Rodrigo Kx Posted October 13, 2011 Report Share Posted October 13, 2011 (edited) então galera, o script de JS pra mostrar um pequeno calendário não funciona somente no FF..Aqui está o código:<script language='Javascript'> // construindo o calendário function popdate(obj,div,tam,ddd) { if (ddd) { day = "" mmonth = "" ano = "" c = 1 char = "" for (s=0;s<parseInt(ddd.length);s++) { char = ddd.substr(s,1) if (char == "/") { c++; s++; char = ddd.substr(s,1); } if (c==1) day += char if (c==2) mmonth += char if (c==3) ano += char } ddd = mmonth + "/" + day + "/" + ano } if(!ddd) {today = new Date()} else {today = new Date(ddd)} date_Form = eval (obj) if (date_Form.value == "") { date_Form = new Date()} else {date_Form = new Date(date_Form.value)} ano = today.getFullYear(); mmonth = today.getMonth (); day = today.toString ().substr (8,2) umonth = new Array ("Janeiro", "Fevereiro", "Março", "Abril", "Maio", "Junho", "Julho", "Agosto", "Setembro", "Outubro", "Novembro", "Dezembro") days_Feb = (!(ano % 4) ? 29 : 28) days = new Array (31, days_Feb, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31) if ((mmonth < 0) || (mmonth > 11)) alert(mmonth) if ((mmonth - 1) == -1) {month_prior = 11; year_prior = ano - 1} else {month_prior = mmonth - 1; year_prior = ano} if ((mmonth + 1) == 12) {month_next = 0; year_next = ano + 1} else {month_next = mmonth + 1; year_next = ano} txt = "<table bgcolor='#efefff' style='border:solid #639DF5; border-width:'1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='3' border='0' width='"+tam+"' height='"+tam*1.1 +"'>" txt += "<tr bgcolor='#FFFFFF'><td colspan='7' align='center'><table border='0' cellpadding='0' width='100%' bgcolor='#FFFFFF'><tr>" txt += "<td width=20% align=center><a href=java script:popdate('"+obj+"','"+div+"','"+tam+"','"+((mmonth+1).toString() +"/01/"+(ano-1).toString())+"') class='Cabecalho_Calendario' title='Ano Anterior'><<</a></td>" txt += "<td width=20% align=center><a href=java script:popdate('"+obj+"','"+div+"','"+tam+"','"+( "01/" + (month_prior+1).toString() + "/" + year_prior.toString())+"') class='Cabecalho_Calendario' title='Mês Anterior'><</a></td>" txt += "<td width=20% align=center><a href=java script:popdate('"+obj+"','"+div+"','"+tam+"','"+( "01/" + (month_next+1).toString() + "/" + year_next.toString())+"') class='Cabecalho_Calendario' title='Próximo Mês'>></a></td>" txt += "<td width=20% align=center><a href=java script:popdate('"+obj+"','"+div+"','"+tam+"','"+((mmonth+1).toString() +"/01/"+(ano+1).toString())+"') class='Cabecalho_Calendario' title='Próximo Ano'>>></a></td>" txt += "<td width=20% align=right><a href=java script:force_close('"+div+"') class='Cabecalho_Calendario' title='Fechar Calendário'><b>x</b></a></td></tr></table></td></tr>" txt += "<tr><td colspan='7' align='right' bgcolor='#CCCCCC' class='mes'><a href=java script:pop_year('"+obj+"','"+div+"','"+tam+"','" + (mmonth+1) + "') class='mes'>" + ano.toString() + "</a>" txt += " <a href=java script:pop_month('"+obj+"','"+div+"','"+tam+"','" + ano + "') class='mes'>" + umonth[mmonth] + "</a> <div id='popd' style='position:absolute'></div></td></tr>" txt += "<tr bgcolor='#639DF5'><td width='14%' class='dia' align=center><b>Dom</b></td><td width='14%' class='dia' align=center><b>Seg</b></td><td width='14%' class='dia' align=center><b>Ter</b></td><td width='14%' class='dia' align=center><b>Qua</b></td><td width='14%' class='dia' align=center><b>Qui</b></td><td width='14%' class='dia' align=center><b>Sex<b></td><td width='14%' class='dia' align=center><b>Sab</b></td></tr>" today1 = new Date((mmonth+1).toString() +"/01/"+ano.toString()); diainicio = today1.getDay () + 1; week = d = 1 start = false; for (n=1;n<= 42;n++) { if (week == 1) txt += "<tr bgcolor='#EAEAEA' align=center>" if (week==diainicio) {start = true} if (d > days[mmonth]) {start=false} if (start) { dat = new Date((mmonth+1).toString() + "/" + d + "/" + ano.toString()) day_dat = dat.toString().substr(0,10) day_today = date_Form.toString().substr(0,10) year_dat = dat.getFullYear () year_today = date_Form.getFullYear () colorcell = ((day_dat == day_today) && (year_dat == year_today) ? " bgcolor='#0099CC' " : "" ) txt += "<td"+colorcell+" align=center><a href=java script:block('"+ d + "/" + (mmonth+1).toString() + "/" + ano.toString() +"','"+ obj +"','" + div +"') class='data'>"+ d.toString() + "</a></td>" d ++ } else { txt += "<td class='data' align=center> </td>" } week ++ if (week == 8) { week = 1; txt += "</tr>"} } txt += "</table>" div2 = eval (div) div2.innerHTML = txt } // função para exibir a janela com os meses function pop_month(obj, div, tam, ano) { txt = "<table bgcolor='#CCCCFF' border='0' width=80>" for (n = 0; n < 12; n++) { txt += "<tr><td align=center><a href=java script:popdate('"+obj+"','"+div+"','"+tam+"','"+("01/" + (n+1).toString() + "/" + ano.toString())+"')>" + umonth[n] +"</a></td></tr>" } txt += "</table>" popd.innerHTML = txt } // função para exibir a janela com os anos function pop_year(obj, div, tam, umonth) { txt = "<table bgcolor='#CCCCFF' border='0' width=160>" l = 1 for (n=1991; n<2012; n++) { if (l == 1) txt += "<tr>" txt += "<td align=center><a href=java script:popdate('"+obj+"','"+div+"','"+tam+"','"+(umonth.toString () +"/01/" + n) +"')>" + n + "</a></td>" l++ if (l == 4) {txt += "</tr>"; l = 1 } } txt += "</tr></table>" popd.innerHTML = txt } // função para fechar o calendário function force_close(div) { div2 = eval (div); div2.innerHTML = ''} // função para fechar o calendário e setar a data no campo de data associado function block(data, obj, div) { force_close (div) obj2 = eval(obj) obj2.value = data } </script> HTML da página: <input NAME="data1" SIZE="11" MAXLENGTH="10" value=""> <input id="btcal" TYPE="button" NAME="btnData1" VALUE="Caldendário" onclick="java script:popdate('document.form1.data1','pop1','150',document.form1.data1.value)"> <span id="pop1"></span>Provavelmente o erro seja na parte do 'onclick'.Desde já, obrigado! Edited October 17, 2011 by Rodrigo Kx Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 Willian Gustavo Veiga Posted October 14, 2011 Report Share Posted October 14, 2011 Erros? Quais? Verificou no console de erros do Firefox?Um abraço. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 Rodrigo Kx Posted October 17, 2011 Author Report Share Posted October 17, 2011 Ele diz o seguinte:Pop1 is not defined.Na linha:div2 = eval (div) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 fiote Posted October 17, 2011 Report Share Posted October 17, 2011 Troque o seu:div2 = eval(div) Para: div2 = document.getElementById(div); Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 Rodrigo Kx Posted October 17, 2011 Author Report Share Posted October 17, 2011 Consegui, obrigado, o erro no FF estava nessa linha mesmo, tinha que ter substituído por:document.getElementById("pop1").innerHTML = txtObrigado. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rodrigo Kx
então galera, o script de JS pra mostrar um pequeno calendário não funciona somente no FF..
Aqui está o código:
HTML da página:Provavelmente o erro seja na parte do 'onclick'.
Desde já, obrigado!
Edited by Rodrigo KxLink to comment
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