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Recuperar checkbox do MySQL



Pessoal, estou recuperando os dados gravados no BD (MySQL) para poder editá-los, todos os campos estão retornando os valores certinhos, porém não consigo recuperar os checkbox que foram marcados. Alguém pode me dar essa forcinha?

Segue abaixo o código da minha página:


include "sql.php";

    $id = $_POST['id']; 
    $nome = $_POST['nome'];
        $data_cadastro = $_POST['data_cadastro'];
        $n_cadastro = $_POST['n_cadastro'];
        $rg = $_POST['rg'];
        $cpf = $_POST['cpf'];
        $data_niver = $_POST['data_niver'];
        $endereco = $_POST['endereco'];
        $n = $_POST['n'];
        $bairro = $_POST['bairro'];
        $cidade = $_POST['cidade'];
        $cep = $_POST['cep'];
        $telefone = $_POST['telefone'];
        $celular = $_POST['celular'];
        $email = $_POST['email'];
        $bra = $_POST['bra'];
        $situacao = $_POST['situacao'];
        $obs = $_POST['obs'];
        $aero = $_POST['aero'];
       $sql = mysql_query("UPDATE tbl_cadastro SET nome='$nome', data_cadastro='$data_cadastro', n_cadastro='$n_cadastro', rg='$rg', cpf='$cpf', data_niver='$data_niver', endereco='$endereco', n='$n', bairro='$bairro', cidade='$cidade', cep='$cep', telefone='$telefone', celular='$celular', email='$email', bra='$bra', situacao='$situacao', obs='$obs', aero='$aero'  WHERE id='$id'")or die(mysql_error());
           $linha = mysql_affected_rows();
            if($linha == 1){
                $erro = "Dados alterados com sucesso!";
              } else{
                  $erro = "Não foi possivel alterar os dados";
$id = $_GET['id'];
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_cadastro WHERE id = '$id'");
$nome = @mysql_result($sql, 0, "nome");
$data_cadastro = @mysql_result($sql, 0, "data_cadastro");
$n_cadastro = @mysql_result($sql, 0, "n_cadastro");
$rg = @mysql_result($sql, 0, "rg");
$cpf = @mysql_result($sql, 0, "cpf");
$data_niver = @mysql_result($sql, 0, "data_niver");
$endereco = @mysql_result($sql, 0, "endereco");
$n = @mysql_result($sql, 0, "n");
$bairro = @mysql_result($sql, 0, "bairro");
$cidade = @mysql_result($sql, 0, "cidade");
$cep = @mysql_result($sql, 0, "cep");
$telefone = @mysql_result($sql, 0, "telefone");
$celular = @mysql_result($sql, 0, "celular");
$email = @mysql_result($sql, 0, "email");
$bra = @mysql_result($sql, 0, "bra");
$situacao = @mysql_result($sql, 0, "situacao");
$obs = @mysql_result($sql, 0, "obs");
$aero = @mysql_result($sql, 0, "aero");


