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Viviane Tavares


5 respostass a esta questão

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Faça download do Kaspersky Removal Tool (Certifique-se de sempre usar o último link que aparece na lista para baixar a versão mais atual do software). Salve no seu desktop (área de trabalho).

  • Instale o programa normalmente seguindo todos os seus passos.
  • Na tela principal do programa clique na opção "Meu computador" e depois clique no botão "Scan".
  • Seja paciente, o scan pode demorar
  • Se ele encontrar alguma infecção clique em "skip".
  • Após completar tudo clique na aba Events, desmarque a caixa de seleção "Show all events" e depois em "Save to file".
  • Dê um nome para o arquivo e salve numa pasta de sua preferência
  • Poste o conteúdo desse arquivo em sua próxima resposta.
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finalmente consegui passar o scan o resultado foi este:



Scanned: 370079

Detected: 7

Untreated: 7

Start time: 11/7/2008 11:10:36

Duration: 17:46:36

Finish time: 12/7/2008 04:57:12



Status Object

------ ------

detected: Trojan program Trojan-Downloader.Win32.Banload.quando File: c:\windows\system\system.exe

detected: riskware not-a-virus:Downloader.Win32.PopCap.b File: c:\windows\downloaded program files\popcaploader.dll

detected: Trojan program Trojan-Downloader.Win32.Agent.vvt File: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrador\Configurações locais\Temp\javatmp15759.php//PE_Patch.UPX//UPX

detected: Trojan program Trojan-Downloader.Win32.Banload.quando File: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrador\Configurações locais\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\NXGDZ51Y\win[1].jpg

detected: Trojan program Exploit.PHP.Userpic.a File: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Dados de aplicativos\MumboJumbo\MJOLauncher\Zone\luxor_ar_web\locale\english\data\bitmaps\fonts\score.jpg

detected: Trojan program Exploit.PHP.Userpic.a File: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Dados de aplicativos\MumboJumbo\MJOLauncher\Zone\luxor_web\locale\english\data\bitmaps\fonts\score.jpg

detected: riskware not-a-virus:PSWTool.Win32.MailPassView.130 File: C:\WINDOWS\system\outlok.exe//PE_Patch//NiceProtect//PE_Patch.UPX//UPX


11/7/2008 21:12:29 File: c:\windows\system\system.exe detected Trojan program 'Trojan-Downloader.Win32.Banload.quando'

12/7/2008 04:56:57 File: c:\windows\system\system.exe not disinfected skipped by user

12/7/2008 04:56:57 File: c:\windows\downloaded program files\popcaploader.dll detected riskware 'not-a-virus:Downloader.Win32.PopCap.b'

12/7/2008 04:57:06 File: c:\windows\downloaded program files\popcaploader.dll not disinfected skipped by user

12/7/2008 04:57:07 File: c:\documents and settings\administrador\configurações locais\temp\javatmp15759.php packed file PE_Patch.UPX

12/7/2008 04:57:07 File: c:\documents and settings\administrador\configurações locais\temp\javatmp15759.php//PE_Patch.UPX packed file UPX

12/7/2008 04:57:07 File: c:\documents and settings\administrador\configurações locais\temp\javatmp15759.php//PE_Patch.UPX//UPX detected Trojan program 'Trojan-Downloader.Win32.Agent.vvt'

12/7/2008 04:57:08 File: c:\documents and settings\administrador\configurações locais\temp\javatmp15759.php//PE_Patch.UPX//UPX not disinfected skipped by user

12/7/2008 04:57:08 File: c:\documents and settings\administrador\configurações locais\temporary internet files\content.ie5\nxgdz51y\win[1].jpg detected Trojan program 'Trojan-Downloader.Win32.Banload.quando'

12/7/2008 04:57:08 File: c:\documents and settings\administrador\configurações locais\temporary internet files\content.ie5\nxgdz51y\win[1].jpg not disinfected skipped by user

12/7/2008 04:57:09 File: c:\documents and settings\all users\dados de aplicativos\mumbojumbo\mjolauncher\zone\luxor_ar_web\locale\english\data\bitmaps\fonts\score.jpg detected Trojan program 'Exploit.PHP.Userpic.a'

12/7/2008 04:57:09 File: c:\documents and settings\all users\dados de aplicativos\mumbojumbo\mjolauncher\zone\luxor_ar_web\locale\english\data\bitmaps\fonts\score.jpg not disinfected skipped by user

12/7/2008 04:57:09 File: c:\documents and settings\all users\dados de aplicativos\mumbojumbo\mjolauncher\zone\luxor_web\locale\english\data\bitmaps\fonts\score.jpg detected Trojan program 'Exploit.PHP.Userpic.a'

