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Problemas No Calendario (baxei Scriptbrasil)

Guest - Wesley -


Guest - Wesley -

Opa e ai galera tudo bom?

Baxei um calendario por aki feito em ASP, ele é muito bom o problema q eu enfrento é:

Eu entro na area de ADIM e adiciono o EVENTO e ele vai sem problemas, so que quando vou ver o calendario não tem informação nenhuma, Mais isso não acontece no MES de JAneiro, Nele Funciona tudo normal. Mais o Resto dos Mês não Mostra informação Nenhuma.

Vou Disponibilizar o Calendario em ZIP como ele esta hj.:

Download -

Agradeço dês de já e aceito qualquer sugestão ou coisa do Tipo para mim tentar resolver meu Problema.

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<%Option Explicit


'Author: Akira Kubota @

'Date: Aug, Sep / 2001

'Software: Coldfusion studio 4.5

'Comment: This is a online calendar. I have created online calendar at work before.

'But i wanted to create something different and wanted to make it public so i decided to

'make one on my own at home from scratch. This calendat is freely available to anyone

'under some conditions. 1, Use this calendar at your own risk. I do not take any responsibility

'2, send me your website address that you use this calendar. If you can obey those two condition,

'you are free to use and modify this calendar.


'response.buffer = true

'Declare all necessary variables here

Dim http,image,path,imagePath,sql

Dim x,xx,xxx,y,yy,yyy,num,x1,x2

Dim lastDay,curMonth,curDay,curYear,eventType

Dim searchEnd,searchStart,currentDay,maxRows

Dim today,todayCell,events,eventsID

Dim cn_connection,rs_getEvent,rs_getType

Dim eventID(),eventName(),curDate

Dim dayCell

Dim bg1,bg2,bg3,fnt1,fnt2,cell_width1,cell_height1,cell_width2,cell_height2


<!--#include file="global.asp"-->

<!--#include file="getparameter.asp"-->

<!--#include file="schema.asp"-->


'search for valid date (2/31/2001 -> 2/28/2001)

while not isDate(curMonth&"/"&curDay&"/"&curYear)

curDay = curDay - 1


'look for lasy day number of the current month

searchEnd = 31

while not isDate(curMonth&"/"&searchEnd&"/"&curYear)

searchEnd = searchEnd - 1


'searchStart is the first day of month

'searchEnd is the last day of month

searchStart = cdate(curMonth&"/1/"&curYear)

searchEnd = cdate(curMonth&"/"&searchEnd&"/"&curYear)

%><!--#include file="connect.asp"--><%

sql = "SELECT id, startDate, endDate, name FROM calendarEvent " & _

"WHERE ((startDate >= #" & searchStart & "# AND endDate <= #" & searchEnd & "#) " & _

"OR (startDate < #"&searchStart&"# AND endDate >= #"&searchStart&"# AND endDate <= #"&searchEnd&"#) " & _

"OR (startDate <= #"&searchEnd&"# AND startDate >= #"&searchStart&"# AND endDate > #"&searchEnd&"#) " & _

"OR (startDate < #"&searchStart&"# AND endDate > #"&searchEnd&"#)) "

if trim(eventType) = "" then

'ignore it

elseif cint(eventType) = 1 then

sql = sql & "AND eventType = 1"

elseif cint(eventType) = 2 then

sql = sql & "AND eventType = 2"

elseif cint(eventType) = 3 then

sql = sql & "AND eventType = 3"

elseif cint(eventType) = 4 then

sql = sql & "AND eventType = 4"


'ignore it

end if

Set rs_getEvent = cn_Connection.Execute(sql)

%><%'response.write("sql = " & sql & "<br>")%><%

sql = "SELECT id,eventType FROM eventType"

Set rs_getType = cn_Connection.Execute(sql)


'This is far from ideal solution.

'If you know better way to do it, please let me know.

