O arquivo word.txt contem cerca de 200 palavras.
abaixo o arquivo freecap.php
header ("Content-type: image/png");
// if false, generates quasi-random string (harder for humans to read, though)
$use_dict = true;
// true=transparent background, false=white
$bg_trans = true;
// colour of word
$text_r = rand(50,150);
$text_g = rand(50,150);
$text_b = rand(50,150);
// get word
// load dictionary and choose random word
// keep dictionary in non-web accessible folder, or htaccess it
// or modify so word comes from a database; SELECT word FROM words ORDER BY rand() LIMIT 1
// took 0.11 seconds when 'words' had 10,000 records
$words = file("words.txt");
$word = strtolower($words[rand(0,sizeof($words)-1)]);
// cut off line endings/other possible odd chars
$word = ereg_replace("[^a-z]","",$word);
// might be large file so forget it now
} else {
// modified from code by breakzero at hotmail dot com
// (http://uk.php.net/manual/en/function.rand.php)
// doesn't use easily mistaken chars like ij1lo0
$consonant = 'bcdfghkmnpqrstuvwx2345789';
$vowel = 'aeyu';
$word = "";
$wordlen = rand(5,6);
for($i=0; $i<$wordlen; $i++)
// don't allow to start with 'vowel'
if(rand(0,2)==1 && $i!=0)
$word .= substr($vowel,rand(1,strlen($vowel))-1,1);
} else {
$word .= substr($consonant,rand(1,strlen($consonant))-1,1);
// save word for comparison
$_SESSION['freecap_word'] = $word;
// modify width depending on maximum possible length of word
// you shouldn't need to use words > 6 chars in length though.
$width = 250;
$height = 60;
$im = ImageCreate($width, $height);
// blends colours, but is a pain to get nice transparency if true colour
$im2 = ImageCreateTrueColor($width, $height);
} else {
$im2 = ImageCreate($width, $height);
// set background colour (can change to any colour not in 50-150 range)
$bg = ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 255, 255);
// set text colour
$text_color = ImageColorAllocate($im, $text_r, $text_g, $text_b);
// write word in random position, in random font size
$word_start_x = rand(1,30);
$word_start_y = rand(1,3);
$font_size = rand(2,5);
ImageString($im, $font_size, $word_start_x, $word_start_y, $word, $text_color);
// enlarge itself
// (could be acheived by using larger font; for compatibility, leave as is for now)
// randomly scale between 2 and 3 times orig size
$scale = "2.".rand(1,9999);
$scale = floatval($scale);
$width_scaled = $width*$scale;
$height_scaled = $height*$scale;
ImageCopyResampled($im2, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width_scaled, $height_scaled, $width, $height);
// blank original image out
// randomly morph each character on x-axis
// copies enlarged text back to original image
$morph_factor = 1;
$y_chunk = 1;
for($i=0; $i<=$height_scaled; $i+=$y_chunk)
// change amount of y_chunk
$y_chunk = rand(1,3);
for($j=0; $j<=strlen($word); $j++)
$orig_x = ($word_start_x+$j*($font_size+4))*$scale;
$morph_x = $orig_x + rand(-$morph_factor,$morph_factor);
ImageCopy($im, $im2, $morph_x, $i, $orig_x, $i, 21, $y_chunk);
// randomly morph word along y-axis
$word_start_x *= $scale;
$x_chunk = rand(5,10);
$word_pix_size = $word_start_x+(strlen($word)*($font_size+4)*$scale);
for($i=$word_start_x; $i<=$word_pix_size; $i+=$x_chunk)
ImageCopy($im2, $im, $i, rand(-1,1), $i, 0, $x_chunk+1, $height);
// make background transparent
// tag it (feel free to remove/change (but if it's not essential I'd appreciate you leaving it))
$lt_grey = ImageColorAllocate($im2,128,128,128);
// ensure tag is right-aligned
$tag_str = "";
$tag_width = strlen($tag_str)*6;
// write tag
ImageString($im2, 2, $width-$tag_width, 45, $tag_str, $lt_grey);
// output image
// kill GD images (removes from memory)
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O arquivo word.txt contem cerca de 200 palavras. abaixo o arquivo freecap.phpPor favor, me ajudem
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