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Encontrado 17 registros

  1. Olá Luan, tudo bem? Estou tentando desenvolver um aplicativo tambem para uma balanca jundiai, consegui ler o peso. Estou usando o MySql como BD, instalei i TCOMPORT no delphi de acordo com o video: :// Depois eu criei um DBEdit onde apresento o peso lido sem formatação, pra acompanhar, daí apliquei pelo botão Peso_Entrada uma rotina para salvar no campo DBEdit Peso1 que irá salvar como Peso_entrada no BD; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin pesocom := Copy(Edit1.Text,3,6); DBEdit15.Text := FormatFloat('0', StrToFloat(pesocom)); if (StrToInt(DBEdit15.Text)<>0)and((DBEdit16.Text)= EmptyStr) then begin DBEdit16.Text:= FormatFloat('0', StrToFloat(pesocom)); end; end; procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); begin pesocom := Copy(Edit1.Text,3,6); DBEdit17.Text := FormatFloat('0', StrToFloat(pesocom)); if (StrToInt(pesocom)<>0) and ((DBEdit17.Text)= EmptyStr) then pesosaida:=StrToInt(pesocom);{variavel de peso de saida recebe o peso filtrado} DBEdit17.Text := FormatFloat('0', (Pesosaida));{Escreve Vpesosaida sem zero esquerda} pesoliq:= pesosaida-pesoentrada; {carrega o peso liquido para manipular}
  2. Bom dia a todos. Estou precisando receber dados de uma balança. Esta balança foi aferida para funcionar apenas no modo impressão, logo ela não recebe comandos; apenas envia. Até ai tudo bem. Instalei o pacote Tcomport ou Comlib, e com ele utilizei os componentes comport e comterminal. Quando clico em impressão na balança, os dados que eu quero são gerados neste terminal virtual do componente; O problema é que eu preciso pegar esta string e utilizar como campo de um Form. Pensei então que a alternativa seria capturar o buffer desta comport. o comando deverá vim como uma string, tendo em vista que o protocolo é RS232. tentei o comando read(____,count); readStr(str,count); o segundo problema é associar a string que não sei se estou importando a um tedit ou tmemo: estava tentando da seguinte forma: form.tdeit := form.tedit + comport.____aqui não sei o que utilizo___; Se alguém puder ajudar...
  3. tente essesônicas ou veja OBS: com relação a porta, voce pode mudar a porta do Faxmodem Código do Componente {******************************************************************* * Componente spBina (identificador de Chamadas Telefônicas DTMF) * * Herança de Classe: "TComport" * * Original escrito por Djnan Crnila (CPort.pas) * * * * Transformado em BINA por Valdomiro Emídio da Silva * * * * Versäo 1.00 15/03/2001 * Versäo 1.02 01/07/2001 * * * * ComPort Library ver. 2.60 * * for Delphi 3, 4, 5 and C++ Builder 3, 4, 5 * * written by Dejan Crnila, 1998 - 2000 * * email: * * * ******************************************************************** * !!IMPORTANTE!! * * * * Para Funcionar: * * (1) - Deverá ser colocado um resistor antes da linha * * telefônica entrar em seu modem (veja o arquivo spBina.htm) * * (2) - A linha deverá estar habilitada para receber sinais de * * BINA DTMF (somente para a função BINA) * * * * (3) - Funciona também como um excelente Detector DTMF. Você poderá* * fazer seus aplicativos responder a nuneros digitados pela * * linha telefonica (veja exemplos) * * * ******************************************************************** * * * LEIA............LEIA...........LEIA * * * * * * APÓS ANALIZAR OS FONTES VOCÊ PERCEBERÁ QUE O SUPERBINA É APENAS * * A "GRANDE IDÉIA". AFINAL,QUASE NADA É ADICIONADO ÀQUILO QUE JÁ * * SABEMOS. TODO O SEGREDO ESTÁ NA COLOCAÇÃO DO RESISTOR NA LINHA. * * * * DEPENDENDO DO MODEM,ESTE RESISTOR PODE SER ALTERADO POR UM VALOR* * MAIS ALTO (TESTEI ATÉ COM 8K2 1/2 W). A VANTAGEM DE UM RESISTOR * * ALTO É A SEGUINTE: SEU TELEFONE TOCARÁ NORMALMENTE. MAS, USANDO * * UM TRUQUE ELE TOCARÁ DA MESMA FORMA: BASTA FINALIZAR A PORTA LOGO* * APÓS A DETECÇÃO (ver exemplos) * ******************************************************************** Historico da Versäo 1 Versão 1.00 15/03/2001 - Em alguns modems, surgiram problelmas com o comando +FCLASS, responsavel pela deteccäo do DTMF. Seu formato deve ser mudado, caso o modem näo aceite o formato do comando. - O spBina fazia 'discagem cega' e colocava a mensagem 'Ativo' mesmo se tivesse ocorrido algum erro nos comandos. Versão 1.02 01/07/2001 - Problemas corrigidos Novas funcoes: - Tela de configuracäo - Bloqueia o envio de comandos, caso a resposta seja: ERROR - Varias opcoes para o comando AT e FCLASS - Verifica se o modem trabalha na Classe 8 ou Classe 80 - Tela de teste de recepcao DTMF de tecla digitada via fone } unit spBina; {$I} interface uses Windows, Messages, Classes, SysUtils, IniFiles, Registry; type TPorta = string; TDDDLocal = string; TBaudRate = (brCustom, br110, br300, br600, br1200, br2400, br4800, br9600, br14400, br19200, br38400, br56000, br57600, br115200, br128000, br256000); TStopBits = (sbOneStopBit, sbOne5StopBits, sbTwoStopBits); TDataBits = (dbFive, dbSix, dbSeven, dbEight); TParityBits = (prNone, prOdd, prEven, prMark, prSpace); TDTRFlowControl = (dtrDisable, dtrEnable, dtrHandshake); TRTSFlowControl = (rtsDisable, rtsEnable, rtsHandshake, rtsToggle); TFlowControl = (fcHardware, fcSoftware, fcNone, fcCustom); TComEvent = (evDTMF, evTxEmpty, evRxFlag, evRing, evBreak, evCTS, evDSR, evError, evRLSD, evRx80Full); TComEvents = set of TComEvent; TComSignal = (csCTS, csDSR, csRing, csRLSD); TComSignals = set of TComSignal; TComLedSignal = (lsCTS, lsDSR, lsRLSD, lsRing, lsRx, lsTx); TComError = (ceFrame, ceRxParity, ceOverrun, ceBreak, ceIO, ceMode, ceRxOver, ceTxFull); TComErrors = set of TComError; TSyncMethod = (smThreadSync, smWindowSync, smNone); TStoreType = (stRegistry, stIniFile); TStoredProp = (spBasic, spFlowControl, spBuffer, spTimeouts, spParity, spOthers); TStoredProps = set of TStoredProp; TDTMFEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Count: Integer) of object; TRxBufEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; const Buffer; Count: Integer) of object; TRxStrEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Str: string) of object; TComErrorEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Errors: TComErrors) of object; TComSignalEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; OnOff: Boolean) of object; TOperationKind = (okWrite, okRead); TAsync = record Overlapped: TOverlapped; Kind: TOperationKind; end; PAsync = ^TAsync; TSspBina = class; TComLink = class private FOnRxBuf: TRxBufEvent; FOnCTSChange: TComSignalEvent; FOnDSRChange: TComSignalEvent; FOnRLSDChange: TComSignalEvent; FOnRing: TNotifyEvent; FOnTx: TComSignalEvent; FOnRx: TComSignalEvent; public property OnRxBuf: TRxBufEvent read FOnRxBuf write FOnRxBuf; property OnCTSChange: TComSignalEvent read FOnCTSChange write FOnCTSChange; property OnDSRChange: TComSignalEvent read FOnDSRChange write FOnDSRChange; property OnRLSDChange: TComSignalEvent read FOnRLSDChange write FOnRLSDChange; property OnRing: TNotifyEvent read FOnRing write FOnRing; property OnTx: TComSignalEvent read FOnTx write FOnTx; property OnRx: TComSignalEvent read FOnRx write FOnRx; end; TComThread = class(TThread) private FCspBina: TSspBina; FStopEvent: THandle; FEvents: TComEvents; protected procedure DispatchComMsg; procedure DoEvents; procedure Execute; override; procedure SendEvents; procedure Stop; public constructor Create(ACspBina: TSspBina); destructor Destroy; override; end; TComTimeouts = class(TPersistent) private FCspBina: TSspBina; FReadInterval: Integer; FReadTotalM: Integer; FReadTotalC: Integer; FWriteTotalM: Integer; FWriteTotalC: Integer; procedure SetBINA(const ACspBina: TSspBina); procedure SetReadInterval(const Value: Integer); procedure SetReadTotalM(const Value: Integer); procedure SetReadTotalC(const Value: Integer); procedure SetWriteTotalM(const Value: Integer); procedure SetWriteTotalC(const Value: Integer); protected procedure AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent); override; public constructor Create; property BINA: TSspBina read FCspBina; published property ReadInterval: Integer read FReadInterval write SetReadInterval default -1; property ReadTotalMultiplier: Integer read FReadTotalM write SetReadTotalM default 0; property ReadTotalConstant: Integer read FReadTotalC write SetReadTotalC default 0; property WriteTotalMultiplier: Integer read FWriteTotalM write SetWriteTotalM default 100; property WriteTotalConstant: Integer read FWriteTotalC write SetWriteTotalC default 1000; end; TComFlowControl = class(TPersistent) private FCspBina: TSspBina; FOutCTSFlow: Boolean; FOutDSRFlow: Boolean; FControlDTR: TDTRFlowControl; FControlRTS: TRTSFlowControl; FXonXoffOut: Boolean; FXonXoffIn: Boolean; FDSRSensitivity: Boolean; FTxContinueOnXoff: Boolean; FXonChar: Char; FXoffChar: Char; procedure SetBINA(const ACspBina: TSspBina); procedure SetOutCTSFlow(const Value: Boolean); procedure SetOutDSRFlow(const Value: Boolean); procedure SetControlDTR(const Value: TDTRFlowControl); procedure SetControlRTS(const Value: TRTSFlowControl); procedure SetXonXoffOut(const Value: Boolean); procedure SetXonXoffIn(const Value: Boolean); procedure SetDSRSensitivity(const Value: Boolean); procedure SetTxContinueOnXoff(const Value: Boolean); procedure SetXonChar(const Value: Char); procedure SetXoffChar(const Value: Char); procedure SetFlowControl(const Value: TFlowControl); function GetFlowControl: TFlowControl; protected procedure AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent); override; public constructor Create; property BINA: TSspBina read FCspBina; published property FlowControl: TFlowControl read GetFlowControl write SetFlowControl stored False; property OutCTSFlow: Boolean read FOutCTSFlow write SetOutCTSFlow; property OutDSRFlow: Boolean read FOutDSRFlow write SetOutDSRFlow; property ControlDTR: TDTRFlowControl read FControlDTR write SetControlDTR; property ControlRTS: TRTSFlowControl read FControlRTS write SetControlRTS; property XonXoffOut: Boolean read FXonXoffOut write SetXonXoffOut; property XonXoffIn: Boolean read FXonXoffIn write SetXonXoffIn; property DSRSensitivity: Boolean read FDSRSensitivity write SetDSRSensitivity default False; property TxContinueOnXoff: Boolean read FTxContinueOnXoff write SetTxContinueOnXoff default False; property XonChar: Char read FXonChar write SetXonChar default #17; property XoffChar: Char read FXoffChar write SetXoffChar default #19; end; TComParity = class(TPersistent) private FCspBina: TSspBina; FBits: TParityBits; FCheck: Boolean; FReplace: Boolean; FReplaceChar: Char; procedure SetBINA(const ACspBina: TSspBina); procedure SetBits(const Value: TParityBits); procedure SetCheck(const Value: Boolean); procedure SetReplace(const Value: Boolean); procedure SetReplaceChar(const Value: Char); protected procedure AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent); override; public constructor Create; property BINA: TSspBina read FCspBina; published property Bits: TParityBits read FBits write SetBits; property Check: Boolean read FCheck write SetCheck default False; property Replace: Boolean read FReplace write SetReplace default False; property ReplaceChar: Char read FReplaceChar write SetReplaceChar default #0; end; TComBuffer = class(TPersistent) private FCspBina: TSspBina; FInputSize: Integer; FOutputSize: Integer; procedure SetBINA(const ACspBina: TSspBina); procedure SetInputSize(const Value: Integer); procedure SetOutputSize(const Value: Integer); protected procedure AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent); override; public constructor Create; property BINA: TSspBina read FCspBina; published property InputSize: Integer read FInputSize write SetInputSize default 1024; property OutputSize: Integer read FOutputSize write SetOutputSize default 1024; end; TSspBina = class(TComponent) private FEventThread: TComThread; FThreadCreated: Boolean; FHandle: THandle; FWindow: THandle; FUpdateCount: Integer; FLinks: TList; FConectado: Boolean; FBaudRate: TBaudRate; FCustomBaudRate: Integer; FPort: TPorta; FDDDL:TDDDLocal; FStopBits: TStopBits; FDataBits: TDataBits; FDiscardNull: Boolean; FEventChar: Char; FEvents: TComEvents; FBuffer: TComBuffer; FParity: TComParity; FTimeouts: TComTimeouts; FFlowControl: TComFlowControl; FSyncMethod: TSyncMethod; FStoredProps: TStoredProps; FOnDTMF: TDTMFEvent; FOnRxBuf: TRxBufEvent; FOnTxEmpty: TNotifyEvent; FOnBreak: TNotifyEvent; FOnRing: TNotifyEvent; FOnCTSChange: TComSignalEvent; FOnDSRChange: TComSignalEvent; FOnRLSDChange: TComSignalEvent; FOnError: TComErrorEvent; FOnRxFlag: TNotifyEvent; FOnAfterOpen: TNotifyEvent; FOnAfterClose: TNotifyEvent; FOnBeforeOpen: TNotifyEvent; FOnBeforeClose: TNotifyEvent; FOnRx80Full: TNotifyEvent; function GetTriggersOnDTMF: Boolean; procedure SetConectado(const Value: Boolean); procedure SetBaudRate(const Value: TBaudRate); procedure SetCustomBaudRate(const Value: Integer); procedure SetPort(const Value: TPorta); procedure SetDDDL(const Value: TDDDLocal); procedure SetStopBits(const Value: TStopBits); procedure SetDataBits(const Value: TDataBits); procedure SetDiscardNull(const Value: Boolean); procedure SetEventChar(const Value: Char); procedure SetSyncMethod(const Value: TSyncMethod); procedure SetParity(const Value: TComParity); procedure SetTimeouts(const Value: TComTimeouts); procedure SetBuffer(const Value: TComBuffer); procedure SetFlowControl(const Value: TComFlowControl); procedure SendSignals(Signal: TComLedSignal; OnOff: Boolean); procedure CheckSignals(Open: Boolean); procedure WindowMethod(var Message: TMessage); procedure CallAfterOpen; procedure CallAfterClose; procedure CallBeforeOpen; procedure CallBeforeClose; procedure CallDTMF; procedure CallTxEmpty; procedure CallBreak; procedure CallRing; procedure CallRxFlag; procedure CallCTSChange; procedure CallDSRChange; procedure CallError; procedure CallRLSDChange; procedure CallRx80Full; protected procedure Loaded; override; procedure DoAfterClose; dynamic; procedure DoAfterOpen; dynamic; procedure