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Personalizar menu loja magento

Marcos Coelho


Olá galera, estou personalizando o menu lateral do meu site e preciso de ajuda com códigos em php

o link é o seguninte: http://pacoesportes.com/

o que eu estou mexendo é o menu lateral esquerdo que está com um botão em rosa por favor ignorem o resto

se vocês olharem ele fica somente com as categorias e as subcategorias tem que clicar para que elas apareçam.

(clicando na setinha da primeira categoria do meu se abre a subcategoria do mesmo.

O que eu quero é o que meu menu mostre as subcategorias que são os children do código que vou passar sem que eu precise clicar na setinha para que abra a mesma.

Após conseguir o que citei acima quero também que busque apenas as 5 primeiras subcategorias (children) e que fique escrito abaixo caso tenha mais de 5 subcategorias "mais subcategorias..." e ao clicar abra o restante das subcategorias.

Vou postar o original código completo que quero alterar.


class Codnitive_Sidenav_Block_Navigation extends Mage_Catalog_Block_Navigation



* Extension config model object



protected $_config;


* Construct parent and define $_config



protected function _construct()



$this->_config = Mage::getModel('sidenav/config');



* Get store categories navigation menu


* @return string


public function getCategoriesNavMenu()


$navigationMenu = $this->renderCategoriesMenuHtml(0);

return $navigationMenu ? $navigationMenu : false;



* Get catagories of current store


* @return Varien_Data_Tree_Node_Collection


public function getStoreCategories()


return Mage::helper('sidenav/category')->getStoreCategories();



* Render category to html


* @param Mage_Catalog_Model_Category $category

* @param int Nesting level number

* @param boolean Whether ot not this item is last, affects list item class

* @param boolean Whether ot not this item is first, affects list item class

* @param boolean Whether ot not this item is outermost, affects list item class

* @param string Extra class of outermost list items

* @param string If specified wraps children list in div with this class

* @param boolean Whether ot not to add on* attributes to list item

* @return string


protected function _renderCategoryMenuItemHtml($category, $level = 0, $isLast = false, $isFirst = false,

$isOutermost = false, $outermostItemClass = '', $childrenWrapClass = '', $noEventAttributes = false)


if (!$category->getIsActive()) {

return '';


$html = array();

$js = null;

$expanded = null;

$ulThumb = '';

$image = '';

$thumb = '';

$htmlLi = '';

// get all children

if (Mage::helper('catalog/category_flat')->isEnabled()) {

$children = (array)$category->getChildrenNodes();

$childrenCount = count($children);

} else {

$children = $category->getChildren();

$childrenCount = $children->count();


$hasChildren = ($children && $childrenCount);

// select active children

$activeChildren = array();

foreach ($children as $child) {

if ($child->getIsActive()) {

$activeChildren[] = $child;



$activeChildrenCount = count($activeChildren);

$hasActiveChildren = ($activeChildrenCount > 0);

// prepare list item html classes

$classes = array();

$classes[] = 'level' . $level;

$classes[] = 'nav-' . $this->_getItemPosition($level);

if ($this->isCategoryActive($category)) {

$classes[] = 'active';


$linkClass = '';

if ($isOutermost && $outermostItemClass) {

$classes[] = $outermostItemClass;

$linkClass = ' class='.$outermostItemClass.'"';


if ($isFirst) {

$classes[] = 'first';


if ($isLast) {

$classes[] = 'last';


if ($hasActiveChildren) {

$classes[] = 'parent';


// prepare list item attributes

$attributes = array();

if (count($classes) > 0) {

$attributes['class] = implode(' ', $classes);


if ($hasActiveChildren && !$noEventAttributes) {

$attributes['onmouseover'] = 'toggleMenu(this,1)';

$attributes['onmouseout'] = 'toggleMenu(this,0)';


// assemble list item with attributes

$config = Mage::getModel('sidenav/config');

$thumbWidth = 14;

$thumbHeight = 14;

$liMarginLeft = 0;

$ulMarginLeft = 5;

$ulPaddingLeft = 10;

// define image thumbnail variables

if ($config->getThumbImageActive()) {

if ($config->getThumbSize()) {

$thumbWidth = $config->getThumbWidth();

$thumbHeight = $config->getThumbHeight();


$thumbnail = $config->load($category->getId())->getThumbnailImageUrl();

$ulThumb = ' ul-thumb';

if (!empty($thumbnail)) {

$image = '<img src="'.$thumbnail.'" style= "width:'.$thumbWidth.'px; height:'.$thumbHeight.'px; float: left;" />';

$thumb = ' thumb';

if ($config->getCollapsible() && $config->getThumbImageActive()) {

$liMarginLeft = $thumbWidth + 3;

$ulMarginLeft = 0;


else {

$liMarginLeft = 0;

