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Gente, estou desenvolvendo meus relatórios no Crystal, só que eu desenvolvia em Crystal Reports 8.5 e agora vou comprar o Crystal e por sinal eles só vendem a XI aí então peguei a versão XI pra testes e já me deparei com um erro, a versão 8.5 abre normalmente, só que o arquivo .RPT do Crystal XI não abre nem a pau, creio que seja alguma DLL ou Referência que esteja faltando, mas comecei a usar o Cr XI agora, então não sei bem, então vim aqui pedir a ajuda dos senhores que utilizam o CR XI que possam me ajudar com esse problema

ERRO: Inválid TLV Record


Visual Basic

o código que eu uso pra abir o relatório 8.5 é;

Dim crApp As New CRAXDRT.Application
Dim CRRep As New CRAXDRT.Report
Set CRRep = crApp.OpenReport(App.Path & "\Relatorios\RelRecibo.rpt") '***********************ele da o erro aqui!!!!!!
Dim DTRecibo As String
DTRecibo = Mid(cbovcto.Text, 7, 4) & "," & Mid(cbovcto.Text, 4, 2) & "," & Mid(cbovcto.Text, 1, 2)
CRRep.RecordSelectionFormula = "{tabparcelas.codaluno}=" & txtcodaluno.Text & " and {tabparcelas.codcurso}=" & cbocurso.Text & " and {tabparcelas.datavcto}=date(" & DTRecibo & ")"
CRRecibo.ReportSource = CRRep
CRRecibo.Visible = True
CRRecibo.Height = frmrelrecibo.Height - 1700
CRRecibo.Width = frmrelrecibo.Width - 350

Se alguém puder me ajudar eu agradeceria muito, obrigado desde já...

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Ola adilsoo

já peguei esse erro mas acabaram deixando pra lá...

na ápoca pesquisei e encontrei isso:


See this Solution

The "Invalid TLV Record" error message may appear for the following reasons:

· There are missing runtime files on the client computer. Check the Developer Runtime Help file (Runtime.chm) installed with Crystal Reports for a list of required runtime files.

· 'UFManager.dll' is not distributed to the client computer. Ensure that it is located in the "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Crystal Decisions\2.0\bin" folder.

· Crqe.dll is not registered on the client computer. On the taskbar, click the 'Start' button, and then click 'Run'. In the 'Open' text box, type 'regsvr32 <path to crqe.dll>'. For example,

regsvr32 "c:\program files\common files\crystal decisions\2.0\bin\crqe.dll"

· The report file has become corrupted. For more information, refer to knowledge base article c2005670.

· The client computer does not have the 'CommonFiles' registry subkey. To create this registry subkey, follow these steps:


Using the Registry Editor can cause serious problems that may require reinstalling the operating system. Crystal Decisions is not responsible for any problems resulting from using the Windows Registry Editor. Use the Registry

Editor at your own risk. It is recommended that you back up the registry before you edit it.

1. On the taskbar, click the 'Start' button, and then click 'Run'.

2. Type 'Regedit' in the 'Open' combo-box, and then click 'OK'.

3. Expand the registry key:

\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Crystal Decisions\9.0\Crystal Reports

4. Right-click the 'Crystal Reports' folder, select 'New' | 'String Value', and name the new key 'CommonFiles'.

5. Right-click the 'CommonFiles' subkey, select 'Modify', and type the following value in the 'Value data' text box:

"C:\Program Files\Common Files\Crystal Decisions\2.0\bin\"


Talvez possa te ajudar, falou! \o

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