DoBeforeClose; dynamic; procedure DoBeforeOpen; dynamic; procedure DoDTMF(Count: Integer); dynamic; procedure DoRxBuf(const Buffer; Count: Integer); dynamic; procedure DoTxEmpty; dynamic; procedure DoBreak; dynamic; procedure DoRing; dynamic; procedure DoRxFlag; dynamic; procedure DoCTSChange(OnOff: Boolean); dynamic; procedure DoDSRChange(OnOff: Boolean); dynamic; procedure DoError(Errors: TComErrors); dynamic; procedure DoRLSDChange(OnOff: Boolean); dynamic; procedure DoRx80Full; dynamic; procedure StoreRegistry(Reg: TRegistry); virtual; procedure StoreIniFile(IniFile: TIniFile); virtual; procedure LoadRegistry(Reg: TRegistry); virtual; procedure LoadIniFile(IniFile: TIniFile); virtual; procedure CreateHandle; virtual; procedure DestroyHandle; virtual; procedure ApplyDCB; dynamic; procedure ApplyTimeouts; dynamic; procedure ApplyBuffer; dynamic; procedure SetupBINA; virtual; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure BeginUpdate; procedure EndUpdate; procedure StoreSettings(StoreType: TStoreType; StoreTo: string); procedure LoadSettings(StoreType: TStoreType; LoadFrom: string); procedure Open; procedure Close; function InputCount: Integer; function OutputCount: Integer; function Signals: TComSignals; function StateFlags: TComStateFlags; procedure SetDTR(OnOff: Boolean); procedure SetRTS(OnOff: Boolean); procedure SetXonXoff(OnOff: Boolean); procedure SetBreak(OnOff: Boolean); procedure ClearBuffer(Input, Output: Boolean); function LastErrors: TComErrors; function Write(const Buffer; Count: Integer): Integer; function Read(var Buffer; Count: Integer): Integer; ///////////////// procedure SetarClasse8(const ArquivoATcmd : string; var classe8,classe80: string); procedure LoadComandosAT(const ArquivoATcmd : string; var TipoModem, class8,class80, setado: string); procedure ShowATComandSetup(const Setup, Ativar, desativar : Boolean; var PortaCom, vDDD : string); function LeiaDTMF(var str : string; Count: Integer): Integer; procedure PesquiseClasse(var resposta: string); procedure SalvarComandos; function FormateResultado(var stexto,smascara, stipo, sddd, sfone: string): string; function WriteDTMF(Str: string): Integer; ////////////////// function WriteAsync(const Buffer; Count: Integer; var AsyncPtr: PAsync): Integer; function WriteStrAsync(Str: string; var AsyncPtr: PAsync): Integer; function ReadAsync(var Buffer; Count: Integer; var AsyncPtr: PAsync): Integer; function ReadStrAsync(var Str: string; Count: Integer; var AsyncPtr: PAsync): Integer; function WaitForAsync(var AsyncPtr: PAsync): Integer; function IsAsyncCompleted(AsyncPtr: PAsync): Boolean; procedure WaitForEvent(var Events: TComEvents; Timeout: Integer); procedure AbortAllAsync; procedure TransmitChar(Ch: Char); procedure RegisterLink(AComLink: TComLink); procedure UnRegisterLink(AComLink: TComLink); property Handle: THandle read FHandle; property TriggersOnDTMF: Boolean read GetTriggersOnDTMF; property StoredProps: TStoredProps read FStoredProps write FStoredProps; property Conectado: Boolean read FConectado write SetConectado default False; property BaudRate: TBaudRate read FBaudRate write SetBaudRate; property CustomBaudRate: Integer read FCustomBaudRate write SetCustomBaudRate; property DDDLocal: TDDDLocal read FDDDL write SetDDDL; property Porta: TPorta read FPort write SetPort; property Parity: TComParity read FParity write SetParity; property StopBits: TStopBits read FStopBits write SetStopBits; property DataBits: TDataBits read FDataBits write SetDataBits; property DiscardNull: Boolean read FDiscardNull write SetDiscardNull default False; property EventChar: Char read FEventChar write SetEventChar default #0; property Events: TComEvents read FEvents write FEvents; property Buffer: TComBuffer read FBuffer write SetBuffer; property FlowControl: TComFlowControl read FFlowControl write SetFlowControl; property Timeouts: TComTimeouts read FTimeouts write SetTimeouts; property SyncMethod: TSyncMethod read FSyncMethod write SetSyncMethod default smThreadSync; property OnAfterOpen: TNotifyEvent read FOnAfterOpen write FOnAfterOpen; property OnAfterClose: TNotifyEvent read FOnAfterClose write FOnAfterClose; property OnBeforeOpen: TNotifyEvent read FOnBeforeOpen write FOnBeforeOpen; property OnBeforeClose: TNotifyEvent read FOnBeforeClose write FOnBeforeClose; property OnDTMF: TDTMFEvent read FOnDTMF write FOnDTMF; property OnRxBuf: TRxBufEvent read FOnRxBuf write FOnRxBuf; property OnTxEmpty: TNotifyEvent read FOnTxEmpty write FOnTxEmpty; property OnBreak: TNotifyEvent read FOnBreak write FOnBreak; property OnRing: TNotifyEvent read FOnRing write FOnRing; property OnCTSChange: TComSignalEvent read FOnCTSChange write FOnCTSChange; property OnDSRChange: TComSignalEvent read FOnDSRChange write FOnDSRChange; property OnRLSDChange: TComSignalEvent read FOnRLSDChange write FOnRLSDChange; property OnRxFlag: TNotifyEvent read FOnRxFlag write FOnRxFlag; property OnError: TComErrorEvent read FOnError write FOnError; property OnRx80Full: TNotifyEvent read FOnRx80Full write FOnRx80Full; end; TspBina = class(TSspBina) property Conectado; property Porta; property DDDLocal; property OnDTMF; property OnRing; end; TComDataPacket = class(TComponent) private FComLink: TComLink; FCspBina: TSspBina; FStartString: string; FStopString: string; FMaxBufferSize: Integer; FSize: Integer; FIncludeStrings: Boolean; FCaseInsensitive: Boolean; FInPacket: Boolean; FBuffer: string; FOnPacket: TRxStrEvent; FOnDiscard: TRxStrEvent; procedure SetBINA(const Value: TSspBina); procedure SetCaseInsensitive(const Value: Boolean); procedure SetSize(const Value: Integer); procedure SetStartString(const Value: string); procedure SetStopString(const Value: string); procedure RxBuf(Sender: TObject; const Buffer; Count: Integer); procedure CheckIncludeStrings(var Str: string); function Upper(Str: string): string; procedure EmptyBuffer; protected procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); override; procedure DoDiscard(Str: string); dynamic; procedure DoPacket(Str: string); dynamic; procedure HandleBuffer; virtual; property Buffer: string read FBuffer write FBuffer; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; published property BINA: TSspBina read FCspBina write SetBINA; property CaseInsensitive: Boolean read FCaseInsensitive write SetCaseInsensitive default False; property IncludeStrings: Boolean read FIncludeStrings write FIncludeStrings default False; property MaxBufferSize: Integer read FMaxBufferSize write FMaxBufferSize default 1024; property StartString: string read FStartString write SetStartString; property StopString: string read FStopString write SetStopString; property Size: Integer read FSize write SetSize default 0; property OnDiscard: TRxStrEvent read FOnDiscard write FOnDiscard; property OnPacket: TRxStrEvent read FOnPacket write FOnPacket; end; ECspBina = class(Exception) private FWinCode: Integer; FCode: Integer; public constructor Create(ACode: Integer; AWinCode: Integer); constructor CreateNoWinCode(ACode: Integer); property WinCode: Integer read FWinCode write FWinCode; property Code: Integer read FCode write FCode; end; procedure InitAsync(var AsyncPtr: PAsync); procedure DoneAsync(var AsyncPtr: PAsync); procedure EnumBINAs(Ports: TStrings); function StrToBaudRate(Str: string): TBaudRate; function StrToStopBits(Str: string): TStopBits; function StrToDataBits(Str: string): TDataBits; function StrToParity(Str: string): TParityBits; function StrToFlowControl(Str: string): TFlowControl; function BaudRateToStr(BaudRate: TBaudRate): string; function StopBitsToStr(StopBits: TStopBits): string; function DataBitsToStr(DataBits: TDataBits): string; function ParityToStr(Parity: TParityBits): string; function FlowControlToStr(FlowControl: TFlowControl): string; const WaitInfinite = Integer(INFINITE); CError_OpenFailed = 1; CError_WriteFailed = 2; CError_ReadFailed = 3; CError_InvalidAsync = 4; CError_PurgeFailed = 5; CError_AsyncCheck = 6; CError_SetStateFailed = 7; CError_TimeoutsFailed = 8; CError_SetupComFailed = 9; CError_ClearComFailed = 10; CError_ModemStatFailed = 11; CError_EscapeComFailed = 12; CError_TransmitFailed = 13; CError_SyncMeth = 14; CError_EnumPortsFailed = 15; CError_StoreFailed = 16; CError_LoadFailed = 17; CError_RegFailed = 18; CError_LedStateFailed = 19; CError_ThreadCreated = 20; CError_WaitFailed = 21; procedure Register; implementation uses spBinaSetup, Controls, Forms, WinSpool; const ComErrorMessages: array[1..21] of string = ('Impossível Abrir Porta de comunicação! '+ 'Por favor, sete-a corretamente e volte a '+ 'ativar o SuperBina!', 'Erro ao Esccrever na Porta', 'Erro na Leitura da Porta', 'Inválido Parâmero', 'Falha na Limpeza do Buffer', '', '', '', '', 'Faha na Limpeza do Buffer', '', '', '', 'Impossível mudar o modo quando Conectado', 'Falha na enumeração da Porta', '', '', '', '', '', ''); dcb_Binary = $00000001; dcb_Parity = $00000002; dcb_OutxCTSFlow = $00000004; dcb_OutxDSRFlow = $00000008; dcb_DTRControl = $00000030; dcb_DSRSensivity = $00000040; dcb_TxContinueOnXoff = $00000080; dcb_OutX = $00000100; dcb_InX = $00000200; dcb_ErrorChar = $00000400; dcb_Null = $00000800; dcb_RTSControl = $00003000; dcb_AbortOnError = $00004000; CM_BINA = WM_USER + 1; function EventsToInt(const Events: TComEvents): Integer; begin Result := 0; if evDTMF in Events then Result := Result or EV_RXCHAR; if evRxFlag in Events then Result := Result or EV_RXFLAG; if evTxEmpty in Events then Result := Result or EV_TXEMPTY; if evRing in Events then Result := Result or EV_RING; if evCTS in Events then Result := Result or EV_CTS; if evDSR in Events then Result := Result or EV_DSR; if evRLSD in Events then Result := Result or EV_RLSD; if evError in Events then Result := Result or EV_ERR; if evBreak in Events then Result := Result or EV_BREAK; if evRx80Full in Events then Result := Result or EV_RX80FULL; end; function IntToEvents(Mask: Integer): TComEvents; begin Result := []; if (EV_RXCHAR and Mask) <> 0 then Result := Result + [evDTMF]; if (EV_TXEMPTY and Mask) <> 0 then Result := Result + [evTxEmpty]; if (EV_BREAK and Mask) <> 0 then Result := Result + [evBreak]; if (EV_RING and Mask) <> 0 then Result := Result + [evRing]; if (EV_CTS and Mask) <> 0 then Result := Result + [evCTS]; if (EV_DSR and Mask) <> 0 then Result := Result + [evDSR]; if (EV_RXFLAG and Mask) <> 0 then Result := Result + [evRxFlag]; if (EV_RLSD and Mask) <> 0 then Result := Result + [evRLSD]; if (EV_ERR and Mask) <> 0 then Result := Result + [evError]; if (EV_RX80FULL and Mask) <> 0 then Result := Result + [evRx80Full]; end; constructor TComThread.Create(ACspBina: TSspBina); begin inherited Create(True); FStopEvent := CreateEvent(nil, True, False, nil); FCspBina := ACspBina; SetCommMask(FCspBina.Handle, EventsToInt(FCspBina.Events)); Resume; end; destructor TComThread.Destroy; begin Stop; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TComThread.Execute; var EventHandles: array[0..1] of THandle; Overlapped: TOverlapped; Signaled, BytesTrans, Mask: DWORD; begin FillChar(Overlapped, SizeOf(Overlapped), 0); Overlapped.hEvent := CreateEvent(nil, True, True, nil); EventHandles[0] := FStopEvent; EventHandles[1] := Overlapped.hEvent; repeat WaitCommEvent(FCspBina.Handle, Mask, @Overlapped); Signaled := WaitForMultipleObjects(2, @EventHandles, False, INFINITE); if (Signaled = WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1) and GetOverlappedResult(FCspBina.Handle, Overlapped, BytesTrans, False) then begin FEvents := IntToEvents(Mask); DispatchComMsg; end; until Signaled <> (WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1); SetCommMask(FCspBina.Handle, 0); PurgeComm(FCspBina.Handle, PURGE_TXCLEAR or PURGE_RXCLEAR); CloseHandle(Overlapped.hEvent); CloseHandle(FStopEvent); end; procedure TComThread.Stop; begin SetEvent(FStopEvent); Sleep(0); end; procedure TComThread.DispatchComMsg; begin case FCspBina.SyncMethod of smThreadSync: Synchronize(DoEvents); smWindowSync: SendEvents; smNone: DoEvents; end; end; // Transmitir eventos parao spBina usando a TAPI procedure TComThread.SendEvents; begin if evDTMF in FEvents then SendMessage(FCspBina.FWindow, CM_BINA, EV_RXCHAR, 0); if evTxEmpty in FEvents then SendMessage(FCspBina.FWindow, CM_BINA, EV_TXEMPTY, 0); if evBreak in FEvents then SendMessage(FCspBina.FWindow, CM_BINA, EV_BREAK, 0); if evRing in FEvents then SendMessage(FCspBina.FWindow, CM_BINA, EV_RING, 0); if evCTS in FEvents then SendMessage(FCspBina.FWindow, CM_BINA, EV_CTS, 0); if evDSR in FEvents then SendMessage(FCspBina.FWindow, CM_BINA, EV_DSR, 0); if evRxFlag in FEvents then SendMessage(FCspBina.FWindow, CM_BINA, EV_RXFLAG, 0); if evRing in FEvents then SendMessage(FCspBina.FWindow, CM_BINA, EV_RLSD, 0); if evError in FEvents then SendMessage(FCspBina.FWindow, CM_BINA, EV_ERR, 0); if evRx80Full in FEvents then SendMessage(FCspBina.FWindow, CM_BINA, EV_RX80FULL, 0); end; // Chamadas aos eventos procedure TComThread.DoEvents; begin if evDTMF in FEvents then FCspBina.CallDTMF; if evTxEmpty in FEvents then FCspBina.CallTxEmpty; if evBreak in FEvents then FCspBina.CallBreak; if evRing in FEvents then FCspBina.CallRing; if evCTS in FEvents then FCspBina.CallCTSChange; if evDSR in FEvents then FCspBina.CallDSRChange; if evRxFlag in FEvents then FCspBina.CallRxFlag; if evRLSD in FEvents then FCspBina.CallRLSDChange; if evError in FEvents then FCspBina.CallError; if evRx80Full in FEvents then FCspBina.CallRx80Full; end; constructor TComTimeouts.Create; begin inherited Create; FReadInterval := -1; FWriteTotalM := 100; FWriteTotalC := 1000; end; procedure TComTimeouts.AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent); begin if Dest is TComTimeouts then begin with TComTimeouts(Dest) do begin FReadInterval := Self.ReadInterval; FReadTotalM := Self.ReadTotalMultiplier; FReadTotalC := Self.ReadTotalConstant; FWriteTotalM := Self.WriteTotalMultiplier; FWriteTotalC := Self.WriteTotalConstant; end end else inherited AssignTo(Dest); end; procedure TComTimeouts.SetBINA(const ACspBina: