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Ajuda com preg_match




Tenho um script para me enviar o email cadastrado em php por  preg_match.

Mais a Arroba @ e o que vem escrito antes, fica invisível, O que esta escrito na frente aparece, tipo


Como poderia arrumar isso para aparecer o email completo no registro online.

Aqui esta o script.


    function Connect(){
        //Set global variables so they can be used in this function
        global $hostName; global $userName;
        global $password; global $database;
        $status = mysql_connect($hostName,$userName,$password); //Attempt to connect to Database
        if(!$status){echo 'Server Not Found'; exit;} //Hosting Server not found
        if(!@mysql_select_db($database)){echo 'Database Not Found'; exit;} //Database not found
        return $status; //Return link on established connection
    function CheckKey($hash,$name){  //Check weather Md5 hash matches
        global $secretKey;
        $checkHash = md5($name.$secretKey);
        if(strcmp($checkHash,$hash) == 0){
            return 'pass'; //hash matches
            return 'fail'; //hash failed
    function CleanInput($input){ //Sanitize user input
        $cleanInput = mysql_real_escape_string($input); //Use string escape
        if(preg_match('/[^@.a-z_\-0-9\s]/i',$cleanInput) == 1){ // Using regular expression
            echo 'Bad Input ==> ' . $input; exit; //Failed, exit to prevemt sql injection hacks
        return $cleanInput; //Return clean input



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aqui o código RegisterUser.php que registra o serverconect.php

	$connection = Connect();//Attempt to Connect to MYSQL Server & DataBase
	//Get variables from unity
	$name = $_POST['name'];
	$date = strtotime(date("Y-m-d"));
	$tables = $_POST['tables'];
	//Security Check
	$hash = $_POST['hash'];
	if(CheckKey($hash,$name) == 'fail'){ //Check if hash is valid
		echo 'Security Failure'; exit;
		//Make sure all input is sql injection safe
	$name =  CleanInput($name);
	$tables = CleanInput($tables);
	//Split difficulty tables
	$tablesBroken = explode(' ', $tables);
	$arr = Array();
	$i = 0;$x = 0;
	foreach($tablesBroken as $table){ //Check if name is in any of our tables
		$sql = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE name = '$name'";
		$result = mysql_query($sql) or Die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error()); 
		$count = mysql_num_rows($result);
		//Process Results : Tally up how many times we fing the name 
		if($count > 0){ 
			$arr[$i] = 1;
			$arr[$i] = 0;
	if($x == 0){ //Name not in use in any table
		foreach($tablesBroken as $table){//Insert the user in all tables
			$sql = "INSERT INTO $table (name,score,date)
			$result = mysql_query($sql) or Die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error()); 
		}echo 'Registration Complete'; exit;
	}else if($x >= Count($tablesBroken)){//Name in use in all tables
		echo 'Already Used'; exit; //exit
	}else{//In use but not complete in all tables
		for($c = 0; $c < Count($tablesBroken); $c++){
			if($arr[$c] == 0){ //Insert name in tables where it is not present
				$toTable = $tablesBroken[$c];
				$sql = "INSERT INTO $toTable(name,score,date)
				$result = mysql_query($sql) or Die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error()); 
		}echo 'Registration Complete'; exit;
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aqui o DatabaseTools.php

	$connection = Connect();//Attempt to Connect to MYSQL Server & DataBase
	//Get variables from Unity
	$mode = $_POST['mode'];
	$table = $_POST['table'];
	if($mode == 0){ //Create current table
		$sql = "CREATE TABLE $table(id INT(10) AUTO_INCREMENT,
		name VARCHAR(25),
		score INT(10),
		date VARCHAR(25))"; //we keep date a varchar in the database
		$result = mysql_query($sql) or Die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error()); 
		echo $table.' Created'; exit;
	}else if ($mode == 1){
		//Delete scores below input score
		$score = $_POST['score'];
	    $sql = "DELETE FROM $table WHERE score < '$score'";
		$result = mysql_query($sql) or Die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error()); 	
		echo 'Deleted'; exit;
	}else if ($mode == 2){
		//Delete scores below posted date
		$date = strtotime($_POST['date']);
		$sql = "DELETE FROM $table WHERE date < '$date'";
		$result = mysql_query($sql) or Die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error()); 
		echo 'Deleted'; exit;


aqui o SendHighScores.php

	$connection = Connect(); //Attempt to Connect to MYSQL Server & DataBase
	//Get variables from Unity
	$table = $_POST['table'];
	$name = $_POST['name'];
	$score = $_POST['score'];
	$updating = $_POST['updating'];
	$date = strtotime(date("Y-m-d")); //Get Time
	//Security Check
	$hash = $_POST['hash'];
	if(CheckKey($hash,$name) == 'fail'){ //Check if hash is valid
		echo 'Security Failure'; exit;
		//Make sure all input is sql injection safe
	$name =  CleanInput($name);
	$table = CleanInput($table);
	$score =  CleanInput($score);
	$updating =  CleanInput($updating);
	//Run Query (inser or update)
	if($updating == 0){ //Free entry So make new row
		$sql = "INSERT INTO $table (name,score,date)
	}else{ //We are updating a previously registered user
		$sql = "UPDATE $table SET score = '$score',
		date = '$date' WHERE name = '$name'";
	$result = mysql_query($sql) or Die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error()); 
	//Now update our table, by ordering it by descending score
	$sql = "ALTER TABLE $table ORDER BY score DESC,id DESC";
	$result = mysql_query($sql) or Die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error()); 
	echo 'Accepted';


aqui o GetHighScores.php

	$connection = Connect();//Attempt to Connect to MYSQL Server & DataBase
	//Get variables from unity
	$table = $_POST['table'];
	$scope = $_POST['scope'];
	$limit = $_POST['limit'];
	//Security Check
	$hash = $_POST['hash'];
	if(CheckKey($hash,$table) == 'fail'){ //Check if hash is valid
		echo 'Security Failure'; exit;
		//Make sure all input is sql injection safe
	$table = CleanInput($table);
	$scope =  CleanInput($scope);
	$limit =  CleanInput($limit);
	//Create a Query For The Right Table
	if($scope == 'AllTime'){ //Get All scores
		$sql = "SELECT * FROM $table LIMIT 0,$limit";
	}else{ //Get scores posted today
		$date = strtotime(date("Y-m-d")); //Today's date
		$sql = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE date = '$date' LIMIT 0,$limit";
	$result = mysql_query($sql) or Die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error());
	//1.Build a string of all scores to send back
	$info = "";
	while($found = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
		$info = $info .'@'. $found['name'] .':'. $found['score'];
	echo $info;


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