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Fórum Script Brasil
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Bbcode Pular Linha

Jony Walker


Preciso incorporar a tag de [br] para ser substituída dentro desse script de bbcode e não tenho a menor idéia de como capturar que a pessoa pulou linha:

var BBCode = function(){
window.undefined = window.undefined;
this.initDone = false;
BBCode.prototype.init = function(t){
if(this.initDone) return false;
if(t == undefined) return false;
this._target = t ? document.getElementById(t) : t;
this.initDone = true;
return true;
BBCode.prototype.noForm = function(){
return this._target == undefined;
// insertcode is used for bold, italic, underline and quote and just
// wraps the tags around a selection or prompts the user for some
// text to apply the tag to
BBCode.prototype.insertCode = function (tag, desc, endtag) {
if(this.noForm()) return false;
var isDesc = (desc == undefined || desc == '') ? false : true;
// our textfield
var textarea = this._target;
// our open tag
var open = '['+tag+']';
var close = '[/'+((endtag == undefined) ? tag : endtag)+']';
if (!textarea.setSelectionRange) {
var selected = document.selection.createRange().text;
if (selected.length<=0) {
// no text was selected so prompt the user for some text
textarea.value += open+((isDesc) ? prompt("Please enter the text you'd like to "+desc, "")+close : '');
} else {
// put the code around the selected text
document.selection.createRange().text = open+selected+((isDesc) ? close : '');
} else {
// the text before the selection
var pretext = textarea.value.substring(0, textarea.selectionStart);
// the selected text with tags before and after
var codetext = open+textarea.value.substring(textarea.selectionStart, textarea.selectionEnd)+((isDesc) ? close : '');
// the text after the selection
var posttext = textarea.value.substring(textarea.selectionEnd, textarea.value.length);
// check if there was a selection
if (codetext == open+close) {
//prompt the user
codetext = open+((isDesc) ? prompt("Coloque o texto que gostaria de deixar "+desc, "")+close : '');
// update the text field
textarea.value = pretext+codetext+posttext;
// set the focus on the text field
// inserts an image by prompting the user for the url
BBCode.prototype.insertImage = function (html) {
if(this.noForm()) return false;
var src = prompt('Coloque o endereço url', 'http://');

// inserts a link by prompting the user for a url
BBCode.prototype.insertLink = function (html) {
if(this.noForm()) return false;
this.insertCode('url='+prompt("Coloque o endereço url", "http://"), 'como texto do link', 'url')

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