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Can Anyone Help Me With This Script

Guest zip2002


I'm leaning perl...but cant see whats the purpose of this script. can anyone help me??

thanx in advance


use strict;

use LWP::Simple;

use CGI;

my $cgi = new CGI;

my $url = $cgi->param('url');

my $text = $cgi->param('text');

print $cgi->header(-type => $cgi->param('html') ? 'text/html' : 'text/xml');

my $file = $url ? get $url : $text;

unless (length $file){

print "<pre>ERRO</pre>";



$file =~ s/&/&amp;/g;

$file =~ s/\t/ /g;

$file =~ s/<(\/)?([\-:a-z0-9]+)(.*?)>/<span style={color:#0000FF}>&lt;<span style={color:#FF0000}>$1<\/span><span style={color:#800000}>$2<\/span><span style={color:#FF0000}>$3<\/span>&gt;<\/span>/gsi;

$file =~ s/<\?(.+?)>/<span style={color:#008040}>&lt;?$1&gt;<\/span>/gsi;

$file =~ s/<\!(.+?)\]>/<span style={color:#408040}>&lt;\!$1\]&gt;<\/span>/gsi;

$file =~ s/<\!(.+?)\>/<span style={color:#808040}>&lt;\!$1&gt;<\/span>/gsi;

$file =~ s/"(.*?)"/<span style="color:blue">"<span style="color:#330066">$1<\/span>"<\/span>/gsi;

$file =~ s/style={(.+?)}/style="$1"/gsi;

print "<pre style=\"color:black;background:white;margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px\">$file</pre>";

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How are you man?

Where are you from?

What's your name? biggrin.gif

I'm learning english and I'm training now wink.gif

It's cool!

I Don't know CGI/Perl, but I'm pushing a subject.



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man, what problem your code have?

Can you write here what error u're getting?


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