TSspBina); begin FCspBina := ACspBina; end; procedure TComTimeouts.SetReadInterval(const Value: Integer); begin if Value <> FReadInterval then begin FReadInterval := Value; if FCspBina <> nil then FCspBina.ApplyTimeouts; end; end; procedure TComTimeouts.SetReadTotalC(const Value: Integer); begin if Value <> FReadTotalC then begin FReadTotalC := Value; if FCspBina <> nil then FCspBina.ApplyTimeouts; end; end; procedure TComTimeouts.SetReadTotalM(const Value: Integer); begin if Value <> FReadTotalM then begin FReadTotalM := Value; if FCspBina <> nil then FCspBina.ApplyTimeouts; end; end; procedure TComTimeouts.SetWriteTotalC(const Value: Integer); begin if Value <> FWriteTotalC then begin FWriteTotalC := Value; if FCspBina <> nil then FCspBina.ApplyTimeouts; end; end; procedure TComTimeouts.SetWriteTotalM(const Value: Integer); begin if Value <> FWriteTotalM then begin FWriteTotalM := Value; if FCspBina <> nil then FCspBina.ApplyTimeouts; end; end; constructor TComFlowControl.Create; begin inherited Create; FXonChar := #17; FXoffChar := #19; end; procedure TComFlowControl.AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent); begin if Dest is TComFlowControl then begin with TComFlowControl(Dest) do begin FOutCTSFlow := Self.OutCTSFlow; FOutDSRFlow := Self.OutDSRFlow; FControlDTR := Self.ControlDTR; FControlRTS := Self.ControlRTS; FXonXoffOut := Self.XonXoffOut; FXonXoffIn := Self.XonXoffIn; FTxContinueOnXoff := Self.TxContinueOnXoff; FDSRSensitivity := Self.DSRSensitivity; FXonChar := Self.XonChar; FXoffChar := Self.XoffChar; end end else inherited AssignTo(Dest); end; procedure TComFlowControl.SetBINA(const ACspBina: TSspBina); begin FCspBina := ACspBina; end; procedure TComFlowControl.SetControlDTR(const Value: TDTRFlowControl); begin if Value <> FControlDTR then begin FControlDTR := Value; if FCspBina <> nil then FCspBina.ApplyDCB; end; end; procedure TComFlowControl.SetControlRTS(const Value: TRTSFlowControl); begin if Value <> FControlRTS then begin FControlRTS := Value; if FCspBina <> nil then FCspBina.ApplyDCB; end; end; procedure TComFlowControl.SetOutCTSFlow(const Value: Boolean); begin if Value <> FOutCTSFlow then begin FOutCTSFlow := Value; if FCspBina <> nil then FCspBina.ApplyDCB; end; end; procedure TComFlowControl.SetOutDSRFlow(const Value: Boolean); begin if Value <> FOutDSRFlow then begin FOutDSRFlow := Value; if FCspBina <> nil then FCspBina.ApplyDCB; end; end; procedure TComFlowControl.SetXonXoffIn(const Value: Boolean); begin if Value <> FXonXoffIn then begin FXonXoffIn := Value; if FCspBina <> nil then FCspBina.ApplyDCB; end; end; procedure TComFlowControl.SetXonXoffOut(const Value: Boolean); begin if Value <> FXonXoffOut then begin FXonXoffOut := Value; if FCspBina <> nil then FCspBina.ApplyDCB; end; end; procedure TComFlowControl.SetDSRSensitivity(const Value: Boolean); begin if Value <> FDSRSensitivity then begin FDSRSensitivity := Value; if FCspBina <> nil then FCspBina.ApplyDCB; end; end; procedure TComFlowControl.SetTxContinueOnXoff(const Value: Boolean); begin if Value <> FTxContinueOnXoff then begin FTxContinueOnXoff := Value; if FCspBina <> nil then FCspBina.ApplyDCB; end; end; procedure TComFlowControl.SetXonChar(const Value: Char); begin if Value <> FXonChar then begin FXonChar := Value; if FCspBina <> nil then FCspBina.ApplyDCB; end; end; procedure TComFlowControl.SetXoffChar(const Value: Char); begin if Value <> FXoffChar then begin FXoffChar := Value; if FCspBina <> nil then FCspBina.ApplyDCB; end; end; function TComFlowControl.GetFlowControl: TFlowControl; begin if (FControlRTS = rtsHandshake) and (FOutCTSFlow) and (not FXonXoffIn) and (not FXonXoffOut) then Result := fcHardware else if (FControlRTS = rtsDisable) and (not FOutCTSFlow) and (FXonXoffIn) and (FXonXoffOut) then Result := fcSoftware else if (FControlRTS = rtsDisable) and (not FOutCTSFlow) and (not FXonXoffIn) and (not FXonXoffOut) then Result := fcNone else Result := fcCustom; end; procedure TComFlowControl.SetFlowControl(const Value: TFlowControl); begin if Value <> fcCustom then begin FControlRTS := rtsDisable; FOutCTSFlow := False; FXonXoffIn := False; FXonXoffOut := False; case Value of fcHardware: begin FControlRTS := rtsHandshake; FOutCTSFlow := True; end; fcSoftware: begin FXonXoffIn := True; FXonXoffOut := True; end; end; end; if FCspBina <> nil then FCspBina.ApplyDCB; end; constructor TComParity.Create; begin inherited Create; FBits := prNone; end; procedure TComParity.AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent); begin if Dest is TComParity then begin with TComParity(Dest) do begin FBits := Self.Bits; FCheck := Self.Check; FReplace := Self.Replace; FReplaceChar := Self.ReplaceChar; end end else inherited AssignTo(Dest); end; procedure TComParity.SetBINA(const ACspBina: TSspBina); begin FCspBina := ACspBina; end; procedure TComParity.SetBits(const Value: TParityBits); begin if Value <> FBits then begin FBits := Value; if FCspBina <> nil then FCspBina.ApplyDCB; end; end; procedure TComParity.SetCheck(const Value: Boolean); begin if Value <> FCheck then begin FCheck := Value; if FCspBina <> nil then FCspBina.ApplyDCB; end; end; procedure TComParity.SetReplace(const Value: Boolean); begin if Value <> FReplace then begin FReplace := Value; if FCspBina <> nil then FCspBina.ApplyDCB; end; end; procedure TComParity.SetReplaceChar(const Value: Char); begin if Value <> FReplaceChar then begin FReplaceChar := Value; if FCspBina <> nil then FCspBina.ApplyDCB; end; end; constructor TComBuffer.Create; begin inherited Create; FInputSize := 1024; FOutputSize := 1024; end; procedure TComBuffer.AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent); begin if Dest is TComBuffer then begin with TComBuffer(Dest) do begin FOutputSize := Self.OutputSize; FInputSize := Self.InputSize; end end else inherited AssignTo(Dest); end; procedure TComBuffer.SetBINA(const ACspBina: TSspBina); begin FCspBina := ACspBina; end; procedure TComBuffer.SetInputSize(const Value: Integer); begin if Value <> FInputSize then begin FInputSize := Value; if (FInputSize mod 2) = 1 then Dec(FInputSize); if FCspBina <> nil then FCspBina.ApplyBuffer; end; end; procedure TComBuffer.SetOutputSize(const Value: Integer); begin if Value <> FOutputSize then begin FOutputSize := Value; if (FOutputSize mod 2) = 1 then Dec(FOutputSize); if FCspBina <> nil then FCspBina.ApplyBuffer; end; end; (***************************************** * TSspBina componente * *****************************************) // cria o componente constructor TSspBina.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FComponentStyle := FComponentStyle - [csInheritable]; FLinks := TList.Create; FBaudRate := br4800; FCustomBaudRate := 4800; FPort := 'COM1'; FDDDL := '00'; FStopBits := sbOneStopBit; FDataBits := dbEight; FEvents := [evDTMF, evTxEmpty, evRxFlag, evRing, evBreak, evCTS, evDSR, evError, evRLSD, evRx80Full]; FHandle := INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; FStoredProps := [spBasic]; FParity := TComParity.Create; FParity.SetBINA(Self); FFlowControl := TComFlowControl.Create; FFlowControl.SetBINA(Self); FTimeouts := TComTimeouts.Create; FTimeouts.SetBINA(Self); FBuffer := TComBuffer.Create; FBuffer.SetBINA(Self); end; // destroi o componente destructor TSspBina.Destroy; begin Close; FBuffer.Free; FFlowControl.Free; FTimeouts.Free; FParity.Free; inherited Destroy; FLinks.Free; end; // cria o handle da porta serial procedure TSspBina.CreateHandle; begin FHandle := CreateFile( PChar('\\.\' + FPort), GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE, 0, nil, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, 0); if FHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then raise ECspBina.Create(CError_OpenFailed, GetLastError); end; // Fecha o handle da porta serial procedure TSspBina.DestroyHandle; begin if FHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then CloseHandle(FHandle); end; procedure TSspBina.Loaded; begin inherited Loaded; if (FConectado) and (not (csDesigning in ComponentState)) then begin FConectado := False; try Open; except on E:Exception do Application.ShowException(E); end; end; end; procedure TSspBina.WindowMethod(var Message: TMessage); begin with Message do if Msg = CM_BINA then begin case wParam of EV_RXCHAR: CallDTMF; EV_TXEMPTY: CallTxEmpty; EV_BREAK: CallBreak; EV_RING: CallRing; EV_CTS: CallCTSChange; EV_DSR: CallDSRChange; EV_RXFLAG: CallRxFlag; EV_RLSD: CallRLSDChange; EV_ERR: CallError; EV_RX80FULL: CallRx80Full; end end else Result := DefWindowProc(FWindow, Msg, wParam, lParam); end; procedure TSspBina.BeginUpdate; begin FUpdateCount := FUpdateCount + 1; end; procedure TSspBina.EndUpdate; begin if FUpdateCount > 0 then begin FUpdateCount := FUpdateCount - 1; if FUpdateCount = 0 then SetupBINA; end; end; procedure TSspBina.Open; begin if (not FConectado) and (not (csDesigning in ComponentState)) then begin CallBeforeOpen; CreateHandle; FConectado := True; try SetupBINA; except DestroyHandle; FConectado := False; raise; end; if (FEvents = []) then FThreadCreated := False else begin if (FSyncMethod = smWindowSync) then FWindow := AllocateHWnd(WindowMethod); FEventThread := TComThread.Create(Self); FThreadCreated := True; end; CallAfterOpen; end; end; procedure TSspBina.Close; begin if (FConectado) and (not (csDesigning in ComponentState)) then begin CallBeforeClose; AbortAllAsync; if FThreadCreated then begin FEventThread.Free; FThreadCreated := False; if FSyncMethod = smWindowSync then DeallocateHWnd(FWindow); end; DestroyHandle; FConectado := False; CallAfterClose; end; end; procedure TSspBina.ApplyDCB; const CParityBits: array[TParityBits] of Integer = (NOPARITY, ODDPARITY, EVENPARITY, MARKPARITY, SPACEPARITY); CStopBits: array[TStopBits] of Integer = (ONESTOPBIT, ONE5STOPBITS, TWOSTOPBITS); CBaudRate: array[TBaudRate] of Integer = (0, CBR_110, CBR_300, CBR_600, CBR_1200, CBR_2400, CBR_4800, CBR_9600, CBR_14400, CBR_19200, CBR_38400, CBR_56000, CBR_57600, CBR_115200, CBR_128000, CBR_256000); CDataBits: array[TDataBits] of Integer = (5, 6, 7, 8); CControlRTS: array[TRTSFlowControl] of Integer = (RTS_CONTROL_DISABLE shl 12, RTS_CONTROL_ENABLE shl 12, RTS_CONTROL_HANDSHAKE shl 12, RTS_CONTROL_TOGGLE shl 12); CControlDTR: array[TDTRFlowControl] of Integer = (DTR_CONTROL_DISABLE shl 4, DTR_CONTROL_ENABLE shl 4, DTR_CONTROL_HANDSHAKE shl 4); var DCB: TDCB; begin if (FConectado) and (FUpdateCount = 0) and (not ((csDesigning in ComponentState) or (csLoading in ComponentState))) then begin DCB.DCBlength := SizeOf(TDCB); DCB.XonLim := FBuffer.InputSize div 4; DCB.XoffLim := DCB.XonLim; DCB.EvtChar := Char(FEventChar); DCB.Flags := dcb_Binary; if FDiscardNull then DCB.Flags := DCB.Flags or dcb_Null; with FFlowControl do begin DCB.XonChar := XonChar; DCB.XoffChar := XoffChar; if OutCTSFlow then DCB.Flags := DCB.Flags or dcb_OutxCTSFlow; if OutDSRFlow then DCB.Flags := DCB.Flags or dcb_OutxDSRFlow; DCB.Flags := DCB.Flags or CControlDTR[ControlDTR] or CControlRTS[ControlRTS]; if XonXoffOut then DCB.Flags := DCB.Flags or dcb_OutX; if XonXoffIn then DCB.Flags := DCB.Flags or dcb_InX; if DSRSensitivity then DCB.Flags := DCB.Flags or dcb_DSRSensivity; if TxContinueOnXoff then DCB.Flags := DCB.Flags or dcb_TxContinueOnXoff; end; DCB.Parity := CParityBits[FParity.Bits]; DCB.StopBits := CStopBits[FStopBits]; if FBaudRate <> brCustom then DCB.BaudRate := CBaudRate[FBaudRate] else DCB.BaudRate := FCustomBaudRate; DCB.ByteSize := CDataBits[FDataBits]; if FParity.Check then begin DCB.Flags := DCB.Flags or dcb_Parity; if FParity.Replace then begin DCB.Flags := DCB.Flags or dcb_ErrorChar; DCB.ErrorChar := Char(FParity.ReplaceChar); end; end; if not SetCommState(FHandle, DCB) then raise ECspBina.Create(CError_SetStateFailed, GetLastError); end; end; procedure TSspBina.ApplyTimeouts; var Timeouts: TCommTimeouts; function GetTOValue(const Value: Integer): DWORD; begin if Value = -1 then Result := MAXDWORD else Result := Value; end; begin if (FConectado) and (FUpdateCount = 0) and (not ((csDesigning in ComponentState) or (csLoading in ComponentState))) then begin Timeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout := GetTOValue(FTimeouts.ReadInterval); Timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier := GetTOValue(FTimeouts.ReadTotalMultiplier); Timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant := GetTOValue(FTimeouts.ReadTotalConstant); Timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier := GetTOValue(FTimeouts.WriteTotalMultiplier); Timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant := GetTOValue(FTimeouts.WriteTotalConstant); if not SetCommTimeouts(FHandle, Timeouts) then raise ECspBina.Create(CError_TimeoutsFailed, GetLastError); end; end; procedure TSspBina.ApplyBuffer; begin if (FConectado) and (FUpdateCount = 0) and (not ((csDesigning in ComponentState) or (csLoading in ComponentState))) then if not SetupComm(FHandle, FBuffer.InputSize, FBuffer.OutputSize) then raise ECspBina.Create(CError_SetupComFailed, GetLastError); end; procedure TSspBina.SetupBINA; begin ApplyBuffer; ApplyDCB; ApplyTimeouts; end; function TSspBina.InputCount: Integer; var Errors: DWORD; ComStat: TComStat; begin if not ClearCommError(FHandle, Errors, @ComStat) then raise ECspBina.Create(CError_ClearComFailed, GetLastError); Result := ComStat.cbInQue; end; function TSspBina.OutputCount: Integer; var Errors: DWORD; ComStat: TComStat; begin if not ClearCommError(FHandle, Errors, @ComStat) then raise ECspBina.Create(CError_ClearComFailed, GetLastError); Result := ComStat.cbOutQue; end; function TSspBina.Signals: TComSignals; var Status: DWORD; begin if not GetCommModemStatus(FHandle, Status) then raise ECspBina.Create(CError_ModemStatFailed, GetLastError); Result := []; if (MS_CTS_ON and Status) <> 0 then Result := Result + [csCTS]; if (MS_DSR_ON and Status) <> 0 then Result := Result + [csDSR]; if (MS_RING_ON and Status) <> 0 then Result := Result + [csRing]; if (MS_RLSD_ON and Status) <> 0 then Result := Result + [csRLSD]; end; function TSspBina.StateFlags: TComStateFlags; var Errors: DWORD; ComStat: TComStat; begin if not ClearCommError(FHandle, Errors, @ComStat) then raise ECspBina.Create(CError_ClearComFailed, GetLastError); Result := ComStat.Flags; end; procedure TSspBina.SetBreak(OnOff: Boolean); var Act: Integer; begin if OnOff then Act := Windows.SETBREAK else Act := Windows.CLRBREAK; if not EscapeCommFunction(FHandle, Act) then raise ECspBina.Create(CError_EscapeComFailed, GetLastError); end; procedure TSspBina.SetDTR(OnOff: Boolean); var Act: DWORD; begin if OnOff then Act := Windows.SETDTR else Act := Windows.CLRDTR; if not EscapeCommFunction(FHandle, Act) then raise ECspBina.Create(CError_EscapeComFailed, GetLastError); end; procedure TSspBina.SetRTS(OnOff: Boolean); var Act: DWORD; begin if OnOff then Act := Windows.SETRTS else Act := Windows.CLRRTS; if not EscapeCommFunction(FHandle, Act) then raise ECspBina.Create(CError_EscapeComFailed, GetLastError); end; procedure TSspBina.SetXonXoff(OnOff: Boolean); var Act: DWORD; begin if OnOff then Act := Windows.SETXON else Act := Windows.SETXOFF; if not EscapeCommFunction(FHandle, Act) then raise ECspBina.Create(CError_EscapeComFailed, GetLastError); end; procedure TSspBina.ClearBuffer(Input, Output: Boolean); var Flag: DWORD; begin Flag := 0; if Input then Flag := PURGE_RXCLEAR; if Output then Flag := Flag or PURGE_TXCLEAR; if not PurgeComm(FHandle, Flag) then raise ECspBina.Create(CError_PurgeFailed, GetLastError); end; function TSspBina.LastErrors: TComErrors; var Errors: DWORD; ComStat: TComStat; begin if not ClearCommError(FHandle, Errors, @ComStat) then raise ECspBina.Create(CError_ClearComFailed, GetLastError); Result := []; if (CE_FRAME and Errors) <> 0 then Result := Result + [ceFrame]; if ((CE_RXPARITY and Errors) <> 0) and FParity.Check then Result := Result + [ceRxParity]; if (CE_OVERRUN and Errors) <> 0 then Result := Result + [ceOverrun]; if (CE_RXOVER and Errors) <> 0 then Result := Result + [ceRxOver]; if (CE_TXFULL and Errors) <> 0 then Result := Result + [ceTxFull]; if (CE_BREAK and Errors) <> 0 then Result := Result + [ceBreak]; if (CE_IOE and Errors) <> 0 then Result := Result + [ceIO]; if (CE_MODE and Errors) <> 0 then Result := Result + [ceMode]; end; function TSspBina.WriteAsync(const Buffer; Count: Integer; var AsyncPtr: PAsync): Integer; var Success: Boolean; BytesTrans: DWORD; begin AsyncPtr^.Kind := okWrite; Success := WriteFile(FHandle, Buffer, Count, BytesTrans, @AsyncPtr^.Overlapped) or (GetLastError = ERROR_IO_PENDING); if not Success then raise ECspBina.Create(CError_WriteFailed, GetLastError); SendSignals(lsTx, True); Result := BytesTrans; end; function TSspBina.Write(const Buffer; Count: Integer): Integer; var AsyncPtr: PAsync; begin InitAsync(AsyncPtr); try WriteAsync(Buffer, Count, AsyncPtr); Result := WaitForAsync(AsyncPtr); finally DoneAsync(AsyncPtr); end; end; function TSspBina.WriteStrAsync(Str: string; var AsyncPtr: PAsync): Integer; var Success: Boolean; BytesTrans: DWORD; begin AsyncPtr^.Kind := okWrite; Success := WriteFile(FHandle, Str[1], Length(Str), BytesTrans, @AsyncPtr^.Overlapped) or (GetLastError = ERROR_IO_PENDING); if not Success then raise ECspBina.Create(CError_WriteFailed, GetLastError); SendSignals(lsTx, True); Result := BytesTrans; end; // Escrever caracter no modo sincrono function TSspBina.WriteDTMF(str: string): Integer; var AsyncPtr: PAsync; begin InitAsync(AsyncPtr); try WriteStrAsync(Str, AsyncPtr); Result := WaitForAsync(AsyncPtr); finally DoneAsync(AsyncPtr); end; end; // Ler no modo sincrono function TSspBina.ReadAsync(var Buffer; Count: Integer; var AsyncPtr: PAsync): Integer; var Success: Boolean; BytesTrans: DWORD; begin AsyncPtr^.Kind := okRead; Success := ReadFile(FHandle, Buffer, Count, BytesTrans, @AsyncPtr^.Overlapped) or (GetLastError = ERROR_IO_PENDING); if not Success then raise ECspBina.Create(CError_ReadFailed, GetLastError); Result := BytesTrans; end; // Ler no momdo sincrono function TSspBina.Read(var Buffer; Count: Integer): Integer; var AsyncPtr: PAsync; begin InitAsync(AsyncPtr); try ReadAsync(Buffer, Count, AsyncPtr); Result := WaitForAsync(AsyncPtr); finally DoneAsync(AsyncPtr); end; end; // Ler no modo sincrono function TSspBina.ReadStrAsync(var Str: string; Count: Integer; var AsyncPtr: PAsync): Integer; var Success: Boolean; BytesTrans: DWORD; begin AsyncPtr^.Kind := okRead; SetLength(Str, Count); Success := ReadFile(FHandle, Str[1], Count, BytesTrans, @AsyncPtr^.Overlapped) or (GetLastError = ERROR_IO_PENDING); if not Success then raise ECspBina.Create(CError_ReadFailed, GetLastError); Result := BytesTrans; end; function TSspBina.LeiaDTMF(var Str: string; Count: Integer): Integer; var AsyncPtr: PAsync; begin InitAsync(AsyncPtr); try ReadStrAsync(Str, Count, AsyncPtr); Result := WaitForAsync(AsyncPtr); SetLength(Str, Result); finally DoneAsync(AsyncPtr); end; end; function ErrorCode(AsyncPtr: PAsync): Integer; begin Result := 0; case AsyncPtr^.Kind of okWrite: Result := CError_WriteFailed; okRead: Result := CError_ReadFailed; end; end; function TSspBina.WaitForAsync(var AsyncPtr: PAsync): Integer; var BytesTrans, Signaled: DWORD; Success: Boolean; begin if AsyncPtr = nil then raise ECspBina.CreateNoWinCode(CError_InvalidAsync); Signaled := WaitForSingleObject(AsyncPtr^.Overlapped.hEvent, INFINITE); Success := (Signaled = WAIT_OBJECT_0) and (GetOverlappedResult(FHandle, AsyncPtr^.Overlapped, BytesTrans, False)); if (AsyncPtr^.Kind = okRead) and (InputCount = 0) then SendSignals(lsRx, False); if not Success then raise ECspBina.Create(ErrorCode(AsyncPtr), GetLastError); Result := BytesTrans; end; procedure TSspBina.AbortAllAsync; begin if not PurgeComm(FHandle, PURGE_TXABORT or PURGE_RXABORT) then raise ECspBina.Create(CError_PurgeFailed, GetLastError); end; function TSspBina.IsAsyncCompleted(AsyncPtr: PAsync): Boolean; var BytesTrans: DWORD; begin if AsyncPtr = nil then raise ECspBina.CreateNoWinCode(CError_InvalidAsync); Result := GetOverlappedResult(FHandle, AsyncPtr^.Overlapped, BytesTrans, False); if not Result then if GetLastError <> ERROR_IO_PENDING then raise ECspBina.Create(CError_AsyncCheck, GetLastError); end; procedure TSspBina.WaitForEvent(var Events: TComEvents; Timeout: Integer); var Overlapped: TOverlapped; Mask: DWORD; Success: Boolean; Signaled: Integer; begin if FThreadCreated then raise ECspBina.CreateNoWinCode(CError_ThreadCreated); FillChar(Overlapped, SizeOf(TOverlapped), 0); Overlapped.hEvent := CreateEvent(nil, True, False, nil); try SetCommMask(FHandle, EventsToInt(Events)); Success := WaitCommEvent(FHandle, Mask, @Overlapped); if (Success) or (GetLastError = ERROR_IO_PENDING) then begin Signaled := WaitForSingleObject(Overlapped.hEvent, Timeout); if Signaled = WAIT_TIMEOUT then SetCommMask(FHandle, 0); Success := (Signaled = WAIT_OBJECT_0) or (Signaled = WAIT_TIMEOUT); end; if not Success then raise ECspBina.Create(CError_WaitFailed, GetLastError); Events := IntToEvents(Mask); finally CloseHandle(Overlapped.hEvent); end; end; procedure TSspBina.TransmitChar(Ch: Char); begin if not TransmitCommChar(FHandle, Ch) then raise ECspBina.Create(CError_TransmitFailed, GetLastError); end; function BoolToStr(const Value: Boolean): string; begin if Value then Result := 'Yes' else Result := 'No'; end; function StrToBool(const Value: string): Boolean; begin if UpperCase(Value) = 'YES' then Result := True else Result := False; end; function DTRToStr(DTRFlowControl: TDTRFlowControl): string; const DTRStrings: array[TDTRFlowControl] of string = ('Disable', 'Enable', 'Handshake'); begin Result := DTRStrings[DTRFlowControl]; end; function RTSToStr(RTSFlowControl: TRTSFlowControl): string; const RTSStrings: array[TRTSFlowControl] of string = ('Disable', 'Enable', 'Handshake', 'Toggle'); begin Result := RTSStrings[RTSFlowControl]; end; function StrToRTS(Str: string): TRTSFlowControl; var I: TRTSFlowControl; begin I := Low(TRTSFlowControl); while (I <= High(TRTSFlowControl)) do begin if UpperCase(Str) = UpperCase(RTSToStr(I)) then Break; I := Succ(I); end; if I > High(TRTSFlowControl) then Result := rtsDisable else Result := I; end; function StrToDTR(Str: string): TDTRFlowControl; var I: TDTRFlowControl; begin I := Low(TDTRFlowControl); while (I <= High(TDTRFlowControl)) do begin if UpperCase(Str) = UpperCase(DTRToStr(I)) then Break; I := Succ(I); end; if I > High(TDTRFlowControl) then Result := dtrDisable else Result := I; end; function StrToChar(Str: string): Char; var A: Integer; begin if Length(Str) > 0 then begin if (Str[1] = '#') and (Length(Str) > 1) then begin try A := StrToInt(Copy(Str, 2, Length(Str) - 1)); except A := 0; end; Result := Chr(Byte(A)); end else Result := Str[1]; end else Result := #0; end; function CharToStr(Ch: Char): string; begin if Ch in [#33..#127] then Result := Ch else Result := '#' + IntToStr(Ord(Ch)); end; procedure TSspBina.StoreIniFile(IniFile: TIniFile); begin if spBasic in FStoredProps then begin IniFile.WriteString(Name, 'Port', Porta); IniFile.WriteString(Name, 'BaudRate', BaudRateToStr(BaudRate)); if BaudRate = brCustom then IniFile.WriteInteger(Name, 'CustomBaudRate', CustomBaudRate); IniFile.WriteString(Name, 'StopBits', StopBitsToStr(StopBits)); IniFile.WriteString(Name, 'DataBits', DataBitsToStr(DataBits)); IniFile.WriteString(Name, 'Parity', ParityToStr(Parity.Bits)); IniFile.WriteString(Name, 'FlowControl', FlowControlToStr(FlowControl.FlowControl)); end; if spOthers in FStoredProps then begin IniFile.WriteString(Name, 'EventChar', CharToStr(EventChar)); IniFile.WriteString(Name, 'DiscardNull', BoolToStr(DiscardNull)); end; if spParity in FStoredProps then begin IniFile.WriteString(Name, 'Parity.Check', BoolToStr(Parity.Check)); IniFile.WriteString(Name, 'Parity.Replace', BoolToStr(Parity.Replace)); IniFile.WriteString(Name, 'Parity.ReplaceChar', CharToStr(Parity.ReplaceChar)); end; if spBuffer in FStoredProps then begin IniFile.WriteInteger(Name, 'Buffer.OutputSize', Buffer.OutputSize); IniFile.WriteInteger(Name, 'Buffer.InputSize', Buffer.InputSize); end; if spTimeouts in FStoredProps then begin IniFile.WriteInteger(Name, 'Timeouts.ReadInterval', Timeouts.ReadInterval); IniFile.WriteInteger(Name, 'Timeouts.ReadTotalConstant', Timeouts.ReadTotalConstant); IniFile.WriteInteger(Name, 'Timeouts.ReadTotalMultiplier', Timeouts.ReadTotalMultiplier); IniFile.WriteInteger(Name, 'Timeouts.WriteTotalConstant', Timeouts.WriteTotalConstant); IniFile.WriteInteger(Name, 'Timeouts.WriteTotalMultiplier', Timeouts.WriteTotalMultiplier); end; if spFlowControl in FStoredProps then begin IniFile.WriteString(Name, 'FlowControl.ControlRTS', RTSToStr(FlowControl.ControlRTS)); IniFile.WriteString(Name, 'FlowControl.ControlDTR', DTRToStr(FlowControl.ControlDTR)); IniFile.WriteString(Name, 'FlowControl.DSRSensitivity', BoolToStr(FlowControl.DSRSensitivity)); IniFile.WriteString(Name, 'FlowControl.OutCTSFlow', BoolToStr(FlowControl.OutCTSFlow)); IniFile.WriteString(Name, 'FlowControl.OutDSRFlow', BoolToStr(FlowControl.OutDSRFlow)); IniFile.WriteString(Name, 'FlowControl.TxContinueOnXoff', BoolToStr(FlowControl.TxContinueOnXoff)); IniFile.WriteString(Name, 'FlowControl.XonXoffIn', BoolToStr(FlowControl.XonXoffIn)); IniFile.WriteString(Name, 'FlowControl.XonXoffOut', BoolToStr(FlowControl.XonXoffOut)); IniFile.WriteString(Name, 'FlowControl.XoffChar', CharToStr(FlowControl.XoffChar)); IniFile.WriteString(Name, 'FlowControl.XonChar', CharToStr(FlowControl.XonChar)); end; end; procedure TSspBina.StoreRegistry(Reg: TRegistry); begin if spBasic in FStoredProps then begin Reg.WriteString('Port', Porta); Reg.WriteString('BaudRate', BaudRateToStr(BaudRate)); if BaudRate = brCustom then Reg.WriteInteger('CustomBaudRate', CustomBaudRate); Reg.WriteString('StopBits', StopBitsToStr(StopBits)); Reg.WriteString('DataBits', DataBitsToStr(DataBits)); Reg.WriteString('Parity', ParityToStr(Parity.Bits)); Reg.WriteString('FlowControl', FlowControlToStr(FlowControl.FlowControl)); end; if spOthers in FStoredProps then begin Reg.WriteString('EventChar', CharToStr(EventChar)); Reg.WriteString('DiscardNull', BoolToStr(DiscardNull)); end; if spParity in FStoredProps then begin Reg.WriteString('Parity.Check', BoolToStr(Parity.Check)); Reg.WriteString('Parity.Replace', BoolToStr(Parity.Replace)); Reg.WriteString('Parity.ReplaceChar', CharToStr(Parity.ReplaceChar)); end; if spBuffer in FStoredProps then begin Reg.WriteInteger('Buffer.OutputSize', Buffer.OutputSize); Reg.WriteInteger('Buffer.InputSize', Buffer.InputSize); end; if spTimeouts in FStoredProps then begin Reg.WriteInteger('Timeouts.ReadInterval', Timeouts.ReadInterval); Reg.WriteInteger('Timeouts.ReadTotalConstant', Timeouts.ReadTotalConstant); Reg.WriteInteger('Timeouts.ReadTotalMultiplier', Timeouts.ReadTotalMultiplier); Reg.WriteInteger('Timeouts.WriteTotalConstant', Timeouts.WriteTotalConstant); Reg.WriteInteger('Timeouts.WriteTotalMultiplier', Timeouts.WriteTotalMultiplier); end; if spFlowControl in FStoredProps then begin Reg.WriteString('FlowControl.ControlRTS', RTSToStr(FlowControl.ControlRTS)); Reg.WriteString('FlowControl.ControlDTR', DTRToStr(FlowControl.ControlDTR)); Reg.WriteString('FlowControl.DSRSensitivity', BoolToStr(FlowControl.DSRSensitivity)); Reg.WriteString('FlowControl.OutCTSFlow', BoolToStr(FlowControl.OutCTSFlow)); Reg.WriteString('FlowControl.OutDSRFlow', BoolToStr(FlowControl.OutDSRFlow)); Reg.WriteString('FlowControl.TxContinueOnXoff', BoolToStr(FlowControl.TxContinueOnXoff)); Reg.WriteString('FlowControl.XonXoffIn', BoolToStr(FlowControl.XonXoffIn)); Reg.WriteString('FlowControl.XonXoffOut', BoolToStr(FlowControl.XonXoffOut)); Reg.WriteString('FlowControl.XoffChar', CharToStr(FlowControl.XoffChar)); Reg.WriteString('FlowControl.XonChar', CharToStr(FlowControl.XonChar)); end; end; procedure TSspBina.LoadIniFile(IniFile: TIniFile); begin if spBasic in FStoredProps then begin Porta := IniFile.ReadString(Name, 'Port', Porta); BaudRate := StrToBaudRate(IniFile.ReadString(Name, 