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Funções Php Para Conectar No Oracle Ex: Ociparse

Guest Rubens Saad


Guest Rubens Saad

Pessoal, é o seguinte fiz um aplicativo com oracle mas quando executa ocorre o seguinte erro:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function ocilogon() in C:\apachefriends\xampp\htdocs\index.php on line 5

Lembrando que retirei o comentario do extension=php_oracle.dll no PHP.ini

mas mesmo assim continua não funcionando.

Então executei em uma maquina que usava servidor de internet, e ela funcionava o ocilogon, mas quando coloquei a danada pra executar minha aplicação ocorre o seguinte:

Warning: ociparse(): supplied argument is not a valid OCI8-Statement resource

o mesmo com ociexecute():



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Guest Rubens Saad

Cara a aplicação é grande e to rodando em windows e eu tenho as dlls na maquina:

pega ai:

<?php ""

function OracleErrorHandler ($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) {

if ($errno != 2) {

echo "<b>ERROR</b> [$errno] $errstr<br>\n";



class DB_Sql {

var $Debug = 0;

var $sqoe = 1; // sqoe= show query on error

var $Persist = 0;

var $Database = "";

var $User = "";

var $Password = "";

var $Role = "";

var $RolePasswd = "";

var $Link_ID = 0;

var $Record = array();

var $Row;

var $Parse;

var $Error = "";

# Acrescentado em razao da execucao de procedures

var $ret;

var $nlinhas = 0;

# $teste

var $teste;

var $teste2;

function connect() {

if ( 0 == $this->Link_ID ) {

## Atribui as variaveis de ambiente

if($this->Debug) {

printf("<br>Connecting to $this->Database...<br>\n");


# Verifica se a conexão é persistente


if($this->Persist != 0) {







if (!$this->Link_ID) {



if (!$this->Link_ID && $this->Debug) {

$this->halt("Link-ID == false "."($this->Link_ID), OCILogon failed");


if ($this->Role != "")

$this->query(sprintf("SET ROLE %s IDENTIFIED BY %s",

$this->Role, $this->RolePasswd));

if($this->Debug) {

printf("<br>Obtained the Link_ID: $this->Link_ID<br>\n");


if (!$this->Link_ID) return false;

else return true;


return true;


function query($Query_String) {



if(!$this->Parse) {


} else {

@ OCIExecute($this->Parse);




if($this->Debug) {

printf("Debug: query = %s<br>\n", $Query_String);


if ($this->Error["code"]!=1403 && $this->Error["code"]!=0 && $this->sqoe)

echo "<BR><FONT color=red><B>".$this->Error["message"]."<BR>Query :\"$Query_String\"</B></FONT>";

return $this->Parse;


function prepare($Query_String) {



if(!$this->Parse) {



if($this->Debug) {

printf("Debug: query = %s<br>\n", $Query_String);


if ($this->Error["code"]!=1403 && $this->Error["code"]!=0 && $this->sqoe)

echo "<BR><FONT color=red><B>".$this->Error["message"]."<BR>Query :\"$Query_String\"</B></FONT>";

return $this->Parse;


function execute() {

if($this->Parse) {

$lsRetorno = OCIExecute($this->Parse);




if ($this->Error["code"]!=1403 && $this->Error["code"]!=0 && $this->sqoe)

echo "<BR><FONT color=red><B>".$this->Error["message"]."</B></FONT>";

return $lsRetorno;


function param($psParametro, $psLength) {

return OCIBindByName($this->Parse, ":" . $psParametro, $this->Record[ "$psParametro" ], $psLength);


function dec($valor) {

$valor = stripslashes($valor);

$valor = str_replace("('","(<aspas/>",$valor);

$valor = str_replace("')","<aspas/>)",$valor);

$valor = str_replace("','","<aspas/>,<aspas/>",$valor);

$valor = str_replace("', '","<aspas/>,<aspas/>",$valor);

$valor = str_replace("' ,'","<aspas/>,<aspas/>",$valor);

$valor = str_replace("' , '","<aspas/>,<aspas/>",$valor);

$valor = str_replace("' ,","<aspas/>,",$valor);

$valor = str_replace("',","<aspas/>,",$valor);

$valor = str_replace(", '",",<aspas/>",$valor);

$valor = str_replace(",'",",<aspas/>",$valor);

$valor = str_replace("'","\"",$valor);

return str_replace("<aspas/>","'",$valor);


function enc($valor) {

if ( gettype($valor) == "object" ) $valor = $valor->load();

$valor = htmlentities($valor);

$valor = str_replace("&amp;nbsp;","&nbsp;",$valor);

$valor = str_replace("&lt;i&gt;","<i>",$valor);

$valor = str_replace("&lt;/i&gt;","</i>",$valor);

## " -->&quot;

return $valor;


function executeRefCursor($sql) {

$this->ret = null;

$this->ret2 = null;

# $sqlexec = "BEGIN :refcur := " . $sql . " ; END;";

$sqlexec = "BEGIN :refcur := " . $this->dec($sql) . " ; END;";

# echo "<br>exec-> " . $sqlexec;

$stm = OCIParse($this->Link_ID,$sqlexec);

$refcur = OCINewCursor($this->Link_ID);

OCIBindByName($stm, ":refcur", $refcur, -1 , OCI_B_CURSOR);

OCIExecute ($stm);

OCIExecute ($refcur);

$results = null;

$nrows = OCIFetchStatement($refcur,$results1);

$nx = 0;

$ny = 0;

$this->nlinhas = $nrows;

# Retorno

$this->teste = $nrows;

if ($nrows > 0 ) {

# A primeira linha fica com os campos

while ( list($key, $val ) = each( $results1 ) ) {

#$this->ret[$ny][$nx] = $key;



