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Fórum Script Brasil
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Selecionar campos e vincular tabelas

Franklin Rodrigues


Boa tarde galera, estou precisando de uma ajuda, tenho duas tabelas do mysql que preciso criar um vinculo entre as duas:

Tenho um campo de Cadastro de Categorias e Cadastro do Cliente;

Preciso vincular o meu cadastro de clientes a mais de uma categoria, podendo o cliente receber informativos da linha dele de produtos e outras de seu interesse, alguém pode me ajudar?

Os arquivos são grandes mais seguem abaixo meus dados:

Cadatro Lista de Categoria



* Include the base sendstudio functions.


require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/sendstudio_functions.php');

require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/folders.php');


* This class handles list processing. This only covers maintaining (creating, editing, deleting etc). The main work is done by the API.


* @package SendStudio

* @subpackage SendStudio_Functions


class Lists extends SendStudio_Functions



* PopupWindows

* An array of popup windows used in this class. Used to work out what sort of header and footer to print.


* @see Process


* @var Array


public $PopupWindows = array('testbouncedisplay', 'testbouncesettings');


* Suppress Header and Footer for these actions


* @see Process


* @var Array


public $SuppressHeaderFooter = array('testbouncesettings');


* Set the default direction to be ascending (alphabetical order) rather than descending which is normally the default.


* @see GetSortDetails

* @var String


public $_DefaultDirection = 'up';


* Constructor

* Loads the language file.


* @see LoadLanguageFile


* @return Void Doesn't return anything, just loads up the language file.


public function __construct()





* Process

* Does all of the work.

* This handles processing of the functions. This includes adding, deleting, editing etc.


* @see GetUser

* @see User_API::HasAccess

* @see GetApi

* @see List_API::DeleteAllSubscribers

* @see List_API::ChangeSubscriberFormat

* @see ManageLists

* @see CreateList

* @see EditList


* @return Void Handles processing, prints out what it needs to. Doesn't return anything.


public function Process()


// ----- Define and sanitize "common" variables that are used by this function

$user = &GetUser();

$req_action = strtolower($this->_getGETRequest('Action', ''));

$response = '';

$parameters = array();

$parameters['user'] = &GetUser();

$parameters['action'] = $req_action;

// ------

// ----- Check permissions

$secondary_actions = array('addlist', 'change', 'processpaging', 'testbouncedisplay', 'testbouncesettings', 'update');

if (in_array($req_action, $secondary_actions) || empty($req_action)) {

$access = $user->HasAccess('lists');

} else {

$access = $user->HasAccess('lists', $req_action);


// Check if the user has permission to perform an action on the supplied item.

// If an item is supplied to the 'update' action then we should treat it like an 'edit' check.

$effective_action = $req_action;

if ($req_action == 'update') {

$effective_action = 'edit';


if ($access && isset($_GET['id']) && !in_array($effective_action, $secondary_actions)) {

$access = $user->HasAccess('lists', $effective_action, $_GET['id']);

if (!$access) {

$list = array_keys($user->GetLists());

$access = in_array($_GET['id'], $list);



if (!$access) {






// ------

// ------ Handle Folders

$folders = new Folders();

if (isset($_GET['Mode'])) {




// ------

// ------ Set up paging

if ($req_action == 'processpaging') {


$req_action = '';


// ------

$GLOBALS['Message'] = GetFlashMessages();

$response = '';

switch ($req_action) {

case 'copy':

$response = $this->CopyList($parameters);


case 'edit':

$response = $this->EditList($parameters);


case 'update':

$response = $this->UpdateList($parameters);


case 'create':

// Display the form to create a list

$response = $this->CreateList($parameters);


case 'addlist':

// Add the list to the system.

$response = $this->AddList($parameters);


case 'change':

$response = $this->ChangeList($parameters);


case 'delete':

$response = $this->DeleteList($parameters);


case 'testbouncesettings':

$response = $this->TestBounceSettings($parameters);


case 'testbouncedisplay':

$response = $this->TestBounceSettingsDisplay($parameters);



$response = $this->ManageLists($parameters);



// Output HTML

$popup = (in_array($req_action, $this->PopupWindows)) ? true : false;

if (!in_array($req_action, $this->SuppressHeaderFooter)) {



echo $response;

if (!in_array($req_action, $this->SuppressHeaderFooter)) {





* CopyList

* Copies a list to a new one and redirects to the edit page for the new list.


* @param Array $param Any parameters that needed to be passed into this function


* @return Void Redirects to Edit the new list on success or Manage Lists error.


private function CopyList($param)


if ($param['user']->CanCreateList() !== true) {

FlashMessage(GetLang('TooManyLists'), SS_FLASH_MSG_ERROR, IEM::urlFor('Lists'));


$id = (isset($_GET['id'])) ? (int)$_GET['id'] : 0;

$api = $this->GetApi();

list($result, $newid) = $api->Copy($id);

if (!$result) {

FlashMessage(GetLang('ListCopyFail'), SS_FLASH_MSG_ERROR, IEM::urlFor('Lists'));

} else {





FlashMessage(GetLang('ListCopySuccess'), SS_FLASH_MSG_SUCCESS, IEM::urlFor('Lists', array('Action' => 'Edit', 'id' => $newid)));




* ManageLists

* Prints out the lists for management. This includes deleting subscribers, changing subscriber formats etc.


* @see GetPerPage

* @see GetCurrentPage

* @see GetSortDetails

* @see GetApi

* @see User_API::ListAdmin

* @see List_API::GetLists

* @see User_API::CanCreateList

* @see SetupPaging

* @see PrintDate


* @param Array $param Any parameters that needed to be passed into this function


* @return String HTML for all the Contact Lists the user has permission to see, paginated.


private function ManageLists($param)


$user =& $param['user'];

$folders = new Folders();

if ($folders->InFolderMode()) {

$perpage = 'all';

$GLOBALS['Mode'] = 'Folder';

} else {

$perpage = $this->GetPerPage();

$GLOBALS['Mode'] = 'List';


$DisplayPage = $this->GetCurrentPage();

$start = 0;

if ($perpage != 'all') {

$start = ($DisplayPage - 1) * $perpage;


$sortinfo = $this->GetSortDetails();

$all_lists = $user->GetLists();

$check_lists = array_keys($all_lists);

$listapi = $this->GetApi('Lists');

$NumberOfLists = count($check_lists);

// If we're a list admin, no point checking the lists - we have access to everything.

if ($user->ListAdmin()) {

$check_lists = null;


$mylists = $listapi->GetLists($check_lists, $sortinfo, false, $start, $perpage);

$GLOBALS['Lists_AddButton'] = '';

if ($user->CanCreateList() === true) {

$GLOBALS['Lists_AddButton'] = $this->ParseTemplate('List_Create_Button', true, false);


if (!isset($GLOBALS['Message'])) {

$GLOBALS['Message'] = '';


if ($NumberOfLists == 0) {

$GLOBALS['Intro'] = GetLang('ListsManage');

if ($user->CanCreateList() === true) {

FlashMessage(GetLang('ListCreate'), SS_FLASH_MSG_SUCCESS);

} else {

FlashMessage(GetLang('ListAssign'), SS_FLASH_MSG_SUCCESS);


$GLOBALS['Message'] = GetFlashMessages();

return $this->ParseTemplate('Lists_Manage_Empty', true);


$this->SetupPaging($NumberOfLists, $DisplayPage, $perpage);

$GLOBALS['FormAction'] = 'Action=ProcessPaging';

$paging = $this->ParseTemplate('Paging', true, false);

if ($user->HasAccess('Lists', 'Delete')) {

$GLOBALS['Option_DeleteList'] = '<option value=Delete">' . GetLang('Delete_Lists') . '</option>';


if ($user->HasAccess('Subscribers', 'Delete')) {

$GLOBALS['Option_DeleteSubscribers] = '<option value="DeleteAllSubscribers">' . GetLang('DeleteAllSubscribers') . '</option>';


$template = $this->ParseTemplate('Lists_Manage', true, false);