'BaudRate', BaudRateToStr(BaudRate))); if BaudRate = brCustom then CustomBaudRate := IniFile.ReadInteger(Name, 'CustomBaudRate', 9600); StopBits := StrToStopBits(IniFile.ReadString(Name, 'StopBits', StopBitsToStr(StopBits))); DataBits := StrToDataBits(IniFile.ReadString(Name, 'DataBits', DataBitsToStr(DataBits))); Parity.Bits := StrToParity(IniFile.ReadString(Name, 'Parity', ParityToStr(Parity.Bits))); FlowControl.FlowControl := StrToFlowControl( IniFile.ReadString(Name, 'FlowControl', FlowControlToStr(FlowControl.FlowControl))); end; if spOthers in FStoredProps then begin EventChar := StrToChar(IniFile.ReadString(Name, 'EventChar', CharToStr(EventChar))); DiscardNull := StrToBool(IniFile.ReadString(Name, 'DiscardNull', BoolToStr(DiscardNull))); end; if spParity in FStoredProps then begin Parity.Check := StrToBool(IniFile.ReadString(Name, 'Parity.Check', BoolToStr(Parity.Check))); Parity.Replace := StrToBool(IniFile.ReadString(Name, 'Parity.Replace', BoolToStr(Parity.Replace))); Parity.ReplaceChar := StrToChar(IniFile.ReadString(Name, 'Parity.ReplaceChar', CharToStr(Parity.ReplaceChar))); end; if spBuffer in FStoredProps then begin Buffer.OutputSize := IniFile.ReadInteger(Name, 'Buffer.OutputSize', Buffer.OutputSize); Buffer.InputSize := IniFile.ReadInteger(Name, 'Buffer.InputSize', Buffer.InputSize); end; if spTimeouts in FStoredProps then begin Timeouts.ReadInterval := IniFile.ReadInteger(Name, 'Timeouts.ReadInterval', Timeouts.ReadInterval); Timeouts.ReadTotalConstant := IniFile.ReadInteger(Name, 'Timeouts.ReadTotalConstant', Timeouts.ReadTotalConstant); Timeouts.ReadTotalMultiplier := IniFile.ReadInteger(Name, 'Timeouts.ReadTotalMultiplier', Timeouts.ReadTotalMultiplier); Timeouts.WriteTotalConstant := IniFile.ReadInteger(Name, 'Timeouts.WriteTotalConstant', Timeouts.WriteTotalConstant); Timeouts.WriteTotalMultiplier := IniFile.ReadInteger(Name, 'Timeouts.WriteTotalMultiplier', Timeouts.WriteTotalMultiplier); end; if spFlowControl in FStoredProps then begin FlowControl.ControlRTS := StrToRTS(IniFile.ReadString(Name, 'FlowControl.ControlRTS', RTSToStr(FlowControl.ControlRTS))); FlowControl.ControlDTR := StrToDTR(IniFile.ReadString(Name, 'FlowControl.ControlDTR', DTRToStr(FlowControl.ControlDTR))); FlowControl.DSRSensitivity := StrToBool(IniFile.ReadString(Name, 'FlowControl.DSRSensitivity', BoolToStr(FlowControl.DSRSensitivity))); FlowControl.OutCTSFlow := StrToBool(IniFile.ReadString(Name, 'FlowControl.OutCTSFlow', BoolToStr(FlowControl.OutCTSFlow))); FlowControl.OutDSRFlow := StrToBool(IniFile.ReadString(Name, 'FlowControl.OutDSRFlow', BoolToStr(FlowControl.OutCTSFlow))); FlowControl.TxContinueOnXoff := StrToBool(IniFile.ReadString(Name, 'FlowControl.TxContinueOnXoff', BoolToStr(FlowControl.TxContinueOnXoff))); FlowControl.XonXoffIn := StrToBool(IniFile.ReadString(Name, 'FlowControl.XonXoffIn', BoolToStr(FlowControl.XonXoffIn))); FlowControl.XonXoffOut := StrToBool(IniFile.ReadString(Name, 'FlowControl.XonXoffOut', BoolToStr(FlowControl.XonXoffOut))); FlowControl.XoffChar := StrToChar(IniFile.ReadString(Name, 'FlowControl.XoffChar', CharToStr(FlowControl.XoffChar))); FlowControl.XonChar := StrToChar(IniFile.ReadString(Name, 'FlowControl.XonChar', CharToStr(FlowControl.XonChar))); end; end; procedure TSspBina.LoadRegistry(Reg: TRegistry); begin if spBasic in FStoredProps then begin Porta := Reg.ReadString('Port'); BaudRate := StrToBaudRate(Reg.ReadString('BaudRate')); if BaudRate = brCustom then CustomBaudRate := Reg.ReadInteger('CustomBaudRate'); StopBits := StrToStopBits(Reg.ReadString('StopBits')); DataBits := StrToDataBits(Reg.ReadString('DataBits')); Parity.Bits := StrToParity(Reg.ReadString('Parity')); FlowControl.FlowControl := StrToFlowControl(Reg.ReadString('FlowControl')); end; if spOthers in FStoredProps then begin EventChar := StrToChar(Reg.ReadString('EventChar')); DiscardNull := StrToBool(Reg.ReadString('DiscardNull')); end; if spParity in FStoredProps then begin Parity.Check := StrToBool(Reg.ReadString('Parity.Check')); Parity.Replace := StrToBool(Reg.ReadString('Parity.Replace')); Parity.ReplaceChar := StrToChar(Reg.ReadString('Parity.ReplaceChar')); end; if spBuffer in FStoredProps then begin Buffer.OutputSize := Reg.ReadInteger('Buffer.OutputSize'); Buffer.InputSize := Reg.ReadInteger('Buffer.InputSize'); end; if spTimeouts in FStoredProps then begin Timeouts.ReadInterval := Reg.ReadInteger('Timeouts.ReadInterval'); Timeouts.ReadTotalConstant := Reg.ReadInteger('Timeouts.ReadTotalConstant'); Timeouts.ReadTotalMultiplier := Reg.ReadInteger('Timeouts.ReadTotalMultiplier'); Timeouts.WriteTotalConstant := Reg.ReadInteger('Timeouts.WriteTotalConstant'); Timeouts.WriteTotalMultiplier := Reg.ReadInteger('Timeouts.WriteTotalMultiplier'); end; if spFlowControl in FStoredProps then begin FlowControl.ControlRTS := StrToRTS(Reg.ReadString('FlowControl.ControlRTS')); FlowControl.ControlDTR := StrToDTR(Reg.ReadString('FlowControl.ControlDTR')); FlowControl.DSRSensitivity := StrToBool(Reg.ReadString('FlowControl.DSRSensitivity')); FlowControl.OutCTSFlow := StrToBool(Reg.ReadString('FlowControl.OutCTSFlow')); FlowControl.OutDSRFlow := StrToBool(Reg.ReadString('FlowControl.OutDSRFlow')); FlowControl.TxContinueOnXoff := StrToBool(Reg.ReadString('FlowControl.TxContinueOnXoff')); FlowControl.XonXoffIn := StrToBool(Reg.ReadString('FlowControl.XonXoffIn')); FlowControl.XonXoffOut := StrToBool(Reg.ReadString('FlowControl.XonXoffOut')); FlowControl.XoffChar := StrToChar(Reg.ReadString('FlowControl.XoffChar')); FlowControl.XonChar := StrToChar(Reg.ReadString('FlowControl.XonChar')); end; end; procedure SetRegistry(Reg: TRegistry; Key: string; Name: string); var I: Integer; Temp: string; begin I := Pos('\', Key); if I > 0 then begin Temp := Copy(Key, 1, I - 1); if UpperCase(Temp) = 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE' then Reg.RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE else if UpperCase(Temp) = 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER' then Reg.RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER; Key := Copy(Key, I + 1, Length(Key) - I); if Key[Length(Key)] <> '\' then Key := Key + '\'; Key := Key + Name; Reg.OpenKey(Key, True); end; end; procedure TSspBina.StoreSettings(StoreType: TStoreType; StoreTo: string); var IniFile: TIniFile; Reg: TRegistry; begin try if StoreType = stRegistry then begin Reg := TRegistry.Create; try SetRegistry(Reg, StoreTo, Name); StoreRegistry(Reg); finally Reg.Free; end end else begin IniFile := TIniFile.Create(StoreTo); try StoreIniFile(IniFile); finally IniFile.Free; end end; except raise ECspBina.CreateNoWinCode(CError_StoreFailed); end; end; procedure TSspBina.LoadSettings(StoreType: TStoreType; LoadFrom: string); var IniFile: TIniFile; Reg: TRegistry; begin BeginUpdate; try try if StoreType = stRegistry then begin Reg := TRegistry.Create; try SetRegistry(Reg, LoadFrom, Name); LoadRegistry(Reg); finally Reg.Free; end end else begin IniFile := TIniFile.Create(LoadFrom); try LoadIniFile(IniFile); finally IniFile.Free; end end; finally EndUpdate; end; except raise ECspBina.CreateNoWinCode(CError_LoadFailed); end; end; procedure TSspBina.RegisterLink(AComLink: TComLink); begin if FLinks.IndexOf(Pointer(AComLink)) > -1 then raise ECspBina.CreateNoWinCode(CError_RegFailed) else FLinks.Add(Pointer(AComLink)); end; procedure TSspBina.UnRegisterLink(AComLink: TComLink); begin if FLinks.IndexOf(Pointer(AComLink)) = -1 then raise ECspBina.CreateNoWinCode(CError_RegFailed) else FLinks.Remove(Pointer(AComLink)); end; procedure TSspBina.DoBeforeClose; begin if Assigned(FOnBeforeClose) then FOnBeforeClose(Self); end; procedure TSspBina.DoBeforeOpen; begin if Assigned(FOnBeforeOpen) then FOnBeforeOpen(Self); end; procedure TSspBina.DoAfterOpen; begin if Assigned(FOnAfterOpen) then FOnAfterOpen(Self); end; procedure TSspBina.DoAfterClose; begin if Assigned(FOnAfterClose) then FOnAfterClose(Self); end; procedure TSspBina.DoDTMF(Count: Integer); begin if Assigned(FOnDTMF) then FOnDTMF(Self, Count); end; procedure TSspBina.DoRxBuf(const Buffer; Count: Integer); begin if Assigned(FOnRxBuf) then FOnRxBuf(Self, Buffer, Count); end; procedure TSspBina.DoBreak; begin if Assigned(FOnBreak) then FOnBreak(Self); end; procedure TSspBina.DoTxEmpty; begin if Assigned(FOnTxEmpty) then FOnTxEmpty(Self); end; procedure TSspBina.DoRing; begin if Assigned(FOnRing) then FOnRing(Self); end; procedure TSspBina.DoCTSChange(OnOff: Boolean); begin if Assigned(FOnCTSChange) then FOnCTSChange(Self, OnOff); end; procedure TSspBina.DoDSRChange(OnOff: Boolean); begin if Assigned(FOnDSRChange) then FOnDSRChange(Self, OnOff); end; procedure TSspBina.DoRLSDChange(OnOff: Boolean); begin if Assigned(FOnRLSDChange) then FOnRLSDChange(Self, OnOff); end; procedure TSspBina.DoError(Errors: TComErrors); begin if Assigned(FOnError) then FOnError(Self, Errors); end; procedure TSspBina.DoRxFlag; begin if Assigned(FOnRxFlag) then FOnRxFlag(Self); end; procedure TSspBina.DoRx80Full; begin if Assigned(FOnRx80Full) then FOnRx80Full(Self); end; procedure TSspBina.CheckSignals(Open: Boolean); begin if Open then begin CallCTSChange; CallDSRChange; CallRLSDChange; end else begin SendSignals(lsCTS, False); SendSignals(lsDSR, False); SendSignals(lsRLSD, False); DoCTSChange(False); DoDSRChange(False); DoRLSDChange(False); end; end; procedure TSspBina.CallAfterClose; begin DoAfterClose; end; procedure TSspBina.CallAfterOpen; begin DoAfterOpen; CheckSignals(True); end; procedure TSspBina.CallBeforeClose; begin DoBeforeClose; CheckSignals(False); end; procedure TSspBina.CallBeforeOpen; begin DoBeforeClose; end; procedure TSspBina.CallBreak; begin DoBreak; end; procedure TSspBina.CallCTSChange; var OnOff: Boolean; begin OnOff := csCTS in Signals; SendSignals(lsCTS, OnOff); DoCTSChange(csCTS in Signals); end; procedure TSspBina.CallDSRChange; var OnOff: Boolean; begin OnOff := csDSR in Signals; SendSignals(lsDSR, OnOff); DoDSRChange(csDSR in Signals); end; procedure TSspBina.CallRLSDChange; var OnOff: Boolean; begin OnOff := csRLSD in Signals; SendSignals(lsRLSD, OnOff); DoRLSDChange(csRLSD in Signals); end; procedure TSspBina.CallError; begin DoError(LastErrors); end; procedure TSspBina.CallRing; var I: Integer; ComLink: TComLink; begin if (FLinks.Count > 0) then for I := 0 to FLinks.Count - 1 do begin ComLink := TComLink(FLinks[I]); if Assigned(ComLink.OnRing) then ComLink.OnRing(Self); end; DoRing; end; procedure TSspBina.CallRx80Full; begin DoRx80Full; end; procedure TSspBina.CallDTMF; var Count: Integer; procedure CheckLinks; {$WARNINGS OFF} var I: Integer; P: Pointer; ComLink: TComLink; ReadFromBuffer: Boolean; begin if (Count > 0) and (FLinks.Count > 0) then begin ReadFromBuffer := False; try for I := 0 to FLinks.Count - 1 do begin ComLink := TComLink(FLinks[I]); if Assigned(ComLink.OnRxBuf) then begin if not ReadFromBuffer then begin GetMem(P, Count); ReadFromBuffer := True; Read(P^, Count); DoRxBuf(P^, Count); end; ComLink.OnRxBuf(Self, P^, Count); end end; finally if ReadFromBuffer then begin FreeMem(P); Count := 0; end; end; end; end; begin Count := InputCount; if Count > 0 then SendSignals(lsRx, True); CheckLinks; if Count > 0 then DoDTMF(Count); end; procedure TSspBina.CallRxFlag; begin DoRxFlag; end; procedure TSspBina.CallTxEmpty; begin SendSignals(lsTx, False); DoTxEmpty; end; procedure TSspBina.SendSignals(Signal: TComLedSignal; OnOff: Boolean); var I: Integer; ComLink: TComLink; SignalEvent: TComSignalEvent; begin if (FLinks.Count > 0) then for I := 0 to FLinks.Count - 1 do begin ComLink := TComLink(FLinks[I]); SignalEvent := nil; case Signal of lsCTS: SignalEvent := ComLink.OnCTSChange; lsDSR: SignalEvent := ComLink.OnDSRChange; lsRLSD: SignalEvent := ComLink.OnRLSDChange; lsTx: SignalEvent := ComLink.OnTx; lsRx: SignalEvent := ComLink.OnRx; end; if Assigned(SignalEvent) then SignalEvent(Self, OnOff); end; end; procedure TSspBina.SetConectado(const Value: Boolean); begin if not ((csDesigning in ComponentState) or (csLoading in ComponentState)) then begin if Value <> FConectado then if Value then Open else Close; end else FConectado := Value; end; procedure TSspBina.SetBaudRate(const Value: TBaudRate); begin if Value <> FBaudRate then begin FBaudRate := Value; ApplyDCB; end; end; procedure TSspBina.SetCustomBaudRate(const Value: Integer); begin if Value <> FCustomBaudRate then begin FCustomBaudRate := Value; ApplyDCB; end; end; procedure TSspBina.SetDataBits(const Value: TDataBits); begin if Value <> FDataBits then begin FDataBits := Value; ApplyDCB; end; end; procedure TSspBina.SetDiscardNull(const Value: Boolean); begin if Value <> FDiscardNull then begin FDiscardNull := Value; ApplyDCB; end; end; procedure TSspBina.SetEventChar(const Value: Char); begin if Value <> FEventChar then begin FEventChar := Value; ApplyDCB; end; end; function ComString(Str: string): TPorta; var Num: Integer; begin if UpperCase(Copy(Str, 1, 3)) = 'COM' then Str := Copy(Str, 4, Length(Str) - 3); try Num := StrToInt(Str); except Num := 1; end; if (Num < 1) or (Num > 16) then Num := 1; Result := Format('COM%d', [Num]); end; procedure TSspBina.SetPort(const Value: TPorta); var Str: string; begin Str := ComString(Value); if Str <> FPort then begin FPort := Str; if (FConectado) and (not ((csDesigning in ComponentState) or (csLoading in ComponentState))) then begin Close; Open; end; end; end; procedure TSspBina.SetStopBits(const Value: TStopBits); begin if Value <> FStopBits then begin FStopBits := Value; ApplyDCB; end; end; procedure TSspBina.SetSyncMethod(const Value: TSyncMethod); begin if Value <> FSyncMethod then begin if (FConectado) and (not ((csDesigning in ComponentState) or (csLoading in ComponentState))) then raise ECspBina.CreateNoWinCode(CError_SyncMeth) else FSyncMethod := Value; end; end; function TSspBina.GetTriggersOnDTMF: Boolean; var I: Integer; ComLink: TComLink; begin Result := True; if FLinks.Count > 0 then for I := 0 to FLinks.Count - 1 do begin ComLink := TComLink(FLinks[I]); if Assigned(ComLink.OnRxBuf) then Result := False; end; end; procedure TSspBina.SetFlowControl(const Value: TComFlowControl); begin FFlowControl.Assign(Value); ApplyDCB; end; procedure TSspBina.SetParity(const Value: TComParity); begin FParity.Assign(Value); ApplyDCB; end; procedure TSspBina.SetTimeouts(const Value: TComTimeouts); begin FTimeouts.Assign(Value); ApplyTimeouts; end; procedure TSspBina.SetBuffer(const Value: TComBuffer); begin FBuffer.Assign(Value); ApplyBuffer; end; constructor TComDataPacket.