# A partir da segunda linha ficam os resultados


for ( $i = 0; $i < $nrows; $i++ ) {


$nx = 0;

while ( $column = each($results1) ) {

$data = $column['value'];

#if ($data[$i] != "20000 - ORA-00936: expressão ausente")

$this->ret2[$ny][$nx] = $data[$i];






else {

$this->ret2 = "";


#Eliminando duplicados

$retold = "-limpo-";

$num = 0;

for ($ny=0; $ny<= sizeof($this->ret2); $ny++) {

if ($retold != $this->ret2[$ny][2]) {

$this->ret[$num][0] = $this->ret2[$ny][0];

$this->ret[$num][1] = $this->ret2[$ny][1];

$this->ret[$num][2] = $this->ret2[$ny][2];

$retold = $this->ret2[$ny][2];




OCIFreeStatement ($stm);

OCIFreeCursor ($refcur);

$stm = null;

$refcur = null;

$results1 = null;




function next_record() {

if(0 == @ OCIFetchInto($this->Parse,$result,OCI_ASSOC+OCI_RETURN_NULLS)) {

if ($this->Debug) {

printf("<br>ID: %d,Rows: %d<br>\n",



$this->Row +=1;


if(1403 == $errno) { # 1043 means no more records found




} else {


if($this->Debug) {

printf("<br>Error: %s",





} else {

for($ix=1;$ix<=OCINumcols($this->Parse);$ix++) {



$this->Record[ "$colreturn" ] = $result["$col"];

if($this->Debug) echo"<b>[$col]</b>:".$result["$col"]."<br>\n";




return $stat;


function seek($pos) {



function metadata($table,$full=false) {

$count = 0;

$id = 0;

$res = array();


* Due to compatibility problems with Table we changed the behavior

* of metadata();

* depending on $full, metadata returns the following values:


* - full is false (default):

* $result[]:

* [0]["table"] table name

* [0]["name"] field name

* [0]["type"] field type

* [0]["len"] field length

* [0]["flags"] field flags ("NOT NULL", "INDEX")

* [0]["format"] precision and scale of number (eg. "10,2") or empty

* [0]["index"] name of index (if has one)

* [0]["chars"] number of chars (if any char-type)


* - full is true

* $result[]:

* ["num_fields"] number of metadata records

* [0]["table"] table name

* [0]["name"] field name

* [0]["type"] field type

* [0]["len"] field length

* [0]["flags"] field flags ("NOT NULL", "INDEX")

* [0]["format"] precision and scale of number (eg. "10,2") or empty

* [0]["index"] name of index (if has one)

* [0]["chars"] number of chars (if any char-type)

* ["meta"][field name] index of field named "field name"

* The last one is used, if you have a field name, but no index.

* Test: if (isset($result['meta']['myfield'])) {} ...



## This is a RIGHT OUTER JOIN: "(+)", if you want to see, what

## this query results try the following:

## $table = new Table; $db = new my_DB_Sql; # you have to make

## # your own class

## $table->show_results($db->query(see query vvvvvv))


$this->query("SELECT T.table_name,T.column_name,T.data_type,".




" WHERE T.column_name=I.column_name (+)".

" AND T.table_name=I.table_name (+)".

" AND T.table_name=UPPER('$table') ORDER BY T.column_id");


while ($this->next_record()) {

$res[$i]["table"] = $this->Record[table_name];

$res[$i]["name"] = strtolower($this->Record[column_name]);

$res[$i]["type"] = $this->Record[data_type];

$res[$i]["len"] = $this->Record[data_length];

if ($this->Record[index_name]) $res[$i]["flags"] = "INDEX ";

$res[$i]["flags"] .= ( $this->Record[nullable] == 'N') ? '' : 'NOT NULL';

$res[$i]["format"]= (int)$this->Record[data_precision].",".


if ("0,0"==$res[$i]["format"]) $res[$i]["format"]=';

$res[$i]["index] = $this->Record[index_name];

$res[$i]["chars"] = $this->Record[char_col_decl_length];

if ($full) {


$res["meta"][$j] = $i;

$res["meta"][strtoupper($j)] = $i;


if ($full) $res["meta"][$res[$i]["name"]] = $i;



if ($full) $res["num_fields"]=$i;

# $this->disconnect();

return $res;


function affected_rows() {

return $this->num_rows();


function num_rows() {

return OCIrowcount($this->Parse);


function num_fields() {

return OCINumcols($this->Parse);


function nf() {

return $this->num_rows();


function np() {

print $this->num_rows();


function f($Name) {

return $this->enc($this->Record[$Name]);


function fd($Name) {

return $this->Record[$Name];


function flob($Name) {

return $this->Record[$Name]->load();


function p($Name) {

print $this->Record[$Name];


function disconnect() {

#if($this->Debug) {

# printf("Disconnecting...<br>\n");




function halt($msg) {

printf("<b>Database error:</b> %s<br>\n", $msg);

printf("<b>ORACLE Error</b>: %s<br>\n",


die("Session halted.");


function lock($table, $mode = "write") {


if ($mode == "write") {

$Parse=OCIParse($this->Link_ID,"lock table $table in row exclusive mode");


} else {

$result = 1;


return $result;


function unlock() {

return $this->query("commit");


function table_names() {



SELECT table_name,tablespace_name

FROM user_tables");


while ($this->next_record())


$info[$i]["table_name"] =$this->Record["table_name"];




return $info;


function add_specialcharacters($query)


return str_replace("'","''",$query);


function split_specialcharacters($query)


return str_replace("''","'",$query);


function get_value_cursor(&$cursor) {



for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($cols);$i++) $temp .= $cols[$i]."<br>";

return $temp;




valeu e desculpa qualuqer coisa ai.

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