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Script,como Configura ?!

Guest - Lucas -


Guest - Lucas -

biggrin.gifOi gente eu peguei o script Andromeda,é tipo um sitema de audio,so que ele mostra as pasta que tem no servdor e eu queria saber se alguém pode mudar ele pra so mostra os arquivos de musica,se alguém puder esse é o script:




# Welcome to Andromeda!

# ------------------------------------------------------------

# Documentation is available here:




# Also, please check out these ways you can help:




# enjoy,

# Scott




# NOTE 1

# ------------------------------------------------------------

# This is the compact version of the Andromeda script. If

# you want a copy of the developmental version, send an

# email to and let me know what you have

# in mind.




# NOTE 2

# ------------------------------------------------------------

# Configure Andromeda with a preference file. (Don't change

# the code in this file). See this page for details:




# If you run multiple copies of Andromeda and want this copy

# to use a different prefs file, you can change the name

# below. Please note that this is the only modification

# permitted with this version of Andromeda.


# Any other changes to the code violate the terms of the

# license and will prevent it from working properly

$andromedaPrefsFileName = "andromedaPrefs.php";

# ------------------------------------------------------------

# license

# ------------------------------------------------------------


# This software is the copyrighted material of Scott Matthews,

# Turnstyle. This document is a license agreement. By running

# this software on your computer you agree to use it for

# personal, non-commercial use only. Information on commercial

# licensing is available from You agree

# not to copy or distribute this software or change the source

# code without prior written permission. Instead, please send

# questions, comments and suggestions to


# Scott Matthews, Turnstyle takes no responsibility for any

# damage that this software might cause.


# This software is designed to enable people to enjoy their

# media collection. By using it, you agree to comply with

# all federal and state laws applicable to such content, as

# well as the terms of this licence. Unauthorized copying,

# distribution, modification, public display, or public

# performance of copyrighted works is an infringement of the

# copyright holders' rights.


# If you disagree with any of these terms, you are not

# authorized to use this software. If you do agree with these

# terms, please enjoy.


# Copyright ©1999-2002 Scott Matthews, Turnstyle




# ------------------------------------------------------------

function loadConstants () {


$andromedaConst["andromedaVersion"] = "1.9.2 PHP";

$andromedaConst["localUser"] = ($ckServerIP == $REMOTE_ADDR);

$andromedaConst["scriptFileName"] = basename($SCRIPT_NAME_FIXED);

$andromedaConst["scriptPhysicalPath"] = parentFolder($SCRIPT_PATH_FIXED);

$andromedaConst["moduleMode"] = ($andromedaConst["scriptFileName"] == "modules.php");

if ($andromedaConst["moduleMode"]) {

$andromedaConst["scriptPhysicalPath"] .= "/modules/" . basename(dirname(__FILE__));}

$andromedaConst["appauth"] = "Scott Matthews";

$andromedaConst["appcorp"] = "Turnstyle";

$andromedaConst["appname"] = "Andromeda";

$andromedaConst["approot"] = "";}

function loadDefaults () {

global $andromedaConst,$andromedaPrefs,$SCRIPT_NAME_FIXED,$SCRIPT_PATH_FIXED;

$andromedaPrefs["siteName"] = "andromeda";

$andromedaPrefs["useImageFiles"] = false;

$andromedaPrefs["imageFolderPath"] = "";

$andromedaPrefs["displayNew"] = false;

$andromedaPrefs["displayAMG"] = true;

$andromedaPrefs["mediaWebPath"] = parentFolder($SCRIPT_NAME_FIXED);

$andromedaPrefs["mediaPhysicalPath"] = parentFolder($SCRIPT_PATH_FIXED);

if ($andromedaConst["moduleMode"]) {

$andromedaPrefs["mediaWebPath"] .= "/modules/" . basename(dirname(__FILE__));

$andromedaPrefs["mediaPhysicalPath"] .= "/modules/" . basename(dirname(__FILE__));}

$andromedaPrefs["editMode"] = false;

$andromedaPrefs["ftpPath"] = "";

$andromedaPrefs["email"] = "";

$andromedaPrefs["permitSearch"] = true;

$andromedaPrefs["hostAddress"] = "";

$andromedaPrefs["customHeader"] = "";

$andromedaPrefs["customBlock"] = "";

$andromedaPrefs["popupMaxWidth"] = 48;

$andromedaPrefs["folderAux1"] = "";

$andromedaPrefs["requireLogon"] = false;

$andromedaPrefs["localFilePlayback"] = false;

$andromedaPrefs["cBlockSize"] = 3100;

$andromedaPrefs["cBlockCount"] = 2;

$andromedaPrefs["audioFileTypes"] = "mp3,wma,wav,aif,aiff,au,ogg,ra,mid,midi";

$andromedaPrefs["videoFileTypes"] = "mpg,mpeg,mpe,asf,avi,wmv,vob,rv,rm,mov,qt";

$andromedaPrefs["playlistFileTypes"] = "m3u,asx,ram";

$andromedaPrefs["tkNumTrimCodes"] = "## - ,##_-_,##_,##.";

$andromedaPrefs["cssLinkHref"] = "";

$andromedaPrefs["playlistMime"] = "audio/x-mpegurl";

$andromedaPrefs["protocol"] = "http";

$andromedaPrefs["fileLinks"] = true;

$andromedaPrefs["playLinks"] = true;

$andromedaPrefs["permitPlaylists"] = true;

$andromedaPrefs["getID3info"] = true;

$andromedaPrefs["skipID3v1"] = false;

$andromedaPrefs["absoluteHeader"] = "";

$andromedaPrefs["absoluteFooter"] = "";

$andromedaPrefs["disableHTMLheaders"] = false;

$andromedaPrefs["includeHeader"] = "";

$andromedaPrefs["includeFooter"] = "";

$andromedaPrefs["includeJavascript"] = "";

$andromedaPrefs["folderListInfo"] = "_folderListInfo";

$andromedaPrefs["folderOpenInfo"] = "_folderOpenInfo";

$andromedaPrefs["folderListImage"] = "_folderListImage";

$andromedaPrefs["folderOpenImage"] = "_folderOpenImage";

$andromedaPrefs["folderListImageDims"] = "";

$andromedaPrefs["folderOpenImageDims"] = "";

$andromedaPrefs["skinFile"] = "andromedaSkin.txt";

$andromedaPrefs["logonFile"] = "andromedaLogons.php";

$andromedaPrefs["includeEXTM3U"] = false;