$lists = array();

foreach ($mylists as $pos => $listinfo) {

$GLOBALS['Name'] = htmlspecialchars($listinfo['name'], ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);

$GLOBALS['Created'] = $this->PrintDate($listinfo['createdate']);

$GLOBALS['SubscriberCount'] = $this->FormatNumber($listinfo['subscribecount']);

$GLOBALS['ListAction'] = '';

$GLOBALS['ListID'] = $listinfo['listid'];

$GLOBALS['ListAction'] .= $this->ParseTemplate('Lists_Manage_ViewSubscribersLink', true);

if ($user->HasAccess('Subscribers', 'Add')) {

$GLOBALS['AddSubscriberListID'] = $listinfo['listid'];

$GLOBALS['ListAction'] .= $this->ParseTemplate('Lists_Manage_AddSubscriberLink', true, false);


if ($listinfo['ownerid'] == $user->userid || $user->HasAccess('Lists', 'Edit', $listinfo['listid'])) {

$GLOBALS['EditListID'] = $listinfo['listid'];

$GLOBALS['ListAction'] .= $this->ParseTemplate('Lists_Manage_EditLink', true, false);

} else {

$GLOBALS['ListAction'] .= $this->DisabledItem('Edit');


// This checks whether the user is an admin or list admin, so we don't need to.

$create_list = $user->CanCreateList();

if ($create_list === true) {

$GLOBALS['CopyListID'] = $listinfo['listid'];

$GLOBALS['ListAction'] .= $this->ParseTemplate('Lists_Manage_Copy', true, false);

} else {

if ($create_list === false) {

$itemtitle = 'ListCopyDisabled';

} else {

$itemtitle = 'ListCopyDisabled_TooMany';


$GLOBALS['ListAction'] .= $this->DisabledItem('Copy', $itemtitle);


if ($listinfo['ownerid'] == $user->userid || $user->HasAccess('Lists', 'Delete', $listinfo['listid'])) {

$GLOBALS['DeleteListID'] = $listinfo['listid'];

$GLOBALS['ListAction'] .= $this->ParseTemplate('Lists_Manage_DeleteLink', true, false);

} else {

$GLOBALS['ListAction'] .= $this->DisabledItem('Delete');


$GLOBALS['List'] = $listinfo['listid'];

$fullname = GetLang('N/A');

if ($listinfo['fullname'] != '') {

$fullname = $listinfo['fullname'];

} elseif ($listinfo['username'] != '') {

$fullname = $listinfo['username'];


$GLOBALS['Fullname'] = htmlspecialchars($fullname, ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);

$listinfo['html'] = $this->ParseTemplate('Lists_Manage_Row', true, false);

$lists[$listinfo['listid']] = $listinfo;


if ($folders->InFolderMode()) {

// Organise the rows into their respective folders.

$folder_type = 'list';

$folders_api = $this->GetApi('Folders');

$folder_list = $folders_api->GetFolderList($folder_type, $user->Get('userid'), $sortinfo);

// Folder ID 0 is special -- it's the 'Uncategorised' or 'Orphan' folder.

$folder_list[0]['name'] = GetLang('Folders_OrphanName');

// Accumulate the HTML for each folder and list.

$f_html = '';

$orphan_html = '';

foreach ($folder_list as $fid=>$folder) {

$l_html = '';

if (is_array($folder['items'])) {

// Loop through $lists, as these will be sorted for us already.

foreach ($lists as $lid=>$list) {

if (in_array($lid, $folder['items'])) {

$l_html .= $list['html'];




$GLOBALS['Items'] = $l_html;

$GLOBALS['FolderID'] = $fid;

$GLOBALS['FolderName'] = htmlspecialchars($folder['name']);

$GLOBALS['FolderName_Encoded'] = urlencode($folder['name']);

$GLOBALS['FolderType'] = $folder_type;

$GLOBALS['Expanded'] = $folder['expanded'];

if ($fid == 0) {

if (!$folders->IsOrphanExpanded($folder_type)) {

$GLOBALS['Expanded'] = 0;


$orphan_html .= $this->ParseTemplate('Folder', true, false);



$f_html .= $this->ParseTemplate('Folder', true, false);


// The orphan folder should be put at the end

$f_html .= $orphan_html;

$template = str_replace('%%TPL_Lists_Manage_Row%%', $f_html, $template);

$template = str_replace('%%TPL_Paging%%', '', $template);

$template = str_replace('%%TPL_Paging_Bottom%%', '', $template);

} else {

// Not in folder mode, just print rows.

$l_html = '';

foreach ($lists as $list) {

$l_html .= $list['html'];


$template = str_replace('%%TPL_Lists_Manage_Row%%', $l_html, $template);

$template = str_replace('%%TPL_Paging%%', $paging, $template);

$template = str_replace('%%TPL_Paging_Bottom%%', $GLOBALS['PagingBottom'], $template);


return $template;



* EditList

* Loads the list and displays it for editing.


* @see GetApi

* @see List_API::Load

* @see List_API::GetAllFormats


* @param Array $param Any parameters that needed to be passed into this function


* @return String The form for the list to be edited.


private function EditList($param)


$listid = (isset($_GET['id'])) ? (int)$_GET['id'] : 0;

if ($listid <= 0) {

$GLOBALS['ErrorMessage'] = GetLang('ListDoesntExist');




$list = $this->GetApi();

if (!$list->Load($listid)) {

$GLOBALS['ErrorMessage'] = GetLang('ListDoesntExist');




$user = &GetUser();

if (!$user->HasAccess('Lists', 'Edit')) {




$GLOBALS['Action'] = 'Update&id= . $listid;

$GLOBALS['CancelButton] = GetLang('EditListCancelButton');

$GLOBALS['Heading'] = GetLang('EditMailingList');

$GLOBALS['Intro'] = GetLang('EditMailingListIntro');

$GLOBALS['ListDetails'] = GetLang('EditMailingListHeading');

$GLOBALS['Name'] = htmlspecialchars($list->name, ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);

$GLOBALS['OwnerName'] = htmlspecialchars($list->ownername, ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);

$GLOBALS['OwnerEmail'] = htmlspecialchars($list->owneremail, ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);

$GLOBALS['ReplyToEmail'] = htmlspecialchars($list->replytoemail, ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);

$GLOBALS['CompanyName'] = htmlspecialchars($list->companyname, ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);

$GLOBALS['CompanyAddress'] = htmlspecialchars($list->companyaddress, ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);

$GLOBALS['CompanyPhone'] = htmlspecialchars($list->companyphone, ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);

$GLOBALS['NotifyOwner'] = ($list->notifyowner) ? ' CHECKED' : '';

if ($user->HasAccess('Lists', 'BounceSettings')) {

$GLOBALS['ShowBounceInfo'] = '';

$GLOBALS['BounceEmail'] = htmlspecialchars($list->bounceemail, ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);

$GLOBALS['Bounce_Server'] = htmlspecialchars($list->bounceserver, ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);

$GLOBALS['Bounce_Username'] = htmlspecialchars($list->bounceusername, ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);

$GLOBALS['Bounce_Password'] = htmlspecialchars($list->bouncepassword, ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);

$GLOBALS['DisplayExtraMailSettings'] = 'none';

if ($list->extramailsettings) {

$GLOBALS['DisplayExtraMailSettings'] = '';

$GLOBALS['Bounce_ExtraOption'] = ' ';

$GLOBALS['Bounce_ExtraSettings'] = htmlspecialchars($list->extramailsettings, ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);


$GLOBALS['Imap_Selected'] = $GLOBALS['Pop3_Selected'] = '';

if ($list->imapaccount) {

$GLOBALS['Imap_Selected'] = ' SELECTED ';

} else {

$GLOBALS['Pop3_Selected'] = ' SELECTED ';


$GLOBALS['ProcessBounceChecked'] = ($list->processbounce == 1)? ' CHECKED' : '';

$GLOBALS['Bounce_AgreeDeleteAll'] = ($list->agreedeleteall == 1)? ' CHECKED' : '';

} else {

$GLOBALS['ShowBounceInfo'] = 'none';