$ulMarginLeft = $thumbWidth + 3;


$ulPaddingLeft = 0;


else {

$thumb = ' no-thumb';

$liMarginLeft = $thumbWidth + 3;

$ulMarginLeft = 0;

$ulPaddingLeft = 0;



$htmlLi .= '<li';

foreach ($attributes as $attrName => $attrValue) {

$htmlLi .= ' ' . $attrName . '="' . str_replace('"', '\"', $attrValue) . $thumb . '"';


$htmlLi .= ' style="margin-left: ' . $liMarginLeft . 'px;">';

$html[] = $htmlLi;

// add collapsible arrow and wrraper

if ($config->getCollapsible()) {

$width = 8;

$height = 0;

$expanded = 0;

if ($hasActiveChildren) {

$width = 8;

$height = 10;


if ($this->isCategoryActive($category)) {

$expanded = 1;


$html[] = '<span class="arrow" onClick="expandMenu(this.parentNode)"

style="width: ' . $width . 'px; height: ' . $height . 'px;"></span>';


// add thumbnail image

$html[] = $image;

// add wrapper

if ($config->getCollapsible() || $config->getThumbImageActive()) {

$wrapperMargin = $config->getCollapsible() ? 14 : 0;

/*if ($config->getThumbImageActive()) {

$extraMargin = !empty($thumbnail) ? $thumbWidth + 3 : 0;


$extraMargin = !$config->getThumbImageActive() ? 0 : !empty($thumbnail) ? $thumbWidth + 3 : 0;

$collWrapper = $wrapperMargin + $extraMargin;

$html[] = '<div class="collapsible-wrapper" style="margin-left: ' . $collWrapper . 'px;">';


$html[] = '<a href="' . $this->getCategoryUrl($category) . '"'

. $linkClass.'><span class="category_name">'

. $this->escapeHtml($category->getName()) . '</span></a>';

// $html[] = '<span class="category_name">' . $this->escapeHtml($category->getName()) . '</span></a>';

// $html[] = '</a>';

// add product count

if ($config->getShowProductCount()) {

$count = Mage::getModel('catalog/layer')




if (($config->removeZeroCount() && $count > 0) || !$config->removeZeroCount()) {

$html[] = '<span class="product-count">(' . $count . ')</span>';



// close wrapper

if ($config->getCollapsible() || $config->getThumbImageActive()) {

$html[] = '</div>';


// render children

$htmlChildren = '';

$j = 0;

foreach ($activeChildren as $child) {

$htmlChildren .= $this->_renderCategoryMenuItemHtml(


($level + 1),

($j == $activeChildrenCount - 1),

($j == 0),








if (!empty($htmlChildren)) {

if ($childrenWrapClass) {

$html[] = '<div class="' . $childrenWrapClass . '">';


$html[] = '<ul class="level' . $level . $ulThumb .

'" style="margin-left: ' . $ulMarginLeft .

'px; padding-left: ' . $ulPaddingLeft . 'px;" expanded="' . $expanded . '">';

$html[] = $htmlChildren;

$html[] = '</ul>';

if ($childrenWrapClass) {

$html[] = '</div>';



$html[] = '</li>';

$html = implode("\n", $html);

return $html;



* Render categories menu in HTML


* @param int Level number for list item class to start from

* @param string Extra class of outermost list items

* @param string If specified wraps children list in div with this class

* @return string


public function renderCategoriesMenuHtml($level = 0, $outermostItemClass = '', $childrenWrapClass = '')


$activeCategories = array();

foreach ($this->getStoreCategories() as $child) {

if ($child->getIsActive()) {

$activeCategories[] = $child;



$activeCategoriesCount = count($activeCategories);

$hasActiveCategoriesCount = ($activeCategoriesCount > 0);

if (!$hasActiveCategoriesCount) {

return '';


$html = '';

$j = 0;

foreach ($activeCategories as $category) {

$html .= $this->_renderCategoryMenuItemHtml(



($j == $activeCategoriesCount - 1),

($j == 0),








return $html;



* Get extension enable status


* @deprecated after 1.7.20

* We don't need to check for module activation option

* in template, we check it in layout.


* @return boolean


public function getCheckActive()


return $this->_config->checkActive();



* Get selected column


* @deprecated after 1.7.20

* We don't need to check for selected column option

* in template, we check it in layout.


* @return string


public function getColumn()


return $this->_config->getColumnValue();



* Get category title


* @return string


public function getTitle()


return $this->_config->setTitle();



Espero que possam me ajudar

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Please verify all this:

title – title of the menu that will be showing in the admin

module – indicates the module

sortOrder – prioritize the place of menu

resource – the rule to identify which admin user see and access this menu

action – link to the specified admin controller

parent – defines on which first level menu it depends

Also check the code:

If this will work then you will customize it.

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