$andromedaPrefs["defaultLanguage"] = "EN";

$andromedaPrefs["globalAnnotations"] = true;

$andromedaPrefs["permitTranslation"] = true;

$andromedaPrefs["skipPrefix"] = ".";

$andromedaPrefs["folderSkipNames"] = "_private,_fpclass,_vti_cnf,_vti_pvt,_derived,_overlay,RECYCLER,Recycled,System Volume Information,Network Trash Folder";

$andromedaPrefs["checkboxDefault"] = false;

$andromedaPrefs["coreInclude"] = "";

$andromedaPrefs["moduleOnly"] = false;

$andromedaPrefs["iconSize"] = 1;

$andromedaPrefs["useExtLogon"] = false;

$andromedaPrefs["hideMenubar"] = false;

$andromedaPrefs["rootName"] = "";

$andromedaPrefs["maxPlaylistTracks"] = 5000;

$andromedaPrefs["timeout"] = "";

$andromedaPrefs["usePlaylistIcons"] = true;

$andromedaPrefs["vbrScanCount"] = 50;

$andromedaPrefs["vbrSkipCount"] = 50;

$andromedaPrefs["cbrCutoff"] = 5;

$andromedaPrefs["compactSearch"] = false;

$andromedaPrefs["logonMessage"] = "";

$andromedaPrefs["pDimentions"] = "16,16";

$andromedaPrefs["aDimentions"] = "26,16";

$andromedaPrefs["vDimentions"] = "26,16";

$andromedaPrefs["lDimentions"] = "26,16";

$andromedaPrefs["hDimentions"] = "16,16";

$andromedaPrefs["iDimentions"] = "16,16";

$andromedaPrefs["rDimentions"] = "16,16";

$andromedaPrefs["tDimentions"] = "16,16";

$andromedaPrefs["oDimentions"] = "20,16";

$andromedaPrefs["cDimentions"] = "26,16";

$andromedaPrefs["gDimentions"] = "16,16";

$andromedaPrefs["qDimentions"] = "16,16";

$andromedaPrefs["saDimentions"] = "26,16";

$andromedaPrefs["snDimentions"] = "25,16";

$andromedaPrefs["psDimentions"] = "42,16";

$andromedaPrefs["paDimentions"] = "42,16";

$andromedaPrefs["prDimentions"] = "42,16";

$andromedaPrefs["pvDimentions"] = "42,16";

$andromedaPrefs["kDimentions"] = "16,16";

$andromedaPrefs["siteWidth"] = "100%";

$andromedaPrefs["bodyBgColor"] = "9999cc";

$andromedaPrefs["bodyTextColor"] = "333333";

$andromedaPrefs["bodyLinkColor"] = "666699";

$andromedaPrefs["bodyVlinkColor"] = "996699";

$andromedaPrefs["bodyAlinkColor"] = "999966";

$andromedaPrefs["bodyMarginSize"] = "0";

$andromedaPrefs["headDiv"] = "";

$andromedaPrefs["menubarColor"] = "999999";

$andromedaPrefs["siteNameColor"] = "ffff00";

$andromedaPrefs["menubarDiv"] = "cccc99,1;9999cc,3;cccc99,1;999999,8;666666,1";

$andromedaPrefs["bodyFgColor"] = "cccc99";

$andromedaPrefs["formStyle"] = "font-size:9pt;color:000000;background-color:ffffff;";

$andromedaPrefs["bodyFgDiv"] = "999966,1;efefcc,1";

$andromedaPrefs["bodyFgToRowDiv"] = "ffffcc,1";

$andromedaPrefs["rowColor1"] = "efefd0";

$andromedaPrefs["rowColor2"] = "efefef";

$andromedaPrefs["rowLinkColor"] = "";

$andromedaPrefs["rowTextColor"] = "333333";

$andromedaPrefs["newFileColor"] = "cc6666";

$andromedaPrefs["rowDiv"] = "d0d0d0,1";

$andromedaPrefs["rowToBodyFgDiv"] = "666666,1";

$andromedaPrefs["footDiv"] = "ffffcc,1;999999,2;666666,1";}

function loadPrefs () {

global $andromedaConst,$andromedaPrefs,$andromedaPrefsFileName;

if (file_exists($andromedaConst["scriptPhysicalPath"] . "/" . $andromedaPrefsFileName)) {

$fcontents = file ($andromedaConst["scriptPhysicalPath"] . "/" . $andromedaPrefsFileName);

for ($i = 0; $i < count($fcontents); $i++) {

$row = trim($fcontents[$i]);

if (substr($row,0,1) == "#") {

$rowa = explode("\t",$row);

if (count($rowa) >= 2) {

$keyval = substr($rowa[0],1);

$valval = $rowa[count($rowa)-1];

if ($valval == "true") {$valval = true;}

elseif ($valval == "false") {$valval = false;}}}

$andromedaPrefs[$keyval] = $valval;}}}

function loadSkin () {

global $andromedaConst,$andromedaPrefs;

if (file_exists($andromedaConst["scriptPhysicalPath"] . "/" . $andromedaPrefs["skinFile"])) {

$fcontents = file ($andromedaConst["scriptPhysicalPath"] . "/" . $andromedaPrefs["skinFile"]);

for ($i = 0; $i < count($fcontents); $i++) {

$row = $fcontents[$i];

$rowa = explode("\t",$row);

if (count($rowa) >= 2) {

$keyval = trim($rowa[0]);

$valval = trim($rowa[count($rowa)-1]);

if ($valval == "true") {$valval = true;}

elseif ($valval == "false") {$valval = false;}}

$andromedaPrefs[$keyval] = $valval;}}}

function loadLogons () {

global $andromedaConst,$andromedaPrefs,$andromedaLogons;

if (file_exists($andromedaConst["scriptPhysicalPath"] . "/" . $andromedaPrefs["logonFile"])) {

$fcontents = file ($andromedaConst["scriptPhysicalPath"] . "/" . $andromedaPrefs["logonFile"]);

for ($i = 0; $i < count($fcontents); $i++) {

$row = trim($fcontents[$i]);

if (substr($row,0,1) == "#") {

$rowa = explode("\t",$row);

if (count($rowa) >= 2) {

$keyval = substr($rowa[0],1);