$GLOBALS['DisplayExtraMailSettings'] = 'none';

$GLOBALS['BounceEmail'] = '';


$customfields_api = $this->GetApi('CustomFields');

$user_customfields = $customfields_api->GetCustomFields($list->Get('ownerid'), array(), false, 0, 0);

$list_customfields = $list->GetCustomFields($listid);

$temp = array_diff(array_keys($list_customfields), array_keys($user_customfields));

foreach ($temp as $each) {

if (!array_key_exists($each, $user_customfields)) {

$user_customfields[$each] = $list_customfields[$each];



$availablefields = '';

foreach ($user_customfields as $row => $fielddetails) {

$availablefields .= '<option value=' . $fielddetails['fieldid] . '"';

$selected = false;

if (in_array($fielddetails['fieldid'], $list->customfields)) {

$selected = true;


if ($selected) {

$availablefields .= ' SELECTED';


$availablefields .= '>' . htmlspecialchars($fielddetails['name'], ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET) . '</option>';


$GLOBALS['AvailableFields'] = $availablefields;

$visiblefields = '';

$buildinfields = $this->BuiltinFields;

$allfields = 0;

$fields = explode(',',$list->visiblefields);

foreach ($buildinfields as $key => $name) {


$visiblefields .= '<option value=' . $key . '"';

if (in_array($key,$fields)) {

$visiblefields .= ' selected="selected"';


$visiblefields .= '>' . htmlspecialchars(GetLang($name),ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET) . '</option>';


foreach ($list_customfields as $key => $details) {


$visiblefields .= '<option value="' . $details['fieldid] . '"';

if (in_array($details['fieldid'],$fields)) {

$visiblefields .= ' selected=selected"';


$visiblefields .= '>' . htmlspecialchars($details['name],ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET) . '</option>';


$GLOBALS['VisibleFields'] = $visiblefields;


return $this->ParseTemplate('Lists_Form', true);



* UpdateList

* Updates the list in the database.


* @param Array $param Any parameters that needed to be passed into this function


* @return Void Redirects to Manage Lists.


private function UpdateList($param)


$list = $this->GetApi();

$subscriber_api = $this->GetApi('Subscribers');

$listid = (isset($_GET['id'])) ? (int)$_GET['id'] : 0;


$email_address_fields = array('OwnerEmail', 'ReplyToEmail');

$checkfields = array('Name', 'OwnerName', 'OwnerEmail', 'ReplyToEmail');

$valid = true; $errors = array();

foreach ($checkfields as $p => $field) {

if ($_POST[$field] == '') {

$valid = false;

$errors[] = GetLang('List' . $field . 'IsNotValid');



$value = $_POST[$field];

if (in_array($field, $email_address_fields)) {

if (!$subscriber_api->ValidEmail($value)) {

$valid = false;

$errors[] = GetLang('List' . $field . 'NotValidEmail');




$list->Set(strtolower($field), $value);


$list->notifyowner = (isset($_POST['NotifyOwner'])) ? 1 : 0;


* If user cannot modify bounce details, we will need to use the default bounce details instead of the one passed in


if ($param['user']->HasAccess('Lists', 'BounceSettings')) {


* Check bounce email


if (isset($_POST['BounceEmail'])) {

$tempBounceEmail = $_POST['BounceEmail'];

if (!$subscriber_api->ValidEmail($tempBounceEmail)) {

$valid = false;

$errors[] = GetLang('ListBounceEmailNotValidEmail');

} else {

$list->bounceemail = $tempBounceEmail;


} else {

$valid = false;

$errors[] = GetLang('ListBounceEmailIsNotValid');



* -----


$list->bounceserver = $_POST['bounce_server'];

$list->bounceusername = $_POST['bounce_username'];

$list->bouncepassword = $_POST['bounce_password'];

$list->imapaccount = (isset($_POST['bounce_imap']) && $_POST['bounce_imap'] == 1) ? 1 : 0;


* Get extramailsettings


$list->extramailsettings = '';

if (!isset($_POST['bounce_extraoption'])) {

$list->extramailsettings = $_POST['bounce_extrasettings'];



* -----


$list->processbounce = (isset($_POST['bounce_process'])) ? 1 : 0;

$list->agreedelete = 1;

$list->agreedeleteall = (isset($_POST['bounce_agreedeleteall'])) ? 1 : 0;



* -----



* If entry is not valid, abort the update


if (!$valid) {

$error_msg = GetLang('UnableToUpdateList') . '<br/>- ' . implode('<br/>- ', $errors);

FlashMessage($error_msg, SS_FLASH_MSG_ERROR, IEM::urlFor('Lists', array('Action' => 'Edit', 'id' => $listid)));



* -----



* Set visible vields


$visiblefields = array();

if (isset($_POST['VisibleFields'])) {

foreach ($_POST['VisibleFields'] as $field) {

$visiblefields[] = str_replace(',','',$field);


if (count($visiblefields) == 0) {



} else {

$_POST['VisibleFields'] = array('emailaddress');


$list->visiblefields = implode(',', $visiblefields);


* -----


$list->companyname = $_POST['CompanyName'];

$list->companyaddress = $_POST['CompanyAddress'];

$list->companyphone = $_POST['CompanyPhone'];

$customfield_assocs = array();

if (isset($_POST['AvailableFields']) && is_array($_POST['AvailableFields'])) {

$customfield_assocs = $_POST['AvailableFields'];


$list->customfields = $customfield_assocs;

$saveresult = $list->Save();

if (!$saveresult) {

FlashMessage(GetLang('UnableToUpdateList'), SS_FLASH_MSG_ERROR, IEM::urlFor('Lists', array('Action' => 'Edit', 'id' => $listid)));


FlashMessage(GetLang('ListUpdated'), SS_FLASH_MSG_SUCCESS, IEM::urlFor('Lists'));



* CreateList

* Displays the 'create list' form.


* @see GetUser

* @see User_API::CanCreateList

* @see GetApi

* @see List_API::Load

* @see List_API::GetAllFormats


* @param Array $param Any parameters that needed to be passed into this function


* @return String The HTML for the list creation form.


private function CreateList($param)



$user =& $param['user'];

$db = IEM::getDatabase();

if ($user->CanCreateList() !== true) {

FlashMessage(GetLang('TooManyLists'), SS_FLASH_MSG_ERROR, IEM::urlFor('Lists'));


$GLOBALS['OwnerName'] = htmlspecialchars($user->fullname, ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);

$GLOBALS['OwnerEmail'] = htmlspecialchars($user->emailaddress, ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);

$GLOBALS['BounceEmail'] = htmlspecialchars($user->emailaddress, ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);

$GLOBALS['ReplyToEmail'] = htmlspecialchars($user->emailaddress, ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);


* Bounce email/server settings


$GLOBALS['DisplayExtraMailSettings'] = 'none';

$GLOBALS['ShowBounceInfo'] = 'none';

if ($user->HasAccess('Lists', 'BounceSettings')) {

$GLOBALS['ShowBounceInfo'] = '';






$GLOBALS['Bounce_Password'] = htmlspecialchars(@base64_decode(SENDSTUDIO_BOUNCE_PASSWORD), ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);


$GLOBALS['Bounce_ExtraOption'] = ' ';

$GLOBALS['DisplayExtraMailSettings'] = '';



$GLOBALS['Imap_Selected'] = $GLOBALS['Pop3_Selected'] = '';


$GLOBALS['Imap_Selected'] = ' SELECTED ';

} else {

$GLOBALS['Pop3_Selected'] = ' SELECTED ';



$GLOBALS['ProcessBounceChecked'] = ' CHECKED';


$GLOBALS['Bounce_AgreeDeleteAll'] = ' CHECKED';



} else {

$GLOBALS['BounceEmail'] = '';



* -----


// if the form has been filled in but we're displaying an error, try to prefill the form.

if (!empty($_POST)) {

foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) {

if (is_array($val)) {



$GLOBALS[$key] = htmlspecialchars($val, ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);



$GLOBALS['Action'] = 'AddList';

