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Erro '80040e14'

Guest Gutexx


Galera, estou tendo problemas com esse erro alguém poderia me ajudar!!!

O erro esta acontecendo tanto na edição, como na Exclusão de dados no guestbook!

A mensagem é a seguinte:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'mensagem_ID = , 87'.

/viacorpo/admin/detalhes.asp, line 111

Segue em anexo o código, se puderem me ajudar agradeceria muito. ´


<!--#include file="../Connections/connViaCorpo.asp" -->


' *** Edit Operations: declare variables

Dim MM_editAction

Dim MM_abortEdit

Dim MM_editQuery

Dim MM_editCmd

Dim MM_editConnection

Dim MM_editTable

Dim MM_editRedirectUrl

Dim MM_editColumn

Dim MM_recordId

Dim MM_fieldsStr

Dim MM_columnsStr

Dim MM_fields

Dim MM_columns

Dim MM_typeArray

Dim MM_formVal

Dim MM_delim

Dim MM_altVal

Dim MM_emptyVal

Dim MM_i

MM_editAction = CStr(Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME"))

If (Request.QueryString <> "") Then

MM_editAction = MM_editAction & "?" & Server.HTMLEncode(Request.QueryString)

End If

' boolean to abort record edit

MM_abortEdit = false

' query string to execute

MM_editQuery = ""



' *** Delete Record: declare variables

if (CStr(Request("MM_delete")) = "form1" And CStr(Request("MM_recordId")) <> "") Then

MM_editConnection = MM_connViaCorpo_STRING

MM_editTable = "guestbook"

MM_editColumn = "mensagem_ID"

MM_recordId = "" + Request.Form("MM_recordId") + ""

MM_editRedirectUrl = ""

' append the query string to the redirect URL

If (MM_editRedirectUrl <> "" And Request.QueryString <> "") Then

If (InStr(1, MM_editRedirectUrl, "?", vbTextCompare) = 0 And Request.QueryString <> "") Then

MM_editRedirectUrl = MM_editRedirectUrl & "?" & Request.QueryString


MM_editRedirectUrl = MM_editRedirectUrl & "&" & Request.QueryString

End If

End If

End If



' *** Delete Record: construct a sql delete statement and execute it

If (CStr(Request("MM_delete")) <> "" And CStr(Request("MM_recordId")) <> "") Then

' create the sql delete statement

MM_editQuery = "delete from " & MM_editTable & " where " & MM_editColumn & " = " & MM_recordId

If (Not MM_abortEdit) Then

' execute the delete

Set MM_editCmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")

MM_editCmd.ActiveConnection = MM_editConnection

MM_editCmd.CommandText = MM_editQuery



If (MM_editRedirectUrl <> "") Then


End If

End If

End If



' *** Restrict Access To Page: Grant or deny access to this page




If Session("MM_Username") <> "" Then

If (true Or CStr(Session("MM_UserAuthorization"))="") Or _

(InStr(1,MM_authorizedUsers,Session("MM_UserAuthorization"))>=1) Then

MM_grantAccess = true

End If

End If

If Not MM_grantAccess Then

MM_qsChar = "?"

If (InStr(1,MM_authFailedURL,"?") >= 1) Then MM_qsChar = "&"

MM_referrer = Request.ServerVariables("URL")

if (Len(Request.QueryString()) > 0) Then MM_referrer = MM_referrer & "?" & Request.QueryString()

MM_authFailedURL = MM_authFailedURL & MM_qsChar & "accessdenied=" & Server.URLEncode(MM_referrer)


End If



Dim Recordset1

Dim Recordset1_numRows

Set Recordset1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

Recordset1.ActiveConnection = MM_connViaCorpo_STRING

Recordset1.Source = "SELECT * FROM guestbook"

