't use the Delay state.
packet_t *rp = (packet_t *) createRequestPkt( id->flow.dest,
getHCFromCostTable( id->flow.src)+1,
rp->hdr.seq_number = id->seqNumber;
rp->hdr.src_addr = id->flow.src;
rp-> = PSListen;
rp->setStatsId( id->statsId);
SendPacket( rp);
return false;
template <class PLD>
bool SHR<PLD>::DREP_D_TimerRtn(
PktID *id,
PktInfo *pi)
dbgPrint( ("DREP_DTR: ea %3d; %3d->%3d; sn%08X @ %f\n", (int) MyEtherAddr,
(int) id->flow.src, (int) id->flow.dest, id->seqNumber,
unsigned int sDistance = getHCFromCostTable( id->flow.src);
if( id->flow.dest == MyEtherAddr)
CheckBuffer( id->flow.src, sDistance);
setPacketState( *id, PSIgnore);
// id not retained, so return false
return false;
// intermediate node: forward DREP
packet_t *rp = (packet_t *) createReplyPkt( id->flow.dest,
getHCFromCostTable( id->flow.dest),
rp->hdr.src_addr = id->flow.src;
rp->hdr.actual_hop = sDistance+1;
rp-> = PSListen;
rp->setStatsId( id->statsId);
SendPacket( rp);
// id retained, so return true
return true;
template <class PLD>
bool SHR<PLD>::timer_Listen(
PktID *id,
PktInfo *pi)
bool retained;
switch( pi->pktType)
retained = DREQ_L_TimerRtn( id, pi);
case REPLY:
retained = DREP_L_TimerRtn( id, pi);
printf( "***** timer_Listen: ea %3d; bad packet type %d\n",
(int) MyEtherAddr, (int) pi->pktType);
assert( 0);
retained = false;
return retained;
template <class PLD>
bool SHR<PLD>::DREQ_L_TimerRtn(
PktID *id,
PktInfo *pi)
dbgPrint( ("DREQ_LTR: ea %3d; %3d->%3d; sn%08X @ %f\n", (int) MyEtherAddr,
(int) id->flow.src, (int) id->flow.dest, id->seqNumber,
if( id->flow.dest == MyEtherAddr)
packet_t *rp = (packet_t *) createReplyPkt( id->flow.src,
getHCFromCostTable( id->flow.src),
printf("%03d %f sending to -1 05-DREP-Orig sn%08X (DREQ_L_TimerRtn, DREP)\n",(int)MyEtherAddr,SimTime(),rp->hdr.seq_number);
printf("XXX %f: DREPTX, flow: %3d->%3d\n",SimTime(),(int)id->flow.src,(int)id->flow.dest);
setPacketState( rp, PSIgnore);
// this printf is used by the compareHC utility
printf( "# ASN: sn%08X; %s; @ %f\n", rp->hdr.seq_number, rp->hdr.getType(),
#endif // VISUAL_ROUTE
SendPacket( rp);
setPacketState( *id, PSIgnore);
return false;
template <class PLD>
bool SHR<PLD>::DREP_L_TimerRtn(
PktID *id,
PktInfo *pi)
dbgPrint( ("DREP_LTR: ea %3d; %3d->%3d; sn%08X @ %f\n", (int) MyEtherAddr,
(int) id->flow.src, (int) id->flow.dest, id->seqNumber,
setPacketState( *id, PSIgnore);
return false;
template <class PLD>
void SHR<PLD>::process_Listen(
packet_t *pkt,
PktInfo *pi,
Location loc,
packet_t *outgoingPkt,
bool costTableUpdated)
PktID *id;
switch( pkt->hdr.type)
printf("%03d %f received from -1 02-DREQ-Recv sn%08X (process_listen, DREQ)\n",(int)MyEtherAddr,SimTime(),pkt->hdr.seq_number);
id = makePktID( pkt);
if( pkt->hdr.dst_addr == MyEtherAddr)
CancelTimer( *id);
// pass id to Timer
startProtocolTimer( pi, id, 10.0 * MyForwardDelay, NULL, "pL1");
// stay in state Listen
else // intermediate node
if( costTableUpdated == true)
CancelTimer( *id);
// pass id to Timer
startProtocolTimer( pi, id, Random( MyForwardDelay * (log10((double) pkt->hdr.actual_hop) + 1)),
NULL, "pL2");
setPacketState( *id, PSDelay);
delete id;
case REPLY:
printf("%03d %f received from -1 06-DREP-Recv sn%08X (process_listen, DREQ)\n",(int)MyEtherAddr,SimTime(),pkt->hdr.seq_number);
// must be an intermediate node
if( costTableUpdated == true)
id = makePktID( pkt);
CancelTimer( *id);
// pass id to Timer
startProtocolTimer( pi, id, Random( MyForwardDelay * (log10((double) pkt->hdr.actual_hop) + 1)),
NULL, "pL3");
setPacketState( *id, PSDelay);
case DATA:
case ACK:
printf( "***** process_Listen: ea %3d; DATA/ACK packet\n", (int) MyEtherAddr);
assert( 0);
printf( "***** process_Listen: ea %3d; Received invalid packet type %s\n", (int) MyEtherAddr,
assert( 0);
template <class PLD>
void SHR<PLD>::process_Ignore(
packet_t *pkt,
PktInfo *pi,
Location loc,
packet_t *outgoingPkt)
switch( pkt->hdr.type)
case REPLY:
case ACK:
case DATA:
if( MyEtherAddr == pkt->hdr.dst_addr)
stats->appReceive( pkt->getStatsId(),
SimTime() - pkt->,
generatePathTrace( pkt, true);
printf( "***** process_Ignore: ea %3d; Received invalid packet type 0x%08x\n", (int) MyEtherAddr,
assert( 0);
template <class PLD>
unsigned int SHR<PLD>::getHCFromCostTable(
int addr)
cache_t::iterator iter;
ether_addr_t ea = addr;
iter = m_seq_cache.find( ea);
if( iter == m_seq_cache.end() || iter->second.noDistance() == true)
return 999;
return iter->second.hopCount();
** Receive notification of receive-receive collisions. This must be defined
** since the cxx compiler doesn't support #ifdef.
template <class PLD>
void SHR<PLD>::from_mac_recv_recv_coll(
packet_t *pkt1,
packet_t *pkt2)
dbgPrint( ("fmrrc: ea %3d; sn%08X (%3d) & sn%08X (%3d) @ %f\n",
(int) MyEtherAddr, pkt1->hdr.seq_number, (int) pkt1->,
pkt2->hdr.seq_number, (int) pkt2->, SimTime()));
