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Como Criar .swf Utilizando O Php?



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Tome as funções para criar um swf a partir do php

swf_openfile - Open a new Shockwave Flash file 
swf_closefile - Close the current Shockwave Flash file 
swf_labelframe - Label the current frame 
swf_showframe - Display the current frame 
swf_setframe - Switch to a specified frame 
swf_getframe - Get the frame number of the current frame 
swf_mulcolor - Sets the global multiply color to the rgba value specified 
swf_addcolor - Set the global add color to the rgba value specified 
swf_placeobject - Place an object onto the screen 
swf_modifyobject - Modify an object 
swf_removeobject - Remove an object 
swf_nextid - Returns the next free object id 
swf_startdoaction - Start a description of an action list for the current frame 
swf_actiongotoframe - Play a frame and then stop 
swf_actiongeturl - Get a URL from a Shockwave Flash movie 
swf_actionnextframe - Go foward one frame 
swf_actionprevframe - Go backwards one frame 
swf_actionplay - Start playing the flash movie from the current frame 
swf_actionstop - Stop playing the flash movie at the current frame 
swf_actiontogglequality - Toggle between low and high quality 
swf_actionwaitforframe - Skip actions if a frame has not been loaded 
swf_actionsettarget - Set the context for actions 
swf_actiongotolabel - Display a frame with the specified label 
swf_enddoaction - End the current action 
swf_defineline - Define a line 
swf_definerect - Define a rectangle 
swf_definepoly - Define a polygon 
swf_startshape - Start a complex shape 
swf_shapelinesolid - Set the current line style 
swf_shapefilloff - Turns off filling 
swf_shapefillsolid - Set the current fill style to the specified color 
swf_shapefillbitmapclip - Set current fill mode to clipped bitmap 
swf_shapefillbitmaptile - Set current fill mode to tiled bitmap 
swf_shapemoveto - Move the current position 
swf_shapelineto - Draw a line 
swf_shapecurveto - Draw a quadratic bezier curve between two points 
swf_shapecurveto3 - Draw a cubic bezier curve 
swf_shapearc - Draw a circular arc 
swf_endshape - Completes the definition of the current shape 
swf_definefont - Defines a font 
swf_setfont - Change the current font 
swf_fontsize - Change the font size 
swf_fontslant - Set the font slant 
swf_fonttracking - Set the current font tracking 
swf_getfontinfo - The height in pixels of a capital A and a lowercase x 
swf_definetext - Define a text string 
swf_textwidth - Get the width of a string 
swf_definebitmap - Define a bitmap 
swf_getbitmapinfo - Get information about a bitmap 
swf_startsymbol - Define a symbol 
swf_endsymbol - End the definition of a symbol 
swf_startbutton - Start the definition of a button 
swf_addbuttonrecord - Controls location, appearance and active area of the current button 
swf_oncondition - Describe a transition used to trigger an action list 
swf_endbutton - End the definition of the current button 
swf_viewport - Select an area for future drawing 
swf_ortho - Defines an orthographic mapping of user coordinates onto the current viewport 
swf_ortho2 - Defines 2D orthographic mapping of user coordinates onto the current viewport 
swf_perspective - Define a perspective projection transformation 
swf_polarview - Define the viewer's position with polar coordinates 
swf_lookat - Define a viewing transformation 
swf_pushmatrix - Push the current transformation matrix back unto the stack 
swf_popmatrix - Restore a previous transformation matrix 
swf_scale - Scale the current transformation 
swf_translate - Translate the current transformations 
swf_rotate - Rotate the current transformation 
swf_posround - Enables or Disables the rounding of the translation when objects are 
to segue de graça um arquivo para detecção do plugin detecta.php
if ($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["detection"] && !$first) {
setcookie("detection","",gmdate(time()) - 100000);
header("Location: detection.php?first=passed"); 
<title>Detection Flash4 support</title>
<meta HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="6;URL=nonflash.php">
<center><h3>Please wait...</h3></center>
<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" 
ID="detection" WIDTH="2" HEIGHT="2">
<param NAME=movie VALUE="detection.swf">
<param NAME=quality VALUE=high>
<param NAME=bgcolor VALUE=#000000>
<embed src="detection.swf" quality="high" NAME="detection" swLiveConnect="true"
bgcolor="#000000" WIDTH="2" HEIGHT="2"
<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
if (null == document.detection) {
setTimeout("location.href='nonflash.php'", 500);
// -->

swf_openfile ("test.swf", 256, 256, 30, 1, 1, 1);
swf_ortho2 (-100, 100, -100, 100);
swf_defineline (1, -70, 0, 70, 0, .2);
swf_definerect (4, 60, -10, 70, 0, 0);
swf_definerect (5, -60, 0, -70, 10, 0);
swf_addcolor (0, 0, 0, 0);

swf_definefont (10, "Mod");
swf_fontsize (5);
swf_fontslant (10);
swf_definetext (11, "This be Flash wit PHP!", 1);

swf_pushmatrix ();
swf_translate (-50, 80, 0);
swf_placeobject (11, 60);
swf_popmatrix ();

for ($i = 0; $i < 30; $i++) {
    $p = $i/(30-1);
    swf_pushmatrix ();
    swf_scale (1-($p*.9), 1, 1);
    swf_rotate (60*$p,  'z');
    swf_translate (20+20*$p, $p/1.5, 0);
    swf_rotate (270*$p,  'z');
    swf_addcolor ($p, 0, $p/1.2, -$p);
    swf_placeobject (1, 50);
    swf_placeobject (4, 50);
    swf_placeobject (5, 50);
    swf_popmatrix ();
    swf_showframe ();

for ($i = 0; $i < 30; $i++) {
    swf_removeobject (50);
    if (($i%4) == 0) {
        swf_showframe ();

swf_startdoaction ();
swf_actionstop ();
swf_enddoaction ();

swf_closefile ();


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ah...como eu curto flash e procurei mais coisas sobre essas funcoes...

entra ae....tem todas elas e tem um link pra cada...explicanu certim como se usa ela....


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