'You can contact me at


curDate = searchStart

for x = 1 to day(searchEnd)

redim preserve eventID(x)

redim preserve eventName(x)

if not rs_getEvent.BOF then rs_getEvent.movefirst

while not rs_getEvent.EOF

x1 = rs_getEvent("startDate"):x2 = rs_getEvent("endDate")

if x1 = curDate OR x2 = curDate OR (x1 < curDate AND x2 > curDate) then

'make a list for event for each day

eventID(x) = eventID(x) & rs_getEvent("id") & "~||~"

eventName(x) = eventName(x) & rs_getEvent("name") & "~||~"

end if



%><%'response.write("<b>eventName("&x&") = "&eventName(x)&"</b><br><br>")%><%

'move current day to next day

curDate = dateAdd("d",1,curDate)


'check if date is in this month

if Not month(DateAdd("d", curDay-1, curMonth&"/1/"&curYear)) = cint(curMonth) then curDay = 1

lastDay = day(dateserial(curYear,curMonth+1,1-1))

today = curMonth&"/"&curDay&"/"&curYear



<table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">


<td bgcolor="<%=bg1%>" align="center" height="<%=cell_height1%>" width="<%=cell_width1%>"><font <%=fnt1%>><a href="<%=http%>calendar.asp?curDay=<%= curDay %>&curMonth=<%= month(dateAdd("m", -1, today)) %>&curYear=<%= year(dateAdd( "m", -1, today)) %>&eventType=<%= eventType %>"><%= monthName(month(dateAdd( "m", -1, today))) %></a></font></td>

<td bgcolor="<%=bg1%>" align="center" height="<%=cell_height1%>" width="<%=cell_width1*5%>" colspan="5"><font <%=fnt1%>><%= monthName(curMonth) %>&nbsp;<%= curYear %></font></td>

<td bgcolor="<%=bg1%>" align="center" height="<%=cell_height1%>" width="<%=cell_width1%>"><font <%=fnt1%>><a href="<%=http%>calendar.asp?curDay=<%= curDay %>&curMonth=<%= month(dateAdd("m", 1, today)) %>&curYear=<%= year(dateAdd( "m", 1, today)) %>&eventType=<%= eventType %>"><%= monthName(month(dateAdd( "m", 1, today))) %></a></font></td>



<form action="<%=http%>calendar.asp" name="search" method="post">

<td bgcolor="<%=bg1%>" align="center" height="<%=cell_height1%>" width="<%=cell_width1%>"><font <%=fnt1%>><a href="<%=http%>calendar.asp?curDay=<%= curDay %>&curMonth=<%= curMonth %>&curYear=<%=curYear-1%>&eventType=<%= eventType %>"><%= curYear-1 %></a></font></td>

<td bgcolor="<%=bg1%>" align="center" height="<%=cell_height1%>" width="<%=cell_width1*5%>" colspan="5"><select name="curMonth"><% for x = 1 to 12 %><option value="<%= x %>" <% if cint(curMonth) = x then %> selected <% end if %>><%= monthName(x) %></option><% next %></select><select name="curYear"><% for x = 1990 to 2020 %><option value="<%= x %>" <% if cint(curYear) = x then %> selected <% end if %>><%= x %></option><% next %></select><input type="hidden" name="eventType" value="<%= eventType %>"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Search"></td>

<td bgcolor="<%=bg1%>" align="center" height="<%=cell_height1%>" width="<%=cell_width1%>"><font <%=fnt1%>><a href="<%=http%>calendar.asp?curDay=<%= curDay %>&curMonth=<%= curMonth %>&curYear=<%=curYear+1%>&eventType=<%= eventType %>"><%= curYear+1 %></a></font></td>




<td bgcolor="<%=bg2%>" align="center" height="<%=cell_height1%>" width="<%=cell_width1%>"><font <%=fnt1%>>Sun</font></td>

<td bgcolor="<%=bg2%>" align="center" height="<%=cell_height1%>" width="<%=cell_width1%>"><font <%=fnt1%>>Mon</font></td>

