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problemas na instalação

segue mensagem de erro

Warning: fopen(application.php3): failed to open stream: Permission denied in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Extranet\agenda\install.php3 on line 119

Unable to create file 'application.php3'. Unable to continue the installation.

Qual e o problema, algum sabe como instalar e configurar esse php?


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E qual versão do win tu usa...

estou usando meu servidor e um 2000 php4




<title>phpMyAgenda Setup Script</title>

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css">


<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000">

<p><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><img src="images/logo25.gif" width="85" height="49" align="absmiddle"><font size="5"><b><font color="#336699">phpMyAgenda

</font><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><font size="5"><b><font color="#336699">Setup</font></b></font></font></b></font></font></p>




<p><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">Please fill the

following form to configure phpmyagenda</font></p>

<form name="form1" method="post" action="">

<input type="hidden" name="filled" value="0">

<table width="100%" border="0">


<td colspan="2" height="2">

<p class="calendar_selday">General Setup</p>




<td width="28%" class="tdsingletitle2">WWW root : </td>

<td width="72%" class="normal">


<input type="text" name="agendaroot" size="40">


<span class="result_description">This is the root url of the agenda

: http://<b></b>/agenda/install.php3<br>





<td width="28%" class="tdsingletitle2" height="40">Agenda installation folder

: </td>

<td width="72%" class="normal" height="40">

<p class="result_description">

<input type="text" name="wwwroot" size="40">


This is the folder in which you have installed phpmyagenda :<b>agenda</b....php3<br>





<td width="28%" class="tdsingletitle2">Default language : </td>

<td width="72%">

<select name="defaultlang">

<option value="1">Fran&ccedil;ais</option>

<option value="2">English</option>

<option value="3">Espanol</option>

<option value="4">German</option>

<option value="5">Slovene</option>





<td colspan="2" height="10">

<p class="calendar_selday">Database Setup</p>




<td width="28%" class="tdsingletitle2">Database host : </td>

<td width="72%" class="normal">


<input type="text" name="dbhost" size="40">


<span class="result_description">This is the url of your mysql server</span></p>




<td width="28%" class="tdsingletitle2">Database name : </td>

<td width="72%" class="normal">


<input type="text" name="dbname" size="40" value="phpmyagenda">


<span class="result_description">This is the name of the database that

will be created</span></p>




<td width="28%" class="tdsingletitle2">Database user : </td>

<td width="72%" class="normal">


<input type="text" name="dbuser" size="40">


<span class="result_description">This is the name you use to connect

to the database</span></p>




<td width="28%" class="tdsingletitle2">Database pass : </td>

<td width="72%" class="normal">


<input type="password" name="dbpass" size="40">


<span class="result_description">This is the password you use to connect

to the database</span></p>




<p align="center">

<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Generate configuration file and database">



<?php else :


$file_tpl = "application.tpl";

$tpl = fopen($file_tpl , "r");

if($tpl == false)


echo "Unable to open file '$file_tpl'. Check that this file is present and re-launch the install script";



$file_appli = "application.php3";

$appli = fopen($file_appli , "w+");

if($appli == false)


echo "Unable to create file '$file_appli'. Unable to continue the installation.";



$content = fread($tpl , filesize($file_tpl));

echo "<span class='normal'>Setting folders...ok</span><br>";

$content = eregi_replace("{WWWROOT}" , $wwwroot , $content);

$content = eregi_replace("{AGENDAROOT}" , $agendaroot , $content);

echo "<span class='normal'>Setting default language...ok</span><br>";

$content = eregi_replace("{DEFAULTLANG}" , $defaultlang , $content);

echo "<span class='normal'>Setting database information...ok</span><br>";

$content = eregi_replace("{DBHOST}" , $dbhost , $content);

$content = eregi_replace("{DBNAME}" , $dbname , $content);

$content = eregi_replace("{DBUSER}" , $dbuser , $content);

$content = eregi_replace("{DBPASS}" , $dbpass , $content);

echo "<span class='normal'>Saving configuration...";

$result = fwrite($appli , $content);

if($result == 0)


echo "<br>Unable to write '$file_appli'. Setup aborted. phpMyAgenda is not properly installed.</span><br>";




echo ("ok</span><br>");

echo "<span class='normal'>Connecting to database...";

if(!$dbh = @mysql_pconnect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass))


echo "<b>Can't connect to $dbhost as $dbuser</b>. Setup aborted. phpMyAgenda is not properly installed.</span>";




echo "ok</span><br>";

echo "<span class='normal'>Creating database $dbname...";

if(!@mysql_query("CREATE DATABASE ".$dbname))




echo "<b>Can't create database $dbname</b>. Setup aborted. phpMyAgenda is not properly installed.</span>";




echo "ok</span><br>";



echo "ok</span><br>";

echo "<span class='normal'>Selecting database $dbname...";



echo "<b>Can't select database $dbname</b>. Setup aborted. phpMyAgenda is not properly installed.</span>";




echo "ok</span><br>";

echo "<span class='normal'>Creating tables and predefined accounts...";