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FComLink := TComLink.Create; FComLink.OnRxBuf := RxBuf; FMaxBufferSize := 1024; end; destructor TComDataPacket.Destroy; begin BINA := nil; FComLink.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TComDataPacket.Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); begin inherited Notification(AComponent, Operation); if (AComponent = FCspBina) and (Operation = opRemove) then BINA := nil; end; procedure TComDataPacket.DoDiscard(Str: string); begin if Assigned(FOnDiscard) then FOnDiscard(Self, Str); end; procedure TComDataPacket.DoPacket(Str: string); begin if Assigned(FOnPacket) then FOnPacket(Self, Str); end; procedure TComDataPacket.CheckIncludeStrings(var Str: string); var LenStart, LenStop: Integer; begin if FIncludeStrings then Exit; LenStart := Length(FStartString); LenStop := Length(FStopString); if Pos(Upper(FStartString), Upper(Str)) = 1 then Str := Copy(Str, LenStart + 1, Length(Str) - LenStart); if Pos(Upper(FStopString), Upper(Str)) = (Length(Str) - LenStop + 1) then Str := Copy(Str, 1, Length(Str) - LenStop); end; function TComDataPacket.Upper(Str: string): string; begin if FCaseInsensitive then Result := UpperCase(Str) else Result := Str; end; procedure TComDataPacket.HandleBuffer; procedure StartPacket; var Found: Integer; Str: string; begin if Length(FStartString) > 0 then begin Found := Pos(Upper(FStartString), Upper(Buffer)); if Found > 0 then begin Str := Copy(Buffer, 1, Found - 1); Buffer := Copy(Buffer, Found, Length(Buffer) - Found + 1); FInPacket := True; DoDiscard(Str); end; end else FInPacket := True; end; procedure EndPacket; var Found, CutSize, Len: Integer; Str: string; begin Len := Length(Buffer); if (FSize > 0) and (Len >= FSize) then begin FInPacket := False; CutSize := FSize; end else begin Found := Pos(Upper(FStopString), Upper(Buffer)); if Found > 0 then begin CutSize := Found + Length(FStopString) + 1; FInPacket := False; end; end; if not FInPacket then begin Str := Copy(Buffer, 1, CutSize); Buffer := Copy(Buffer, CutSize + 1, Length(Buffer) - CutSize); CheckIncludeStrings(Str); DoPacket(Str); end; end; function BufferTooLarge: Boolean; begin Result := (Length(Buffer) >= FMaxBufferSize) and (FMaxBufferSize > 0); end; begin try if not FInPacket then StartPacket; if FInPacket then begin EndPacket; if not FInPacket then HandleBuffer; end; finally if BufferTooLarge then EmptyBuffer; end; end; procedure TComDataPacket.RxBuf(Sender: TObject; const Buffer; Count: Integer); var Str: string; function Valid: Boolean; begin Result := (FSize > 0) or (Length(FStopString) > 0) end; begin SetLength(Str, Count); Move(Buffer, Str[1], Count); if Valid then begin Self.Buffer := Self.Buffer + Str; HandleBuffer; end else DoPacket(Str); end; procedure TComDataPacket.EmptyBuffer; begin if Buffer <> '' then begin try DoDiscard(Buffer); finally Buffer := ''; FInPacket := False; end; end; end; procedure TComDataPacket.SetBINA(const Value: TSspBina); begin if Value <> FCspBina then begin if FCspBina <> nil then FCspBina.UnRegisterLink(FComLink); FCspBina := Value; if FCspBina <> nil then begin FCspBina.FreeNotification(Self); FCspBina.RegisterLink(FComLink); end; end; end; procedure TComDataPacket.SetCaseInsensitive(const Value: Boolean); begin if FCaseInsensitive <> Value then begin FCaseInsensitive := Value; if not (csLoading in ComponentState) then EmptyBuffer; end; end; procedure TComDataPacket.SetSize(const Value: Integer); begin if FSize <> Value then begin FSize := Value; if not (csLoading in ComponentState) then EmptyBuffer; end; end; procedure TComDataPacket.SetStartString(const Value: string); begin if FStartString <> Value then begin FStartString := Value; if not (csLoading in ComponentState) then EmptyBuffer; end; end; procedure TComDataPacket.SetStopString(const Value: string); begin if FStopString <> Value then begin FStopString := Value; if not (csLoading in ComponentState) then EmptyBuffer; end; end; constructor ECspBina.Create(ACode: Integer; AWinCode: Integer); begin FWinCode := AWinCode; FCode := ACode; inherited CreateFmt(ComErrorMessages[ACode] + ' (win error code: %d)', [AWinCode]); end; constructor ECspBina.CreateNoWinCode(ACode: Integer); begin FWinCode := -1; FCode := ACode; inherited Create(ComErrorMessages[ACode]); end; procedure InitAsync(var AsyncPtr: PAsync); begin New(AsyncPtr); with AsyncPtr^ do begin FillChar(Overlapped, SizeOf(TOverlapped), 0); Overlapped.hEvent := CreateEvent(nil, True, True, nil); end; end; procedure DoneAsync(var AsyncPtr: PAsync); begin with AsyncPtr^ do CloseHandle(Overlapped.hEvent); Dispose(AsyncPtr); AsyncPtr := nil; end; procedure EnumBINAs(Ports: TStrings); var BytesNeeded, Returned, I: DWORD; Success: Boolean; PortsPtr: Pointer; InfoPtr: PPortInfo1; TempStr: string; begin Success := EnumPorts( nil, 1, nil, 0, BytesNeeded, Returned); if (not Success) and (GetLastError = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) then begin GetMem(PortsPtr, BytesNeeded); try Success := EnumPorts( nil, 1, PortsPtr, BytesNeeded, BytesNeeded, Returned); for I := 0 to Returned - 1 do begin InfoPtr := PPortInfo1(DWORD(PortsPtr) + I * SizeOf(TPortInfo1)); TempStr := InfoPtr^.pName; if Copy(TempStr, 1, 3) = 'COM' then Ports.Add(Copy(TempStr, 1, 4)); end; finally FreeMem(PortsPtr); end; end; if not Success then raise ECspBina.Create(CError_EnumPortsFailed, GetLastError); end; function StrToBaudRate(Str: string): TBaudRate; var I: TBaudRate; begin I := Low(TBaudRate); while (I <= High(TBaudRate)) do begin if UpperCase(Str) = UpperCase(BaudRateToStr(TBaudRate(I))) then Break; I := Succ(I); end; if I > High(TBaudRate) then Result := br9600 else Result := I; end; function StrToStopBits(Str: string): TStopBits; var I: TStopBits; begin I := Low(TStopBits); while (I <= High(TStopBits)) do begin if UpperCase(Str) = UpperCase(StopBitsToStr(TStopBits(I))) then Break; I := Succ(I); end; if I > High(TStopBits) then Result := sbOneStopBit else Result := I; end; function StrToDataBits(Str: string): TDataBits; var I: TDataBits; begin I := Low(TDataBits); while (I <= High(TDataBits)) do begin if UpperCase(Str) = UpperCase(DataBitsToStr(I)) then Break; I := Succ(I); end; if I > High(TDataBits) then Result := dbEight else Result := I; end; function StrToParity(Str: string): TParityBits; var I: TParityBits; begin I := Low(TParityBits); while (I <= High(TParityBits)) do begin if UpperCase(Str) = UpperCase(ParityToStr(I)) then Break; I := Succ(I); end; if I > High(TParityBits) then Result := prNone else Result := I; end; function StrToFlowControl(Str: string): TFlowControl; var I: TFlowControl; begin I := Low(TFlowControl); while (I <= High(TFlowControl)) do begin if UpperCase(Str) = UpperCase(FlowControlToStr(I)) then Break; I := Succ(I); end; if I > High(TFlowControl) then Result := fcCustom else Result := I; end; function BaudRateToStr(BaudRate: TBaudRate): string; const BaudRateStrings: array[TBaudRate] of string = ('Custom', '110', '300', '600', '1200', '2400', '4800', '9600', '14400', '19200', '38400', '56000', '57600', '115200', '128000', '256000'); begin Result := BaudRateStrings[BaudRate]; end; function StopBitsToStr(StopBits: TStopBits): string; const StopBitsStrings: array[TStopBits] of string = ('1', '1.5', '2'); begin Result := StopBitsStrings[StopBits]; end; function DataBitsToStr(DataBits: TDataBits): string; const DataBitsStrings: array[TDataBits] of string = ('5', '6', '7', '8'); begin Result := DataBitsStrings[DataBits]; end; function ParityToStr(Parity: TParityBits): string; const ParityBitsStrings: array[TParityBits] of string = ('None', 'Odd', 'Even', 'Mark', 'Space'); begin Result := ParityBitsStrings[Parity]; end; function FlowControlToStr(FlowControl: TFlowControl): string; const FlowControlStrings: array[TFlowControl] of string = ('Hardware', 'Software', 'None', 'Custom'); begin Result := FlowControlStrings[FlowControl]; end; //Setar DDD Local procedure TSspBina.SetDDDL(const Value: TDDDLocal); begin if Value <> FDDDL then begin FDDDL := Value; if FConectado and not ((csDesigning in ComponentState) or (csLoading in ComponentState)) then begin Close; Open; end; end; end; //Salvar Comandos AT aceitos pelo Modem procedure TSspBina.SalvarComandos; var i, x, count, posic : integer; resultado : array[0..50] of string; arquivo, cmdA : string; SalvarReg : TIniFile; begin //Abre o qrquivo de definicoes Arquivo := ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName)+'ComandAT.ini'; SalvarReg := TIniFile.Create(Arquivo); //Carrega-o no memo2 FormConfig.Memo2.Clear; FormConfig.Memo2.Lines.LoadFromFile(arquivo); //Pega a Marca/Tipo do Modem na Chave [COMANDOS_0] resultado[0]:= SalvarReg.ReadString('COMANDOS_0','Tipo',''); // Cria as chaves [MEU_MODEM] e Escreve a Marca do Modem SalvarReg.WriteString('MEU_MODEM', 'Tipo', resultado[0]); //Coloca os resultados dos comandos aceitos pelo Modem no memo3 //mas, primeiro remove qualquer outro tipo de respostas que // não contenha a palavra AT FormConfig.memo3.Clear; count := FormConfig.memo1.Lines.Count; for i := 0 to count do begin cmdA := FormConfig.memo1.Lines.Strings[i]; x := POS('AT',cmdA); if x > 0 then begin FormConfig.memo3.Lines.Add(cmdA); end; end; //Escreve os resultados do memo3 na chave [MEU_MODEM], no arquivo .INI count := FormConfig.memo3.Lines.Count; for x := 0 to count do begin resultado[x] := FormConfig.memo3.lines.Strings[x]; SalvarReg.WriteString('MEU_MODEM', 'cmdAT_'+IntToStr(x), resultado[x]); end; //Salva SalvarReg.UpdateFile; //Recarrega-o no memo2 FormConfig.Memo2.Clear; FormConfig.Memo2.Lines.LoadFromFile(arquivo); //Salva .INI FormConfig.button2.Click; //Arquivo de Resultados a ser enviado ao Autor do spBina Arquivo := ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName)+'Envia_me.txt'; // Salva resultados do .INI para o .TXT FormConfig.Memo2.Lines.SaveToFile(arquivo); // Carrega o .TXT FormConfig.Memo2.Lines.LoadFromFile(arquivo); //Pega posicao da ultima linha do .TXT posic := FormConfig.memo2.Lines.Count; //Insere mensagem no final do arquivo .TXT FormConfig.memo2.Lines.Insert(posic,'******************************************'); FormConfig.memo2.Lines.add('Histórico de Resultados dos Comandos AT'); FormConfig.memo2.Lines.add('Criado automaticamente, junto com a chave: [MEU_MODEM]'); FormConfig.memo2.Lines.add('Em: '+DateTimeToStr(date)+' às: '+TimeToStr(time)+' Horas.'); //Pega os resultados dos comandos que estao no memo1 posic := FormConfig.memo1.Lines.Count; for i := 0 to posic do begin cmdA := FormConfig.memo1.lines.Strings[i]; if trim(cmdA)<> '' then FormConfig.memo2.Lines.add(cmdA); end; FormConfig.memo2.Lines.add('IMPORTANTE!!!'); FormConfig.memo2.Lines.add('Não se esqueça: Esperamos que você retorne'); FormConfig.memo2.Lines.add('o aquivo: ENVIA_ME.TXT , para que possamos'); FormConfig.memo2.Lines.add('aperfeiçoar o SuperBina. Obrigado'); FormConfig.memo2.Lines.add(''); FormConfig.memo2.Lines.add('E-mail :'); FormConfig.memo2.Lines.add(''); FormConfig.memo2.Lines.add('*****************************************'); // Salva resultados no .TXT FormConfig.Memo2.Lines.SaveToFile(arquivo); //Abre o arquivo de .INI Arquivo := ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName)+'ComandAT.ini'; SalvarReg := TIniFile.Create(Arquivo); //Recarrega-o no memo2 FormConfig.Memo2.Clear; FormConfig.Memo2.Lines.LoadFromFile(arquivo); //Libera o arquivo .INI SalvarReg.Free; //Se não fizermos desta forma, todas as vezes em que o comando for // aceito, um novo bloco sera gravado no .INI... end; //Verificar se o Modem Suporta Classe8 ou Classe80 procedure TSspBina.PesquiseClasse(var resposta: string); var classe8,i : integer; classe : string; begin FormConfig.CheckBox2.Enabled := true; FormConfig.CheckBox3.Enabled := true; FormConfig.CheckBox2.Caption :='Classe 8'; FormConfig.CheckBox3.Caption :='Classe 80'; resposta := trim(resposta); Classe8 := POS('8',resposta); if Classe8 > 0 then for i := Classe8 to Classe8+1 do classe := classe+resposta[i]; if classe <> '80' then FormConfig.CheckBox2.Checked := true else FormConfig.CheckBox2.Checked := false; Classe8 := POS('80',resposta); if Classe8 > 0 then begin classe :=''; for i := Classe8 to Classe8+1 do classe := classe+resposta[i]; if classe = '80' then FormConfig.CheckBox3.Checked := true end else FormConfig.CheckBox3.Checked := false; FormConfig.CheckBox2.Enabled := false; FormConfig.CheckBox3.Enabled := false; end; procedure TSspBina.ShowATComandSetup(const Setup, Ativar, Desativar : Boolean; var PortaCom,vDDD: string) ; var TipoModem, setado : string; cmd : array[0..6] of string; ATcomandosEX : TIniFile; i, recarregar : integer; begin // Usar definicao de comandos [COMANDOS_0] TipoModem := '0'; // Se for apenas setar nova porta ou trocar o DDD if (setup=false) and (Ativar=false) and (Desativar=false) then begin ATcomandosEX := TIniFile.Create(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) +'ComandAT.ini'); ATcomandosEX.WriteString('MODEM', 'Porta', PortaCom); ATcomandosEX.WriteString('MODEM', 'DDDLocal',vDDD); ATcomandosEX.UpdateFile; ATcomandosEX.Free; end; ATcomandosEX := TIniFile.Create(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) +'ComandAT.ini'); // Cria FormConfig apenas se for para setup ou ativar if (setup=true) or (Ativar=true) then FormConfig := TFormConfig.Create(self); FormConfig.cmdTipo := '0'; // Tipo de comandos [COMANDOS_0] FormConfig.Detectado := 0; // Nada detectado FormConfig.memo2.clear; FormConfig.ListBox1.Clear; FormConfig.class8 := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('MODEM', 