$valval = $rowa[count($rowa)-1];}}

$andromedaLogons[$keyval] = $valval;}}}

function vPath ($x) {

$vpchk = true;

if ($x != "") {

$vptmpa = explode("/",str_replace("\\","/",$x));

if ($vptmpa[0] != "") {$vpchk = false;}

else {

for ($vpi = 1; $vpi < count($vptmpa); $vpi++) {

if (($vptmpa[$vpi] == "") || ($vptmpa[$vpi] == ".") || ($vptmpa[$vpi] == "..")) {

$vpchk = false;


return $vpchk;}

function andromedaHeader ($x) {andromedaHeaderCore($x,false);}

function andromedaHeaderCore ($x,$y) {

global $andromedaConst, $andromedaPrefs, $clangCodes;

echo "<!--\n";

for ($nl = 0; $nl < 12; $nl++) {echo "\n";}

echo "\t\t" . $andromedaPrefs["siteName"] . "\n\n\n\t\t" . str_replace("##",$andromedaConst["andromedaVersion"],str_replace("#a",$andromedaConst["appname"],trans(27))) . "\n\t\t©" . date("Y"). " " . $andromedaConst["appauth"] . ", " . $andromedaConst["appcorp"] . "\n\t\t" . $andromedaConst["approot"] . "\n";

for ($nl = 0; $nl < 48; $nl++) {echo "\n";}

echo "-->";

if (!$andromedaPrefs["disableHTMLheaders"]) {

echo "<html><head><META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Content-Type\" CONTENT=\"text/html; charset= . $clangCodes[1] . "\"><title>" . htmlspecialchars($andromedaPrefs["siteName] . ": " . $x) . "</title>";

if ($andromedaPrefs["cssLinkHref"] != "") {

echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"" . $andromedaPrefs["cssLinkHref"] . "\">";}

echo "<script";

if ($andromedaPrefs["includeJavascript"] != "") {

echo " src=\"" . $andromedaPrefs["includeJavascript"] . "\"";}

echo "></script></head><body bgcolor=\"" . $andromedaPrefs["bodyBgColor"] . "\" text=\"" . $andromedaPrefs["bodyTextColor"] . "\" link=\"" . $andromedaPrefs["bodyLinkColor"] . "\" vlink=\"" . $andromedaPrefs["bodyVlinkColor"] . "\" alink=\"" . $andromedaPrefs["bodyAlinkColor"] . "\" topmargin=\"" . $andromedaPrefs["bodyMarginSize"] . "\" leftmargin=\"" . $andromedaPrefs["bodyMarginSize"] . "\" marginheight=\"" . $andromedaPrefs["bodyMarginSize"] . "\" marginwidth=\"" . $andromedaPrefs["bodyMarginSize"] . "\">";}

if ($y) {

echo "<script language=javascript><!--\nlocation.replace(\"" . andrLink("","") . "\");//--></script>";}

if ($andromedaConst["moduleMode"]) {include("header.php");}

else {

if ($andromedaPrefs["includeHeader"] != "") {


echo $andromedaPrefs["absoluteHeader"];

echo "<center>";


if (!$andromedaPrefs["hideMenubar"]) {

echo "<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 border=0 width=\"" . $andromedaPrefs["siteWidth"] . "\" bgcolor=\"" . $andromedaPrefs["menubarColor"] . "\"><tr><td><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0><tr><td><a href= . andrLink("","") . ">";


echo "</a></td><td>";


echo "</td><td><font size=\"2\" face=\"helvetica,arial\" color=\"" . $andromedaPrefs["siteNameColor] . "\"><b><i>" . $andromedaPrefs["siteName"] . "</i></b></font></td></tr></table></td><td align=right><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0><tr>";

if ($andromedaPrefs["ftpPath"] != "") {

echo "<td><a href=\"" . $andromedaPrefs["ftpPath"] . "\" target=ftp>";


echo "</a></td><td>";


echo "</td>";}

echo "<td><a href=\"" . $andromedaConst["approot"] . "\" target=_top>";

imagetag("i","i",$andromedaConst["appname"] . ": " . trans(17));

echo "</a></td></tr></table>";

echo "</td></tr></table>";


if ($andromedaPrefs["customHeader"] != "") {

echo "<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 border=0 width=\"" . $andromedaPrefs["siteWidth"] . "\" bgcolor=\"" . $andromedaPrefs["bodyFgColor"] . "\"><tr><td><font size=\"2\"";

if ($andromedaPrefs["disableHTMLheaders"]) {echo " color= . $andromedaPrefs["bodyTextColor];}

echo ">" . $andromedaPrefs["customHeader"] . "</font></td></tr></table>";



function andromedaFooter () {

global $andromedaPrefs, $andromedaConst, $rosetta, $currentLanguage, $clangCodes;

if ($andromedaPrefs["customBlock"] != "") {

echo "<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 border=0 width=\"" . $andromedaPrefs["siteWidth"] . "\" bgcolor=\"" . $andromedaPrefs["bodyFgColor"] . "\"><tr><td align=center><font size=\"2\"";

if ($andromedaPrefs["disableHTMLheaders"]) {echo " color= . $andromedaPrefs["bodyTextColor];}

echo ">" . $andromedaPrefs["customBlock"] . "</font></td></tr></table>";


echo "<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 border=0 width=\"" . $andromedaPrefs["siteWidth"] . "\" bgcolor=\"" . $andromedaPrefs["bodyFgColor"] . "\"><tr><td align=center><font size=\"2\"";

if ($andromedaPrefs["disableHTMLheaders"]) {echo " color= . $andromedaPrefs["bodyTextColor];}

echo ">";


if ($andromedaPrefs["email"] != "") {

echo trans(26) . " &raquo; ";

if ($andromedaPrefs["disableHTMLheaders"]) {

echo "<a href=\"mailto:" . $andromedaPrefs["email"] . "\" style=\"color:" . $andromedaPrefs["bodyLinkColor"] . "\"><font color=\"" . $andromedaPrefs["bodyLinkColor"] . "\">" . $andromedaPrefs["email"] . "</font></a>";}

else {

echo "<a href=\"mailto:" . $andromedaPrefs["email"] . "\">" . $andromedaPrefs["email"] . "</a>";}


if ($andromedaPrefs["permitTranslation"]) {

echo "<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0><form method=get action= . $andromedaConst["scriptFileName] . ">";

if ($andromedaConst["moduleMode"]) {

echo "<input type=hidden name=op value=modload><input type=hidden name=name value=\"" . basename(dirname(__FILE__)) . "\"><input type=hidden name=file value=\"" . getbasename(basename(__FILE__)) . "\">";}

echo "<input type=hidden name=q value=t><tr><td><select name=t style=\"" . $andromedaPrefs["formStyle"] . "\" onChange=\"javascript:window.location.href = '" . andrLink("?q=t&t=,"") . "' + options[selectedIndex].value;\">";

while (list($k, $v) = each ($rosetta)) {

$clangCodesTmp = explode("\t",$rosetta[$k][0]);

echo "<option value=" . $k;

if ($k == $currentLanguage) {echo " selected";}

echo ">";

if ($clangCodesTmp[1] == $clangCodes[1]) {echo $v[1];}

else {echo $clangCodesTmp[2];}}

echo "</select></td><noscript><td>";


echo "</td><td>";


echo "</td></noscript></tr></form></table>";