** Locate the packet identified by the pair (src ID, seq #). The outgoing
** packet could be:
** 1. On the send queue awaiting access to the MAC layer.
** 2. The packet being transmitted by the MAC layer (m_active_packet).
** 3. Not found.
template <class PLD>
Location SHR<PLD>::locatePacket(
ether_addr_t &src,
unsigned int seqNumber,
packet_t **outgoingPkt)
packet_queue_t::iterator iter;
// Look for the packet in m_send_queue.
for( iter = m_send_queue.begin(); iter != m_send_queue.end(); iter++)
if( (*iter)->hdr.src_addr == src && (*iter)->hdr.seq_number == seqNumber)
if( iter != m_send_queue.end())
*outgoingPkt = (*iter);
return LocSendQueue;
// Check the packet being transmitted by the MAC layer.
if( m_mac_busy == true)
if( m_active_packet != NULL && m_active_packet->hdr.src_addr == src &&
m_active_packet->hdr.seq_number == seqNumber)
*outgoingPkt = m_active_packet;
return LocActivePacket;
return LocNotFound;
** Cancel the specified packet from the specified location.
template <class PLD>
void SHR<PLD>::Cancel(
packet_t *incomingPkt,
Location location,
packet_t *outgoingPkt)
if( location == LocNotFound) // waiting for delay timer to expire
CancelTimer( incomingPkt);
else // outgoing packet on its way to the MAC layer
CancelPacket( outgoingPkt, location);
template <class PLD>
void SHR<PLD>::CancelPacket(
packet_t *outgoingPkt,
Location location)
packet_queue_t::iterator iter;
if( location != LocNotFound)
dbgPrint( ("CP: ea %3d; %p; sn%08X; %s; %f\n", (int) MyEtherAddr,
outgoingPkt, outgoingPkt->hdr.seq_number,
LocationString( location), SimTime()));
#endif // DEBUG_PRINT
switch( location)
case LocSendQueue:
m_send_queue.remove( outgoingPkt);
case LocActivePacket:
m_active_packet-> = true;
case LocNotFound:
** Cancel the timer associated with the specified packet.
template <class PLD>
void SHR<PLD>::CancelTimer(
packet_t *pkt)
PktID *id = makePktID( pkt);
CancelTimer( *id);
delete id;
template <class PLD>
void SHR<PLD>::CancelTimer(
PktID &id)
PktInfo *pi = getPacketState( id);
if( pi->timerActive == true)
Protocol_Timer.Cancel( pi->timerIndex);
pi->timerActive = false;
if( pi->savedData != NULL)
((packet_t *) pi->savedData)->free();
pi->savedData = NULL;
** If there are packets waiting for the MAC, send the first one.
template <class PLD>
void SHR<PLD>::sendNextPkt()
if( m_send_queue.size() != 0)
m_active_packet = m_send_queue.front();
dbgPrint( ("sNP: ea %3d; sn%08X; sending from queue\n", (int) MyEtherAddr,
SendToMac( m_active_packet);
m_mac_busy = false;
m_active_packet = NULL;
template <class PLD>
void SHR<PLD>::CheckBuffer(
ether_addr_t src_addr,
unsigned int expected_hop)
packet_queue_t::iterator db_iter;
db_iter = m_data_buffer.begin();
while(db_iter != m_data_buffer.end())
if( (*db_iter)->hdr.dst_addr == src_addr)
packet_queue_t::iterator t=db_iter;
(*t)->hdr.expected_hop = expected_hop;
#ifdef USE_MAX_HOP
(*t)->hdr.max_hop = hopCountStretch( expected_hop);
#endif // USE_MAX_HOP
SendPacket( *t);
m_data_buffer.erase( t);
template <class PLD>
const char *SHR_Struct<PLD>::hdr_struct::getType() const
const char *str;
static char pkt_type[][10] = { "REQ", "REPLY", "DATA", "ACK"};
switch( type)
case REPLY:
case DATA:
case ACK:
str = pkt_type[type];
printf( "***** Attempting to print type of invalid packet %p, sn%08X\n",
this, seq_number);
str = NULL;
assert( 0);
return str;
template <class PLD>
bool SHR_Struct<PLD>::hdr_struct::dump(
std::string &str) const
char buffer[40];
sprintf( buffer, "%s %d->%d sn%08X %d", getType(), (int) src_addr,
(int) dst_addr, seq_number, info.size);
str = buffer;
return type == DATA;
const char *LocationString(
Location loc)
const char *str;
switch( loc)
case LocNotFound:
str = "NotFound";
case LocSendQueue:
str = "SendQueue";
case LocActivePacket:
str = "ActivePkt";
str = "error";
return str;
#endif /*_shr_common_h_*/
e aqui o codigo do shr.h
/* $CVSHeader: sense/code/net/shr.h,v 2007/09/05 10:55:57 chris Exp $ */
* @<title> Self Healing Routing </title>@
* @<!-- Copyright 2007, 2006, 2003 Mark Lisee, Boleslaw K. Szymanski and
* Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. All worldwide rights reserved. A
* license to use, copy, modify and distribute this software for
* non-commercial research purposes only is hereby granted, provided that
* this copyright notice and accompanying disclaimer is not modified or
* removed from the software.