'classe8', ''); FormConfig.class80 := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('MODEM', 'classe80', ''); setado := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('MODEM', 'setado', ''); PortaCom := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('MODEM', 'Porta', ''); vDDD := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('MODEM', 'DDDLocal', ''); FormConfig.combo2.Text := PortaCom; FormConfig.combo3.Text := vDDD; // se ainda não foi setado if trim(setado) = '' then begin Tipomodem := 'ATI'; recarregar := 1; // recarreguar comandos end; FormConfig.Combo4.Text := TipoModem; // definicoes AT do [COMANDOS_0] if TipoModem = '0' then begin FormConfig.label2.Caption := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_0', 'Tipo', ''); cmd[0] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('ATI', 'at0', ''); cmd[0]:= ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_0', 'cmdAT_0', ''); cmd[1]:= ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_0', 'cmdAT_1', ''); cmd[2]:= ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_0', 'cmdAT_2', ''); cmd[3]:= ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_0', 'cmdAT_3', ''); cmd[4]:= ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_0', 'cmdAT_4', ''); cmd[5]:= ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_0', 'cmdAT_5', ''); cmd[6]:= ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_0', 'cmdAT_6', ''); end; // definicoes AT do [COMANDOS_1] if TipoModem = '1' then begin FormConfig.label2.Caption := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_1', 'Tipo', ''); cmd[0] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('ATI', 'at0', ''); Cmd[0] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_1', 'cmdAT_0', ''); Cmd[1] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_1', 'cmdAT_1', ''); Cmd[2] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_1', 'cmdAT_2', ''); Cmd[3] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_1', 'cmdAT_3', ''); Cmd[4] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_1', 'cmdAT_4', ''); Cmd[5] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_1', 'cmdAT_5', ''); Cmd[6] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_1', 'cmdAT_6', ''); end; // definicoes AT do [COMANDOS_2] if TipoModem = '2' then begin FormConfig.label2.Caption := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_2', 'Tipo', ''); cmd[0] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('ATI', 'at0', ''); Cmd[0] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_2', 'cmdAT_0', ''); Cmd[1] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_2', 'cmdAT_1', ''); Cmd[2] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_2', 'cmdAT_2', ''); Cmd[3] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_2', 'cmdAT_3', ''); Cmd[4] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_2', 'cmdAT_4', ''); Cmd[5] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_2', 'cmdAT_5', ''); Cmd[6] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_2', 'cmdAT_6', ''); end; // definicoes AT do [COMANDOS_3] if TipoModem = '3' then begin FormConfig.label2.Caption := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_3', 'Tipo', ''); cmd[0] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('ATI', 'at0', ''); Cmd[0] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_3', 'cmdAT_0', ''); Cmd[1] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_3', 'cmdAT_1', ''); Cmd[2] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_3', 'cmdAT_2', ''); Cmd[3] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_3', 'cmdAT_3', ''); Cmd[4] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_3', 'cmdAT_4', ''); Cmd[5] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_3', 'cmdAT_5', ''); Cmd[6] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_3', 'cmdAT_6', ''); end; // definicoes AT do [ATI] if TipoModem = 'ATI' then begin FormConfig.label2.Caption := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('ATI', 'Tipo', ''); cmd[0] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('ATI', 'at0', ''); cmd[1] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('ATI', 'at1', ''); cmd[2] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('ATI', 'at2', ''); cmd[3] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('ATI', 'at3', ''); cmd[4] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('ATI', 'at4', ''); cmd[5] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('ATI', 'at5', ''); cmd[6] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('ATI', 'at6', ''); end; FormConfig.listbox1.clear; for i := 0 to 6 do if trim(cmd[i]) <>'' then FormConfig.listbox1.Items.Add(cmd[i]); ATcomandosEX.Free; // Setup if Setup then begin FormConfig.CheckBox2.enabled := true; FormConfig.CheckBox3.enabled := true; if FormConfig.class8 = 'Sim' then FormConfig.CheckBox2.Checked :=true; if FormConfig.class80 = 'Sim' then FormConfig.CheckBox3.Checked := true;; FormConfig.CheckBox2.enabled := false; FormConfig.CheckBox3.enabled := false; FormConfig.Memo1.Clear; FormConfig.combo2.Text := PortaCom; FormConfig.combo3.Text := vDDD; FormConfig.Combo4.text := TipoModem; FormConfig.Combo4Change(Self); FormConfig.ShowModal; end //Ativar else if Ativar then begin FormConfig.Memo1.Clear; FormConfig.combo2.Text := PortaCom; FormConfig.combo3.Text := vDDD; FormConfig.Combo4.Text := TipoModem; FormConfig.Combo4.ItemIndex := 0; FormConfig.Combo4Change(Self); FormConfig.Button1.Click; // Ininciar end //Desativar else if Desativar then begin FormConfig.Button3.Click; end; FormConfig.cmdAT := 0; FormConfig.listbox1.ItemIndex := 1; FormConfig.listbox1.ItemIndex := 0; //Recarregar comandos if recarregar = 1 then FormConfig.button3.Click; end; procedure TSspBina.SetarClasse8(const ArquivoATcmd : string; var classe8,classe80: string); var ATcomandosEX : TIniFile; i : integer; s, arquivo : string; begin FormConfig.Memo3.Clear; arquivo := ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName)+'Envia_me.txt'; ATcomandosEX := TIniFile.Create(ArquivoATcmd); ATcomandosEX.WriteString('MODEM', 'classe8', classe8); ATcomandosEX.WriteString('MODEM', 'classe80',classe80); ATcomandosEX.WriteString('MODEM', 'setado', 'Sim'); for i := 0 to FormConfig.Memo1.Lines.Count do begin s := FormConfig.memo1.Lines.Strings[i]; if trim(s) <> '' then ATcomandosEX.WriteString('RESULTADO_ATI',IntTostr(i),s); end; ATcomandosEX.Free; FormConfig.Button5.Click; FormConfig.Memo3.Lines.LoadFromFile(arquivo); for i := 0 to FormConfig.Memo1.Lines.Count do begin s := FormConfig.memo1.Lines.Strings[i]; if trim(s) <> '' then FormConfig.Memo3.Lines.Add(s); end; FormConfig.Memo3.Lines.SaveToFile(arquivo); end; procedure TSspBina.LoadComandosAT(const ArquivoATcmd: string; var TipoModem,class8,class80,setado: string); var cmd : array[0..6] of string; ATcomandosEX : TIniFile; i : integer; begin ATcomandosEX := TIniFile.Create(ArquivoATcmd); if TipoModem = '0' then begin FormConfig.label2.Caption := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_0', 'Tipo', ''); cmd[0] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_0', 'cmdAT_0', ''); cmd[1] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_0', 'cmdAT_1', ''); cmd[2] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_0', 'cmdAT_2', ''); cmd[3] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_0', 'cmdAT_3', ''); cmd[4] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_0', 'cmdAT_4', ''); cmd[5] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_0', 'cmdAT_5', ''); cmd[6] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_0', 'cmdAT_6', ''); end; if TipoModem = '1' then begin FormConfig.label2.Caption := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_1', 'Tipo', ''); Cmd[0] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_1', 'cmdAT_0', ''); Cmd[1] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_1', 'cmdAT_1', ''); Cmd[2] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_1', 'cmdAT_2', ''); Cmd[3] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_1', 'cmdAT_3', ''); Cmd[4] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_1', 'cmdAT_4', ''); Cmd[5] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_1', 'cmdAT_5', ''); Cmd[6] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_1', 'cmdAT_6', ''); end; if TipoModem = '2' then begin FormConfig.label2.Caption := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_2', 'Tipo', ''); Cmd[0] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_2', 'cmdAT_0', ''); Cmd[1] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_2', 'cmdAT_1', ''); Cmd[2] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_2', 'cmdAT_2', ''); Cmd[3] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_2', 'cmdAT_3', ''); Cmd[4] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_2', 'cmdAT_4', ''); Cmd[5] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_2', 'cmdAT_5', ''); Cmd[6] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_2', 'cmdAT_6', ''); end; if TipoModem = '3' then begin FormConfig.label2.Caption := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_3', 'Tipo', ''); Cmd[0] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_3', 'cmdAT_0', ''); Cmd[1] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_3', 'cmdAT_1', ''); Cmd[2] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_3', 'cmdAT_2', ''); Cmd[3] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_3', 'cmdAT_3', ''); Cmd[4] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_3', 'cmdAT_4', ''); Cmd[5] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_3', 'cmdAT_5', ''); Cmd[6] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('COMANDOS_3', 'cmdAT_6', ''); end; // Comandos ATI=? if TipoModem = 'ATI' then begin FormConfig.label2.Caption := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('ATI', 'Tipo', ''); cmd[0] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('ATI', 'at0', ''); cmd[1] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('ATI', 'at1', ''); cmd[2] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('ATI', 'at2', ''); cmd[3] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('ATI', 'at3', ''); cmd[4] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('ATI', 'at4', ''); cmd[5] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('ATI', 'at5', ''); cmd[6] := ATcomandosEX.ReadString('ATI', 'at6', ''); end; ATcomandosEX.Free; FormConfig.listbox1.clear; for i := 0 to 6 do if trim(cmd[i]) <>'' then FormConfig.listbox1.Items.Add(cmd[i]); end; //// Função para formatar o munero { AQUÍ SUA ATENÇAO TEM QUE SER REDOBRADA. O SPBINA TRABALHA COM O COMPRIMENTO DO NUMERO PARA DETERMINAR: LIGAÇÃO LOCAL/INTERURBANA, TIPO, DDD, PREFIXO E FONE} function TSspBina.FormateResultado (var stexto,smascara, stipo, sddd, sfone: string): string; var i : integer; leitura, final: string; begin for i := 1 to length(stexto) do if stexto[i] in ['0'..'9'] then begin leitura:= leitura+ stexto[i]; end else leitura:=leitura; stexto := leitura; /// separar tipos ( tipo, ddd, prefix e numero) // vamos determinar o numero 8 para o tamanho minimo... // se for menor, não formata, apenas mostra (exemplo: 1500, 121, 130 etc) final := ''; if length(stexto) > 7 then begin // Tipo de chamada LOCAL if length(stexto) = 8 then begin for i := 1 to length(trim(stexto)) -7 do // Localize o 1º caracter (Tipo) final := final+stexto[i]; stipo := final; // localizamos o "Tipo" de uma chamada local. // achar Prefixo e numero (exemplo: 222-2222) final :=''; for i := 2 to length(stexto) do // pule o primeiro caracter (Tipo) final := final + stexto[i]; smascara := '000\-0000;0;'; // 222-2222 sfone := final; final := ''; end // 1 - 2222-2222 = 9 digitos LOCAL else if length(stexto) = 9 then // 1 - 2222-2222 begin // Tipo de chamada for i := 1 to length(stexto) -8 do final := final+stexto[i]; stipo:= final; final :=''; // Prefixo e numero 2222-2222 for i := 2 to length(stexto) do final := final + stexto[i]; smascara:= '0000\-0000;0;'; // 2222-2222 sfone := final; final := ''; end // 1 17 222 2222 = 10 digitos else if length(stexto) = 10 then // Tipo de chamada begin final := ''; for i := 1 to length(stexto) -9 do final := final+stexto[i]; stipo := final; // DDD 1 17 222 2222 final :=''; for i := 2 to length(stexto) -7 do final := final + stexto[i]; sddd := final; final := ''; // Prefixo e numero 222-2222 for i := 4 to length(stexto) do final := final + stexto[i]; smascara:= '000\-0000;0;'; // 2222-2222 sfone := final; final := ''; end // 1 17 2222 2222 = 11 digitos else if length(stexto) = 11 then begin final := ''; // Tipo de chamada for i := 1 to length(stexto) -10 do final := final+stexto[i]; stipo := final; // DDD 1 17 2222 2222 final :=''; for i := 2 to length(stexto) -8 do final := final + stexto[i]; sddd := final; final := ''; // Prefixo e numero 2222-2222 for i := 4 to length(stexto) do final := final + stexto[i]; smascara := '0000\-0000;0;'; // 2222-2222 sfone := final; final := ''; end; end else begin // Se numeros especiais usados pela companhias telefônicas smascara:= ''; // 000000000000 sfone := stexto; end; end; //Final Formatação procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Sibel', [TspBina]); end; end. abraço
  4. voce vai precisar do componente TComport veja tambem no forum abraço
  5. Jhonas

    Sinal placa som

    sim... são independentes veja: outra sugestão: Procure pelo Tcomport abraço
  6. Pra quem estiver precisando do componente ou apenas por curiosidade, segue o link pra baixá-lo, inclusive um tutorial de como instalar. O componente para porta serial – TcomPort, pode ser baixado na página Estando na página principal, selecione o link para a página downloads. Selecione então o link componentes (Biblioteca TComPort) na sessão “Minicurso de Delphi”. Crie então o diretório: C:\Programs Files\Borland\Delphi7\Components\PortaSerial e salve o arquivo comprimido ( neste diretório. Descomprima então este arquivo. O restante está no tutorial. Um forte abraço à todos.