$GLOBALS['CancelButton'] = GetLang('CreateListCancelButton');

$GLOBALS['Heading'] = GetLang('CreateMailingList');

$GLOBALS['Intro'] = GetLang('CreateMailingListIntro');

$GLOBALS['ListDetails'] = GetLang('CreateMailingListHeading');

$listapi = $this->GetApi();

$GLOBALS['NotifyOwner'] = 'CHECKED';

// if these variables aren't in the post array, then they have been unticked. Try to remember the options.

if (!empty($_POST)) {

if (!isset($_POST['NotifyOwner'])) {

$GLOBALS['NotifyOwner'] = '';


if (!isset($_POST['bounce_imap']) || (isset($_POST['bounce_imap']) && $_POST['bounce_imap'] == 0)) {

$GLOBALS['Imap_Selected'] = ' ';

$GLOBALS['Pop3_Selected'] = ' SELECTED ';

} else if (isset($_POST['bounce_imap']) && $_POST['bounce_imap'] == 1) {

$GLOBALS['Imap_Selected'] = ' ';

$GLOBALS['Pop3_Selected'] = ' SELECTED ';



$GLOBALS['AvailableFields'] = '';

if ($user->HasAccess('CustomFields')) {

$customfields_api = $this->GetApi('CustomFields');

$userfields = $customfields_api->GetCustomFields($user->userid, array(), false, 0, 0);

$GLOBALS['AvailableFields'] = '';

foreach ($userfields as $name => $value) {

$GLOBALS['AvailableFields'] .= '<option value=' . $value['fieldid] . '"';

if ($value['isglobal'] && $param['action'] == 'create' && empty($_POST)) {

// Automatically check the global custom fields on list creation.

$GLOBALS['AvailableFields'] .= ' selected=selected"';


$GLOBALS['AvailableFields] .= '>' . htmlspecialchars($value['name'], ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET) . '</option>';



if (empty($GLOBALS['AvailableFields'])) {

$GLOBALS['ShowCustomFields'] = 'style=display: none;"';


$selectedVisibleFields = null;

if (isset($_POST['VisibleFields]) && is_array($_POST['VisibleFields'])) {

$selectedVisibleFields = $_POST['VisibleFields'];


$GLOBALS['VisibleFields'] = '';

foreach ($this->BuiltinFields as $name => $value) {

$GLOBALS['VisibleFields'] .= '<option value=' . $name . '"';

//if (is_null($selectedVisibleFields) || (!is_null($selectedVisibleFields) && in_array($name, $selectedVisibleFields))) {

$GLOBALS['VisibleFields] .= ' selected="selected"';


$GLOBALS['VisibleFields'] .= '>' . htmlspecialchars(GetLang($value),ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET) . '</option>';



return $this->ParseTemplate('Lists_Form', true);



* AddList

* Adds a Contact List to the system and returns to the Manage Lists screen, or redisplays the Create a List screen with an error.


* @param Array $param Any parameters that needed to be passed into this function


* @return String Redirects to the Manage Lists page on success, or returns the Edit List form HTML on error.


private function AddList($param)


$user =& $param['user'];

$list = $this->GetApi();

$subscriber_api = $this->GetApi('Subscribers');

if ($user->CanCreateList() !== true) {

FlashMessage(GetLang('TooManyLists'), SS_FLASH_MSG_ERROR, IEM::urlFor('Lists'));


$email_address_fields = array('OwnerEmail', 'ReplyToEmail');

$checkfields = array('Name', 'OwnerName', 'OwnerEmail', 'ReplyToEmail');

$valid = true; $errors = array();

foreach ($checkfields as $p => $field) {

if ($_POST[$field] == '') {

$valid = false;

$errors[] = GetLang('List' . $field . 'IsNotValid');



$value = $_POST[$field];

if (in_array($field, $email_address_fields)) {

if (!$subscriber_api->ValidEmail($value)) {

$valid = false;

$errors[] = GetLang('List' . $field . 'NotValidEmail');




$list->Set(strtolower($field), $value);


$list->notifyowner = (isset($_POST['NotifyOwner'])) ? 1 : 0;


* If user cannot modify bounce details, we will need to use the default bounce details instead of the one passed in


$list->bounceemail = $user->emailaddress;

$list->processbounce = 0;

if ($user->HasAccess('Lists', 'BounceSettings')) {


* Check bounce email


if (isset($_POST['BounceEmail'])) {

$tempBounceEmail = $_POST['BounceEmail'];

if (!$subscriber_api->ValidEmail($tempBounceEmail)) {

$valid = false;

$errors[] = GetLang('ListBounceEmailNotValidEmail');

} else {

$list->bounceemail = $tempBounceEmail;


} else {

$valid = false;

$errors[] = GetLang('ListBounceEmailIsNotValid');



* -----


$list->bounceserver = $_POST['bounce_server'];

$list->bounceusername = $_POST['bounce_username'];

$list->bouncepassword = $_POST['bounce_password'];

$list->imapaccount = (isset($_POST['bounce_imap']) && $_POST['bounce_imap'] == 1) ? 1 : 0;


* Get extramailsettings


$list->extramailsettings = '';

if (!isset($_POST['bounce_extraoption'])) {

$list->extramailsettings = $_POST['bounce_extrasettings'];



* -----


$list->processbounce = (isset($_POST['bounce_process'])) ? 1 : 0;

$list->agreedeleteall = (isset($_POST['bounce_agreedeleteall'])) ? 1 : 0;

$list->agreedelete = 1;


$list->bounceemail = SENDSTUDIO_BOUNCE_ADDRESS;

$list->bounceserver = SENDSTUDIO_BOUNCE_SERVER;

$list->bounceusername = SENDSTUDIO_BOUNCE_USERNAME;

$list->bouncepassword = @base64_decode(SENDSTUDIO_BOUNCE_PASSWORD);

$list->imapaccount = SENDSTUDIO_BOUNCE_IMAP;

$list->extramailsettings = SENDSTUDIO_BOUNCE_EXTRASETTINGS;

$list->processbounce = 1;

$list->agreedelete = 1;




* -----



* If entry is not valid, abort the update


if (!$valid) {

FlashMessage(GetLang('UnableToUpdateList'), SS_FLASH_MSG_ERROR, IEM::urlFor('Lists', array('Action' => 'Edit', 'id' => $listid)));



* -----



* Set visible vields


$visiblefields = array();

if (isset($_POST['VisibleFields'])) {

foreach ($_POST['VisibleFields'] as $field) {

$visiblefields[] = str_replace(',','',$field);


if (count($visiblefields) == 0) {



} else {

$_POST['VisibleFields'] = array('emailaddress');


$list->visiblefields = implode(',', $visiblefields);


* -----


$list->companyname = $_POST['CompanyName'];

$list->companyaddress = $_POST['CompanyAddress'];

$list->companyphone = $_POST['CompanyPhone'];

$list->ownerid = $user->userid;

$customfield_assocs = array();

if (isset($_POST['AvailableFields']) && is_array($_POST['AvailableFields'])) {

$customfield_assocs = $_POST['AvailableFields'];


$list->customfields = $customfield_assocs;

$create = $list->Create();

if (!$create) {

// Don't use a Flash Message here so that they can try again.

$GLOBALS['Error'] = GetLang('UnableToCreateList');

$GLOBALS['Message'] = $this->ParseTemplate('ErrorMsg', true, false);

return $this->CreateList($param);






FlashMessage(GetLang('ListCreated'), SS_FLASH_MSG_SUCCESS, IEM::urlFor('Lists'));



* ChangeList

* Performs the following actions:

* - Deletes lists,

* - Deletes all subscribers within lists,

* - Changes the format of all subscribers within lists,

* - Changes the confirmed status of all subscribers within lists, or

* - Merges lists.


* @param Array $param Any parameters that needed to be passed into this function


* @return Void Redirects to the Manage Lists page or Edit List page depending on action or error.


private function ChangeList($param)


$user =& $param['user'];

// The User should be able to view the lists they want to merge, but there is no 'View' permission for lists.