* DISCLAIMER: The software is distributed "AS IS" without any express or
* implied warranty, including but not limited to, any implied warranties of
* merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or any warranty of
* non-infringement of any current or pending patent rights. The authors of
* the software make no representations about the suitability of this
* software for any particular purpose. The entire risk as to the quality
* and performance of the software is with the user. Should the software
* prove defective, the user assumes the cost of all necessary servicing,
* repair or correction. In particular, neither Rensselaer Polytechnic
* Institute, nor the authors of the software are liable for any indirect,
* special, consequential, or incidental damages related to the software,
* to the maximum extent the law permits.-->@
#ifndef _shr_h_
#define _shr_h_
#include <map>
#include <list>
#define USE_MAX_HOP
#include "shr-APID.h"
template <class PLD>
struct SHR_Struct
// BASE: type + src_addr + dst_addr + seq_number
enum { BASE_SIZE = sizeof( PktType) + 2 * ether_addr_t::LENGTH + sizeof( unsigned int) };
// DREQ: base + actHop
enum { REQUEST_SIZE = BASE_SIZE + sizeof( unsigned int) };
// DREP: base + actHop + expHop
enum { REPLY_SIZE = BASE_SIZE + 2 * sizeof( unsigned int) };
// DATA: base + actHop + expHop + maxHop
enum { DATA_SIZE = BASE_SIZE + 3 * sizeof( unsigned int) };
// ACK: base
enum { ACK_SIZE = BASE_SIZE };
struct hdr_struct
** This is information that is included in the transmitted packet.
PktType type;
ether_addr_t src_addr;
ether_addr_t dst_addr;
unsigned int seq_number;
unsigned int actual_hop;
unsigned int expected_hop;
unsigned int max_hop;
** This is information that the simulation knows about the packet but does
** not get transmitted.
struct info
ether_addr_t cur_addr;
unsigned int size;
double send_time;
double delay;
bool canceled;
bool newSeqNumber;
PktState nextState;
Path path;
} info;
bool dump( std::string &str) const;
const char *getType() const;
typedef PLD payload_t;
typedef smart_packet_t<hdr_struct,PLD> packet_t;
template <class PLD>
component SHR : public TypeII, public SHR_Struct<PLD>
void Start();
void Stop();
void initStats( NodeStats *s) { stats = s; }
virtual ~SHR();
unsigned int getHCFromCostTable( int addr);
void dumpStatic( FILE *fp, int indent, int offset) const;
void dumpCacheStatic( FILE *fp, int indent, int offset) const;
void dump( FILE *fp, int indent, int offset) const;
void dumpCostTable( FILE *fp, int indent, int offset) const;
static void setVisualizer( Visualizer *ptr);
static void setIgnoreCount( int);
static int getIgnoreCount();
static void setRetryMultiplier( double t) { retryMultiplier = t; }
static int baseIgnoreCount;
static double retryMultiplier;
void setEtherAddr( ether_addr_t addr){ MyEtherAddr = addr; }
void setForwardDelay( simtime_t t) { ForwardDelay = t; }
void enableDumpPackets() { DumpPackets = true; }
void disableDumpPackets() { DumpPackets = false; }
void setRXThresh( double thresh) { RXThresh = thresh; }
ether_addr_t MyEtherAddr;
simtime_t ForwardDelay;
double RXThresh;
bool DumpPackets;
bool m_mac_busy;
unsigned int m_seq_number; // current sequence number
// statistics
NodeStats *stats;
static Visualizer *visualizer;
// connections to the application layer
inport inline void from_transport( payload_t& pld, ether_addr_t& dst,
unsigned int size);
outport void to_transport( payload_t &pld);
// connections to the MAC layer
inport inline void from_mac_data( packet_t* pkt, double power);
inport inline void from_mac_ack( bool errflag);
inport inline void from_mac_recv_recv_coll( packet_t *pkt1, packet_t *pkt2);
outport void cancel();
outport void to_mac( packet_t *pkt, unsigned int statsId,
unsigned int size, double backoff);
// This is called when the power manager wakes up the node.
inport void from_pm_node_up();
// This is called to get the battery's remaining energy.
outport double getBatteryPower();
Location locatePacket( ether_addr_t &src, unsigned int seqNumber,
packet_t **outgoingPkt);
bool updateHopCountInCache( ether_addr_t src, unsigned int hopCount,
unsigned int seqNumber);
unsigned int increaseHopCountInCache( ether_addr_t src,
unsigned int seqNumber);
void Cancel( packet_t *incoming, Location, packet_t *outgoing);
void CancelPacket( packet_t *pkt, Location);
void CancelTimer( packet_t *pkt);
void CancelTimer( PktID &id);
void SendPacket( packet_t *pkt);
void SendToMac( packet_t *pkt);
void sendNextPkt();
void SendEmptyData( ether_addr_t src, unsigned int seq_number,
int actual_hop, ether_addr_t cur);
void CheckBuffer( ether_addr_t, unsigned int);
void AddToSendQueue( packet_t *pkt);
// these return pointers to packet_t, but I wasn't able to figure out
// how to avoid compiler errors, therefore cast them to void *
void *createBasicPkt( ether_addr_t dst, bool newStatsId);
void *createDataPkt( payload_t &pld, ether_addr_t dst,
unsigned int size);
void *createRequestPkt( ether_addr_t dst, int hopCount,
bool newSeqNumber);
void *createReplyPkt( ether_addr_t src, unsigned int expectedHop,
unsigned int seqNumber);
void *createAckPkt( ether_addr_t src, ether_addr_t dest,
unsigned int seq_number);
void *copyPkt( packet_t *pkt, bool incAHC);
typedef std::list<packet_t* > packet_queue_t;
// Data structures and methods for the Active Packet IDs (APIDs)
InfiTimer <PktID *> Protocol_Timer;
void startProtocolTimer( PktInfo *pi, packet_t *pkt, double delay, void *data, char *str);
void startProtocolTimer( PktInfo *pi, PktID *, double delay, void *data, char *str);
inport inline void timerExpired( PktID *id, unsigned int index);
PktID *makePktID( packet_t *);
bool FlowIDCompare( FlowID a, FlowID b);
FlowInfo *getFlow( packet_t *pkt);
FlowInfo *getFlow( FlowID &id);
PktInfo *getPacketState( PktID &id);
PktInfo *getPacketState( packet_t *);
PktInfo *getPacketState( packet_t *, Location &, packet_t *&pkt);
void setPacketState( packet_t *pkt, PktState);
void setPacketState( PktID &id, PktState);
void trimAPID( packet_t *);
void trimAPID( PktID &id);
void updateSLRPL( packet_t *);
FlowIDMap APIDs;
class seq_number_t
seq_number_t () : state( Initial), current(0), bits(0u) {}
unsigned int hopCount() const;
void hopCount( unsigned int newHC);
bool noDistance() const { return state != Steady; }
void dumpStatic( FILE *fp, int indent, int offset) const;
void dump( FILE *fp, int dest, int indent, int offset) const;
unsigned int currentHC;
enum { Initial, Steady} state;
int current;
uint32_t bits;
* For each source, we must maintain a @seq_number_t@ object, so we better
* keep them in a map.