12/7/2008 04:57:09 File: c:\documents and settings\all users\dados de aplicativos\mumbojumbo\mjolauncher\zone\luxor_web\locale\english\data\bitmaps\fonts\score.jpg not disinfected skipped by user

12/7/2008 04:57:09 File: c:\windows\system\outlok.exe packed file PE_Patch

12/7/2008 04:57:09 File: c:\windows\system\outlok.exe//PE_Patch packed file NiceProtect

12/7/2008 04:57:10 File: c:\windows\system\outlok.exe//PE_Patch//NiceProtect packed file PE_Patch.UPX

12/7/2008 04:57:10 File: c:\windows\system\outlok.exe//PE_Patch//NiceProtect//PE_Patch.UPX packed file UPX

12/7/2008 04:57:10 File: c:\windows\system\outlok.exe//PE_Patch//NiceProtect//PE_Patch.UPX//UPX detected riskware 'not-a-virus:PSWTool.Win32.MailPassView.130'

12/7/2008 04:57:12 File: c:\windows\system\outlok.exe//PE_Patch//NiceProtect//PE_Patch.UPX//UPX not disinfected skipped by user



Object Scanned Detected Untreated Deleted Moved to Quarantine Archives Packed files Password protected Corrupted

------ ------- -------- --------- ------- ------------------- -------- ------------ ------------------ ---------

All objects 347264 7 7 0 0 7391 6078 40 12

System memory 175 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0

meu computador 347089 7 7 0 0 7391 6077 40 12



Parameter Value

--------- -----

Security Level Recommended

Action Prompt for action when the scan is complete

Run mode Manually

File types Scan all files

Scan only new and changed files No

Scan archives All

Scan embedded OLE objects All

Skip if object is larger than No

Skip if scan takes longer than No

Parse email formats No

Scan password-protected archives No

Enable iChecker technology No

Enable iSwift technology No

Show detected threats on "Detected" tab Yes

Rootkits search Yes

Deep rootkits search No

Use heuristic analyzer Yes



Status Object Size Added

------ ------ ---- -----



Status Object Size

------ ------ ----

preciso postar todo o resto dos eventos???

desde já agradeço a ajuda!!!!

oi, quando liguei o pc gerou estes dados abaixo, não se vai ajudar, mas achei melhor postar aqui. :)



Start time: 12/7/2008 11:02:16

Duration: 00:05:02

Finish time: 12/7/2008 11:07:18



Time Event

---- -----

12/7/2008 11:02:27 1.1 Searching for user-mode API hooks

12/7/2008 11:02:28 Analysis: kernel32.dll, export table found in section .text

12/7/2008 11:02:28 Function kernel32.dll:CreateProcessA (99) intercepted, method ProcAddressHijack.GetProcAddress ->7C802367->61F03F42

12/7/2008 11:02:28 Hook kernel32.dll:CreateProcessA (99) blocked

12/7/2008 11:02:28 Function kernel32.dll:CreateProcessW (103) intercepted, method ProcAddressHijack.GetProcAddress ->7C802332->61F04040

12/7/2008 11:02:28 Hook kernel32.dll:CreateProcessW (103) blocked

12/7/2008 11:02:28 Function kernel32.dll:FreeLibrary (241) intercepted, method ProcAddressHijack.GetProcAddress ->7C80ABDE->61F041FC

12/7/2008 11:02:28 Hook kernel32.dll:FreeLibrary (241) blocked

12/7/2008 11:02:28 Function kernel32.dll:GetModuleFileNameA (372) intercepted, method ProcAddressHijack.GetProcAddress ->7C80B4CF->61F040FB

12/7/2008 11:02:28 Hook kernel32.dll:GetModuleFileNameA (372) blocked

12/7/2008 11:02:28 Function kernel32.dll:GetModuleFileNameW (373) intercepted, method ProcAddressHijack.GetProcAddress ->7C80B3D5->61F041A0

12/7/2008 11:02:28 Hook kernel32.dll:GetModuleFileNameW (373) blocked

12/7/2008 11:02:28 Function kernel32.dll:GetProcAddress (408) intercepted, method ProcAddressHijack.GetProcAddress ->7C80ADA0->61F04648

12/7/2008 11:02:28 Hook kernel32.dll:GetProcAddress (408) blocked

12/7/2008 11:02:28 Function kernel32.dll:LoadLibraryA (578) intercepted, method ProcAddressHijack.GetProcAddress ->7C801D77->61F03C6F

12/7/2008 11:02:28 Hook kernel32.dll:LoadLibraryA (578) blocked

12/7/2008 11:02:28 >>> Functions LoadLibraryA - preventing AVZ process from being intercepted by address replacement !!)