// For now we will just require that they have 'edit' permissions.

foreach ($_POST['Lists'] as $lid) {

if (!$user->HasAccess('lists', 'edit', $lid)) {




$subaction = strtolower($_POST['ChangeType']);

$listApi = $this->GetApi();

$success_format = 0; $failure_format = 0;

$success_status = 0; $failure_status = 0;

$success_confirmed = 0; $failure_confirmed = 0;

if ($subaction == 'mergelists') {

if ($user->CanCreateList() !== true) {

FlashMessage(GetLang('TooManyLists'), SS_FLASH_MSG_ERROR, IEM::urlFor('Lists'));


if (sizeof($_POST['Lists']) < 2) {

FlashMessage(GetLang('UnableToMergeLists'), SS_FLASH_MSG_ERROR, IEM::urlFor('Lists'));


$message = '';

$userdetails = array();

$userdetails['userid'] = $user->userid;

$userdetails['name'] = $user->fullname;

$userdetails['emailaddress'] = $user->emailaddress;

list($newid, $msg, $results) = $listApi->MergeLists($_POST['Lists'], $userdetails);

$success_merged = $results['Success'];

$failure_merged = $results['Failure'];

$duplicates_success_removed = $results['DuplicatesSuccess'];

$duplicates_failure_removed = $results['DuplicatesFailure'];

if ($success_merged > 0) {

$message .= sprintf(GetLang('MergeSuccessful'), $this->FormatNumber($success_merged));

FlashMessage($message, SS_FLASH_MSG_SUCCESS);


if ($failure_merged > 0) {

$message = sprintf(GetLang('MergeUnsuccessful'), $this->FormatNumber($success_merged));

FlashMessage($message, SS_FLASH_MSG_ERROR);


if ($duplicates_success_removed > 0) {

$message = sprintf(GetLang('MergeDuplicatesRemoved_Success'), $this->FormatNumber($duplicates_success_removed));

FlashMessage($message, SS_FLASH_MSG_SUCCESS);


if ($duplicates_failure_removed > 0) {

$message = sprintf(GetLang('MergeDuplicatesRemoved_Fail'), $this->FormatNumber($duplicates_failure_removed));

FlashMessage($message, SS_FLASH_MSG_ERROR);


if (!$newid) {






IEM::redirectTo('Lists', array('Action' => 'Edit', 'id' => $newid));


$lists_deleted_success = $lists_deleted_failure = 0;

$subscribers_deleted_success = $subscribers_deleted_failure = 0;

foreach ($_POST['Lists'] as $pos => $list) {


switch ($subaction) {

case 'delete':

$status = $listApi->Delete($list, $user->Get('userid'));

if ($status) {




} else {




case 'deleteallsubscribers':

$status = $listApi->DeleteAllSubscribers($list);

if ($status) {


} else {




case 'changeformat_text':

$newformat = 'Text';

list($status, $msg) = $listApi->ChangeSubscriberFormat($newformat, $list);

if ($status) {


} else {




case 'changeformat_html':

$newformat = 'HTML';

list($status, $msg) = $listApi->ChangeSubscriberFormat($newformat, $list);

if ($status) {


} else {




case 'changestatus_confirm':

$newstatus = 'Confirmed';

list($status, $msg) = $listApi->ChangeSubscriberConfirm('confirm', $list);

if ($status) {


} else {




case 'changestatus_unconfirm':

$newstatus = 'Unconfirmed';

list($status, $msg) = $listApi->ChangeSubscriberConfirm('unconfirm', $list);

if ($status) {


} else {






$message = '';

if ($lists_deleted_success > 0) {

$message = sprintf(GetLang('ListsDeleteSuccess'), $this->FormatNumber($lists_deleted_success));

if ($lists_deleted_success == 1) {

$message = GetLang('ListDeleteSuccess');


FlashMessage($message, SS_FLASH_MSG_SUCCESS);


if ($lists_deleted_failure > 0) {

$message = GetLang('ListsDeleteFail');

if ($lists_deleted_failure == 1) {

$message = GetLang('ListDeleteFail');


FlashMessage($message, SS_FLASH_MSG_ERROR);


if ($subscribers_deleted_success > 0) {

$message = sprintf(GetLang('ListsDeleteAllSubscribersSuccess'), $this->FormatNumber($subscribers_deleted_success));

if ($subscribers_deleted_success == 1) {

$message = GetLang('ListDeleteAllSubscribersSuccess');


FlashMessage($message, SS_FLASH_MSG_SUCCESS);


if ($subscribers_deleted_failure > 0) {

$message = GetLang('ListsDeleteAllSubscribersFail');

if ($subscribers_deleted_failure == 1) {

$message = GetLang('ListDeleteAllSubscribersFail');


FlashMessage($message, SS_FLASH_MSG_ERROR);


if ($success_format > 0) {

$message = sprintf(GetLang('AllListSubscribersChangedFormat'), GetLang('Format_' . $newformat));

FlashMessage($message, SS_FLASH_MSG_SUCCESS);


if ($failure_format > 0) {

$message = sprintf(GetLang('AllListSubscribersNotChangedFormat'), GetLang('Format_' . $newformat));

FlashMessage($message, SS_FLASH_MSG_ERROR);


if ($success_status > 0) {

$message = sprintf(GetLang('AllListSubscribersChangedStatus'), GetLang('Status_' . $newstatus));

FlashMessage($message, SS_FLASH_MSG_SUCCESS);


if ($failure_status > 0) {

$message = sprintf(GetLang('AllListSubscribersNotChangedStatus'), GetLang('Status_' . $newstatus));

FlashMessage($message, SS_FLASH_MSG_ERROR);


if ($success_confirmed > 0) {

$message = sprintf(GetLang('AllListSubscribersChangedConfirm'), GetLang('Status_' . $newstatus));

FlashMessage($message, SS_FLASH_MSG_SUCCESS);


if ($failure_confirmed > 0) {

$message = sprintf(GetLang('AllListSubscribersNotChangedConfirm'), GetLang('Status_' . $newstatus));

FlashMessage($message, SS_FLASH_MSG_ERROR);





* DeleteList

* Deletes a single list.


* @param Array $param Any parameters that needed to be passed into this function


* @return Void Redirects to the Manage Lists page.


private function DeleteList($param)


$listApi = $this->GetApi('Lists');

$list = (int)$_GET['id'];

$status = $listApi->Delete($list, $param['user']->Get('userid'));

if ($status) {




FlashMessage(GetLang('ListDeleteSuccess'), SS_FLASH_MSG_SUCCESS, IEM::urlFor('Lists'));


FlashMessage(GetLang('ListDeleteFail'), SS_FLASH_MSG_ERROR, IEM::urlFor('Lists'));



* TestBounceSettingsDisplay

* Loads the template for the bounce test thickbox.


* @param Array $param Any parameters that needed to be passed to this function


* @return Void Doesn't return anything.


private function TestBounceSettingsDisplay($param)


$test_bounce_details = array (

'server' => $_GET['bounce_server'],

'username' => $_GET['bounce_username'],

'password' => $_GET['bounce_password'],

'extra_settings' => $_GET['bounce_extrasettings'],

'imap' => (isset($_GET['bounce_imap']) && $_GET['bounce_imap'] == 1) ? 1 : 0,


// Decrypt the password.

$test_bounce_details['password'] = IEM::decrypt($test_bounce_details['password'], IEM::sessionGet('RandomToken'));

IEM::sessionSet('TestBounceDetails', $test_bounce_details);

$GLOBALS['Page'] = 'Lists';


return $this->ParseTemplate('Bounce_Test_Window', true);



* TestBounceSettings

* Tries to log into the bounce server. It will print a success message or the error.


