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Status Server de um JSON.



Seguinte, tenho um Blog (www.dcuobr.blogspot.com);

Fansite do jogo DC Universe Online;

Achei o link do JSON fuçando no HTML dessa página:


JSON - https://lp.soe.com/json/status/?callback="?"

"?"({"freerealms": {"Live": {"Server 08": {"status": "high", "age": "00:01:01"}, "Server 09": {"status": "low", "age": "00:00:51"}, "Server 03": {"status": "low", "age": "00:00:37"}, "Server 02": {"status": "low", "age": "00:00:42"}, "Server 10": {"status": "high", "age": "00:00:47"}, "Server 01": {"status": "medium", "age": "00:00:43"}, "Server 06": {"status": "low", "age": "00:01:04"}, "Server 07": {"status": "low", "age": "00:00:49"}, "Server 04": {"status": "low", "age": "00:00:46"}, "Server 05": {"status": "high", "age": "00:00:41"}}}, "ps": {"Live": {"Gemini": {"status": "low", "age": "00:02:40"}}}, "dcuo": {"Test": {"PC Test": {"status": "down", "age": "01:30:04"}}, "EU Servers": {"EU PC": {"status": "down", "age": "08:23:35"}, "EU PS3": {"status": "low", "age": "00:01:28"}},"US Servers": {"US PS3": {"status": "medium", "age": "00:00:41"}, "US PC": {"status": "down", "age": "08:24:09"}}}, "eq2x": {"Live": {"Freeport": {"status": "high", "age": "00:00:46"}}}, "clonewars": {"Live": {"Server 12": {"status": "low", "age": "00:00:52"}, "Server 06": {"status": "low", "age": "00:00:51"}, "Server 14": {"status": "low", "age": "00:00:30"}, "Server 02": {"status": "low", "age": "00:00:45"}, "Server 08": {"status": "low", "age": "00:00:52"}, "Server 09": {"status": "low", "age": "00:00:54"}, "Server 03": {"status": "low", "age": "00:00:51"}, "Server 11": {"status": "low", "age": "00:00:30"}, "Server 10": {"status": "medium", "age": "00:00:45"}, "Server 13": {"status": "medium", "age": "00:00:51"}, "Server 01": {"status": "medium", "age": "00:00:44"}, "Server 15": {"status": "low", "age": "00:00:51"}, "Server 07": {"status": "medium", "age": "00:00:59"}, "Server 04": {"status": "low", "age": "00:00:30"}, "Server 05": {"status": "low", "age": "00:00:30"}}}, "vgd": {"EU": {"Halgar": {"status": "low", "age": "00:11:57"}}, "US": {"Telon": {"status": "low", "age": "00:01:31"}}}, "eqmac": {"Live": {"Al'Kabor (Mac)": {"status": "low", "age": "00:00:42"}}}, "eq2": {"EU Deutsch": {"Valor": {"status": "low", "age": "00:00:55"}}, "EU English": {"Splitpaw": {"status": "medium", "age": "00:00:55"}}, "Beta": {"Beta": {"status": "locked", "age": "00:01:05"}}, "???": {"Sebilis": {"status": "low", "age": "00:00:36"}}, "US English": {"Butcherblock": {"status": "medium", "age": "00:00:42"}, "Nagafen": {"status": "medium", "age": "00:00:53"}, "The Bazaar": {"status": "low", "age": "00:00:52"}, "Guk": {"status": "medium", "age": "00:00:42"}, "Everfrost": {"status": "medium", "age": "00:00:42"}, "Unrest": {"status": "medium", "age": "00:00:42"}, "Oasis": {"status": "medium", "age": "00:01:07"}, "Antonia Bayle": {"status": "high", "age": "00:00:52"}, "Vox": {"status": "low", "age": "00:00:53"}, "Permafrost": {"status": "medium", "age": "00:01:07"}, "Crushbone": {"status": "high", "age": "00:01:05"}}, "Test": {"Test": {"status": "low", "age": "00:01:01"}, "Test Copy": {"status": "low", "age": "00:01:02"}}, "EU Français": {"Storms": {"status": "low", "age": "00:00:53"}}, "???????": {"Harla Dar": {"status": "low", "age": "00:01:04"}, "Barren Sky": {"status": "low", "age": "00:01:06"}}}, "swg": {"Live": {"FarStar": {"status": "low", "age": "00:01:10"}, "Ahazi": {"status": "low", "age": "00:02:07"}, "Bloodfin": {"status": "low", "age": "00:01:19"}, "Radiant": {"status": "low", "age": "00:01:46"}, "Eclipse": {"status": "low", "age": "00:01:11"}, "Shadowfire": {"status": "low", "age": "00:02:20"}, "Gorath": {"status": "low", "age": "00:01:33"}, "Starsider": {"status": "low", "age": "00:00:49"}, "Sunrunner": {"status": "low", "age": "00:02:00"}, "Flurry": {"status": "low", "age": "00:01:18"}, "Chimaera": {"status": "low", "age": "00:01:24"}, "Chilastra": {"status": "low", "age": "00:01:46"}, "Bria": {"status": "low", "age": "00:00:53"}}, "Test Center": {"Test Center": {"status": "low", "age": "00:01:39"}, "TCPrime": {"status": "low", "age": "00:00:52"}}}, "eqoa": {"Live": {"Ferran's Hope": {"status": "low", "age": "00:01:10"}, "Hagley": {"status": "low", "age": "00:02:21"}, "DirenHold": {"status": "low", "age": "00:02:25"}, "Castle Lightwolf": {"status": "low", "age": "00:01:39"}, "Proudpine Outpost": {"status": "low", "age": "00:01:40"}, "Marr's Fist": {"status": "low", "age": "00:01:20"}, "Hodstock": {"status": "low", "age": "00:00:43"}}}, "eq": {"Test": {"Test Server": {"status": "low", "age": "00:02:21"}}, "Live": {"Firiona Vie": {"status": "low", "age": "00:01:43"}, "Trakanon": {"status": "low", "age": "00:03:35"}, "Bristlebane": {"status": "medium", "age": "00:01:43"}, "Drinal": {"status": "medium", "age": "00:01:17"}, "Zek": {"status": "low", "age": "00:02:12"}, "Bertoxxulous": {"status": "medium", "age": "00:01:33"}, "Vulak`Aerr": {"status": "low", "age": "00:02:06"}, "Erollisi Marr": {"status": "medium", "age": "00:01:43"}, "Cazic Thule": {"status": "medium", "age": "00:01:42"}, "Fippy Darkpaw": {"status": "medium", "age": "00:02:27"}, "Xegony": {"status": "medium", "age": "00:01:58"}, "Povar": {"status": "medium", "age": "00:02:16"}, "The Rathe": {"status": "medium", "age": "00:02:43"}, "Antonius Bayle": {"status": "low", "age": "00:01:19"}, "Tunare": {"status": "medium", "age": "00:01:48"}, "Luclin": {"status": "medium", "age": "00:01:43"}}, "Beta": {"Beta": {"status": "low", "age": "00:01:27"}}}})

A unica parte que me interressa é a em negrito, que o status do servidor Americano do jogo DC Universe Online.

O que eu quero fazer é:

Um Widget para Blogger, em que usando esse JSON ele fique no formato:

DC Universe Online US

PC (ON/OFF) População (Low/Med/High)

PS3 (On/OFF) População (Low/Med/High)

Gostaria de saber como eu poderia fazer o código usando essa JSON.

PS.: Sou total leigo no assunto, descobri tudo fuçando.

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