$ptag = trans(27);

if ($andromedaPrefs["disableHTMLheaders]) {

$ptag = str_replace("#a","<a href=\"" . $andromedaConst["approot"] . "\" target=_top style=\"color:" . $andromedaPrefs["bodyLinkColor"] . "\"><font color=\"" . $andromedaPrefs["bodyLinkColor"] . "\">" . $andromedaConst["appname"] . "</font></a>",$ptag);}

else {

$ptag = str_replace("#a","<a href=\"" . $andromedaConst["approot"] . "\" target=_top>" . $andromedaConst["appname"] . "</a>",$ptag);}

$ptag = str_replace("##",$andromedaConst["andromedaVersion"],$ptag);

echo "<nobr>" . $ptag . ".</nobr> <nobr>&copy;" . date("Y") . " " . $andromedaConst["appauth"] . ", ";

if ($andromedaPrefs["disableHTMLheaders"]) {

echo "<a href=\"\" target=_top style=\"color:" . $andromedaPrefs["bodyLinkColor"] . "\"><font color=\"" . $andromedaPrefs["bodyLinkColor"] . "\">" . $andromedaConst["appcorp"] . "</font></a>";}

else {

echo "<a href=\"\" target=_top>" . $andromedaConst["appcorp"] . "</a>";}

echo ".</nobr>";


echo "</font></td></tr></table>";


echo "</center>";

echo $andromedaPrefs["absoluteFooter"];

if ($andromedaConst["moduleMode"]) {include("footer.php");}

else {

if ($andromedaPrefs["includeFooter"] != "") {


if (!$andromedaPrefs["disableHTMLheaders"]) {echo "</body></html>";}}

function showfolder ($x) {

global $andromedaPrefs, $totalrowcount;

if (file_exists($andromedaPrefs["mediaPhysicalPath"] . $x)) {

$folderName = displayName($x,false);


folderOpenNote($x . "/" . $andromedaPrefs["folderOpenInfo"] . ".txt");


if ($andromedaPrefs["permitPlaylists"]) {playlistFormHead(true);}


$subfolders = getsubfolders($x);

for ($i = 0; $i < count($subfolders); $i++) {

folderrow($x . "/" . $subfolders[$i],false,true);

rowNote($x . "/" . $subfolders[$i] . "/" . $andromedaPrefs["folderListInfo"] . ".txt",$x . "/" . $subfolders[$i]);


$mp3s = getmp3s($x);

for ($i = 0; $i < count($mp3s); $i++) {

filerow($x . "/" . $mp3s[$i],false,true);

rowNote($x . "/" . getbasename($mp3s[$i]) . ".txt","");



if ($andromedaPrefs["permitPlaylists"]) {playlistFormFoot(true);}



else {fourOfour ();}}

function fourOfour () {

global $andromedaPrefs;


echo "<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 border=0 width=\"" . $andromedaPrefs["siteWidth"] . "\" bgcolor=\"" . $andromedaPrefs["bodyFgColor"] . "\" height=220><tr><td align=center>";

if ($andromedaPrefs["disableHTMLheaders"]) {echo "<font color= . $andromedaPrefs["bodyTextColor] . ">";}

echo trans(40) . ". " . trans(43) . ", ";

if ($andromedaPrefs["disableHTMLheaders"]) {

echo "<a href= . andrLink("","") . " style=\"color:" . $andromedaPrefs["bodyLinkColor] . "\"><font color=\"" . $andromedaPrefs["bodyLinkColor"] . "\">" . trans(42) . "</font></a>";}

else {

echo "<a href= . andrLink("","") . ">" . trans(42) . "</a>";}

echo ".";

if ($andromedaPrefs["disableHTMLheaders]) {echo "</font>";}

echo "</td></tr></table>";



function navbar3 ($x,$y) {

global $andromedaConst, $andromedaPrefs, $ckplaylist;

if ($andromedaPrefs["permitSearch"]) {

if ($y == "search") {searchbar($x);}

else {searchbar("");}


if (!(($x == "") && ($y == "browse"))) {

echo "<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 border=0 width=\"" . $andromedaPrefs["siteWidth"] . "\" bgcolor=\"" . $andromedaPrefs["bodyFgColor"] . "\"><tr><td><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0><tr><td>";


echo "</td><td>";


echo "</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>";


if ($y == "browse") {

if ($x == "") {

$sidestep = false;}

else {

$sidestep = (subfolderCount(parentFolder($x)) > 1);}

if ($andromedaPrefs["playLinks"]) {$playalbum = playable($x);}}

echo "<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 border=0 width=\"" . $andromedaPrefs["siteWidth"] . "\" bgcolor=\"" . $andromedaPrefs["bodyFgColor"] . "\"><tr><td><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0><tr>";

if (($x == "") && ($y == "browse")) {

echo "<td>";


echo "</td>";}

if ($sidestep) {

echo "<form method=get action= . $andromedaConst["scriptFileName] . ">";

if ($andromedaConst["moduleMode"]) {

echo "<input type=hidden name=op value=modload><input type=hidden name=name value=\"" . basename(dirname(__FILE__)) . "\"><input type=hidden name=file value=\"" . getbasename(basename(__FILE__)) . "\">";}

echo "<input type=hidden name=q value=f>";}

if (($x == "") && ($y == "browse")) {

echo "<td><font size=\"2\"";

if ($andromedaPrefs["disableHTMLheaders"]) {echo " color= . $andromedaPrefs["bodyTextColor];}

echo "><b>" . $andromedaPrefs["rootName"] . "</b></font></td>";}

elseif ($y == "search") {

echo "<td><font size=\"2\"";

if ($andromedaPrefs["disableHTMLheaders"]) {echo " color= . $andromedaPrefs["bodyTextColor];}

echo "><b>" . "[" . $x . "] " . trans(37) . "</b></font></td>";}

elseif ($y == "playlist") {

echo "<td><font size=\"2\"";

if ($andromedaPrefs["disableHTMLheaders"]) {echo " color= . $andromedaPrefs["bodyTextColor];}

echo "><b>" . $x . "</b></font></td>";}

else {

if ($sidestep) {

echo "<td><font></font><select name=f style=\"" . $andromedaPrefs["formStyle"] . "\" onChange=\"javascript:window.location.href=" . andrLink("?q=f&f=","") . "' + escape(options[selectedIndex].value);\">";