// read dump from phpmyadmin

/* $Id: db_readdump.php3,v 1.12 1999/11/24 11:20:37 tobias Exp $ */


function split_sql($sql)


$sql = trim($sql);

$buffer = array();

$ret = array();

$in_string = false;

for($i=0; $i<strlen($sql); $i++)


if($sql[$i] == ";" && !$in_string)


$ret[] = substr($sql, 0, $i);

$sql = substr($sql, $i + 1);

$i = 0;


if($in_string && ($sql[$i] == $in_string) && $buffer[0] != "\\")


$in_string = false;


elseif(!$in_string && ($sql[$i] == "\"" || $sql[$i] == "'") && $buffer[0] != "\\")


$in_string = $sql[$i];




$buffer[0] = $buffer[1];


$buffer[1] = $sql[$i];


if (!empty($sql))


$ret[] = $sql;




$sql_file = "phpmyagenda.sql";

if(!empty($sql_file) && $sql_file != "none")


$sql_query = fread(fopen($sql_file, "r"), filesize($sql_file));


$pieces = split_sql($sql_query);

if (count($pieces) == 1)


$sql_query = trim($pieces[0]);

include ("sql.php3");



for ($i=0; $i<count($pieces); $i++)


$pieces[$i] = stripslashes(trim($pieces[$i]));

$result = mysql_query ($pieces[$i]) or die();



echo "ok</span><br>";

echo "<span class='normal'>Adding Administrator account : login = <b>admin</b>, pass = <b>pass</b>... ok</span></br>";

echo "<span class='normal'>Adding Write enable account : login = <b>write</b>, pass = <b>write</b>... ok</span></br>";

echo "<span class='normal'>Adding Read only account : login = <b>read</b>, pass = <b>read</b>... ok</span></br>";

echo "<br><span class='tdsingletitle'>Congratulation, setup has completed successfully.<br></span>";

echo "<br><span class='tdsingletitle2'>Click on the following links to start using phpMyAgenda :<br>";

echo "<br><span class='tdsingletitle2'><a href='agenda.php3'>Visitor interface</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='./admin/index.php3'>Administrator interface</a><br>";



<p>&nbsp; </p>




esse e o cod.

valeu ....

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Cara, então não sei o que tá acontecendo, achei que fosse problema nas permissões do diretório porque não está deixando criar um arquivo...

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problemas na instalação

segue mensagem de erro

Warning: fopen(application.php3): failed to open stream: Permission denied in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Extranet\agenda\install.php3 on line 119

Unable to create file 'application.php3'. Unable to continue the installation.

Qual e o problema, algum sabe como instalar e configurar esse php?


Warning: fopen(application.php3): failed to open stream: Permission denied in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Extranet\agenda\install.php3 on line 119

Unable to create file 'application.php3'. Unable to continue the installation.

Esta mensagem ocorre quando o arquivo não é encontrado no diretório indicado.

Verifique se realmente o arquivo esta lá e se o script anterior está apontando para o diretório correto.

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Guest Mauricio - Não Logado

Ai pessoal, sou o Mauricio e to com preguissa de logar. To com problemas num tal de ActiveX e meu flash n funciona mais :blink: ... Isso só acontece comigo! <_<

só to respondendo pra dizer que esse André Gusmão é bom mesmo... é o rei do JavaScript e é fera em PHP. :D

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Guest Mauricio não LOGADO

Pode ser que o arquivo n teja aí ou que seu servivor não rode PHP 3 mesmo. Eu tenho um q suporta php4 mas não suporta php3 de jeito nenhum!!!

(esqueci de logar de novo)


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problemas na instalação

segue mensagem de erro

Warning: fopen(application.php3): failed to open stream: Permission denied in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Extranet\agenda\install.php3 on line 119

Unable to create file 'application.php3'. Unable to continue the installation.

Qual e o problema, algum sabe como instalar e configurar esse php?


Warning: fopen(application.php3): failed to open stream: Permission denied in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Extranet\agenda\install.php3 on line 119

Unable to create file 'application.php3'. Unable to continue the installation.

Esta mensagem ocorre quando o arquivo não é encontrado no diretório indicado.

Verifique se realmente o arquivo esta lá e se o script anterior está apontando para o diretório correto.

Obrigado André...mas e o seguinte to rodando o php 4 e o script pede o tres..dai instalei o 3 mas nada cara e tenho de colocar uma agenda que possa incluir tarefas e coisas assim....

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