Guest APR3ND1Z Postado Março 29, 2007 Denunciar Share Postado Março 29, 2007 Bom dia pessoal,Estou usando o sitema osComerce para estudos, consigo instalá-lo numa boa, mas quando tento acessar o seu admin ele gera este erro:Fatal error: Cannot re-assign $this in c:\Apache\Apache\htdocs\loja\admin\includes\classes\upload.php on line 31Eis o código de upload.php:<?php/* $Id: upload.php,v 1.2 2003/06/20 00:18:30 hpdl Exp $ osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions Copyright © 2003 osCommerce Released under the GNU General Public License*/ class upload { var $file, $filename, $destination, $permissions, $extensions, $tmp_filename, $message_location; function upload($file = '', $destination = '', $permissions = '777', $extensions = '') { $this->set_file($file); $this->set_destination($destination); $this->set_permissions($permissions); $this->set_extensions($extensions); $this->set_output_messages('direct'); if (tep_not_null($this->file) && tep_not_null($this->destination)) { $this->set_output_messages('session'); if ( ($this->parse() == true) && ($this->save() == true) ) { return true; } else {// self destruct $this = null;//AQUI É OND ELE APONTA O ERRO return false; } } } function parse() { global $messageStack; if (isset($_FILES[$this->file])) { $file = array('name' => $_FILES[$this->file]['name'], 'type' => $_FILES[$this->file]['type'], 'size' => $_FILES[$this->file]['size'], 'tmp_name' => $_FILES[$this->file]['tmp_name']); } elseif (isset($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_FILES'][$this->file])) { global $HTTP_POST_FILES; $file = array('name' => $HTTP_POST_FILES[$this->file]['name'], 'type' => $HTTP_POST_FILES[$this->file]['type'], 'size' => $HTTP_POST_FILES[$this->file]['size'], 'tmp_name' => $HTTP_POST_FILES[$this->file]['tmp_name']); } else { $file = array('name' => (isset($GLOBALS[$this->file . '_name']) ? $GLOBALS[$this->file . '_name'] : ''), 'type' => (isset($GLOBALS[$this->file . '_type']) ? $GLOBALS[$this->file . '_type'] : ''), 'size' => (isset($GLOBALS[$this->file . '_size']) ? $GLOBALS[$this->file . '_size'] : ''), 'tmp_name' => (isset($GLOBALS[$this->file]) ? $GLOBALS[$this->file] : '')); } if ( tep_not_null($file['tmp_name']) && ($file['tmp_name'] != 'none') && is_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name']) ) { if (sizeof($this->extensions) > 0) { if (!in_array(strtolower(substr($file['name'], strrpos($file['name'], '.')+1)), $this->extensions)) { if ($this->message_location == 'direct') { $messageStack->add(ERROR_FILETYPE_NOT_ALLOWED, 'error'); } else { $messageStack->add_session(ERROR_FILETYPE_NOT_ALLOWED, 'error'); } return false; } } $this->set_file($file); $this->set_filename($file['name']); $this->set_tmp_filename($file['tmp_name']); return $this->check_destination(); } else { if ($this->message_location == 'direct') { $messageStack->add(WARNING_NO_FILE_UPLOADED, 'warning'); } else { $messageStack->add_session(WARNING_NO_FILE_UPLOADED, 'warning'); } return false; } } function save() { global $messageStack; if (substr($this->destination, -1) != '/') $this->destination .= '/'; if (move_uploaded_file($this->file['tmp_name'], $this->destination . $this->filename)) { chmod($this->destination . $this->filename, $this->permissions); if ($this->message_location == 'direct') { $messageStack->add(SUCCESS_FILE_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY, 'success'); } else { $messageStack->add_session(SUCCESS_FILE_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY, 'success'); } return true; } else { if ($this->message_location == 'direct') { $messageStack->add(ERROR_FILE_NOT_SAVED, 'error'); } else { $messageStack->add_session(ERROR_FILE_NOT_SAVED, 'error'); } return false; } } function set_file($file) { $this->file = $file; } function set_destination($destination) { $this->destination = $destination; } function set_permissions($permissions) { $this->permissions = octdec($permissions); } function set_filename($filename) { $this->filename = $filename; } function set_tmp_filename($filename) { $this->tmp_filename = $filename; } function set_extensions($extensions) { if (tep_not_null($extensions)) { if (is_array($extensions)) { $this->extensions = $extensions; } else { $this->extensions = array($extensions); } } else { $this->extensions = array(); } } function check_destination() { global $messageStack; if (!is_writeable($this->destination)) { if (is_dir($this->destination)) { if ($this->message_location == 'direct') { $messageStack->add(sprintf(ERROR_DESTINATION_NOT_WRITEABLE, $this->destination), 'error'); } else { $messageStack->add_session(sprintf(ERROR_DESTINATION_NOT_WRITEABLE, $this->destination), 'error'); } } else { if ($this->message_location == 'direct') { $messageStack->add(sprintf(ERROR_DESTINATION_DOES_NOT_EXIST, $this->destination), 'error'); } else { $messageStack->add_session(sprintf(ERROR_DESTINATION_DOES_NOT_EXIST, $this->destination), 'error'); } } return false; } else { return true; } } function set_output_messages($location) { switch ($location) { case 'session': $this->message_location = 'session'; break; case 'direct': default: $this->message_location = 'direct'; break; } } }?>Alguém pode ajudar??Abraços Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 CLANSMAN Postado Junho 8, 2007 Denunciar Share Postado Junho 8, 2007 Edite o arquivo admin/includes/classes/upload.php na linha 31 ALTERAR: Código: $this = null; PARA: Código: unset($this); Ve se ajudou e responde aí... Abcs.Vlw ! Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Guest APR3ND1Z