  7. Possuo um controle de acesso com biometria em usb, mais devido a limitação do cabo usb de 5m, estou migrando para serial. No entanto não existe biblioteca ou sdk para desenvolvimento via serial, tudo tem que ser feito na mão mesmo. Estou utilizando o component Tcomport para comunicar com o leitor mais não tenho obtido nenhuma resposta. Confesso que estou totalmente perdido. O protocolo do leitor é o seguinte: StartByte|Comand Byte|Param1|Param2|Error/Flag|CheckSum|StopByte 1byte 1byte 4byte 4byte 1byte 1byte 1byte O inicio do pacote deve ser: Start code: 1 byte. Indicates the beginning of a packet. 0x40, corresponding to ‘@.’ O final do pacote: End code: 1 byte. LF (‘\n’, 0x0D). Indicates the end of a packet. O comado para checar o leitor: 1.Check finger Code of command|Param1| Param2 |Flag/Error 0x4B 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00 Check and inform host if there is finger on the scanning window Return to Host 0x00 Contrast value 0x00000000 0x40 (if finger is) 0x41(if there isn’t finger ) Agora minha duvida, como faço para mandar estes valores para o leitor utilizando o Tcomport??? Já tentei simplesmente escreve-los pelo writeStr, mais não tive nenhum sucesso. Vi um modelo feito em C++, estes valores 0x00, 0x40, 0x4B, etc., são escritos no tipo byte, mais tentei escreve-los como byte, mais o delphi so reconhece o '0' inicial. Tentei como char também, tive o mesmo problema. Agradeço se alguém puder me ajudar.
  8. Reisah, este "Start code" corresponde ao StartByte e o "End code" corresponde ao StopByte ou não há necessariamente a relação? Conforme o caso, seria possível utilizar o componente TComDataPacket associado ao TComPort e usar o evento OnRxBuf. O componente TComDataPacket permite que você identifique strings de início e fim de pacote, facilitando a leitura dos mesmos. Supondo que existam vários pacotes possíveis, bastaria configurar um componente deste para cada pacote, ligá-lo ao único TComPort e usar o evento OnPacket de cada um deles para processar o pacote quando este está completo e pronto para ser processado. Dois comentários a respeito a leitura do buffer: 1) Vejo que você fixou o tamanho em 13, mas isto pode não ser correto. Será que você sempre receberá pacotes com 13 caracteres? (está praticamente associada a pergunta inicial) Observe que o correto seria você verificar e/ou usar a quantidade de bytes que está lhe sendo entregue e isto consta no parâmetro Count. Voce não deve correr o risco de ler coisa de menos ou tentar ler coisa de mais. 2) Não estou certo quanto ao funcionamento correto deste processo, uma vez que supostamente a porta poderia retornar algum byte com valor zero no meio da string e, como sabemos, as strings são tratadas normalmente com o zero terminador. Isto resulta que se de 13 bytes o 6º for um zero, sua string a ser concatenada estará incluindo apenas 5 caracteres ao memo e o resto dos bytes recebidos estariam sendo desprezados. Como diga, sugiro que trabalhe com constantes para a identificação dos comandos e status, como por exemplo: Const cmStartCode = $40; cmEndCode = $0D; cmCheckFinger = $4B; ...ajuda bastante na leitura do código como um todo, já que você os usa no lugar do número. São coisas para você avaliar. Eu não tenho como fazer qualquer teste com porta serial e os comentários que faço são baseados em experiência passada. Apenas tenha eles em conta quando estiver fazendo seus testes. Abraços
  9. Pirambu!

    Sinal placa som

    Jhonas, acho que estou chegando perto, instalei o Tcomport e testei todas as Com1,Com2... disponíveis e não identifiquei a chegada dos dados que quando o dispositivo esta sendo usado ele oculpa uma porta que não são as "COM". Pergunta, quando um dipositivo e ligado em uma porta (exemplo 3822) essa porta fica aberta até que o dispositio seja fechado ou é aberto e fechado quando há alguma transferencia de dados? Eu criei um Scaner link que indica as portas abertas, mas como eu posso monitorar o tráfico de dados na porta eu sei como os os dados estão chegando, só não sei como pega-los.
  10. Veja no link abaixo e clique em Datalogic ( perguntas e respostas ) Obs: ao lado tem o link para o manual do aparelho este modelo pega RJ45 no leitor e o mesmo cabo entra no PC como SERIAL (DB9), Talvez voce não tenha comunicação com a porta serial e precise de um componente para isso, então veja o post:;hl=tcomport abraço
  11. O TED 1000 e um Microterminal de tamanho reduzido com comunicação a cabo para operação básica de: a) consulta de dados do Host e apresentação em seu display LCD e impressão em impressora serial acoplada; e, B) coleta de dados para envio ao Host via digitação, leitura de código de barras, ou cartão magnético, ou outros sistemas. · Rede de até 64 estações através de topologia " estrela " utilizando HUB inteligente; Para a comunição voce deve usar a interface serial padrão RS232C para COM1 ou COM2 do PC ... use o componente TComport para esse tipo de comunicação Voce pode usar duas interfaces para Código de barras ou Cartão magnético. código de barras com decodificação interna: Interface wedge ( via teclado ) para leitor externo qualquer; caneta, laser, CCD, etc. e interface para slot-reader incorporado ao gabinete. Voce pode usar padrões de código de barras: Cód. 39, Cód. 39 Full ASCII, UPC, EAN, UPC / EAN com comps., JAN, Codabar, 2 de 5 Intercalado, 2 de 5 Industrial, Cód. 128. ou uma interface para slot-reader de cartão magnético incorporado ao gabinete. Neste post voce vai encontrar os links para o componente de código de barras abraço
  12. Se quiser ir por esse lado, veja estes posts vou ver se acho algo mais facil para voce usar abraço
  13. Eu já tentei enviar um e-mail para ele, mas é invalido: eu baixei o Tcomport para tentar ler o sinal e ficar monitorando a porta de Entrada "Com2" , mas o máximo que conseguir foi pegar apenas o "Ring" que vem antes no Número. Desta forma seria mais complicado Jhonas?
  14. Oi 'vulcao negro' ! Procure por Tcomport em
  15. Boa Tarde companheiros, Viva Micheus, Consegui resolver os poblemas dos erros, modificando alguns valores. Assim; Na Unit1 (TMS8), ficou: { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } procedure ClientSocket1Read(Sender: TObject; Socket: TCustomWinSocket); end; O procedimento; procedure TMS8.ClientSocket1Read(Sender: TObject; Socket: TCustomWinSocket); var hexaRcv: string; begin HexaRcv := Socket.ReceiveText; label1.Caption:=HexaRcv; //criei este label para chekar se recebo ou não os strings end; Na Unit2 (TSetup); type TSetup = class(TForm) ComPort1: TComPort; Button1: TButton; Button2: TButton; ListBox1: TListBox; EasyRegAdvanced1: TEasyRegAdvanced; psvBorderLabel1: TpsvBorderLabel; Btn3: TButton; Btn1: TButton; OBtn1: TOvalButton; ClientSocket1: TClientSocket; edServerName: TEdit; psvBorderLabel2: TpsvBorderLabel; btnClient: TButton; Panel1: TPanel; ComboBox1: TComboBox; Button3: TButton; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure Btn3Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Btn1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure ComPortOpen(Sender: TObject); procedure ComPortClose(Sender: TObject); procedure OBtn1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure btnClientClick(Sender: TObject); procedure ClientSocket1Connect(Sender: TObject;Socket: TCustomWinSocket); procedure ClientSocket1Disconnect(Sender: TObject; Socket: TCustomWinSocket); procedure AtualizaEstado(Enable :Boolean); procedure Button3Click(Sender: TObject); procedure ClientSocket1Read(Sender: TObject; Socket: TCustomWinSocket);// <<<-------------------------- ...e o procedimento; procedure TSetup.ClientSocket1Read(Sender: TObject; Socket: TCustomWinSocket); begin MS8.ClientSocket1Read(Sender, Socket); end; Só que infelizmente não recebo nada!!!! Em principio esta tudo OK....sem erros! Abraço
  16. Boa noite companheiros, Viva Micheus, Cá vai o código de acordo com a tua sugestão: Na Unit2 (Setup) unit Unit2; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, CPort, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, CPortCtl, Registry, yupack, CPDrv, EasyRegAdvanced, psvBasiclbl, psvBorderLabel, Buttons, OvalBtn, ScktComp; type TSetup = class(TForm) ComPort1: TComPort; Button1: TButton; //(...)por aí fora . . . . procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure Btn3Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Btn1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure ComPortOpen(Sender: TObject); procedure ComPortClose(Sender: TObject); procedure OBtn1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure btnClientClick(Sender: TObject); procedure ClientSocket1Connect(Sender: TObject;Socket: TCustomWinSocket); procedure ClientSocket1Disconnect(Sender: TObject; Socket: TCustomWinSocket); procedure AtualizaEstado(Enable :Boolean); procedure Button3Click(Sender: TObject); //procedure ClientSocket1Read(Sender: TObject; Socket: TCustomWinSocket); private { Private declarations } // procedure AtualizaEstado(Enable :Boolean); public { Public declarations } end; var Setup: TSetup; implementation uses Unit3, Unit1; {$R *.dfm} procedure TSetup.AtualizaEstado(Enable :Boolean); begin //btnEnvia.Enabled := Enable; end; procedure TSetup.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); . . . //.... (...) . . . procedure TMS8.ClientSocket1Read(Sender: TObject; Socket: TCustomWinSocket); begin MS8.ClientSocket1Read(Sender, Socket); end; ... e na Unit1 (Form principal): unit Unit1; interface uses //...(...) type TMS8 = class(TForm) . . . //...(....).... . . . procedure LBOffClick(Sender: TObject); procedure LBMenuClick(Sender: TObject); procedure LB0Click(Sender: TObject); procedure LB1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure LB2Click(Sender: TObject); procedure LB3Click(Sender: TObject); procedure LB4Click(Sender: TObject); procedure LB5Click(Sender: TObject); procedure LB6Click(Sender: TObject); procedure LB7Click(Sender: TObject); procedure LB00Click(Sender: TObject); procedure BmsXPButton1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure LB01Click(Sender: TObject); procedure LB02Click(Sender: TObject); procedure LB03Click(Sender: TObject); procedure LB04Click(Sender: TObject); procedure LB05Click(Sender: TObject); procedure LB06Click(Sender: TObject); procedure LB07Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } ClientSocket1Read(Sender: TObject; Socket: TCustomWinSocket);// de acordo com o sugerido. end; Const Header = Char($AA) +Char($55); Aud = Char($02); //audio Vid = Char($01); //video ViAu = Char($03); //video + audio Header1 = '$AA$55'; Aud1 = '$02'; //audio Vid1 = '$01'; //video ViAu1 = '$03'; var MS8: TMS8; VA :Char; //Video e/ou Audio VA1, ReceivedMsg, LBSource1, HexaId :String; LBSource :Char; StrInt, DelimiterIdx: Integer; StrString:string; StrChar:Char; implementation uses Unit2; //uses Unit3; {$R *.dfm} . . . //....(....).... . . . . procedure TMS8.ClientSocket1Read(Sender: TObject; Socket: TCustomWinSocket);// de acordo com a tua sugestão. var ReceivedCmd :String; begin ReceivedCmd := Socket.ReceiveText; end; Espero que seja o suficiente para a análise em questão. Aquele abraço José Da Silva
  17. Sobre o Comport do Dejan, o usu é simples... basta monitorar o que "cai" na serial... Se você colocou um componente no seu form (por exemplo, GPS = TComPort), observe seu evento OnRxChar... StrComB := 'COM2'; Count := 0; GPS.ReadStr(StrComB, Count); sDados := sDados+StrComB; {sDados é uma variável global, que vai acumulando toda a leitura serial até encontrar um CR} iPosCr := Pos(CHR(13),sDados); IF iPosCr>0 then Begin ShowMessage('Recebi isto pela serial: '+sDados+'!'); {Aqui, faço o que quiser com o conteúdo recebido e depois esvazio a variável sDados} End; {EndIf iPosCr>0} Cuidados com as seriais... Como citei anteriormente, uso o componente em situações críticas... por exemplo, o mesmo programa lê uma porta que recebe uma informação por segundo (de um GPS Etrex Garmin) e até doze informações por segundo (de um Odômetro NiteStar)... O fato é que eles não param de enviar as informações... Assim, o programa precisa ficar lendo os dados o tempo todo, para não perder informação... Então, principalmente no caso do odômetro, os dados chegam de forma muito variada, com vários blocos numa mesmo strintg... mais ou menos assim: velocidade+distância+cr+velocidade+distància+cr+velocidade distância+cr+velocidade+distância+cr+velocidade+distância+cr+velocidade+distância cr+velocidade distância+cr+velocidade+distância+cr Então, preciso manter aquela variável global (sdados) bem controlada, pois não processo todo o seu conteúdo de uma só vez... Já quando utilizamos o componente para uma leitura estática (por exemplo, leitura da pesagem da balança conectada ao pdv em um mercado), é mais simples, pois vou "ler" somente uma string, de uma só vez, processar seu peso ou valor e pronto... Então, muito cuidado quando a leitura pela serial for de um fluxo contínuo de informações... Ok?
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