typedef std::map<ether_addr_t, seq_number_t, ether_addr_t::compare> cache_t;
cache_t m_seq_cache;
packet_queue_t m_data_buffer;
void recvNewDATA( packet_t *, PktInfo *);
void recvNewACK( packet_t *, PktInfo *);
void process_Energy( packet_t *pkt, PktInfo *, Location,
packet_t *outgoingPkt);
void process_Father( packet_t *pkt, PktInfo *, Location,
packet_t *outgoingPkt);
void process_Ignore( packet_t *pkt, PktInfo *, Location,
packet_t *outgoingPkt);
void process_Listen( packet_t *pkt, PktInfo *, Location,
packet_t *outgoingPkt, bool costTableUpdated);
void process_New( packet_t *pkt, PktInfo *, Location, packet_t *);
void process_Owner( packet_t *pkt, PktInfo *, Location,
packet_t *outgoingPkt);
void process_Possible( packet_t *pkt, PktInfo *, Location,
packet_t *outgoingPkt);
void process_Resend( packet_t *pkt, PktInfo *, Location,
packet_t *outgoingPkt);
void process_SendAck( packet_t *pkt, PktInfo *, Location,
packet_t *outgoingPkt);
void process_Wait( packet_t *pkt, PktInfo *, Location,
packet_t *outgoingPkt);
bool timer_Delay( PktID *id, PktInfo *pi);
bool timer_Energy( PktID *id, PktInfo *pi);
bool timer_Father( PktID *id, PktInfo *pi);
bool timer_Listen( PktID *id, PktInfo *pi);
bool timer_Owner( PktID *id, PktInfo *pi);
bool timer_Possible( PktID *id, PktInfo *pi);
bool timer_Resend( PktID *id, PktInfo *pi);
bool timer_SendAck( PktID *id, PktInfo *pi);
bool timer_Wait( PktID *id, PktInfo *pi);
bool DREQ_D_TimerRtn( PktID *id, PktInfo *pi);
bool DREQ_L_TimerRtn( PktID *id, PktInfo *pi);
bool DREP_D_TimerRtn( PktID *id, PktInfo *pi);
bool DREP_L_TimerRtn( PktID *id, PktInfo *pi);
void generatePathTrace( packet_t *pkt, bool success);
static bool doubleMsgPrinted;
packet_t *m_active_packet;
packet_queue_t m_send_queue;
template <class PLD> int SHR<PLD>::baseIgnoreCount = 0;
template <class PLD> double SHR<PLD>::retryMultiplier = 1.5;
unsigned int hopCountStretch(
unsigned int hc)
//#error select a ratio of max hop to expected hop
//#ifdef SimulateExperimentalResults
** Use this when simulating the experimental topologies. The three path
** topology requires that the maximum hop be large enough to allow packets to
** use the longer path.
return 3 * hc;
** Use this for the large scale simulations. These topologies are dense enough
** so that when one node dies, only one or two extra hops are required to get
** around the break.
/* unsigned int stretch = hc;
for(; hc != 0; hc >>= 1)
return stretch;
#include "shr-common.h"
template <class PLD>
void *SHR<PLD>::copyPkt(
packet_t *pkt,
bool incAHC)
packet_t *newPkt = pkt->copy();
associateWithPacket( newPkt, newPkt->hdr.seq_number);
newPkt-> = MyEtherAddr;
if( incAHC == true)
newPkt-> = false;
newPkt-> MyEtherAddr);
return (void *) newPkt;
template <class PLD>
void *SHR<PLD>::createBasicPkt(
ether_addr_t dest,
bool newStatsId)
packet_t *newPkt = packet_t::alloc();
if( newStatsId == true)
// type, ack_type, addresses set by caller
newPkt->hdr.seq_number = 0xFFFFFFFF;
// size set by caller
newPkt-> = SimTime(); // used to compute end-to-end delay
newPkt->hdr.actual_hop = 1;
newPkt->hdr.expected_hop = 0;
newPkt->hdr.max_hop = 1;
newPkt-> = false;
newPkt-> = false;
newPkt->hdr.src_addr = MyEtherAddr;
newPkt->hdr.dst_addr = dest;
newPkt-> = MyEtherAddr;
newPkt-> = PSNone;
return newPkt;
** There is no delay when the source sends an packet.
** This method isn't called when a packet is forwarded. Instead, the incoming
** packet is copied to make the outgoing packet.
template <class PLD>
void *SHR<PLD>::createDataPkt(
payload_t &pld,
ether_addr_t dst,
unsigned int size)
packet_t *newPkt = (packet_t *) createBasicPkt( dst, true);
newPkt->hdr.type = DATA;
newPkt-> = size + DATA_SIZE;
newPkt-> = true;
newPkt->pld = pld;
return newPkt;
template <class PLD>
void *SHR<PLD>::createAckPkt(
ether_addr_t src,
ether_addr_t dest,
unsigned int seq_number)
packet_t *newPkt = (packet_t *) createBasicPkt( dest, false);
newPkt->hdr.type = ACK;
newPkt-> = ACK_SIZE;
newPkt->hdr.src_addr = src;
newPkt->hdr.seq_number = seq_number;
return newPkt;
template <class PLD>
void SHR<PLD>::setIgnoreCount(
int st)
baseIgnoreCount = st;
template <class PLD>
int SHR<PLD>::getIgnoreCount()
return baseIgnoreCount;