Bom dia pessoal,
Estou usando o sitema osComerce para estudos, consigo instalá-lo numa boa, mas quando tento acessar o seu admin ele gera este erro:
Fatal error:
Cannot re-assign $this in
c:\Apache\Apache\htdocs\loja\admin\includes\classes\upload.php on line 31
Eis o código de upload.php:
$Id: upload.php,v 1.2 2003/06/20 00:18:30 hpdl Exp $
osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions
Copyright © 2003 osCommerce
Released under the GNU General Public License
class upload {
var $file, $filename, $destination, $permissions, $extensions, $tmp_filename, $message_location;
function upload($file = '', $destination = '', $permissions = '777', $extensions = '') {
if (tep_not_null($this->file) && tep_not_null($this->destination)) {
if ( ($this->parse() == true) && ($this->save() == true) ) {
return true;
} else {
// self destruct
return false;
function parse() {
global $messageStack;
if (isset($_FILES[$this->file])) {
$file = array('name' => $_FILES[$this->file]['name'],
'type' => $_FILES[$this->file]['type'],
'size' => $_FILES[$this->file]['size'],
'tmp_name' => $_FILES[$this->file]['tmp_name']);
} elseif (isset($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_FILES'][$this->file])) {
$file = array('name' => $HTTP_POST_FILES[$this->file]['name'],
'type' => $HTTP_POST_FILES[$this->file]['type'],
'size' => $HTTP_POST_FILES[$this->file]['size'],
'tmp_name' => $HTTP_POST_FILES[$this->file]['tmp_name']);
} else {
$file = array('name' => (isset($GLOBALS[$this->file . '_name']) ? $GLOBALS[$this->file . '_name'] : ''),
'type' => (isset($GLOBALS[$this->file . '_type']) ? $GLOBALS[$this->file . '_type'] : ''),
'size' => (isset($GLOBALS[$this->file . '_size']) ? $GLOBALS[$this->file . '_size'] : ''),
'tmp_name' => (isset($GLOBALS[$this->file]) ? $GLOBALS[$this->file] : ''));
if ( tep_not_null($file['tmp_name']) && ($file['tmp_name'] != 'none') && is_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name']) ) {
if (sizeof($this->extensions) > 0) {
if (!in_array(strtolower(substr($file['name'], strrpos($file['name'], '.')+1)), $this->extensions)) {
if ($this->message_location == 'direct') {
$messageStack->add(ERROR_FILETYPE_NOT_ALLOWED, 'error');
} else {
$messageStack->add_session(ERROR_FILETYPE_NOT_ALLOWED, 'error');
return false;
return $this->check_destination();
} else {
if ($this->message_location == 'direct') {
$messageStack->add(WARNING_NO_FILE_UPLOADED, 'warning');
} else {
$messageStack->add_session(WARNING_NO_FILE_UPLOADED, 'warning');
return false;
function save() {
global $messageStack;
if (substr($this->destination, -1) != '/') $this->destination .= '/';
if (move_uploaded_file($this->file['tmp_name'], $this->destination . $this->filename)) {
chmod($this->destination . $this->filename, $this->permissions);
if ($this->message_location == 'direct') {
$messageStack->add(SUCCESS_FILE_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY, 'success');
} else {
$messageStack->add_session(SUCCESS_FILE_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY, 'success');
return true;
} else {
if ($this->message_location == 'direct') {
$messageStack->add(ERROR_FILE_NOT_SAVED, 'error');
} else {
$messageStack->add_session(ERROR_FILE_NOT_SAVED, 'error');
return false;
function set_file($file) {
$this->file = $file;
function set_destination($destination) {
$this->destination = $destination;
function set_permissions($permissions) {
$this->permissions = octdec($permissions);
function set_filename($filename) {
$this->filename = $filename;
function set_tmp_filename($filename) {
$this->tmp_filename = $filename;
function set_extensions($extensions) {
if (tep_not_null($extensions)) {
if (is_array($extensions)) {
$this->extensions = $extensions;
} else {
$this->extensions = array($extensions);
} else {
$this->extensions = array();
function check_destination() {
global $messageStack;
if (!is_writeable($this->destination)) {
if (is_dir($this->destination)) {
if ($this->message_location == 'direct') {
$messageStack->add(sprintf(ERROR_DESTINATION_NOT_WRITEABLE, $this->destination), 'error');
} else {
$messageStack->add_session(sprintf(ERROR_DESTINATION_NOT_WRITEABLE, $this->destination), 'error');
} else {
if ($this->message_location == 'direct') {
$messageStack->add(sprintf(ERROR_DESTINATION_DOES_NOT_EXIST, $this->destination), 'error');
} else {
$messageStack->add_session(sprintf(ERROR_DESTINATION_DOES_NOT_EXIST, $this->destination), 'error');
return false;
} else {
return true;
function set_output_messages($location) {
switch ($location) {
case 'session':
$this->message_location = 'session';
case 'direct':
$this->message_location = 'direct';
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