12/7/2008 11:02:28 Function kernel32.dll:LoadLibraryExA (579) intercepted, method ProcAddressHijack.GetProcAddress ->7C801D4F->61F03DAF

12/7/2008 11:02:28 Hook kernel32.dll:LoadLibraryExA (579) blocked

12/7/2008 11:02:28 >>> Functions LoadLibraryExA - preventing AVZ process from being intercepted by address replacement !!)

12/7/2008 11:02:28 Function kernel32.dll:LoadLibraryExW (580) intercepted, method ProcAddressHijack.GetProcAddress ->7C801AF1->61F03E5A

12/7/2008 11:02:28 Hook kernel32.dll:LoadLibraryExW (580) blocked

12/7/2008 11:02:28 Function kernel32.dll:LoadLibraryW (581) intercepted, method ProcAddressHijack.GetProcAddress ->7C80AE4B->61F03D0C

12/7/2008 11:02:28 Hook kernel32.dll:LoadLibraryW (581) blocked

12/7/2008 11:02:28 IAT modification detected: GetModuleFileNameW - 009A0010<>7C80B3D5

12/7/2008 11:02:28 Analysis: ntdll.dll, export table found in section .text

12/7/2008 11:02:28 Analysis: user32.dll, export table found in section .text

12/7/2008 11:02:29 Analysis: advapi32.dll, export table found in section .text

12/7/2008 11:02:29 Analysis: ws2_32.dll, export table found in section .text

12/7/2008 11:02:29 Analysis: wininet.dll, export table found in section .text

12/7/2008 11:02:30 Analysis: rasapi32.dll, export table found in section .text

12/7/2008 11:02:31 Analysis: urlmon.dll, export table found in section .text

12/7/2008 11:02:31 Analysis: netapi32.dll, export table found in section .text

12/7/2008 11:02:33 1.2 Searching for kernel-mode API hooks

12/7/2008 11:02:33 Driver loaded successfully

12/7/2008 11:02:33 SDT found (RVA=082680)

12/7/2008 11:02:33 Kernel ntoskrnl.exe found in memory at address 804D7000

12/7/2008 11:02:33 SDT = 80559680

12/7/2008 11:02:33 KiST = 804E26A8 (284)

12/7/2008 11:02:35 Function NtClose (19) intercepted (80566D49->F8F10588), hook C:\WINDOWS\System32\Drivers\aswSP.SYS

12/7/2008 11:02:35 >>> Function restored successfully !

12/7/2008 11:02:35 >>> Hook code blocked

12/7/2008 11:02:36 Function NtCreateKey (29) intercepted (8056E7A9->F8F10444), hook C:\WINDOWS\System32\Drivers\aswSP.SYS

12/7/2008 11:02:36 >>> Function restored successfully !

12/7/2008 11:02:36 >>> Hook code blocked

12/7/2008 11:02:36 Function NtDeleteValueKey (41) intercepted (80593AAC->F8F10922), hook C:\WINDOWS\System32\Drivers\aswSP.SYS

12/7/2008 11:02:36 >>> Function restored successfully !

12/7/2008 11:02:36 >>> Hook code blocked

12/7/2008 11:02:36 Function NtDuplicateObject (44) intercepted (80572B26->F8F1001C), hook C:\WINDOWS\System32\Drivers\aswSP.SYS

12/7/2008 11:02:36 >>> Function restored successfully !

12/7/2008 11:02:36 >>> Hook code blocked

12/7/2008 11:02:36 Function NtOpenKey (77) intercepted (80567CFB->F8F1051E), hook C:\WINDOWS\System32\Drivers\aswSP.SYS

12/7/2008 11:02:36 >>> Function restored successfully !

12/7/2008 11:02:36 >>> Hook code blocked

12/7/2008 11:02:36 Function NtOpenProcess (7A) intercepted (80572D06->F8F0FF5C), hook C:\WINDOWS\System32\Drivers\aswSP.SYS

12/7/2008 11:02:36 >>> Function restored successfully !

12/7/2008 11:02:36 >>> Hook code blocked

12/7/2008 11:02:36 Function NtOpenThread (80) intercepted (8058C806->F8F0FFC0), hook C:\WINDOWS\System32\Drivers\aswSP.SYS

12/7/2008 11:02:36 >>> Function restored successfully !

12/7/2008 11:02:36 >>> Hook code blocked

12/7/2008 11:02:36 Function NtQueryValueKey (B1) intercepted (8056B103->F8F1063E), hook C:\WINDOWS\System32\Drivers\aswSP.SYS

12/7/2008 11:02:36 >>> Function restored successfully !

12/7/2008 11:02:36 >>> Hook code blocked

12/7/2008 11:02:36 Function NtRestoreKey (CC) intercepted (8064C042->F8F105FE), hook C:\WINDOWS\System32\Drivers\aswSP.SYS

12/7/2008 11:02:36 >>> Function restored successfully !