** Sending a packet from the network (SHR) layer to the MAC layer consists of
** calling two methods in order:
** 1. SendPacket: If applicable, assign a sequence number to the packet. Either
** forward the packet to SendToMac (MAC is idle) or put it on the send
** queue. from_mac_ack will remove packets from the send queue and forward
** them to SendToMac.
** 2. SendToMac: Set the MAC busy flag and forward the packet to to_mac.
** Schedule a packet for transmission.
** If the packet doesn't have a delay, send the packet to the MAC layer.
** Otherwise, add the packet to the list of delayed packets and schedule an
** event for the end of the packet's delay.
template <class PLD>
void SHR<PLD>::SendPacket(
packet_t *pkt)
pkt-> = false;
if( pkt-> == true && pkt->hdr.src_addr == MyEtherAddr)
pkt->hdr.seq_number = m_seq_number;
associateWithPacket( pkt, m_seq_number);
// this printf is used by the compareHC utility
printf( "ASN: sn%08X; max hop %d; %s; @ %f\n", pkt->hdr.seq_number,
pkt->hdr.max_hop, pkt->hdr.getType(), SimTime());
#endif // VISUAL_ROUTE
// The only time a new sequence # is assigned, it is by the source node.
// The DREQ and SHR-M automata require that the state become Ignore after
// transmitting the packet. (DREP sequence #s are assigned elsewhere.)
switch( pkt->hdr.type)
setPacketState( pkt, PSIgnore);
case DATA:
setPacketState( pkt, PSPossible);
pkt-> = PSOwner;
case REPLY:
printf( "***** SendPacket: Assigned sequence # to packet type %s\n",
assert( 0);
PktInfo *pi = getPacketState( pkt);
pi->pktType = pkt->hdr.type;
pkt-> = false;
dbgPrint( ("SP: ea %3d; sending %s; sn%08X; actHC %2d; rc %2d\n",
(int) MyEtherAddr, pkt->hdr.getType(), pkt->hdr.seq_number,
pkt->hdr.actual_hop, pkt->refcount));
if( m_mac_busy == false)
m_mac_busy = true;
m_active_packet = pkt;
SendToMac( pkt);
dbgPrint( ("SP: ea %3d; sn%08X; mac busy, delaying\n", (int) MyEtherAddr,
AddToSendQueue( pkt);
** The inport that is called when the power manager wakes the node up.
** If the configuration file is in use, this must be defined, but it must not
** do anything
template <class PLD>
void SHR<PLD>::from_pm_node_up()
template <class PLD>
void SHR<PLD>::recvNewDATA(
packet_t *pkt,
PktInfo *pi)
// packet at destination
if( MyEtherAddr == pkt->hdr.dst_addr)
// update stats
stats->appReceive( pkt->getStatsId(), SimTime() - pkt->,
// Send the incoming packet to the application
to_transport( pkt->pld);
generatePathTrace( pkt, true);
// send ACK< S, D, s#>
packet_t *ackPkt = (packet_t *) createAckPkt( pkt->hdr.src_addr, pkt->hdr.dst_addr,
ackPkt->setStatsId( pkt->getStatsId());
SendPacket( ackPkt);
// goto SendAck (Safe to do so before transmission completes since there
// is no reason to cancel ACK.)
startProtocolTimer( pi, pkt, 10 * ForwardDelay, NULL, "rND0");
setPacketState( pkt, PSSendAck);
// packet at intermediate
// locate destination in cost table
cache_t::iterator iter = m_seq_cache.find( pkt->hdr.dst_addr);
if( iter == m_seq_cache.end() || iter->second.noDistance() == true)
dbgPrint( ("rND: ea %3d; dest %3d; sn%08X; not in cache\n",
(int) MyEtherAddr, (int) pkt->hdr.dst_addr,
unsigned int distToDest = iter->second.hopCount();
// if DATA< S, D, s#, *, >ld, *, *>
// if this node is not closer, then drop the packet
if( pkt->hdr.expected_hop <= distToDest)
dbgPrint( ("rND: ea %3d; dest %3d; sn%08X; %d <= %d\n",
(int) MyEtherAddr, (int) pkt->hdr.dst_addr, pkt->hdr.seq_number,
pkt->hdr.expected_hop, distToDest));
** This node is closer to the destination.
** If this node is supposed to be ignoring packets for this flow ID, then
** decrement the counter and ignore the packet.
FlowInfo *fInfo = getFlow( pkt);
if( fInfo->ignoreCount > 0)
dbgPrint( ("rND: ea %3d; dest %3d; sn%08X; ignoring %d\n",
(int) MyEtherAddr, (int) pkt->hdr.dst_addr, pkt->hdr.seq_number,
generatePathTrace( pkt, false);
setPacketState( pkt, PSIgnore);