<td bgcolor="<%=bg2%>" align="center" height="<%=cell_height1%>" width="<%=cell_width1%>"><font <%=fnt1%>>Tue</font></td>

<td bgcolor="<%=bg2%>" align="center" height="<%=cell_height1%>" width="<%=cell_width1%>"><font <%=fnt1%>>Wed</font></td>

<td bgcolor="<%=bg2%>" align="center" height="<%=cell_height1%>" width="<%=cell_width1%>"><font <%=fnt1%>>Thu</font></td>

<td bgcolor="<%=bg2%>" align="center" height="<%=cell_height1%>" width="<%=cell_width1%>"><font <%=fnt1%>>Fri</font></td>

<td bgcolor="<%=bg2%>" align="center" height="<%=cell_height1%>" width="<%=cell_width1%>"><font <%=fnt1%>>Sat</font></td>




currentDay = 1 - weekday(dateserial(curYear,curMonth,1))+1

lastDay = day(dateserial(curYear,curMonth+1,1-1))

if cint(currentDay) = -4 AND lastDay > 30 then

maxRows = 5

elseif cint(currentDay) = -5 AND lastDay >= 30 then

maxRows = 5


maxRows = 4

end If

num = 1

for x = 0 to maxRows


for xx = 0 to 6

if currentDay > 0 AND currentDay <= lastDay then

today = curMonth&"/"&currentDay&"/"&curYear

%><td align="left" valign="top" height="<%=cell_height2%>" width="<%=cell_width2%>""<%

if cstr(today) = cstr(month(now())&"/"&day(now())&"/"&year(now())) then

%> bgcolor="<%=todayCell%>"<%


%> bgcolor="<%=bg3%>"<%

end if %>>

<font <%=fnt1%>><%= currentDay %></font><br>


'outputting today's event name by looping through events array

if eventName(num) <> "" then

events = ""

eventsID = ""

events = split(eventName(num),"~||~")

eventsID = split(eventID(num),"~||~")

for y = 0 to ubound(events)

%><a href="#" onclick="'<%=HTTP%>detail.asp?id=<%=eventsID(y)%>','detail','scrollbars=yes,location=no,width=440,height=400')"><%=events(y)%></a><%

if y <> ubound(events) then %><br><% end if




end if


num = num + 1



end if

currentDay = currentDay + 1







<form name="viewtype" action="<%=http%>calendar.asp" method="post">

<td colspan="4" align="center"><select name="eventType"><option value="-1"<%if cint(eventType) = -1 then%> selected<%end if%>>All</option><%while not rs_getType.EOF %><option value="<%=rs_getType("id")%>"<%if cint(eventType) = cint(rs_getType("id")) then%> selected<%end if%>><%= rs_getType("eventType") %></option><% rs_getType.moveNext %><%wend%></select><input type="hidden" name="curMonth" value="<%= curMonth %>"><input type="hidden" name="curYear" value="<%= curYear %>"> <input type="submit" name="viewevent1" value="Select Event Type"></td>


<form name="backtoday" action="<%=http%>calendar.asp" method="post">

<td colspan="3" align="center"><input type="submit" name="bakctoday1" value="Back to Today"></td>










<!--#include file="disconnect.asp"-->

<!--#include file="replace.asp"-->


Tem alguém problema ai encima q so faça aparecer Janeiro e não os outros meses.



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olha só..

O código em si, é extenso..

E ainda tem vários includes.

Acho que não tem como, visualmente, detectar erros.

você tem algum conhecimento em asp?




Pois, se você entender um pouco, pode você mesmo olhar no codigo, onde ele faz o insert no banco, pra ver se os dados estão sendo inseridos no banco.


Para sabermos, primeiro, se os dados estão sendo cadastrados no banco.

Daí, se estiver ok, pode ser problema só na hora de mostrar mesmo.

Ou, cadastre alguma coisa em algum mês que não funcione.

Abra o banco, e veja se cadastrou direitinho.

É um teste simples, mas que pode te dar uma resposta imediata


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