Recordset1.CursorType = 0

Recordset1.CursorLocation = 2

Recordset1.LockType = 1


Recordset1_numRows = 0



' *** Recordset Stats, Move To Record, and Go To Record: declare stats variables

Dim Recordset1_total

Dim Recordset1_first

Dim Recordset1_last

' set the record count

Recordset1_total = Recordset1.RecordCount

' set the number of rows displayed on this page

If (Recordset1_numRows < 0) Then

Recordset1_numRows = Recordset1_total

Elseif (Recordset1_numRows = 0) Then

Recordset1_numRows = 1

End If

' set the first and last displayed record

Recordset1_first = 1

Recordset1_last = Recordset1_first + Recordset1_numRows - 1

' if we have the correct record count, check the other stats

If (Recordset1_total <> -1) Then

If (Recordset1_first > Recordset1_total) Then

Recordset1_first = Recordset1_total

End If

If (Recordset1_last > Recordset1_total) Then

Recordset1_last = Recordset1_total

End If

If (Recordset1_numRows > Recordset1_total) Then

Recordset1_numRows = Recordset1_total

End If

End If



Dim MM_paramName



' *** Move To Record and Go To Record: declare variables

Dim MM_rs

Dim MM_rsCount

Dim MM_size

Dim MM_uniqueCol

Dim MM_offset

Dim MM_atTotal

Dim MM_paramIsDefined

Dim MM_param

Dim MM_index

Set MM_rs = Recordset1

MM_rsCount = Recordset1_total

MM_size = Recordset1_numRows

MM_uniqueCol = "mensagem_ID"

MM_paramName = "id"

MM_offset = 0

MM_atTotal = false

MM_paramIsDefined = false

If (MM_paramName <> "") Then

MM_paramIsDefined = (Request.QueryString(MM_paramName) <> "")

End If



' *** Move To Specific Record: handle detail parameter

If (MM_paramIsDefined And MM_rsCount <> 0) Then

' get the value of the parameter

MM_param = Request.QueryString(MM_paramName)

' find the record with the unique column value equal to the parameter value

MM_offset = 0

Do While (Not MM_rs.EOF)

If (CStr(MM_rs.Fields.Item(MM_uniqueCol).Value) = MM_param) Then

Exit Do

End If

MM_offset = MM_offset + 1



' if not found, set the number of records and reset the cursor

If (MM_rs.EOF) Then

If (MM_rsCount < 0) Then

MM_rsCount = MM_offset

End If

If (MM_size < 0 Or MM_size > MM_offset) Then

MM_size = MM_offset

End If

MM_offset = 0

' reset the cursor to the beginning

If (MM_rs.CursorType > 0) Then





End If

End If

End If



' *** Move To Record: if we dont know the record count, check the display range

If (MM_rsCount = -1) Then

' walk to the end of the display range for this page

MM_index = MM_offset

While (Not MM_rs.EOF And (MM_size < 0 Or MM_index < MM_offset + MM_size))


MM_index = MM_index + 1


' if we walked off the end of the recordset, set MM_rsCount and MM_size

If (MM_rs.EOF) Then

MM_rsCount = MM_index

If (MM_size < 0 Or MM_size > MM_rsCount) Then

MM_size = MM_rsCount

End If

End If

' if we walked off the end, set the offset based on page size

If (MM_rs.EOF And Not MM_paramIsDefined) Then

If (MM_offset > MM_rsCount - MM_size Or MM_offset = -1) Then

If ((MM_rsCount Mod MM_size) > 0) Then

MM_offset = MM_rsCount - (MM_rsCount Mod MM_size)


MM_offset = MM_rsCount - MM_size

End If

End If

End If

' reset the cursor to the beginning

If (MM_rs.CursorType > 0) Then




End If

' move the cursor to the selected record

MM_index = 0

While (Not MM_rs.EOF And MM_index < MM_offset)


MM_index = MM_index + 1


End If



' *** Move To Record: update recordset stats

' set the first and last displayed record

Recordset1_first = MM_offset + 1

Recordset1_last = MM_offset + MM_size

If (MM_rsCount <> -1) Then

If (Recordset1_first > MM_rsCount) Then

Recordset1_first = MM_rsCount

End If

If (Recordset1_last > MM_rsCount) Then

Recordset1_last = MM_rsCount

End If

End If

' set the boolean used by hide region to check if we are on the last record

MM_atTotal = (MM_rsCount <> -1 And MM_offset + MM_size >= MM_rsCount)


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If (Not MM_abortEdit) Then

' execute the delete

Set MM_editCmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")

MM_editCmd.ActiveConnection = MM_editConnection

MM_editCmd.CommandText = MM_editQuery



Esta nessa parte e a linha 111 é o que está em negrito

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A mensagem é a seguinte:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'mensagem_ID = , 87'.

O que essa vírgula (",") está fazendo ali antes do 87? É esse o problema de sintaxe.



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