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Estou com um script para deletar perfis antigos com mais de 90 dias, porém gostaria de colocar execeção para as pastas administrator e AllUsers.

Como faço?

alguém pode me ajudar?


Const ForReading =  1
Const ForWriting = 2 
intAgeToDelete = 90 ' The age (in days) to delete files if equal or older. 
ForAppending = 8
intDeletedCount = 0 
LogFilename = "C:\Documents and Settings\te27814\Desktop\Limpeza\ReportCleaner.log" 
serverLogName = "C:\Documents and Settings\te27814\Desktop\Limpeza\logFoldersWithServerName.txt" 
Set WshNetwork = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network") 'declaration of a network object for storing computer name 
Dim NowFolder 

'Open a log file 
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 
Set OutputFile = FSO.OpenTextFile(LogFilename, ForAppending, True) 

'Open server file 
Set objInputFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 
Set objTextFile = objInputFSO.OpenTextFile(serverLogName, ForReading) 
Do Until objTextFile.AtEndOfStream 
   strNextServerLine = objTextFile.ReadLine   
   If strNextServerLine <> "" Then  
       Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 
       Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strNextServerLine) 
       Set colSubfolders = objFolder.Subfolders 
       for Each objsubFolder in colSubfolders 
         NowFolder = strNextServerLine & "\" & objsubFolder.Name 
            'WScript.Echo NowFolder & vbTab & int(objsubFolder.Size/1048576) 
         Set checkfolder = fso.GetFolder(NowFolder) 
         'wscript.echo checkfolder.Path 
         'wscript.echo checkfolder.DateLastModified 
        DeleteFolders checkfolder 
   End If 

Sub DeleteFolders(strFolder) 
  DaysOld = Round(now() - strFolder.DateLastModified) 

  If DaysOld >= intAgeToDelete Then    
    WScript.Echo  vbCrlf & "Deleted" & "|" & strFolder & "|" & strFolder.DateLastModified & "|" & strFolder.DateCreated & "|" & DaysOld & "|" & now() 
    OutputFile.write vbCrlf & "Deleted" & "|" & strFolder & "|" & strFolder.DateLastModified & "|" & strFolder.DateCreated & "|" & DaysOld & "|" & now() 
    strFolder.Delete True 
  End If 
End Sub 

On Error Resume Next 
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 
i = 0 
' *** Ask for full path 

    ' *** Run the Script 

Dim arrFolders() 
FindSubfolders FSO.GetFolder(strAnswer) 
Sub FindSubfolders(Folder) 
    For Each Subfolder in Folder.SubFolders 
 If SubFolder.Size = 0 Then 
  ' *** Expand array as necesary and add paths to delete 
  Redim Preserve arrFolders(i) 
  arrFolders(i) = SubFolder.Path 
  i = i + 1 
' Show Empty Folder? 
' Wscript.Echo "This folder is empty: " & SubFolder.Path 
 End If 
        FindSubfolders Subfolder 
End Sub 
' *** Last chance before deleting folders 
If x = 0 then 
 MsgBox "No EMPTY folders found" 
 intAnswer = Msgbox("Do you REALLY want to delete " & x & " EMPTY folders?", _ 
         vbYesNo, "Delete ONLY Empty Folders") 
 If intAnswer = vbYes Then 
     ' Run the Script 
  For i = 0 to x 
          Wscript.Echo "Deleting Empty Folder: " & arrFolders(i) 
 End If 
End If 
' *** Clean memory and quit 
Set FSO = Nothing 
Set i =  Nothing 
Set x = Nothing 
Set intAnswer = Nothing 
Set arrFolders() = Nothing 


Edited by kuroi
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