* @param Array $param Any parameters that needed to be passed into this function


* @return Void Doesn't return anything.


private function TestBounceSettings($param)



$test_bounce_details = IEM::sessionGet('TestBounceDetails');

if ($test_bounce_details === false || empty($test_bounce_details)) {

$GLOBALS['Error'] = sprintf(GetLang('BadLogin_Details'), GetLang('BounceError_NoDetails'));




$bounce_server = $test_bounce_details['server'];

$bounce_user = $test_bounce_details['username'];

$bounce_pass = $test_bounce_details['password'];

$extra_settings = false;

if ($test_bounce_details['extra_settings'] !== '') {

$extra_settings = $test_bounce_details['extra_settings'];


$imap = ($test_bounce_details['imap'] === 1) ? true : false;

$bounce_api = $this->GetApi('Bounce');

$bounce_api->Set('bounceuser', $bounce_user);

$bounce_api->Set('bouncepassword', base64_encode($bounce_pass));

$bounce_api->Set('bounceserver', $bounce_server);

$bounce_api->Set('imapaccount', $imap);

if ($extra_settings) {

$bounce_api->Set('extramailsettings', $extra_settings);


$login_ok = $bounce_api->Login();

if (!$login_ok) {

$GLOBALS['Error'] = sprintf(GetLang('BadLogin_Details'), $bounce_api->Get('ErrorMessage'));

$GLOBALS['Message'] = $this->ParseTemplate('ErrorMsg', true, false);

} else {

$GLOBALS['Message'] = $this->PrintSuccess('BounceLogin_Successful');



return $GLOBALS['Message'];



* SetVisibleFieldsHeight

* Sets the height of the available and visisble fields ISelectReplace boxes.


* @param Int $count The number of fields in the box.


* @return Void Doesn't return anything.


private function SetVisibleFieldsHeight($count)


if ($count <= 10) {

if ($count < 3) {

$count = 3;


$GLOBALS['VisibleFields_Style'] = 'height:' . ($count * 25) . 'px';




Cadastro do Cliente:



* Include the base sendstudio functions.


require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/sendstudio_functions.php');


* Class for the processing custom fields. Uses the API's to handle functionality, this simply handles processing and calls the API's to do the work.


* @package SendStudio

* @subpackage SendStudio_Functions


class CustomFields extends SendStudio_Functions



* ValidSorts

* An array of sorts you can use with autoresponder management.


* @var Array


var $ValidSorts = array('name', 'createdate', 'fieldtype');


* ValidSorts

* An array of secondary sorts to use.


* @var Array


var $_SecondarySorts = array('date' => array('field' => 'name', 'order' => 'asc'), 'type' => array('field' => 'name', 'order' => 'asc'));


* _DefaultSort

* Default sort for autoresponders is hours after subscription


* @see GetSortDetails


* @var String


var $_DefaultSort = 'name';


* _DefaultDirection

* Default sort direction for autoresponders is ascending


* @see GetSortDetails


* @var String


var $_DefaultDirection = 'Up';


* CustomFieldTypes

* A list of custom field types sendstudio supports.


* @see EditCustomField

* @see CreateCustomField_Step1


* @var Array


var $CustomFieldTypes = array(










* MoreOptionsToShow

* How many more options to show if the type supports it.


* @see EditCustomField


* @var Int


var $MoreOptionsToShow = 5;


* MoreOptions Which custom fields have 'more options' to show.


* @see EditCustomField


* @var Array


var $MoreOptions = array('dropdown', 'checkbox', 'radiobutton');


* Constructor

* Loads the language file.


* @see LoadLanguageFile


* @return Void Doesn't return anything.


function CustomFields()





* Process

* Does all of the work.

* This handles processing of the functions. This includes adding, deleting, editing, associating with lists.


* @see EditCustomField

* @see CreateCustomField_Step1

* @see CreateCustomField_Step2

* @see ManageCustomField_Lists

* @see ManageCustomFields


* @return Void Doesn't return anything, just prints out the results.


function Process()


$GLOBALS['Message'] = '';


$user = &GetUser();

$action = (isset($_GET['Action'])) ? strtolower($_GET['Action']) : null;

if ($action == 'processpaging') {


$action = 'manage';


$effective_action = $action;

if ($action == 'associate') {

$effective_action = null;


$access = $user->HasAccess('customfields', $effective_action);

if ($access) {

// The user is allowed to perform the action only on their own fields.

$field_owner = $user->userid;

$api = $this->GetApi();

$check = array();

if (isset($_POST['customfields'])) {

$check = $_POST['customfields'];


if (isset($_GET['id'])) {

$check[] = $_GET['id'];


if (isset($_POST['fieldid'])) {

$check[] = $_POST['fieldid'];


foreach ($check as $id) {

if (!$api->Load(intval($id))) {



if ($api->ownerid != $field_owner && !$user->Admin()) {





if (!$access) {



switch ($action) {

case 'associate':

$associations = (isset($_POST['listid'])) ? $_POST['listid'] : array();

$fieldid = $_POST['fieldid'];

$api = $this->GetApi();


$fieldapi = $this->GetApi('CustomFields_' . $api->fieldtype);

if (!$fieldapi) {

return false;




$saveresult = $fieldapi->SetAssociations($associations, $user);

if (!$saveresult) {

$GLOBALS['Error'] = GetLang('UnableToUpdateCustomField');

$GLOBALS['Message'] = $this->ParseTemplate('ErrorMsg', true, false);

} else {

$GLOBALS['Message'] = $this->PrintSuccess('CustomFieldUpdated');




case 'edit':

$fieldid = (isset($_GET['id'])) ? (int)$_GET['id'] : 0;

$subaction = (isset($_GET['SubAction'])) ? strtolower($_GET['SubAction']) : '';

switch ($subaction) {

case 'update':

$api = $this->GetApi();


$fieldapi = $this->GetApi('CustomFields_' . $api->fieldtype);

if (!$fieldapi) {

return false;



$alloptions = $fieldapi->GetOptions();

$newoptions = array();

foreach ($alloptions as $fieldname => $option) {

if (isset($_POST[$fieldname]) && is_array($_POST[$fieldname])) {

$value = $_POST[$fieldname];

} else {

if (isset($customfield_settings[$fieldname])) {

$value = $customfield_settings[$fieldname];

} else {

if (isset($_POST[$fieldname])) {

$value = $_POST[$fieldname];

} else {

$value = false;




$newoptions[$fieldname] = $value;


if (isset($newoptions['Key']) && is_array($newoptions['Key'])) {

foreach ($newoptions['Key'] as $key => $val) {

if (!strlen($val) && isset($newoptions['Value'][$key]) && strlen($newoptions['Value'][$key])) {

$newoptions['Key'][$key] = $newoptions['Value'][$key];





$saveresult = $fieldapi->Save();







case 'delete':

$deletelist = (isset($_POST['customfields'])) ? $_POST['customfields'] : array();

if (isset($_GET['id'])) {

$deletelist = array((int)$_GET['id']);




case 'create':

// see what step we're up to.

$subaction = (isset($_GET['SubAction'])) ? strtolower($_GET['SubAction']) : '';

switch ($subaction) {

case 'step2':

$newfield = array();

$newfield['FieldName'] = $_POST['FieldName'];

$newfield['FieldType'] = $_POST['FieldType'];

$newfield['FieldRequired'] = (isset($_POST['FieldRequired'])) ? 'on': '';

IEM::sessionSet('CustomFields', $newfield);



case 'step3':

$customfield_settings = IEM::sessionGet('CustomFields');

$fieldapi = $this->GetApi('CustomFields_' . $customfield_settings['FieldType']);

if (!$fieldapi) {

return false;


$alloptions = $fieldapi->GetOptions();

$newoptions = array();

foreach ($alloptions as $fieldname => $option) {

$value = (isset($customfield_settings[$fieldname])) ? $customfield_settings[$fieldname] : $_POST[$fieldname];

$newoptions[$fieldname] = $value;



$fieldapi->ownerid = $user->userid;

$create = $fieldapi->Create();

if (!$create) {

$GLOBALS['Error'] = GetLang('UnableToCreateCustomField');

$GLOBALS['Message'] = $this->ParseTemplate('ErrorMsg', true, false);



$this->ManageCustomField_Lists($create, true);












* EditCustomField

* Allows editing of a custom field. This also handles whether to show more options (if it's a checkbox/dropdown) and so on.