$subfolders = getsubfolders(parentFolder($x));

for ($i = 0; $i < count($subfolders); $i++) {

echo "<option value=\"" . parentFolder($x) . "/" . $subfolders[$i] . "\"";

if ($x == parentFolder($x) . "/" . $subfolders[$i]) {echo " selected";}

echo ">" . limitName(displayName($subfolders[$i],false));}

echo "</select></td><noscript><td>";


echo "</td><td>";


echo "</td></noscript>";}

else {

echo "<td><font size=\"2\"";

if ($andromedaPrefs["disableHTMLheaders]) {echo " color=" . $andromedaPrefs["bodyTextColor"];}

echo "><b>" . displayName($x,false) . "</b></font></td>";}}

if ($sidestep) {echo "</form>";}

if ($andromedaPrefs["folderAux1"] != "") {

echo "<td>";


echo "</td><td><a href=\"" . $andromedaPrefs["folderAux1"] . urlencode($x) . "\">";

imagetag ("q","i","discuss");

echo "</a></td>";}

if (($y == "playlist") && ($ckplaylist != "") && $andromedaPrefs["playLinks"]) {

echo "<td>";


echo "</td><td><a href= . andrLink("?q=y&y=p","") . ">";


echo "</a></td>";}

if ($playalbum) {

echo "<td>";


echo "</td><td>";


echo "</td>";}

if ($x == "") {

$metadisplay = $andromedaPrefs["mediaPhysicalPath];}

else {$metadisplay = $x;}

if ($y == "browse") {

$metapath = "/" . $andromedaPrefs["rootName"] . $x;} else {

$metapath = "/" . $andromedaPrefs["rootName"] . "/" . $x;}

echo "<td>";


echo "</td>";

echo "<td><a href=\"". $andromedaConst["approot"] . "/meta.asp?p= . urlencode($metapath) . "\" target=_blank>";

imagetag("k","i",$andromedaConst["appname] . ": " . displayname($metadisplay,false));

echo "</a></td>";

echo "</tr></table></td></tr></table>";


function folderOpenNote ($x) {

global $andromedaPrefs, $currentLanguage;

if ($andromedaPrefs["globalAnnotations"] || ($andromedaPrefs["defaultLanguage"] == $currentLanguage)) {

if (file_exists($andromedaPrefs["mediaPhysicalPath"] . parentFolder($x) . "/" . $andromedaPrefs["folderOpenImage"] . ".jpg")) {

$folderImageExt = ".jpg";}

elseif (file_exists($andromedaPrefs["mediaPhysicalPath"] . parentFolder($x) . "/" . $andromedaPrefs["folderOpenImage"] . ".gif")) {

$folderImageExt = ".gif";}

if (file_exists($andromedaPrefs["mediaPhysicalPath"] . $x)) {

$fd = fopen($andromedaPrefs["mediaPhysicalPath"] . $x, "r");

$note = fread($fd, filesize($andromedaPrefs["mediaPhysicalPath"] . $x));

fclose ($fd);}

if (($folderImageExt != "") || ($note != "")) {

echo "<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 border=0 width=\"" . $andromedaPrefs["siteWidth"] . "\" bgcolor=\"" . $andromedaPrefs["bodyFgColor"] . "\"><tr>";

if ($note != "") {

echo "<td align=center><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0><tr><td><font size=\"2\"";

if ($andromedaPrefs["disableHTMLheaders"]) {echo " color= . $andromedaPrefs["bodyTextColor];}

echo ">" . $note ."</font></td></tr></table></td>";}

if ($folderImageExt != "") {

if ($andromedaPrefs["folderOpenImageDims"] != "") {

$ittmpa = explode(",",$andromedaPrefs["folderOpenImageDims"]);

$imgdimtag = " width= . $ittmpa[0] . " height=" . $ittmpa[1];}

else {

$imgdimtag = "";}

echo "<td align=center><img src=\"" . mkMediaWebPath(parentFolder($x) . "/" . $andromedaPrefs["folderOpenImage] . $folderImageExt) . "\"" . $imgdimtag . "></td>";}

echo "</tr></table>";


function folderrow ($x,$d,$m) {

global $andromedaPrefs,$totalrowcount;

$totalrowcount = $totalrowcount + 1;

$mysubfolderCount = subfolderCount($x);

$myfileCount = fileCount($x);

if ($totalrowcount != 1) {colorBars($andromedaPrefs["rowDiv"]);}

echo "<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 border=0 width=\"" . $andromedaPrefs["siteWidth"] . "\" bgcolor= . switchrow($totalrowcount,$andromedaPrefs["rowColor1],$andromedaPrefs["rowColor2"]) . "><tr><td valign=top>";

if ($d) {



echo "<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0><tr>";

if ($andromedaPrefs["permitPlaylists"]) {

echo "<td valign=top><input type=checkbox name=\"f[]\" value=\"";

if ($m) {echo "o" . $x;}

else {echo $totalrowcount;}

echo "\"";

if ($andromedaPrefs["checkboxDefault"]) {echo " checked";}

echo "></td>";}

echo "<td valign=top><a href= . folderLink($x) . ">";


echo "</a></td><td valign=top>";

if (($andromedaPrefs["disableHTMLheaders] || ($andromedaPrefs["rowLinkColor"] != $andromedaPrefs["bodyLinkColor"])) && $andromedaPrefs["rowLinkColor"] != "") {

echo "<a href= . folderLink($x) . " style=\"color:" . $andromedaPrefs["rowLinkColor] . "\"><font size=\"2\" color=\"" . $andromedaPrefs["rowLinkColor"] . "\">" . displayName($x,false) . "</font></a>";}

else {

echo "<a href= . folderLink($x) . "><font size=\"2\">" . displayName($x,false) . "</font></a>";}

if ($andromedaPrefs["displayNew]) {echo displaynew(newestfile($x));}

echo "</td></tr></table></td><td align=right>";

if (($mysubfolderCount == 0) && ($myfileCount == 0)) {

$desc2 = "&nbsp;";}

if (($mysubfolderCount > 1) && ($myfileCount == 0)) {

$desc2 = $mysubfolderCount . "&nbsp;" . trans(5);

