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Fórum Script Brasil
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Olá, estou tentando modificar algumas coisas no meu site, mas sou totalmente leigo (burro) em CSS e essas coisas... Alguém poderia me dar uma força??? A intenção é aumentar o tamanho da imagem e centralizar a página inteira... Segue o HTML e agradeço desde já:

<div class="workitem" id="work-{{ gallery.id }}">

<div class="clearfix row" style="max-width: 1000px; overflow: visible;">

<div class="twelvecol">

<div class="flipbook center">

<a href="java script:;" class="flip-left"><span class="flip-ico flip-left-ico">

<span class="hoverback" title="Back"><</span>


<a href="java script:;" class="flip-right"><span class="flip-ico flip-right-ico">

<span class="hoverforward" title="Next">></span>


<div class="focus">

{% for image in images %}

{% if image.type == youtube_video %}

<div data-caption="{{ image.caption ? image.caption : ' ' }}" style="width:1000px; height:520px; max-width: 100%; {% if loop.index != 1 %} left:-9999px; position:absolute; {% endif %}" rel="{{ loop.index }}" class="youtube_flipbook" id="{{ image.video_id }}"><img class="fader" rel="{{ loop.index }}" {% if loop.index != 1 %} style="display:none;" {% endif %} width="1000" height="520" src="{{ image|flipbook_thumbnail }}" alt="{{ image.caption ? image.caption : ' ' }}"></div>

{% elseif image.type == vimeo_video %}

<div data-caption="{{ image.caption ? image.caption : ' ' }}" style="width:1000px; height:520px; max-width: 100%; {% if loop.index != 1 %} left:-9999px; position:absolute; {% endif %}" rel="{{ loop.index }}" class="vimeo_flipbook">

<img class="fader" rel="{{ loop.index }}" {% if loop.index != 1 %} style="display:none;" {% endif %} width="1000" height="520" src="{{ image|flipbook_thumbnail }}" alt="{{ image.caption ? image.caption : ' ' }}">

<iframe class="vimeo_video" src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/{{ image.video_id }}?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&api=1&player_id=vimeo_{{ image.video_id }}" width="1280" height="720" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen allowFullScreen id="vimeo_{{ image.video_id }}"></iframe>


{% elseif image.format == 'pdf' %}

<a {% if loop.index != 1 %} style="display:none;" {% endif %} rel="{{ loop.index }}" title="{{ image.caption }}" data-caption="{{ image.caption ? image.caption : ' ' }}" class="fancypdf pdf_flipbook" href="{{ image|pdf }}">

<img class="fader" width="1000" height="520" src="{{ image|flipbook_thumbnail }}">


{% else %}

<img class="fader" rel="{{ loop.index }}" {% if loop.index != 1 %} style="display:none;" {% endif %} width="1000" height="520" src="{{ image|flipbook_thumbnail }}" alt="{{ image.caption ? image.caption : ' ' }}">

{% endif %}

{% endfor %}


<div class="caption small"> </div>

<div class="clearfix controls">

<a href="java script:;" class="left prev hoverback disabled" title="Back"><</a>

<div class="thumbcontainer">

<div class="thumbs">

{% for image in images %}

<a href="java script:;">

<img rel="{{ loop.index }}" {% if image|clipped_thumbnail|width %} width="{{ image|clipped_thumbnail|width }}" {% endif %} height="80" {% if loop.index != 1 %} class="faded fader" {% endif %} src="{{ image|clipped_thumbnail }}">


{% endfor %}



<a href="java script:;" class="right next hoverforward" title="Next">></a>





<div class="clearfix row pad-double">

<div class="fourcol">

<h1>{{ gallery.title }}</h1>

{% if gallery.year %}

<p class="sansserif">

<strong>Year:</strong> {{ gallery.year }}


{% endif %}

{% if gallery.website %}

<p class="sansserif">

<strong>Website:</strong> <a href="{{ gallery.website }}">{{ gallery.website }}</a>


{% endif %}


<div class="{% if prev or next %} sixcol {% else %} eightcol last {% endif %} serif">

{{ gallery.description|html|raw }}


{% if prev or next %}

<div class="twocol last">

{% if not full_list %}

<ul class="nav right">

{% if prev %}


<a href="/work/{{ prev.id }}/{{ prev.title|seo }}" class="prev button" title="Back"><</a>


{% endif %}

{% if next %}


<a href="/work/{{ next.id }}/{{ next.title|seo }}" class="next button" title="Next">></a>


{% endif %}


{% endif %}


{% endif %}



Ufa... VLww

Edited by Danielss777
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