* @param Int $fieldid Fieldid to load and edit.


* @see GetApi

* @see CustomFields_API::Load

* @see CustomFields_API::Settings

* @see MoreOptions

* @see MoreOptionsToShow


* @return Void Doesn't return anything, just prints out the results.


function EditCustomField($fieldid=0)


if ($fieldid <= 0) {

return false;


$api = $this->GetApi();

if (!$api->Load($fieldid)) {

$GLOBALS['ErrorMessage'] = GetLang('CustomFieldDoesntExist');




$fieldapi = $this->GetApi('CustomFields_' . $api->fieldtype);


// Log this to "User Activity Log"

IEM::logUserActivity($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'images/customfields.gif', $api->Settings['FieldName']);

$GLOBALS['CustomFieldDetails'] = GetLang('EditCustomField');

$GLOBALS['Action'] = 'Edit&SubAction=Update&id= . $fieldid;

$GLOBALS['CancelButton] = GetLang('EditCustomField_CancelPrompt');

$GLOBALS['Heading'] = GetLang('EditCustomField');

$GLOBALS['Intro'] = GetLang('EditCustomFieldIntro');

$type = $fieldapi->fieldtype;

$GLOBALS['FieldType'] = GetLang('CustomFieldType_' . strtolower($type));

$GLOBALS['FieldName'] = htmlspecialchars($fieldapi->Settings['FieldName'], ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);

$fieldoptions = $fieldapi->GetOptions();

foreach ($fieldoptions as $name => $val) {

if (!is_array($fieldapi->Settings[$name])) {

$GLOBALS[$name] = htmlspecialchars($fieldapi->Settings[$name], ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);



foreach ($fieldapi->Settings[$name] as $p => $pname) {

$GLOBALS['Display'.$p] = htmlspecialchars($pname, ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);



$required = '';

if ($fieldapi->Settings['FieldRequired']) {

$required = ' CHECKED';


$GLOBALS['FieldRequired'] = $required;

$GLOBALS['CancelButton'] = GetLang('EditCustomField_CancelPrompt');

$currentlist = '';

$extralist = '';

$extralistdisplay = 'none';

$addmorelinkdisplay = '';

if (in_array($fieldapi->fieldtype, $this->MoreOptions)) {

$extralist_template = 'CustomField_Form_Step2_' . $fieldapi->fieldtype . '_list_edit';

$keysize = sizeof($fieldapi->Settings['Key']);

for ($i = 1; $i <= $keysize; $i++) {

$GLOBALS['KeyNumber'] = $i;

$GLOBALS['Key'] = htmlspecialchars($fieldapi->Settings['Key'][$i-1], ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);

$GLOBALS['Value'] = htmlspecialchars($fieldapi->Settings['Value'][$i-1], ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);

$currentlist .= $this->ParseTemplate($extralist_template, true, false);


$end = $i;

$GLOBALS['Key'] = '';

$GLOBALS['Value'] = '';

$GLOBALS['KeyNumber'] = $i;

$extralist .= $this->ParseTemplate($extralist_template, true, false);

$GLOBALS['CurrentSize'] = $i;


$GLOBALS['CurrentList'] = $currentlist;

$GLOBALS['ExtraList'] = $extralist;

$GLOBALS['ExtraListDisplay'] = $extralistdisplay;

$GLOBALS['AddMoreLinkDisplay'] = $addmorelinkdisplay;

$GLOBALS['HideMoreLinkDisplay'] = (strtolower($addmorelinkdisplay) == 'none') ? '' : 'none';

// Load up the edit template specific to custom fields with multiple options if we're editing

if (in_array($fieldapi->fieldtype, $this->MoreOptions) && isset($_GET['Action']) && $_GET['Action'] == 'Edit') {

$type .= '_edit';


$GLOBALS['SubForm'] = $this->ParseTemplate('CustomField_Form_Step2_' . $type, true, false);




* CreateCustomField_Step1

* Prints step 1 of creating a custom field. Simply prints out the customfield types for choosing.


* @see CustomFieldTypes


* @return Void Doesn't return anything, just prints out the results.


function CreateCustomField_Step1()


$user = &GetUser();

$lists = $user->GetLists();

if (count($lists) == 0) {




$GLOBALS['Action'] = 'Create&SubAction=Step2';

$GLOBALS['CancelButton'] = GetLang('CreateCustomFieldCancelButton');

$GLOBALS['Heading'] = GetLang('CreateCustomField');

$GLOBALS['Intro'] = GetLang('CreateCustomFieldIntro');

$GLOBALS['ListDetails'] = GetLang('CreateCustomFieldHeading');

$typelist = '';

$count = 0;

foreach ($this->CustomFieldTypes as $p => $type) {

$typelist .= '<input onclick=cf_selected=true;" type="radio" name="FieldType" id="' . $type . '" value="' . $type . '"> <label for="' . $type . '">' . GetLang('CustomFieldType_' . strtolower($type)) . '</label> - <span style="color:#AAA">' . GetLang('CustomFieldDesc_' . strtolower($type)) . '</span>';

// Add a placeholder after the first custom field type for the help (Added by Mitch)

if ($count++ == 0) {

$typelist .= '&nbsp;<span id="cfCustomHelp"></span>';


$typelist .= '<br />';


$GLOBALS['FieldTypeList] = $typelist;




* CreateCustomField_Step2

* Prints step 2 of creating a custom field. Prints options based on the custom field type.


* @param Array $details Details to use to go to step 2. This comes from the session and includes the name, whether it's required and type.


* @see MoreOptions

* @see MoreOptionsToShow


* @return Void Doesn't return anything, just prints out the results.


function CreateCustomField_Step2($details=array())


if (empty($details)) {

return false;


$fieldapi = $this->GetApi('CustomFields_' . $details['FieldType']);

if (!$fieldapi) {

return false;


$GLOBALS['CustomFieldDetails'] = $GLOBALS['Heading'] = GetLang('CreateCustomField_Step2');

$GLOBALS['Intro'] = GetLang('CreateCustomField_Step2_Intro');

$GLOBALS['Action'] = 'Create&SubAction=Step3';

$details['FieldType'] = strtolower($details['FieldType']);

if (in_array($details['FieldType'], $this->MoreOptions)) {

$GLOBALS['DefaultValue'] = GetLang('DropdownInstructions');


$extralist = '';

$GLOBALS['CancelButton'] = GetLang('CreateCustomField_CancelPrompt');

$addmorelinkdisplay = 'none';

$GLOBALS['AddMoreLinkDisplay'] = $addmorelinkdisplay;

$GLOBALS['HideMoreLinkDisplay'] = (strtolower($addmorelinkdisplay) == 'none') ? '' : 'none';

if (isset($fieldapi->Options['Key']) && is_array($fieldapi->Options['Key'])) {

foreach ($fieldapi->Options['Key'] as $pos => $name) {

$GLOBALS['Display'.$pos] = $name;



if (in_array($details['FieldType'], $this->MoreOptions)) {

$extralist_template = 'CustomField_Form_Step2_' . $details['FieldType'] . '_list';

for ($i = 1; $i <= $this->MoreOptionsToShow; $i++) {

$GLOBALS['KeyNumber'] = $i;

$extralist .= $this->ParseTemplate($extralist_template, true, false);



$GLOBALS['CurrentSize'] = $this->MoreOptionsToShow;

$GLOBALS['ExtraList'] = $extralist;

$GLOBALS['SubForm'] = $this->ParseTemplate('CustomField_Form_Step2_' . $details['FieldType'], true, false);




* ManageCustomField_Lists

* Prints out the custom field to list associations.


* @param Int $fieldid Fieldid to print associations for.

* @param Boolean $newfield Whether we're creating a new field or not. This changes language variables accordingly.