12/7/2008 11:02:36 >>> Hook code blocked

12/7/2008 11:02:37 Function NtSetValueKey (F7) intercepted (80573C8D->F8F1077E), hook C:\WINDOWS\System32\Drivers\aswSP.SYS

12/7/2008 11:02:37 >>> Function restored successfully !

12/7/2008 11:02:37 >>> Hook code blocked

12/7/2008 11:02:39 Functions checked: 284, intercepted: 10, restored: 10

12/7/2008 11:02:39 1.3 Checking IDT and SYSENTER

12/7/2008 11:02:39 Analysis for CPU 1

12/7/2008 11:02:39 Checking IDT and SYSENTER - complete

12/7/2008 11:02:41 >>>> Suspicion for Rootkit uteznzg1 C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\uteznzg1.sys

12/7/2008 11:02:41 1.4 Searching for masking processes and drivers

12/7/2008 11:02:41 Checking not performed: extended monitoring driver (AVZPM) is not installed

12/7/2008 11:02:41 Driver loaded successfully

12/7/2008 11:02:41 1.5 Checking of IRP handlers

12/7/2008 11:02:41 \driver\tcpip[iRP_MJ_INTERNAL_DEVICE_CONTROL] = FB10A85A -> C:\WINDOWS\System32\Drivers\avgtdi.sys, driver recognized as trusted

12/7/2008 11:02:42 Checking - complete

12/7/2008 11:02:57 >>> C:\WINDOWS\wt\webdriver\webdriver.dll HSC: suspicion for Spy.WindTangent

12/7/2008 11:03:00 >>> C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Program Files\popcaploader.dll HSC: suspicion for Downloader.PopCapLoader (high degree of probability)

12/7/2008 11:03:09 >> Services: potentially dangerous service allowed: RemoteRegistry (Registro remoto)

12/7/2008 11:03:09 >> Services: potentially dangerous service allowed: TermService (Serviços de terminal)

12/7/2008 11:03:10 >> Services: potentially dangerous service allowed: SSDPSRV (Serviço de descoberta SSDP)

12/7/2008 11:03:10 >> Services: potentially dangerous service allowed: Schedule (Agendador de tarefas)

12/7/2008 11:03:10 >> Services: potentially dangerous service allowed: mnmsrvc (Compartilhamento remoto da área de trabalho do NetMeeting)

12/7/2008 11:03:10 >> Services: potentially dangerous service allowed: RDSessMgr (Gerenciador de sessão de ajuda de área de trabalho remota)

12/7/2008 11:03:10 > Services: please bear in mind that the set of services depends on the use of the PC (home PC, office PC connected to corporate network, etc)!

12/7/2008 11:03:10 >> Security: disk drives' autorun is enabled

12/7/2008 11:03:10 >> Security: administrative shares (C$, D$ ...) are enabled

12/7/2008 11:03:10 >> Security: anonymous user access is enabled

12/7/2008 11:03:10 >> Security: sending Remote Assistant queries is enabled

12/7/2008 11:03:10 >> Security: automatic logon is enabled

12/7/2008 11:03:17 >> Disable HDD autorun

12/7/2008 11:03:18 >> Disable autorun from network drives

12/7/2008 11:03:18 >> Disable CD/DVD autorun

12/7/2008 11:03:18 >> Disable removable media autorun

12/7/2008 11:03:18 >> Windows Update is disabled

12/7/2008 11:03:18 System Analysis in progress

12/7/2008 11:07:18 System Analysis - complete

12/7/2008 11:07:18 Delete file:C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop\Kaspersky Lab Tool\is-LN5PN\LOG\avptool_syscheck.htm

12/7/2008 11:07:18 Delete file:C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop\Kaspersky Lab Tool\is-LN5PN\LOG\avptool_syscheck.xml

12/7/2008 11:07:18 Script executed without errors

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Faça o download do BankerFix:

Importante: A ferramenta irá finalizar o Internet Explorer. Salve qualquer link que você precisa acessar depois antes de executá-la.

Dê dois cliques no bankerfix.exe para executá-lo.

Clique em OK na primeira e na segunda vez que aparecerem caixas de mensagem. Se você estiver executando o BankerFix pela segunda vez, ele irá pedir para verificar por uma atualização. Diga que Sim e depois clique em OK.

Quando ele executar, aparecerá uma tela preta pedindo para que aperte qualquer tecla. Tecle Enter e espere ele terminar. Pode levar algum tempo.

Ao terminar, leia a mensagem na tela e aperte Enter novamente. Quando ele terminar, poste o arquivo relatorio.txt localizado em: C:\LinhaDefensiva\relatorio.txt

Faça também um novo log do HijackThis para colocar na sua resposta.

Depois de fazer sua resposta você pode apagar a pasta:


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