** Forward the packet.
** Copy the packet, set the expected hop count, calculate the back off and
** send the packet.
double delay = Random( ForwardDelay);
packet_t *fwdPkt = (packet_t *) copyPkt( pkt, true);
dbgPrint( ("rND: ea %3d; dest %3d; sn%08X; expHC %2d; ct %2d; backoff %f\n",
(int) MyEtherAddr, (int) fwdPkt->hdr.dst_addr,
fwdPkt->hdr.seq_number, pkt->hdr.expected_hop, distToDest, delay));
fwdPkt-> = delay; // for statistics
startProtocolTimer( pi, pkt, delay, fwdPkt, "rND1");
setPacketState( pkt, PSPossible);
pi->savedAHC = pkt->hdr.actual_hop;
pi->savedEHC = pkt->hdr.expected_hop;
pi->maxHop = pkt->hdr.max_hop;
template <class PLD>
void SHR<PLD>::recvNewACK(
packet_t *pkt,
PktInfo *pi)
setPacketState( pkt, PSIgnore);
template <class PLD>
bool SHR<PLD>::timer_Possible(
PktID *id,
PktInfo *pi)
if( pi->pktType != DATA)
printf( "***** timer_Possible: ea %3d; packet type not DATA\n", (int) MyEtherAddr);
assert( 0);
packet_t *pkt = (packet_t *) pi->savedData;
dbgPrint( ("tP: ea %3d; %3d->%3d; sn%08X @ %f\n", (int) MyEtherAddr,
(int) pkt->hdr.src_addr, (int) pkt->hdr.dst_addr,
pkt->hdr.seq_number, SimTime()));
// It is safe to modify the packet, a copy was made before starting the timer
pkt->hdr.expected_hop = getHCFromCostTable( pkt->hdr.dst_addr);
pkt-> = PSOwner;
SendPacket( pkt);
// start next timer when transmission ends
// id not retained, so return false
return false;
template <class PLD>
void SHR<PLD>::process_Possible(
packet_t *pkt,
PktInfo *pi,
Location loc,
packet_t *outgoingPkt)
switch( pkt->hdr.type)
case REPLY:
printf( "***** process_Possible: ea %3d; DREQ/DREP packet\n", (int) MyEtherAddr);
assert( 0);
case DATA:
if( pkt->hdr.expected_hop < pi->savedEHC)
Cancel( pkt, loc, outgoingPkt); // cancel timer
startProtocolTimer( pi, makePktID( pkt), 0.25 * ForwardDelay, NULL, "pP1");
setPacketState( pkt, PSWait); // move to state Wait
case ACK:
Cancel( pkt, loc, outgoingPkt); // cancel timer
getFlow( pkt)->ignoreCount = baseIgnoreCount;
// goto Ignore
setPacketState( pkt, PSIgnore);
printf( "***** process_Possible: ea %3d; Received invalid packet type 0x%08x\n",
(int) MyEtherAddr, pkt->hdr.type);
assert( 0);
template <class PLD>
bool SHR<PLD>::timer_Owner(
PktID *id,
PktInfo *pi)
if( pi->pktType != DATA)
printf( "***** timer_Owner: ea %3d; packet type not DATA\n", (int) MyEtherAddr);
assert( 0);
packet_t *pkt = (packet_t *) pi->savedData;
dbgPrint( ("tO: ea %3d; %3d->%3d; sn%08X @ %f\n", (int) MyEtherAddr,
(int) pkt->hdr.src_addr, (int) pkt->hdr.dst_addr,
pkt->hdr.seq_number, SimTime()));
// packet passed in is a copy which may be in use by other nodes
// create a new one that can be modified
// do not increase the actual hop count
packet_t *fwdPkt = (packet_t *) copyPkt( pkt, false);
fwdPkt->hdr.expected_hop = getHCFromCostTable( pkt->hdr.dst_addr);
fwdPkt-> = PSResend;
SendPacket( fwdPkt);
return false;
template <class PLD>
void SHR<PLD>::process_Owner(
packet_t *pkt,
PktInfo *pi,
Location loc,
packet_t *outgoingPkt)
switch( pkt->hdr.type)
case REPLY:
printf( "***** process_Owner: DREQ/DREP packet\n");
assert( 0);
** Receiving a DATA packet while in the Owner state is a bit different than
** other transitions since the timer is not canceled. But, there is a race
** condition. Consider the case when the timer expires, so the node sends
** another DATA packet. The node stays in the Owner state until the packet
** transmission finishes. It is possible for the transmission to be delayed
** because the MAC is receiving a packet. If this incoming packet is supposed
** to move the automaton to the Father state, it should instead cancel the
** outgoing packet and move the automaton to the Ignore state. The timer to
** move the automaton from the Father to Ignore state has already expired.
case DATA:
if( pkt->hdr.expected_hop <= getHCFromCostTable( pkt->hdr.dst_addr))
CancelPacket( outgoingPkt, loc); // will not cancel timer, only outgoing packet
if( pi->timerActive == true)
setPacketState( pkt, PSFather);
setPacketState( pkt, PSIgnore);
case ACK:
Cancel( pkt, loc, outgoingPkt); // cancel timer or outgoing packet
setPacketState( pkt, PSIgnore);
printf( "***** process_Owner: ea %3d; Received invalid packet type 0x%08x\n",
(int) MyEtherAddr, pkt->hdr.type);
assert( 0);
template <class PLD>
bool SHR<PLD>::timer_Resend(
PktID *id,
PktInfo *pi)
if( pi->pktType != DATA)
printf( "***** timer_Resend: ea %3d; packet type not DATA\n", (int) MyEtherAddr);
assert( 0);
// ld += 2
unsigned int distToDest = increaseHopCountInCache( id->flow.dest, id->seqNumber);
packet_t *pkt = (packet_t *) pi->savedData;
// if( ld+sts < smh)
// send DATA< S, D, s#, sts+1, ld, smh, sdata>
// pkt->hdr.actual_hop is from the last broadcast packet (i.e. incoming+1)