* @see GetApi

* @see CustomFields_API::Load

* @see CustomFields_API::Settings

* @see CustomFields_API::Associations

* @see User_API::GetLists


* @return Void Doesn't return anything, just prints out the results.


function ManageCustomField_Lists($fieldid=0, $newfield=false)


if ($fieldid <= 0) {

return false;


$api = $this->GetApi();

if (!$api->Load($fieldid)) {

return false;


if ($newfield) {

$GLOBALS['Heading'] = GetLang('CreateCustomField_Step3');

$GLOBALS['Intro'] = GetLang('CreateCustomField_Step3_Intro');

$GLOBALS['CancelButton'] = GetLang('CreateCustomField_CancelPrompt');

} else {

$GLOBALS['Heading'] = GetLang('EditCustomField_Step3');

$GLOBALS['Intro'] = GetLang('EditCustomField_Step3_Intro');

$GLOBALS['CancelButton'] = GetLang('EditCustomField_CancelPrompt');


$fieldapi = $this->GetApi('CustomFields_' . $api->fieldtype);


$user = IEM::getCurrentUser();

$lists = $user->GetLists();

$GLOBALS['fieldid'] = $fieldid;

$GLOBALS['CustomFieldListAssociation'] = sprintf(GetLang('CustomFieldListAssociation'), $fieldapi->Settings['FieldName']);

$list_assoc = '';

$GLOBALS['ListAssociations'] = '';

foreach ($lists as $listid => $listdetails) {

$GLOBALS['ListAssociations'] .= '<option value='. $listid . '"';

if (in_array($listid, $fieldapi->Associations)) {

$GLOBALS['ListAssociations] .= ' selected="selected"';


$GLOBALS['ListAssociations'] .= '>' . htmlspecialchars($listdetails['name'], ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET) . '</option>';





* ManageCustomFields

* Prints out the list of custom fields that have been created. This also handles paging and so on.


* @see GetPerPage

* @see GetCurrentPage

* @see GetSortDetails

* @see GetApi

* @see User_API::Admin

* @see CustomFields_API::GetCustomFields

* @see CustomFields_API::Settings

* @see SetupPaging


* @return Void Doesn't return anything, just prints out the results.


function ManageCustomFields()


$user = &GetUser();

$perpage = $this->GetPerPage();

$DisplayPage = $this->GetCurrentPage();

$start = 0;

if ($perpage != 'all') {

$start = ($DisplayPage - 1) * $perpage;


$sortinfo = $this->GetSortDetails();

$api = $this->GetApi();

$fieldowner = ($user->Admin()) ? 0 : $user->userid;

$NumberOfFields = $api->GetCustomFields($fieldowner, $sortinfo, true);

$myfields = $api->GetCustomFields($fieldowner, $sortinfo, false, $start, $perpage);

if ($user->HasAccess('CustomFields', 'Create')) {

$GLOBALS['CustomFields_AddButton'] = $this->ParseTemplate('CustomFields_Create_Button', true, false);


if ($user->HasAccess('CustomFields', 'Delete')) {

$GLOBALS['CustomFields_DeleteButton'] = $this->ParseTemplate('CustomFields_Delete_Button', true, false);


if (!isset($GLOBALS['Message'])) {

$GLOBALS['Message'] = '';


$lists = $user->GetLists();

$listids = array_keys($lists);

if (sizeof($listids) < 1) {

$GLOBALS['Intro_Help'] = GetLang('Help_CustomFieldsManage');

$GLOBALS['Intro'] = GetLang('CustomFieldsManage');

$GLOBALS['Lists_AddButton'] = '';

if ($user->CanCreateList() === true) {

$GLOBALS['Message'] = $this->PrintSuccess('CustomFields_NoLists', GetLang('ListCreate'));

$GLOBALS['Lists_AddButton'] = $this->ParseTemplate('List_Create_Button', true, false);

} else {

$GLOBALS['Message'] = $this->PrintSuccess('CustomFields_NoLists', GetLang('ListAssign'));





if ($NumberOfFields == 0) {

$GLOBALS['Message'] .= $this->PrintSuccess('NoCustomFields');




$this->SetupPaging($NumberOfFields, $DisplayPage, $perpage);

$GLOBALS['FormAction'] = 'Action=ProcessPaging';

$paging = $this->ParseTemplate('Paging', true, false);

$template = $this->ParseTemplate('CustomFields_Manage', true, false);

$customfieldlist = '';

foreach ($myfields as $pos => $fieldinfo) {


$GLOBALS['id'] = $fieldinfo['fieldid'];

$GLOBALS['Name'] = htmlspecialchars($fieldinfo['name'], ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);

$GLOBALS['Created'] = $this->PrintDate($api->createdate);

$GLOBALS['CustomFieldType'] = GetLang('CustomFieldType_' . $api->fieldtype);

$GLOBALS['CustomFieldRequired'] = ($api->Settings['FieldRequired']) ? GetLang('Yes') : GetLang('No');

$GLOBALS['CustomFieldAction'] = '';

if ($user->Admin() || ($user->HasAccess('customfields', 'edit') && $user->Get('userid') == $api->Get('ownerid'))) {

$GLOBALS['CustomFieldAction'] .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=index.php?Page=CustomFields&Action=Edit&id=' . $fieldinfo['fieldid] . '">' . GetLang('Edit') . '</a>';

} else {

$GLOBALS['CustomFieldAction'] .= $this->DisabledItem('Edit');


if ($user->Admin() || ($user->HasAccess('customfields', 'delete') && $user->Get('userid') == $api->Get('ownerid'))) {

$GLOBALS['CustomFieldAction'] .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=java script: ConfirmDelete(' . $fieldinfo['fieldid] . ');">' . GetLang('Delete') . '</a>';

} else {

$GLOBALS['CustomFieldAction'] .= $this->DisabledItem('Delete');


$customfieldlist .= $this->ParseTemplate('CustomFields_Manage_Row', true, false);


$template = str_replace('%%TPL_CustomFields_Manage_Row%%', $customfieldlist, $template);

$template = str_replace('%%TPL_Paging%%', $paging, $template);

$template = str_replace('%%TPL_Paging_Bottom%%', $GLOBALS['PagingBottom'], $template);

echo $template;



* RemoveCustomFields

* Takes an array of customfield id's to remove from the database. It checks whether you are the owner of the custom field or if you are an admin user. If you are neither, you can't delete the field.


* @param Array $fields An array of fields the user wants to remove.


* @see GetUser

* @see User_API::HasAccess

* @see DenyAccess

* @see GetAPI

* @see CustomFields_API::Load

* @see CustomFields_API::Delete

* @see ManageCustomFields


* @return Void Doesn't return anything. Prints out the appropriate message based on what happened.


function RemoveCustomFields($fields=array())


$user = &GetUser();

if (!$user->HasAccess('CustomFields', 'Delete')) {




if (!is_array($fields)) {

$fields = array($fields);


$fields_api = $this->GetApi();

$removed = 0; $notremoved = 0;

$not_removed_errors = array();

foreach ($fields as $pos => $fieldid) {

$loaded = $fields_api->Load($fieldid);

if (!$loaded) {



if (!$user->Admin() && $user->Get('userid') != $fields_api->Get('ownerid')) {

$not_removed_errors[$fieldid] = sprintf(GetLang('CannotDeleteCustomField_NoAccess'), $fields_api->Settings['FieldName']);




$status = $fields_api->Delete($fieldid);

if ($status) {


} else {




$msg = '';

if ($notremoved > 0) {

if (empty($not_removed_errors)) {

if ($notremoved == 1) {

$GLOBALS['Error'] = GetLang('CustomFieldDeleteFail_One');

} else {

$GLOBALS['Error'] = sprintf(GetLang('CustomFieldDeleteFail_Many'), $this->FormatNumber($notremoved));


$msg .= $this->ParseTemplate('ErrorMsg', true, false);

} else {

foreach ($not_removed_errors as $fieldid => $message) {

$GLOBALS['Error'] = $message;

$msg .= $this->ParseTemplate('ErrorMsg', true, false);




if ($removed > 0) {

if ($removed == 1) {

$msg .= $this->PrintSuccess('CustomFieldDeleteSuccess_One');

} else {

$msg .= $this->PrintSuccess('CustomFieldDeleteSuccess_Many', $this->FormatNumber($removed));



$GLOBALS['Message'] = $msg;




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