$link2 = folderLink($x);}

if (($mysubfolderCount == 0) && ($myfileCount > 0)) {

$desc2 = $myfileCount . "&nbsp;" . ifps2($myfileCount,trans(2),trans(3));

$link2 = folderLink($x);}

if (($mysubfolderCount > 0) && ($myfileCount > 0)) {

$desc2 = $mysubfolderCount . "&nbsp;". ifps2($mysubfolderCount,trans(4),trans(5)) . ", " . $myfileCount . "&nbsp;" . ifps2($myfileCount,trans(2),trans(3));

$link2 = folderLink($x);}

if (($mysubfolderCount == 1) && ($myfileCount == 0)) {

$tyty = getsubfolders($x);

$desc2 = displayName($tyty[0],false);

$link2 = folderLink($x . "/" . $tyty[0]);}

if ($link2 != "") {

if (($andromedaPrefs["disableHTMLheaders"] || ($andromedaPrefs["rowLinkColor"] != $andromedaPrefs["bodyLinkColor"])) && $andromedaPrefs["rowLinkColor"] != "") {

$desc2 = "<a href= . $link2 . " style=\"color:" . $andromedaPrefs["rowLinkColor] . "\"><font size=\"1\" color=\"" . $andromedaPrefs["rowLinkColor"] . "\">" . $desc2 . "</font></a>";}

else {

$desc2 = "<a href= . $link2 . "><font size=\"1\">" . $desc2 . "</font></a>";}}

else {

$desc2 = "<font size=\"1\">" . $desc2 . "</font>";}

if ($andromedaPrefs["playLinks]) {

if (playable($x)) {

echo "<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0><tr><td align=right>";

echo $desc2;

echo "</td><td>";


echo "</td><td>";


echo "</td></tr></table>";}

else {echo $desc2;}}

else {echo $desc2;}

echo "</td></tr></table>";}

function filerow ($x,$d,$m) {

global $andromedaPrefs,$totalrowcount,$fileTypes;

$thisfiletype = strtolower(getextention($x));

$thisfilesize = filesize($andromedaPrefs["mediaPhysicalPath"] . $x);

if ($andromedaPrefs["getID3info"] && ($thisfiletype == "mp3") && ($thisfilesize > 0)) {

$fp = fopen($andromedaPrefs["mediaPhysicalPath"] . $x,"rb");

$mp3Length = "";

$mp3Album = "";

$mp3Artist = "";

$mp3TrackName = "";

$mp3Quality = "";

$fpp = 0;

for ($i = 0; $i <= 9; $i++) {$bb[$i] = ord(fread($fp,1));}

$fpp = $fpp + 10;

$validID3v2header = (($bb[0] == 73) && ($bb[1] == 68) && ($bb[2] == 51) && ($bb[3] < 255) && ($bb[4] < 255) && ($bb[5] == ($bb[5] & 240)) && ($bb[6] == 0) && ($bb[7] < 128) && ($bb[8] < 128) && ($bb[9] < 128));

if ($validID3v2header) {

$ID3size = $bb[7] * 128 * 128 + $bb[8] * 128 + $bb[9];

$extendedHeader = ($bb[5] & 64) / 64;

$footerPresent = ($bb[5] & 16) / 16;

$totalID3size = 10 + $ID3size + $footerPresent * 10;

if ($extendedHeader == 1) {

for ($i = 0; $i <= 5; $i++) {$bb[$i] = ord(fread($fp,1));}

$fpp = $fpp + 6;

$extendedHeaderSize = $bb[1] * 128 * 128 + $bb[2] * 128 + $bb[3];

fseek($fp,10 + $extendedHeaderSize);

$fpp = 10 + $extendedHeaderSize;}

for ($i = 0; $i <= 9; $i++) {$bb[$i] = ord(fread($fp,1));}

$fpp = $fpp + 10;

while (((($bb[0] >= 48) && ($bb[0] <= 57)) || (($bb[0] >= 65) && ($bb[0] <= 90))) && ((($bb[1] >= 48) && ($bb[1] <= 57)) || (($bb[1] >= 65) && ($bb[1] <= 90))) && ((($bb[2] >= 48) && ($bb[2] <= 57)) || (($bb[2] >= 65) && ($bb[2] <= 90))) && ((($bb[3] >= 48) && ($bb[3] <= 57)) || (($bb[3] >= 65) && ($bb[3] <= 90))) && ($bb[4] == 0) && ($bb[5] < 128) && ($bb[6] < 128) && ($bb[7] < 128)) {

$ID3frameID = chr($bb[0]) . chr($bb[1]) . chr($bb[2]) . chr($bb[3]);

$ID3frameSize = $bb[5] * 128 * 128 + $bb[6] * 128 + $bb[7];

if ($ID3frameSize > 0) {

$skipbyte = fread($fp,1);

$ID3frameVal = fread($fp,$ID3frameSize - 1);

$fpp = $fpp + $ID3frameSize;}

else {$ID3frameVal = "";}

if ($ID3frameID == "TLEN") {$mp3Length = $ID3frameVal / 1000;}

#elseif ($ID3frameID == "TCON") {$mp3Genre = $ID3frameVal;}

#elseif ($ID3frameID == "TRCK") {$mp3TrackNumber = $ID3frameVal;}

elseif ($ID3frameID == "TALB") {$mp3Album = $ID3frameVal;}

elseif ($ID3frameID == "TPE1") {$mp3Artist = $ID3frameVal;}

elseif ($ID3frameID == "TIT2") {$mp3TrackName = $ID3frameVal;}

for ($i = 0; $i <= 9; $i++) {$bb[$i] = ord(fread($fp,1));}

$fpp = $fpp + 10;}

$offset = $totalID3size - $fpp;

if ($offset >= 0) {


$fpp = $totalID3size;

for ($i = 0; $i <= 3; $i++) {$bb[$i] = ord(fread($fp,1));}

$fpp = $fpp + 4;}

else {

for ($i = 1; $i <= (-1 * $offset); $i++) {

$bb[$i-1] = $bb[10 + $offset + $i - 1];}

if ((4 + $offset) > 0) {

for ($i = (-1 * $offset); $i <= 3; $i++) {

$bb[$i] = ord(fread($fp,1));