if( distToDest + pi->savedAHC-1 <= pi->maxHop)
packet_t *fwdPkt = (packet_t *) copyPkt( pkt, false);
fwdPkt->hdr.expected_hop = distToDest;
SendPacket( fwdPkt);
setPacketState( *id, PSIgnore);
return false;
template <class PLD>
void SHR<PLD>::process_Resend(
packet_t *pkt,
PktInfo *pi,
Location loc,
packet_t *outgoingPkt)
switch( pkt->hdr.type)
case REPLY:
printf( "***** process_Resend: ea %3d; Received DREQ/DREP packet\n", (int) MyEtherAddr);
assert( 0);
case DATA:
if( pkt->hdr.expected_hop <= getHCFromCostTable( pkt->hdr.dst_addr))
Cancel( pkt, loc, outgoingPkt);
setPacketState( pkt, PSIgnore);
case ACK:
Cancel( pkt, loc, outgoingPkt);
setPacketState( pkt, PSIgnore);
printf( "***** process_Resend: ea %3d; Received invalid packet type 0x%08x\n",
(int) MyEtherAddr, pkt->hdr.type);
assert( 0);
template <class PLD>
bool SHR<PLD>::timer_SendAck(
PktID *id,
PktInfo *pi)
if( pi->pktType != DATA && pi->pktType != ACK)
printf( "***** timer_SendAck: ea %3d; packet type not DATA or ACK\n", (int) MyEtherAddr);
assert( 0);
setPacketState( *id, PSIgnore);
return false;
template <class PLD>
void SHR<PLD>::process_SendAck(
packet_t *pkt,
PktInfo *,
Location loc,
packet_t *outgoingPkt)
switch( pkt->hdr.type)
case DATA:
if( MyEtherAddr == pkt->hdr.dst_addr)
stats->appReceive( pkt->getStatsId(),
SimTime() - pkt->,
generatePathTrace( pkt, true);
packet_t *ackPkt = (packet_t *) createAckPkt( pkt->hdr.src_addr, pkt->hdr.dst_addr,
ackPkt->setStatsId( pkt->getStatsId());
SendPacket( ackPkt);
printf( "***** process_SendAck: ea %3d; sn%08X; not at destination\n",
(int) MyEtherAddr, pkt->hdr.seq_number);
assert( 0);
case ACK:
printf( "***** process_SendAck: ea %3d; Received invalid packet type %s\n",
(int) MyEtherAddr, pkt->hdr.getType());
assert( 0);
template <class PLD>
bool SHR<PLD>::timer_Father(
PktID *id,
PktInfo *pi)
dbgPrint( ("tF: ea %3d; %3d->%3d; sn%08X @ %f\n", (int) MyEtherAddr,
(int) id->flow.src, (int) id->flow.dest, id->seqNumber,
setPacketState( *id, PSIgnore);
return false;
template <class PLD>
void SHR<PLD>::process_Father(
packet_t *pkt,
PktInfo *pi,
Location loc,
packet_t *outgoingPkt)
switch( pkt->hdr.type)
case REPLY:
printf( "***** process_Father: ea %3d; Received DREQ/DREP packet\n", (int) MyEtherAddr);
assert( 0);
case DATA:
if( pkt->hdr.expected_hop < getHCFromCostTable( pkt->hdr.dst_addr))
Cancel( pkt, loc, outgoingPkt);
packet_t *ackPkt = (packet_t *) createAckPkt( pkt->hdr.src_addr, pkt->hdr.dst_addr,
ackPkt->setStatsId( pkt->getStatsId());
SendPacket( ackPkt);
setPacketState( pkt, PSIgnore);
case ACK:
Cancel( pkt, loc, outgoingPkt);
setPacketState( pkt, PSIgnore);
printf( "***** process_Father: ea %3d; Received invalid packet type 0x%08x\n",
(int) MyEtherAddr, pkt->hdr.type);
assert( 0);
template <class PLD>
bool SHR<PLD>::timer_Wait(
PktID *id,
PktInfo *pi)
dbgPrint( ("tW: ea %3d; %3d->%3d; sn%08X @ %f\n", (int) MyEtherAddr,
(int) id->flow.src, (int) id->flow.dest, id->seqNumber,
setPacketState( *id, PSIgnore);
return false;
template <class PLD>
void SHR<PLD>::process_Wait(
packet_t *pkt,
PktInfo *pi,
Location loc,
packet_t *outgoingPkt)
switch( pkt->hdr.type)
case REPLY:
printf( "***** process_Wait: ea %3d; Received DREQ/DREP packet\n", (int) MyEtherAddr);
assert( 0);
case DATA:
// if DATA< S, D, s#, *, <eds, *, *>
// cancel timer
// goto Ignore
// else
// NA
if( pkt->hdr.expected_hop < pi->savedEHC)
CancelTimer( pkt);
setPacketState( pkt, PSIgnore);
case ACK:
// ignore = IGNORECOUNT
getFlow( pkt)->ignoreCount = baseIgnoreCount;
// cancel timer
CancelTimer( pkt);
setPacketState( pkt, PSIgnore);
printf( "***** process_Wait: Received invalid packet type 0x%08x\n",
assert( 0);
template <class PLD>
void SHR<PLD>::process_Energy(
packet_t *pkt,
PktInfo *pi,
Location loc,
packet_t *outgoingPkt)
printf( "***** process_Energy: ea %3d\n", (int) MyEtherAddr);
assert( 0);
template <class PLD>
bool SHR<PLD>::timer_Energy(
PktID *id,
PktInfo *pi)
printf( "***** timer_Energy: ea %3d\n", (int) MyEtherAddr);
assert( 0);
** The routing layer has received an acknowledgement from the mac layer.
** False indicates that the transmission failed.
template <class PLD>
void SHR<PLD>::from_mac_ack(
bool success)
if( m_active_packet-> == false)
** If the packet transmission failed, drop the packet.
if( success == false)
dbgPrint( ("fma: ea %3d; sn%08X; %s; trans failed\n", (int) MyEtherAddr,
m_active_packet->hdr.seq_number, m_active_packet->hdr.getType()));
stats->netSendFail( m_active_packet->getStatsId());
** Packet was sent successfully.
stats->netSend( m_active_packet->getStatsId(), m_active_packet->;
PktInfo *pi = getPacketState( m_active_packet);
double delay;
switch( m_active_packet->hdr.type)