<style type="text/css">
.style2 {font-family: verdana}
.style8 {font-size: 12px}
.style9 {font-size: 11px}
<form name="form1" action="atualagenda.php" method="POST" style="padding-top:40px;">
    print '<div style="width:80%; background:#ff6600; color:#fff; padding: 5px 0px 5px 0px; text-align:center; margin: 0 auto;">'.$erro.'</div>';
<table border="0" width="80%"  bgcolor="#f0f0f0" style="border:1px solid #ccc; margin:0 auto; position:relative;">
<th colspan="2">.:: Atualizar Ficha de Cadastro ::.</th>
  <td width="14%"><span class="style8 style2"><strong><strong>Data do Cadastro</strong></strong></span></td>
  <td width="86%" class="style9 style2 style9">
    <input name="data_cadastro" type="text" id="data_cadastro" value="<?php echo $data_cadastro; ?>" size="15" maxlength="10" />
    <em>(Ex.: 00/00/0000)</em></label>
  <td><span class="style8 style2"><strong><strong>N&ordm; Cadastro</strong></strong></span></td>
  <td><input name="n_cadastro" type="text" class="style2 style9" id="n_cadastro" value="<?php echo $n_cadastro; ?>" size="16" maxlength="16" /></td>
  <td><span class="style8 style2"><strong><strong>Nome</strong></strong></span></td>
  <td><span class="style9 style2 style9">
    <input name="nome" type="text" id="nome" value="<?php echo $nome; ?>" size="70" maxlength="70" />
  <td><span class="style8 style2"><strong><strong>RG</strong></strong></span></td>
  <td class="style9 style2 style9">
    <input name="rg" type="text" id="rg" value="<?php echo $rg; ?>" size="18" maxlength="18" />
      <em>(Ex.: 00.000.000-0)</em></td>
  <td><span class="style8 style2"><strong><strong>CPF</strong></strong></span></td>
  <td class="style9 style2 style9">
    <input name="cpf" type="text" id="cpf" value="<?php echo $cpf; ?>" size="18" maxlength="18" />
      <em>(Ex.: 000.000.000-00)</em></td>
  <td><span class="style8 style2"><strong><strong>Data de Anivers&aacute;rio</strong></strong></span></td>
  <td class="style9 style2 style9">
    <input name="data_niver" type="text" id="data_niver" value="<?php echo $data_niver; ?>" size="15" maxlength="10" />
    <em>(Ex.: 00/00/0000)</em></label>
  <td><span class="style8 style2"><strong><strong>Endere&ccedil;o</strong></strong></span></td>
  <td><span class="style9 style2 style9">
    <input name="endereco" type="text" id="endereco" value="<?php echo $endereco; ?>" size="90" maxlength="90" />
  <td><span class="style8 style2"><strong><strong>N</strong></strong></span></td>
  <td><span class="style9 style2 style9">
    <input name="n" type="text" id="n" value="<?php echo $n; ?>" size="10" maxlength="10" />
  <td><span class="style8 style2"><strong><strong>Bairro</strong></strong></span></td>
  <td><span class="style9 style2 style9">
    <input name="bairro" type="text" id="bairro" value="<?php echo $bairro; ?>" size="40" maxlength="40" />
  <td><span class="style8 style2"><strong><strong>Cidade</strong></strong></span></td>
  <td><span class="style9 style2 style9">
    <input name="cidade" type="text" id="cidade" value="<?php echo $cidade; ?>" size="35" maxlength="35" />
  <td><span class="style8 style2"><strong><strong>CEP</strong></strong></span></td>
  <td class="style9 style2 style9">
    <input name="cep" type="text" id="cep" value="<?php echo $cep; ?>" size="10" maxlength="10" />
    <em>(Ex.: 000000-000)</em></label>  </td>
  <td><span class="style8 style2"><strong><strong>Telefone</strong></strong></span></td>
  <td class="style9 style2 style9">
    <input name="telefone" type="text" id="telefone" value="<?php echo $telefone; ?>" size="15" maxlength="15" />
    <em>(Ex.: (00) 0000-0000)</em></label>
  <td><span class="style8 style2"><strong><strong>Celular</strong></strong></span></td>
  <td class="style9 style2 style9">
    <input name="celular" type="text" id="celular" value="<?php echo $celular; ?>" size="15" maxlength="15" />
      <em>(Ex.: (00) 0000-0000)</em></td>
  <td><span class="style8 style2"><strong><strong>E-Mail</strong></strong></span></td>
  <td><span class="style9 style2 style9">
    <input name="email" type="text" id="email" value="<?php echo $email; ?>" size="85" maxlength="85" />
  <td><span class="style8 style2"><strong><strong>BRA</strong></strong></span></td>
  <td><input name="bra" type="text" class="style2 style9" id="bra" value="<?php echo $bra; ?>" size="35" maxlength="35" /></td>
  <td><span class="style8 style2"><strong><strong>Modalidades</strong></strong></span></td>
  <td><span class="style9 style2 style9">
    <label> <strong>
    <input name="aero" type="checkbox" id="aero" value="<?php echo $aero; ?>" />
    <input name="heli" type="checkbox" id="heli" value="on" />
    <input name="vcc" type="checkbox" id="vcc" value="on" />
    <input name="auto" type="checkbox" id="auto" value="on" />
  <td><span class="style8 style2"><strong><strong>Situa&ccedil;&atilde;o Financeira</strong></strong></span></td>
  <td><input name="situacao" type="text" class="style2 style9" id="situacao" value="<?php echo $situacao; ?>" size="90" maxlength="90" /></td>
  <td><p class="style2 style8"><strong>Observa&ccedil;&otilde;es</strong></p>
      <p class="style2 style8">&nbsp;</p>
    <p class="style2 style8">&nbsp;</p>
    <p class="style2 style8">&nbsp;</p>
    <p class="style2 style8">&nbsp;</p></td>
  <td><span class="style2 style9">
    <textarea name="obs" id="obs" cols="90" rows="10"><?php echo $obs; ?></textarea>
  <td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td>
<td><input type="submit" value="Atualizar Cadastro" />
  <input type="button" name="button" id="button" onclick="java script:location.href='edicao.php';" value="Cancelar" />
   <input type="button" name="button" id="button" onclick="java script:location.href='edicao.php';" value="Voltar" />
  <input type="hidden" name="done" value="" /><input name="id" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $id; ?>" /></td>

Obrigado pessoal!

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