$fpp = $fpp + 1;}}}}

$cbr = true;

for ($xox = 1; $xox <= ($andromedaPrefs["vbrScanCount"] + $andromedaPrefs["vbrSkipCount"]); $xox++) {

$mpegVersion = ($bb[1] & 24) / 8;

$layer = ($bb[1] & 6) / 2;

$protection = ($bb[1] & 1);

$bitrate = ($bb[2] & 240) / 16;

$samplefrequency = ($bb[2] & 12) / 4;

$padded = ($bb[2] & 2) / 2;

$channelMode = ($bb[3] & 192) / 64;

$validMP3frame = (($bb[0] == 255) && ($bb[1] >= 224) && ($mpegVersion != 1) && ($layer != 0) && ($bitrate != 0) && ($bitrate != 15) && ($samplefrequency != 3));

if ($validMP3frame) {

if ($mpegVersion == 3) {

if ($layer == 3) {$column = 1;}

elseif ($layer == 2) {$column = 2;}

elseif ($layer == 1) {$column = 3;}

if ($samplefrequency == 0) {$samplefrequencyD = 44100;}

elseif ($samplefrequency == 1) {$samplefrequencyD = 48000;}

elseif ($samplefrequency == 2) {$samplefrequencyD = 32000;}}

elseif ($mpegVersion = 2) {

if ($layer == 3) {$column = 4;}

elseif ($layer == 2) {$column = 5;}

elseif ($layer == 1) {$column = 5;}

if ($samplefrequency == 0) {$samplefrequencyD = 22050;}

elseif ($samplefrequency == 1) {$samplefrequencyD = 24000;}

elseif ($samplefrequency == 2) {$samplefrequencyD = 16000;}}

elseif ($mpegVersion = 0) {

if ($layer == 3) {$column = 4;}

elseif ($layer == 2) {$column = 5;}

elseif ($layer == 1) {$column = 5;}

if ($samplefrequency == 0) {$samplefrequencyD = 11025;}

elseif ($samplefrequency == 1) {$samplefrequencyD = 12000;}

elseif ($samplefrequency == 2) {$samplefrequencyD = 8000;}}

$bitrateDataA = array(32,32,32,32,8,64,48,40,48,16,96,56,48,56,24,128,64,56,64,32,160,80,64,80,40,192,96,80,96,48,224,112,96,112,56,256,128,112,128,64,288,160,128,144,80,320,192,160,160,96,352,224,192,176,112,384,256,224,192,128,416,320,256,224,144,448,384,320,256,160);

$bitrateD = $bitrateDataA[($bitrate - 1) * 5 + $column - 1];

if (($bitrateD != $prevbitrateD) && ($prevbitrateD != "")) {

$cbr = false;}

$prevbitrateD = $bitrateD;

if ($channelMode == 0) {$channelModeD = "Stereo";}

elseif ($channelMode == 1) {$channelModeD = "Joint Stereo";}

elseif ($channelMode == 2) {$channelModeD = "Dual Channel";}

elseif ($channelMode == 3) {$channelModeD = "Single channel (Mono)";}

if (($layer == 1) || ($layer == 2)) {

$framesize = floor((144 * 1000 * $bitrateD) / $samplefrequencyD) + $padded;}

elseif ($layer == 3) {

$framesize = floor(12 * 1000 * $bitrateD / $samplefrequencyD + $padded) * 4;}

if ($xox > $andromedaPrefs["vbrSkipCount"]) {$avgbitrateD += $bitrateD;}

if (($xox >= $andromedaPrefs["cbrCutoff"]) && $cbr) {break;}}

else {break;}

if ($xox == 1) {

if ($validID3v2header) {$cursor = $framesize-4;}

else {$cursor = $framesize-10;}}

else {$cursor = $framesize-4;}

if ($fpp + $cursor < $thisfilesize) {

$skip = ord(fread($fp,$cursor));

$fpp = $fpp + $cursor;

for ($i = 0; $i <= 3; $i++) {

$bb[$i] = ord(fread($fp,1));}

$fpp = $fpp + 4;}

else {break;}}

if ($bitrateD != "") {

if ($cbr) {

if ($mp3Length == "") {

$mp3Length = round($thisfilesize / ($bitrateD * 1000 / 8));}

$mp3Quality = $bitrateD . "&nbsp;kbit/s";}

else {

if ($mp3Length == "") {

$mp3Length = round($thisfilesize / ($avgbitrateD/($xox-1-$andromedaPrefs["vbrSkipCount"]) * 1000 / 8));}

$mp3Quality = round($avgbitrateD/($xox-1-$andromedaPrefs["vbrSkipCount"])) . "&nbsp;kbit/s&nbsp;VBR";}}

#$mp3Quality = $bitrateD . "&nbsp;kbit/s " . $samplefrequencyD . "&nbsp;Hz " . $channelModeD;

if (!$andromedaPrefs["skipID3v1"] && ($mp3TrackName == "")) {

fseek($fp,$thisfilesize - 128);

$id3v1tag = strtoupper(fread($fp,3));

if (($id3v1tag == "ID3") || ($id3v1tag == "TAG")) {

$id3v1Title = trim(fread($fp,30));

$id3v1Artist = trim(fread($fp,30));

$id3v1Album = trim(fread($fp,30));

$id3v1Year = trim(fread($fp,4));

$id3v1Comment = trim(fread($fp,28));

$id3v12skip = ord(fread($fp,1));

$id3v12number = ord(fread($fp,1));

$id3v1Genre = ord(fread($fp,1));

#if ($mp3Genre == "") {$mp3Genre = $id3v1Genre;}

#if ($mp3TrackNumber == "") {$mp3TrackNumber = $id3v12number;}

if ($mp3Album == "") {$mp3Album = $id3v1Album;}

if ($mp3Artist == "") {$mp3Artist = $id3v1Artist;}

if ($mp3TrackName == "") {$mp3TrackName = $id3v1Title;}}}


switch ($fileTypes[$thisfiletype]) {

case "audio":

$fileicon = "a";


case "video":

$fileicon = "v";


case "playlist":

$fileicon = "l";


