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WebBrowser + javascript



Ola todos,

Tenho um código em VB 2008 com utilização do webBrowser. Antes de chamá-lo gravo um htm contendo linhas de uma chamada em JavaScript, o que roda perfeitamente se acessar fora do VB, mas quando rodo no VB da o seguinte erro: Constante de sequencia não finalizada. Já entendi o erro, mas não localizo, pois funciona fora do VB. Segue o código:

Dim w As StreamWriter = File.CreateText("mapas.htm")

                        w.WriteLine("<style type='text/css'>")
                        w.WriteLine("html, body, #map_canvas {")
                        w.WriteLine("   margin: 0;")
                        w.WriteLine("   padding: 0;")
                        w.WriteLine("   width: 250;")
                        w.WriteLine("   height: 200;")
                        w.WriteLine("   }")

                        w.WriteLine("&lt;script type='text/javascript' src='https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false'></script>")
                        w.WriteLine("&lt;script type='text/javascript'>")
                        w.WriteLine("var map;")
                        w.WriteLine("function initialize() {")

                        w.WriteLine("var myOptions = {")
                        w.WriteLine("   zoom: " + Str(Trim(Me.numMapa.Value)) + ",")
                        w.WriteLine("   disableDefaultUI: true,")
                        w.WriteLine("   center: new google.maps.LatLng(" + vAx + "," + vBx + "),")
                        w.WriteLine("   mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId." + Me.cboTipoMapa.AutoCompleteCustomSource.Item(Me.cboTipoMapa.SelectedIndex))

                        w.WriteLine("map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map_canvas'), myOptions);")

                        w.WriteLine("var imageA = new google.maps.MarkerImage('Images/airplaneNew.png', new google.maps.Size(68, 68));")
                        w.WriteLine("var myLatlngA = new google.maps.LatLng(" + vAx + "," + vBx + ");")

                        w.WriteLine("var markerA = new google.maps.Marker({") 'aqui está o erro que só aparece na chamada do webBrowser
                        w.WriteLine("   position: myLatlngA,")
                        w.WriteLine("   map: map,")
                        w.WriteLine("   icon: imageA")
                        w.WriteLine("});")                                                          'fim do erro - se colocar rem nessas linhas roda, mas...


                        w.WriteLine("google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);")
                        w.WriteLine("<div id='map_canvas'></div>")


                        Me.WebBrowser1.Navigate(CurDir() + "\mapas.htm") ' mas, so aparece quando chega aqui


Edited by kuroi
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