** DATA packet sent from the Possible or Owner state require starting a timer
** after the transmission has completed. Do this even if the transmission
** failed.
case DATA:
switch( pi->state)
case PSPossible:
case PSOwner:
delay = Random( 0.5 * ForwardDelay) + (retryMultiplier - 0.25) * ForwardDelay;
m_active_packet->inc_ref(); // retain copy of packet
startProtocolTimer( pi, m_active_packet, delay, m_active_packet, "fma1");
case PSFather:
printf( "***** fma: ea %3d; state Father\n", (int) MyEtherAddr);
assert( 0);
case REPLY:
if( pi->state == PSDelay) // must be intermediate node
delay = 10.0 * ForwardDelay; // this is part of DREP automaton
startProtocolTimer( pi, m_active_packet, delay, NULL, "fma2");
// set the new state for the PktID
setPacketState( m_active_packet, m_active_packet->;
dbgPrint( ("fma: ea %3d; sn%08X; %s; canceled\n", (int) MyEtherAddr,
m_active_packet->hdr.seq_number, m_active_packet->hdr.getType()));
#endif /*_shr_h_*/
Bom é isso, gostaria de agradecer desde já e de antecipação me desculpar se cometi algum erro nas regras da comunidade, espero encarecidamente a ajuda de vocês
Bom é o seguinte tenho um trabalha de faculdade onde tenho de utilizar um simulador de redes chamado sense ( ), venho a dias tentando fazer ele funcionar mas não entendia qual era o problema, não sou muito bom em C/C++. Encontrei com um amigo meu que tem um conhecimento um pouco mais avantajado de C/C++ ele analisou o programa, corrigiu alguns erros de Scripts mas disse que ainda tinha muita coisa a fazer por que tinha APIs legadas depreciadas em uso, infelizmente esse amigo disse que não poderia me ajudar pois estava muito atarefado, mas já me ajudou bastante né. Depois que ele terminou me enviou um arquivo contendo algumas modificações, mas ainda tem alguns erros aparecendo na consola, seriam erros tais como esse
g++ -Wall -O2 -DVISUAL_ROUTE -DVR_SIZE=30 -c -o sim_shr.o sim_shr.cxx
../../net/shr-common.h: In member function ‘void compcxx_SHR_9::dump(FILE*, int, int) const’:
../../net/shr-common.h:426: error: ‘MyForwardDelay’ was not declared in this scope
../../net/shr-common.h: In member function ‘void compcxx_SHR_9::from_mac_data(smart_packet_t<SHR_Struct<CBR_Struct::packet_t>::hdr_struct, CBR_Struct::packet_t>*, double)’:
../../net/shr-common.h:683: error: ‘FirstPacketID’ was not declared in this scope
../../net/shr-common.h:686: error: ‘incNumNeighbors’ was not declared in this scope
../../net/shr-common.h:687: error: ‘NumNeighbors’ was not declared in this scope
../../net/shr-common.h:687: error: ‘setMyForwardDelay’ was not declared in this scope
../../net/shr-common.h:688: error: ‘MyForwardDelay’ was not declared in this scope
../../net/shr-common.h:693: error: ‘setFirstPacketID’ was not declared in this scope
../../net/shr-common.h:694: error: ‘incNumNeighbors’ was not declared in this scope
../../net/shr-common.h:695: error: ‘NumNeighbors’ was not declared in this scope
../../net/shr-common.h:695: error: ‘setMyForwardDelay’ was not declared in this scope
../../net/shr-common.h:696: error: ‘MyForwardDelay’ was not declared in this scope
../../net/shr-common.h: In member function ‘void compcxx_SHR_9::process_New(smart_packet_t<SHR_Struct<CBR_Struct::packet_t>::hdr_struct, CBR_Struct::packet_t>*, PktInfo*, Location, smart_packet_t<SHR_Struct<CBR_Struct::packet_t>::hdr_struct, CBR_Struct::packet_t>*)’:
../../net/shr-common.h:863: error: ‘MyForwardDelay’ was not declared in this scope
../../net/shr-common.h:868: error: ‘MyForwardDelay’ was not declared in this scope
../../net/shr-common.h:874: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’
../../net/shr-common.h:880: error: ‘MyForwardDelay’ was not declared in this scope
../../net/shr-common.h:889: error: ‘MyForwardDelay’ was not declared in this scope
../../net/shr-common.h:901: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’
../../net/shr-common.h:907: error: ‘struct SHR_Struct<CBR_Struct::packet_t>::hdr_struct::info’ has no member named ‘prev_addr’
../../net/shr-common.h:908: error: ‘struct SHR_Struct<CBR_Struct::packet_t>::hdr_struct::info’ has no member named ‘prev_addr’
../../net/shr-common.h: In member function ‘void compcxx_SHR_9::process_Listen(smart_packet_t<SHR_Struct<CBR_Struct::packet_t>::hdr_struct, CBR_Struct::packet_t>*, PktInfo*, Location, smart_packet_t<SHR_Struct<CBR_Struct::packet_t>::hdr_struct, CBR_Struct::packet_t>*, bool)’:
../../net/shr-common.h:1084: error: ‘MyForwardDelay’ was not declared in this scope
../../net/shr-common.h:1093: error: ‘MyForwardDelay’ was not declared in this scope
../../net/shr-common.h:1110: error: ‘MyForwardDelay’ was not declared in this scope
../../net/shr.h: In member function ‘void compcxx_SHR_9::recvNewDATA(smart_packet_t<SHR_Struct<CBR_Struct::packet_t>::hdr_struct, CBR_Struct::packet_t>*, PktInfo*)’:
../../net/shr.h:494: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’
../../net/shr.h:552: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’
../../net/shr.h: In member function ‘void compcxx_SHR_9::process_Possible(smart_packet_t<SHR_Struct<CBR_Struct::packet_t>::hdr_struct, CBR_Struct::packet_t>*, PktInfo*, Location, smart_packet_t<SHR_Struct<CBR_Struct::packet_t>::hdr_struct, CBR_Struct::packet_t>*)’:
../../net/shr.h:609: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’
../../net/shr.h: In member function ‘void compcxx_SHR_9::from_mac_ack(bool)’:
../../net/shr.h:978: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’
../../net/shr.h:992: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’
sim_shr.h: In member function ‘void compcxx_RoutingSim_17::Setup()’:
sim_shr.h:674: warning: suggest parentheses around ‘&&’ within ‘||’
make: ** [sim_shr.o] Erro 1
Eu dei uma olhada nesse arquivo shr-common.h e achei esse MyForwardDelay e esses outros que ele cita como não declarados, mas sinceramente não sei como corrigir esse erro, se alguém puder me dizer pois acredito que deva ser algo bem facil, a seguir o código do shr-common.h
e aqui o codigo do shr.hBom é isso, gostaria de agradecer desde já e de antecipação me desculpar se cometi algum erro nas regras da comunidade, espero encarecidamente a ajuda de vocês
Editado por jadersonLink para o comentário
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