$totalrowcount = $totalrowcount + 1;

if ($totalrowcount != 1) {colorBars($andromedaPrefs["rowDiv"]);}

echo "<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 border=0 width=\"" . $andromedaPrefs["siteWidth"] . "\" bgcolor= . switchrow($totalrowcount,$andromedaPrefs["rowColor1],$andromedaPrefs["rowColor2"]) . "><tr><td>";

if ($d) {



echo "<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0><tr>";

if ($andromedaPrefs["permitPlaylists"]) {

echo "<td valign=top><input type=checkbox name=\"f[]\" value=\"";

if ($m) {echo "i" . $x;}

else {echo $totalrowcount;}

echo "\"";

if ($andromedaPrefs["checkboxDefault"]) {echo " checked";}

echo "></td>";}

echo "<td valign=top>";

if ($andromedaPrefs["fileLinks"]) {

echo "<a href=\"" . mkMediaWebPath($x) . "\">";


echo "</a>";}

else {imagetag($fileicon,"i","");}

echo "</td><td valign=top>";

if ($andromedaPrefs["fileLinks"]) {

if (($andromedaPrefs["disableHTMLheaders"] || ($andromedaPrefs["rowLinkColor"] != $andromedaPrefs["bodyLinkColor"])) && $andromedaPrefs["rowLinkColor"] != "") {

echo "<a href=\"" . mkMediaWebPath($x) . "\" style=\"color:" . $andromedaPrefs["rowLinkColor"] . "\"><font size=\"2\" color=\"" . $andromedaPrefs["rowLinkColor"] . "\">";

if ($mp3TrackName != "") {echo $mp3TrackName;}

else {echo displayName($x,true);}

echo "</font></a>";}

else {

echo "<a href=\"" . mkMediaWebPath($x) . "\"><font size=\"2\">";

if ($mp3TrackName != "") {echo $mp3TrackName;}

else {echo displayName($x,true);}

echo "</font></a>";}}

else {

echo "<font size=\"2\" color=\"" . $andromedaPrefs["rowTextColor"] . "\">";

if ($mp3TrackName != "") {echo $mp3TrackName;}

else {echo displayName($x,true);}

echo "</font>";}

if ($andromedaPrefs["displayNew"]) {displaynew(filemtime($andromedaPrefs["mediaPhysicalPath"] . $x));}

if (($mp3Artist != "") || ($mp3Album != "")) {

echo "<br><font size=\"1\" color=\"" . $andromedaPrefs["rowTextColor"] . "\">";

if (($mp3Artist != "") && ($mp3Album != "")) {echo $mp3Artist . " - " . $mp3Album;}

else {echo $mp3Artist . $mp3Album;}

echo "</font>";}

echo "</td></tr></table></td><td align=right>";

if ($andromedaPrefs["playLinks"]) {

echo "<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0><tr><td align=right><font size=\"1\" color=\"" . $andromedaPrefs["rowTextColor"] . "\">";

if (($mp3Length != "") || ($mp3Quality != "")) {

if (($mp3Length != "") && ($mp3Quality != "")) {echo sec2time($mp3Length) . " · " . $mp3Quality;}

else {

if ($mp3Length != "") {echo sec2time($mp3Length);}

else {echo $mp3Quality;}}

echo " · ";}

echo byteCount($thisfilesize) . " · " . strtoupper($thisfiletype) . "</font></td><td>";


echo "</td><td><a href= . andrLink("?q=m&m=",$x) . ">";


echo "</a></td></tr></table>";}

else {

echo "<font size=\"1\" color=\"" . $andromedaPrefs["rowTextColor] . "\">";

if (($mp3Length != "") || ($mp3Quality != "")) {

if (($mp3Length != "") && ($mp3Quality != "")) {echo sec2time($mp3Length) . " · " . $mp3Quality;}

else {

if ($mp3Length != "") {echo sec2time($mp3Length);}

else {echo $mp3Quality;}}

echo " · ";}

echo byteCount($thisfilesize) . " " . strtoupper($thisfiletype) . "</font>";}

echo "</td></tr></table>";}

function rowNote ($x,$i) {

global $andromedaPrefs, $totalrowcount, $currentLanguage;

if ($andromedaPrefs["globalAnnotations"] || ($andromedaPrefs["defaultLanguage"] == $currentLanguage)) {

if ($i != "") {

if (file_exists($andromedaPrefs["mediaPhysicalPath"] . $i . "/" . $andromedaPrefs["folderListImage"] . ".jpg")) {

$folderImageExt = ".jpg";}

elseif (file_exists($andromedaPrefs["mediaPhysicalPath"] . $i . "/". $andromedaPrefs["folderListImage"] . ".gif")) {

$folderImageExt = ".gif";}}

if (file_exists($andromedaPrefs["mediaPhysicalPath"] . $x)) {

$fd = fopen($andromedaPrefs["mediaPhysicalPath"] . $x, "r");

$note = fread($fd, filesize($andromedaPrefs["mediaPhysicalPath"] . $x));

fclose ($fd);}

if (($folderImageExt != "") || ($note != "")) {

echo "<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 width=\"" . $andromedaPrefs["siteWidth"] . "\" bgcolor= . switchrow($totalrowcount,$andromedaPrefs["rowColor1],$andromedaPrefs["rowColor2"]) . "><tr><td>";


echo "</td><td width=100%>";

if ($folderImageExt != "") {

if ($andromedaPrefs["folderListImageDims"] != "") {

$ittmpa = explode(",",$andromedaPrefs["folderListImageDims"]);

$imgdimtag = " width= . $ittmpa[0] . " height=" . $ittmpa[1];}

else {

$imgdimtag = "";}

echo "<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 align=left><tr><td><a href=" . folderLink(parentFolder($x)) . "><img src=\"" . mkMediaWebPath(parentFolder($x) . "/" . $andromedaPrefs["folderListImage] . $folderImageExt) . "\"" . $imgdimtag . " border=0></a></td></tr></table>";}

if ($note != "") {

echo "<font size=\"2\" color=\"" . $andromedaPrefs["rowTextColor"] . "\">" . $note . "</font>";}

echo "</td></tr></table>";


function searchbar ($s) {

global $andromedaConst, $andromedaPrefs, $sm;

echo "<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 border=0 width=\"" . $andromedaPrefs["siteWidth"] . "\" bgcolor=\"" . $andromedaPrefs["bodyFgColor"] . "\"><tr><td align=right><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0><form method=get action= . $andromedaConst["scriptFileName] . ">";

if ($andromedaConst["moduleMode"]) {

echo "<input type=hidden name=op value=modload><input type=hidden name=name value=\"" . basename(dirname(__FILE__)) . "\"><input type=hidden name=file value=\"" . getbasename(basename(__FILE__))

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